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Everything posted by happysoul

  1. The transport minister really takes his role seriously as he was in Hua Hin this morning 😉
  2. I don't know if it's a repporting issue or the competence of Thai heads of blabla*... But read this ! https://www.newsdirectory3.com/understanding-the-relationship-between-pm2-5-dust-and-lung-cancer-insights-from-a-pulmonologist/ Taken from the above article : When asked if the patient has lung cancer, can it be proven that PM2.5 dust is the cause? Dr Piamlap said it has been proven in research that long-term high levels of PM2.5 dust can cause cancer. Whether it is lung cancer or other tumors. Especially lung cancer will grow, which is an organ that receives dust directly. Therefore, from the data, it can be seen that the higher the level of PM2.5 dust for a long time, the more likely it is to cause cancer. Very professionnal behaviour from a doctor, let's not call her head of anything ! *Edit : replaced leaders by heads of blabla
  3. I've been living in Chiang Dao for 11 years. Made a move last month for the kids. Some years were ok, some horrible. 2016 when our daughter was born, was one of the horrible. It didn't rain a single drop from December (2015) to June. Normally the smoke problem goes away with the rain, so if it rains every month it's not that bad (equals or even better than CM city if you can call that not that bad). What I would like to see is a study of impact of fertilizers and other chemicals widely used in longan orchards and corn fields. But that's another wide topic and not the one here. It's really sad for the place as it's really nice outside of these smoking months. Nature is "still" preserved and the mountains are beautiful. Lot's of birds, wild orchid and insects. I've seen a lot of weird things I had never seen before even having spend some time in Amazonia. And the cold season that was always welcomed. How nice to sleep under a blanket at 15°C ! We will go back for the Christmas holidays to get that cold feeling ! May I ask you : do you smoke ? do you drink ? 😉
  4. Would be nice to have labels to distinguish rowing boats and super tankers 😉 And don't forget to charge your phone before going out Edit : did my homework :
  5. Golf of Thailand will be busy with ships. Hub of cruise ships and transport (land bridge). It's really what quality tourists are looking for 55555555555555555555 Edit : and yes, not even talking about pollution (water and air)
  6. Hello KhunLA, thanks for your topic. I've read the 9 pages, some good info in there. Thinking of installing some panels for our house in HH. I was hesitating getting ESS but reading this topic, I'll go for some. I need to see our night consumption to size them. As we live in an estate, for now we have the bills coming from the management (one PEA bill for all the houses, they do the maths) and guess we could push back but better to future proof the installation and stay kind of legal 😉 Keep your topic going ! Cheers !
  7. I wonder how much they paid to be listed. A well kept secret from both Michelin and the destinations
  8. Here's a picture of a normal sunny day : And the same from today at 3pm : It's bad since last Thurday, kids are sick since Friday night and we are moving South tomorrow ! Poor people that have no choice but stand to it !
  9. "The concentration of dust particles smaller than 2.5 microns was measured at 294 microgrammes per cubic metre, exceeding the standard value by seven times. This marked the highest recorded amount among the northern provinces of Thailand." No, it's not 7 times but 12 times the WHO value for 24 hours and 30 times the WHO annual value. But as those numbers are never achieved in Asia, they put the limit higher. Now, believe the WHO or Asian governments, up to you naaa krap ! Reference : https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/what-are-the-who-air-quality-guidelines Edit : It's based on the 2005 values, worst if taken the 2021 ones.
  10. I hope it's not the drawing that made the PM say yes 😉 And if the drawing is supposed to show how the airport will look like, I'm really looking forward to ride my bike on those lovely paths next to the taxiway. After that go in the underground building to get a cold rest and a smothie ! 555555 Don't know why, but this drawing makes me think of HR Giger
  11. Household depts are already big (and huge when taking underground loans in consideration). So yeah, bring in the Casinos and forescenics for the aftermatch.
  12. Here's the official press conference report : https://www.elysee.fr/emmanuel-macron/2024/03/11/entretien-avec-srettha-thavisin-premier-ministre-du-royaume-de-thailande The PM does talk about schengen visas but not E. Macron. And as the PM said, France can support the demand of Thailand but it is EU that makes the decision. I doubt it will happen.
  13. Oh sorry, my bad, I completly missed the first column. Guess I hadn't drunk enough coffee yet !
  14. Thanks for providing the table. Yes, just as many DC and AC, 356 vs 4806... and of 356, 316 are from PEA which are at PEA offices and therefore not convenient (offices are not the place you want to wait for, nothing to do there). And I bet the remaining 40 are mostly in BKK. So it's what I said, no infrastructure for long trips in EV. It's ok if you live in BKK or the few big cities that have a DC charging station.
