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Posts posted by tajtom

  1. Here we go again

    Open the doors and revert back to the nasty immigration game and make forieghners feel unwelcome in Thailand

    It is one mistake after another and it never ends here..... I give you the mail now immigration and tuff measures has nothing to do with this Thai promoted bomb attack. You will only furthermore hurt the TOURIST dollar, The BAHT and yourselves with your power games which seems to entertain the nasty immigartion officers

    God Bless You All

  2. I do not believe you or that he revealed anything

    What I do believe is that the building manager was suspicious and called it in... You followed up and decided to sweep other apartments.. He would not talk to you it will not help or benefit his outcome in any way I are sure

    I have lost faith and see the Thai Police still not changing there ways with the public.. So the Army has not rocked there hunger to eat

  3. This really shows us the absolute truth about the mindset of these greedy individuals who did not locate anybody

    They were tipped off and they just flicked the person off and pocketed the cash,,

    ! mill of your own money whaty are you doing with 1 million and what is your mate doing with sprawling penthouses in BKK... Gee man your a cop not a doctor LOL

    Also it is a disgrace that you express this to Thai people as they will only disrespect you even more than they do now

    Disgrace god save you

  4. This is not even worth commenting on

    Prayuth ahs madfe himself look like a fill in and the Thai Police will be commenting for the next 2 months hoping it fades away into the sunset

    Hey the street vendors washed the blood from the concrete and its all a faded memory

    Case Closed Next

    Great work boys

    Prayuth what you should do is free the 2 innocent Burma boys from jail..... What a absolute frame up that is and a disgraceful thing to do

    Hidious to say the least

  5. Bla bla decoys and more stories it never ends

    Firstly it was not a foriegner thats rubbish it was a Asain and they know already but playing the game.

    Do you really think a pro Bomber lands strikes without altering his appearnace this whole investigation is unprofessional and run by untrained police with no clue what so ever

    So do not claim you know his nationality as you have ni idea and your not fooling anyone it Thai grown and bred... You not need look far buddy

  6. Are what stupid behavior on behalf of the police

    A waste of Thailands time money and resources.... You are really off set boys and should look into a new career path

    Truth is your ex colleague was a crim and got caught with a gun in Japan and now your being silly... Do what your good at go catch bar girls on scooters

    A Jorno that lands in hot spots under fire... I dealt the police would even consider it

    The jorno deserves a medal and the police again are the laughing stock

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