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Everything posted by happysoul

  1. All around the world prices increase from much, to a lot, to s...loads depending the country. I don't see how and why Thailand should be a safe heaven for price increase. I find it's just delayed compared to western countries. Pork has gone up a lot, cooking oil too, fuel has increased although being capped by the government... Just name it, it's all up. Normal that the electricity bill goes up too, it was to be expected. Hard to remember 100% but I think we are now paying something like 5% more than 10 years ago, normal it goes up to me. Just my 2 cts... Cheers!
  2. Yeah, looks nice but wonder if designers know what a flight attendant does. It consists of a lot of walking... And as said above, in case of emergency might not be the best outfit.
  3. Hello, Interested in the topic as I hesitate to protect the car with some wrapping. Any real experiences lately? I've just asked a quote to Jicko carwrap. Seen wrap pro too but never like when businesses need to call themselves pro 😁 (just like "the best pizza in the world" for pizzerias) So any experience updates would be very appreciated. Cheers
  4. To the car driver : learn how to drive !
  5. Dear Paopoom, this will never happen with the level of corruption Thailand has. Maybe you can convince your fellow nationals but forget anything international. People (outside Thailand) are not stupid.
  6. I'm gonna start living in a camping car, how do I report ? This TM30 is total useless, just a pain in the bip for normal people (reported and reporters). While it's an easy game to go under the radar for bad people (to keep immigration vocabulary). Was hoping they would cancel this farce but with a new system I guess it won't happen for a few years. I have 2 houses, each in different provinces. I only report in the province where I do my extension and never (and never will) report in the other one. For what ? Just more administrative useless bs. The only thing this TM30 did to me, is me going much less in hotels as it's always a pain to notify that you're back home (if you remember). So stupid !
  7. Has anybody got in already ? The old version, with the excel type form was so unclear if the data had gone through or not. And it was not the most intuitive form I've encountered on the net. Hope the new one will let go the "Thai" logic for a more international logic ????
  8. Good move considering the raise of costs of living. But here up North (probably elsewhere but I talk about what I know) , the people still get 300 (250 for woman) per day for harvesting. It's been like that for more than 10 years and never changes.
  9. Above is right, Flualprazolam is a benzodiazepine drug, so is diazepam, flurazepam, halazepam, prazepam, lorazepam, lormetazepam, oxazepam, temazepam, adinazolam, alprazolam, estazolam, triazolam, climazolam, loprazolam, midazolam and more. You can see the termination is same to all. "olam, pam, lam" termination of drugs means it's in the benzodiazepine family. Some of these are well known under their brand name, like diazepam is Valium. If mixed with alcohol, reactions can be much unwanted. You get high or very sleepy or very nervous, depending on each individual. But they don't go well together for medicinal use, recreational use is different at your own risk ????. So why forbid just one ? Are you going to forbid all benzos ? Again, some strange Thai logic... Or just incompetence ? Not saying all should be banned, far from that, but what is the goal in forbidding one ? Throw 10mg of Valium in a beer, drink it and see the result...
  10. Must be fun to see but i'll be sticking with this ???? :
  11. Before Facebook, that has some kind of moderation, shut down Line, it's full of illicite activities, fake news and no moderation... And is sadly very popular
  12. Do they supply the cheese ? Sorry, I had to do it... Ok, I'm out ! ????
  13. ... wherein the police effectively confiscated a Rolls-Royce car Take it, it's crashed anyway ???? Edit : just too slow 555
  14. Hello, A little update on the subject of importing, might serve others too. I did another try from Bike24, ordered a bike travel bag (Evoc). I paid EUR 411.- in total. As the previous order, got the greenish form from post office but no numbers were written on it. Thought at first, cool, no tax to be paid... But no... Actually the parcel was at the Custom's house, not the local post office. So went there to get the parcel. First question was what is it and how much is it worth. I probably could have lied but just sticked to the truth and said it was EUR 400.-. When telling them that is was a bag, they kind of looked amazed by it size and asked further for what use it was. I answered it was a bicycle bag. They replied that, as it was a sports bag, the tax wasn't 30% but only 20%. So I ended up paying 4'260.- import duties (including VAT). Interesting is that the VAT is calculated on the estimated value + import tax. In that case, I ended up paying VAT 2 times, one in Germany and one in Thailand. I guess that depending on the seller/coutry, you could try to avoid paying VAT in the foreign country as you pay it in Thailand. But it could turn out to be quite difficult or impossible, I didn't try to contact Bike24 in that regard and will not, too much time consuming. Keep rolling !
  15. They are both members of Lufthansa... errr, Star Alliance
  16. I hope TAT hires ladyboys for the Riyadh's office, they'll have the time of their lives ????????
  17. towards smart and green logistics mmmhhhh... ? the all-important goal of reducing costs (read increase profit) Ah, got it !
  18. My post is not bringing anything to the topic but just wanted to say that the picture looks more like a northern valley than the central plain region
  19. Hello, I second that 47/52 (mm) are the equivalent of 1.75/2.1 (inches) that is the width of tire for that tube. I often have Chaoyang tubes and never thought they were of low quality. But lately on a new bike I had flats when the bike was at home (in a way better as I didn't have to find a way to get back home). They went flat 5 times on 3 days. The 2 first were maybe because the tube was too small for the tire (28mm on 35 tires). Then ordered some 32 but same results. Came back from a 100km ride, washed the bike and when took it after drying the front was flat. Fixed the front and when I was putting the wheel back on the bike, the rear was flat too. Both were ok when washing. No idea what happened. As I was leaving home the next day, I didn't take time to investigate but all seamed ok on the rim when I mounted the bike. Another solution for confort and apparently less punctures, is to go tubeless. If your wheels and tire are compatible, it's an easy 1h task to convert them. All the needed materials can be found on Lazada or your preferred bike shop. Happy riding
  20. I'm not an engineer but hot make things expand and cold retract. If we can say that we are now in hot season, I would check that gap in December or January.
  21. Looking forward to see their plan. Wonder if red lights are still included on the highways. And the U-turns... And the "whah, just take the highway the wrong way, the next u-turn is so far". Would love to have highways where you drive at 120 safely and cruse from CM to BKK, a trip that I regularly do. Oh, I must be dreaming... Wake up, the light is red !
  22. I miss my home country, Thai airways beware, I'm coming to steal a plane
  23. Hi again, A little update on import experience. I ordered 2 saddles from a German website with a delivery in Thailand. The shipment was made by DHL and taken over by Thai Post once here. I got the green paper from TP stating I had to pay taxes. On that paper it says that any import over 1500 TBH has duty fees. The 2 saddles, at today's rate, were worth 4500 TBH (including shipping). I was charged on a value of 3000 TBH and had to pay 551 TBH. I wanted to join the green paper but the post office kept it and I didn't picture it before. In the category of items, cycling was not specified. I just ordered a bag for bike transportation on the same website that is more expensive than the 2 saddles, I'll update this post with how much I'll have to pay for that one. Have a good cycling day
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