  15. Hello, Don't know if you have left yet or not. Anyway, I give you some info. I drive this route regularly and got to this : - Best route it to go though Suphan Buri (as shown in a previous post). You avoid Ayutthaya and BKK suburbs that have heavy traffic (mostly the Nonthaburi area that can be a real nightmare). Here is the place to quit Highway 4 - turn right. Keep following Chai Nat and then stay on the 340 until Suphan Buri. In Suphan Buri, the first option is to do a u-turn here and follow the 321 in direction of Nakhon Pathom but this will bring you in Suphan Buri town and can be busy. Best is to keep going for a few kms and take the frontage road just after the rd 33 bridge. Be carefull not to miss it as that's the only one. Keep on the frontage road for a while. Then turn left after the overpass bridge, easy to miss it, follow the 357 sign direction of Nakhom Pathom. After some kms, turn left on the 321. Stay on the 321 until Nakhom Pathom and turn right onto the highway 4 in direction of Ratchaburi. In Ratchaburi, just stay on the 4, no need to take the bypass as there are bridges in the city to avoid the red lights (I don't think there is much of a difference). After Ratchaburi keep on the same road until Petchaburi and keep going. At one point, the 4 will divide in 2. One goes to Cha Am (Rd 4), the other stays on the mountain side (Rd 37). Depending where you go in Hua Hin, you are faster staying on the mountain side and get out at the Pala-U road (Rd 3218). That's the road I end up doing all the time when google maps doesn't mess my itinerary. Be carefull as it re-routes by itself and I ended up on gravel roads in the middle of rice fields. I now just follow the road numbers and check on the map to know where I am. Average journey is 12h. You can save one hour by driving at 140/160 but to my opinion the gain is not enough to support the stress behind the wheel and the increased fuel consumption. I stay around 100/120 depending on traffic and make it in about 12h without being stressed out. Have a safe trip ! Edit : spelling
  16. Thanks for your replies. I know the RE shop on the way to Cha Am but I won't go there for a simple reason. The mechanic in RE Chiang Mai told me not to come to their shop for small things as they were much more expensive compared to independant mechanics. I was so supprized by his honesty. I know a shop on soi 88/9 but he is overloaded with work. That's why I came here to see where people were bringing their bikes for servicing. And not for advices about how good or bad a RE is. What I need to do is flush rear and front brake fluid and replace it by DOT5.1 fluid that I will provide, change oil and oil filter. No RE parts are needed as the bike is working perfectly well. I used to do that myself in our house in Chiang Mai but I don't have the tools and place yet in HH.
  17. It's amazing how many people take the EV road in Thailand despite having max chargers capacity of 11kWh. Or maybe I miss some information but to experience never found a charging rate above 11kWh. So for a small city car (around 50kWh), it's 4h to get close to full charge from empty battery. Not appealing when you know that chargers can go up to 120kWh. A 3 phased home charger can go to 7kWh (not sure about that, higher like 11 or 22 ?), single at best is around 3-4kWh (almost sure about that). Interested in improving my knowlege so if something is wrong above, please correct me. I own an hybrid with a max charging rate of 3.6kWh so all charging stations are fine for me but always wondered if full EV could charge faster than an hybrid (due to the charger here in Thailand, not the car itself). Next question is "will the grid hold when 30% of cars are electric ?"
  18. Succeeded now... First ! Well done TH Edit : And country side North from CM is winning easily with a 330 index score in Pai !
  19. Hello, Sorry to bring this up again but looking for more recommendations. My Royal Enfield needs some love (servicing + leak of brake fluid). So as the OP, looking for some qualified mechanic to do the job. Where should I go ? Thanks for any input, cheers
  20. Very sad that people still fall in those traps. I knew it waw illegal but never looked too much further. This article made me do it. So, for consumption, the max legal rate is 15% (annually as per banking standards) . Let's do some maths, 200 for 10000, that's 2% ... per day. Annually it makes a 730% rate, almost 50 times the legal maximum rate. No worries !!! Information found in the Civil and Commercial Code, Loans (Section 650-656), Section 654.
  21. Saw that in Chiang Mai Ram the other day. It's for a Dengue vaccine. Wonder if it works ? Anybody know something about it ?
  22. I wonder if they approched shipowners to know if there is interest in such a project. Would they prefer needing 2 vessels instead of one on the existing Singapore route ? Would the unloading, transfer and loading really be quicker than the existing route ? And would they trust Thais during the transfer ? I doubt it's a viable solution. A canal would be a better solution regarding viability but will for sure deteriorate relations with Singapore.
  23. For artificial intelligence you need natural intelligence. So Thailand... well sorry !
  24. Here we go again... And not a word about TEACHING people how to drive, just repression. Why not teach them how to properly drive first than come with repression. And the goal of 12 is laughable, it's Russia's 2019 average. Not appealing to me. Why not aim at 6 (about EU average) ? Thailand stood at 32.2 in 2019, first of asian countries.
  25. At street value (50-100 BHT?) that's a big stack of cash. Some luxury second hand cars for sale soon ?
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