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Everything posted by happysoul

  1. That goal is not reached (on a year basis and up North) ... And that is the double of recommended 25 by World Health Organisation ! WHO even lowers it to 10 for long exposure (could be even lower, stopped searching after 5min) Oh... I know... It's because of all these vaping tourists 55555555
  2. Don't smoke, don't vape, just enjoy the good fresh Thai air ! 555555555555
  3. I'm looking for a woman's toy (d...o) that has a vaping device incorporated. Anybody has one ? Would love to go to court for possessing a vaping sextoy ????
  4. Could you link the studies you've read to conclude to that. I'd be very interested in reading them. Easy to find stuff on tobacco but quite hard to find something objective on vaping. Thanks
  5. Hard to see but seems he's not even counter steering. Modified turbo and or ECU (black smoke), maybe the power came to full when in the curve and started drifting. Let go the gas pedal and counter steer, if good and quick enough you can bring it back. Happy that I got my license in a snow country. So from now on (and in conjunction with the points system), a stage in Finland with Ary Vatanen will be obligatory to obtain the driving license. Have a great day
  6. First, feel sorry for the kid. Not nice to read. Is it an Asian thing to be a coward or is it just Thais ? It's "remarkable" how they can deny any fault when proven the contrary. And there is always a third person involved, it's never them. Where does this behavior come from ? Education ? It can't be innate or could it be ? If innate, then we are very different biology wise. The saying is "you learn by doing mistakes". It should be added for Thais (Asians?) if you assume it. Really wonder where this "hide your head in the sand" thing comes from. Leaving to find a reproach to say to my wife and see if she blames the ghosts this time ????
  7. I totally agree that's why I'm talking about education. I nowhere promote rules (laws). I think laws are stupid. In my dream world, people would be educated well enough so that rules are not necessary (in my dream world ! :)). I like to drive fast. I drive on the road that I take about 10 times a month at 140/160. BUT the part where I drive fast is straight, in the middle of fields and forest and has little traffic. I slow down at the 2 places where there is a crossing even if I don't see anybody there. In my village, I rarely drive above 30/40 (what pisses off some others behind). I call that common sense. I might be wrong, but I think that with good education you improve common sense and can better behave in society.
  8. Useless measures again. This country will (want) never learn. It's not making restrictive laws that will improve any thing. Stop fighting the consequences, fight the cause. For many problems happing in Thailand education is the solution. Start to educate all, not only the ones able to pay high amounts for private schools (note to self, might not better but you get to play with the "high-so" club then relations make you grow, not your competence). Most if not all Thai leaders went to study abroad, why ? Regarding deaths on the road, make a real license education, learn anticipation, forget loosing face and respect all road users as same even if you drive a multi million worth car. When all that will be in Thai driver's brain the death rate will be down to EU standards. Same for alcohol, drugs, sex and weapons. Education is key. Oh, but I forgot, then all will have chances to succeed and also understand the mess some people are doing... Well I guess it won't happen ????
  9. Do you get bonus points (above the 12 planed) if you buy a Tesla ? (give me the same feeling that I posted in the license thread :))
  10. Switzerland concluded a contract for 36 aircrafts. The population is 8.6M. Not jugging if Switzerland was right or not to buy them, but what the hell Thailand wants to do with only 2... Let's say the will have to use them for serious reasons, well shoot 2 down and voilà 555. I'm not a military professional but would rather go for something cheaper so that you can have a real fleet. Not just show off with one (as the other will not be operational as no preventive maintenance).
  11. That must be April's fools day today... What a joke... They cant manage speeding fines that you receive at home, how are they going to manage points on a driving license. Oh, I know, they will perforate your licence with a paper punch... When 12 holes il will be confiscated 555
  12. Will she visit her hometown in Phuket ? (Sorry, had to do it... and I'm tired)
  13. Like not burning crops and forests, plastic and general waste management, diesel fumes, factory toxic waste management, coal power plants etc. Hopefully it's all under control by the Environment Minister
  14. I get an add for weed just above this article ????. So, cigarettes, e-cigarettes or weed ? As read in a report comparing e-cigarettes and cigarettes conclusion was "best is don't put anything in your lungs" ????????
  15. What about have their license confiscated for some time and or have them pass the license again ? I'll act like you... Don´t bother to answer, because you will only talk about how rich they are and how much they can pay because of that and how much they have friends in high position. See, all can be smart asses. Cheers
  16. It depends where you go in Hua Hin. For me it is. But even if some kms more, if Cha Am is congested, it probably stays as a time saver.
  17. You kind of can... Keep on the 37 (AH2) and exit at Pala U road Edit : I might have misunderstood your post. If so sorry about that.
  18. 555 Taking average price of 23M, the fine is 0.04% of the value of the car... Must have hurt the drivers badly ????
  19. Same here and the 3000 are given back when you get your white plates. Well, that's what happened to me. You should write all travels in the book (no one does it I guess) and should not drive after 22h and.... 5555
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