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Posts posted by tajtom

  1. Dear Sir

    Excuse me may I ask what about the hefty payment Anna Reese ( actress ) was forced to pay by police ?

    !n access of 1 million up right. And yoour offering a minor sum of compensation here for people doing nothing wrong correct. And the police officer killed was sleeping in his car on a motorway... Come on theres something wrong there.. Was his achahol level tested

    I think they should get at least 1 million each and throw the Thai law story out the window yes

  2. Theres a old saying

    The truth comes out in the wash :)

    And the police have always a stack of washing to do along with other prominent parties in Thailand.

    They never evn new where to start. They are simply not trained or street wise enough to tackle it all. Prayiuths comments that Thais are cpaable is outrageous

    He advised they viedw Blue bloods for help in the investiagtion.... Dear Mr PM this is a fictional TV show and what you should have done is immediately got the USA or AU federal police involved and I assure you the hunt would be red hot

    Failure the whole episode

    Oh well back to stopping motorbikes mate

  3. Yes the Police have a shocking reputation and with good evidenece to boot..... There excuses never end and it seems if hteres not a buck in it there not interested

    Truth is there a private company and there not setup to serve the public, Some may dispuite me although how many police do you see going out of there way to entice a good deed.

    What needs to done is a real clean house and make them emplyed by the government not private contracters. Tell me this please. How is it a General owns millions and millions worth in property luxury cars and all the rest ?

    Make up your own mind

  4. Its like the BKK post says

    All the fault of the broken CCTV cameras, The hampered public posting conversion, The not up to date equipment. The foriegn input has all hampered the investigation.. Making it so very hard for the trained up Thai Police :)

    As Mr Prayuth said you may want to view his favouite TV Show BLUE BLOODS for some tips on how to run the investigation

    We will except foriegn equipment but we do not want help the Thais are well up to speed :)

    We managed to sweep up and reopen the square and it is to late he is gone now


  5. I just turn the other way like I do with most Thais

    Lack of evidence is lack off security in the city and there appauling CCTV setup.. Rely on only there lazy foot soldiers standing waiting to fine a scooter. They off er no or very little public asistance.

    What is under control you rocket scientist... You breakfast right.

    Kao Tao was the disgrace of Thailand and the appauling police work that aloowed a Thai murderer to roam free. Obviously the bombing was master minded via Thais.. WHY I think you know the answer already

  6. Should I choke now or later

    Firstly would be great if these Royal Police are actually investigated by a special internal affairs POLICE TEAM.... Alocated by higher powers and there to serve the best interests of the public.

    Secondly the disgraceful officer who refused a standard breath test out of uniform gee....Is that the special gentleman ( left in PIc ) :)

    How special is he LOL

    Give us a rest about your special rubbish no ones listening the public do want and require special police to squash the rorts and huge money you are making

  7. I believe its not a legal requirement to carry your green book with you so why are they fining you for not having it?

    I think your daughter in law must have really pissed the policeman off or else She is getting commission. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Good thing you can read wink.png

    Yes it is a requirement

    BULLSHIT..... Not required and if you ride a big bike no place to carry... Its Thai turned falangs that are brain washed vcoz police assume book is under seat. It is not law in any way.. My mate is police commabder BKK

  8. ! - YOu are not required to carry book.. They are police and have the vehicles reg number and tax label

    2 - Your licence and I repeat NEVER let them hold your licence for a minor traffic fine NO NO NO and remove your key from bike

    You have 7 days by Thai law to pay fine... The dirty little police will say read ticket says we can hold licence 7 days LOL..... The chocolate tops

    Hey shit brain I can read Thai and its says """ 7 days to Pay """

    They are goose;s looking for a rort and quick payers

    I GOT A LICENCE SO I NOT NEED LEAVE MY BIKE OR MY LICENCE with you shit brains,,,,,,, Do your job and write ticket take licence details and piss off to your Som Tum

  9. There can be a big variation in dental work cost among clinics as some use low quality materials and may not take certain dental precautions. At least once or twice a year I hear some story where one of my in-laws got some major dental work done for what seems a very low price...and the story continues with the dental work not holding up, they go back for a repair of the dental work...spend more money in some cases...get mad at the dentist...etc....etc....etc.

    Yeap, a couple times per year I hear these in-laws stories in their efforts to get the cheapest possible dental work from a dentist/dental clinic XYZ.

    Yes hence my attendance to the hospital the young Thai specialist seemed very educated and switched on. Hospitals are the safest bet here, I think

    fest bet

  10. What a lot of shit designes to confuse the public charter charter charter LOL..... You blokes are full of it.

    It takes you around 1 day to lay down the ground rules.

    And 2 years for a public vote haha.... In the mean time new police and poli.s lining there fat pockets why the Thai people still live on rice and visitors are not welcomed happily. And forced to pay more baht to be here, HORAY great charters

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