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Posts posted by tajtom

  1. This is how it is

    Online is same as street its changed they all use it to get men for money and if your lucky maybe a good bang. The uglier and dumber you are the better for them. They are rubbish and will pump the dog if it paid more. ITS ALL about BAHT.

    They do not care about you your a number in a circus tent and the tent fairly full of stiffs. If your a world champion athlete they would not even know who you were hence myself.

    You will nopt EVER find a good woman in a disco what you think silly.... They are there to entertain you and let you spray up her free. She knows your probably a sex tourist so why should she <deleted> you free.

    You can only meet a real woman outside of the circus tent and online they are a ll whores to some degree.. <deleted> are they onlne think about it LOL

  2. What a disgusting outcome,,, Hey big Chief they were only doing what they are paid to do and mind you it the publics help

    You did not much and you can sell your srories there great by the way.. I have never seen so many suspects in my life.

    HOW ABOUT,, Doing something admirable and giving the 3 million to the homeless children :) :)

    Oh NO not YOU...... You only here to get the money not actually help the country

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