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Posts posted by hehehoho

  1. Yup.

    'Anywhere in the world...' this is nonsense. Some places yes, others, most certainly not.

    As for the 'barmat' quote. Are you familiar with the Australian mother of four who had a barmat placed in her bag, was arrested, charged and thrown in prison in phuket, was detained for 14 nights, 4 of which were in prison before being released on bail, a condition of which was to surrender her passport and faced 14 weeks of being unable to leave and return to her husband and four young children. And faced 5 years of imprisonment for it until the Australian government got involved?

    Are you also aware of the 2 dutch tourists who were beaten to a pulp by Phuket tuk-tuk drivers last year, and upon taking the claim to the police were told that the tuk-tuk guys would likely lay counter charges that would involve imprisonment for the tourists until (and if) bail would be granted, at which point their passports would have to be surrendered while the court cases would be dragged out for as long as possible?

    That Australian mother even admitted to the theft. The Dutch guys were not beaten to pulp.

    Sounds like you have heard of certain things but really don't know the details, just the gossip,

    We're going OT though, the thread was about an attack by tuktuk drivers, not about an Australian mother who stole a barmat.

    just fyi, the Aussie mother had to admit the offense as a deal to finish the craziness and return home to her children. The people who put it in her bag came forward and admitted it during the early stages of the investigation, while she was in prison. Of course the RTP didn't care, and certainly weren't going to lose precious face over it, so she remained in detention, was then bailed and threatened with a lengthy case and 5 years imprisonment.

    The lesson is to be very careful with Thai officials, especially the police, especially the police in Phuket. Remember that black British guy Simon Burrowes held in prison for 3 weeks and threatened with a 2 year sentence for 'being rude' to an immigration official upon (trying to) fly out of Phuket, it took him 3 months before being able to leave, during which time he lost his job and rented apartment... you probably don't though.

  2. Yup.

    'Anywhere in the world...' this is nonsense. Some places yes, others, most certainly not.

    As for the 'barmat' quote. Are you familiar with the Australian mother of four who had a barmat placed in her bag, was arrested, charged and thrown in prison in phuket, was detained for 14 nights, 4 of which were in prison before being released on bail, a condition of which was to surrender her passport and faced 14 weeks of being unable to leave and return to her husband and four young children. And faced 5 years of imprisonment for it until the Australian government got involved?

    Are you also aware of the 2 dutch tourists who were beaten to a pulp by Phuket tuk-tuk drivers last year, and upon taking the claim to the police were told that the tuk-tuk guys would likely lay counter charges that would involve imprisonment for the tourists until (and if) bail would be granted, at which point their passports would have to be surrendered while the court cases would be dragged out for as long as possible?

  3. But having a farang also seems to be a status symbol,

    Only to peasants.

    As farang = rich they are quite an easy way for a peasant to show off (supposed) wealth while belittling their peasant peers who haven't got such an ATM. Thus creating a sense of happiness within the peasant.

  4. And the same thing will happen to you as a tourist anywhere in the world. As a tourist you are prey.

    Utter nonsense.

    Some places the locals actually have morals, integrity and decency. And actually make an extra effort to ensure that they are properly cared for.

  5. That's what I did to mine, after the first ride I put a little plastic bag around it and secured it on with a twister-tie. The next time I went to use it the plastic bag had melted into the connector. I scraped it out with a needle and it worked okay, by the third time I used it was full of rust, that green copper stuff, and half of the metal prongs were just about broken, and it hasn't worked since.

    I'll be happy to just disconnect it from the voltbox when not in use and spend 5 minutes reconnecting it whenever I go on a long ride and want to use it I think. Depending how easy it is to do that.

  6. Engrin and Drift, what do ye do with your power cable for the GPS when not in use?

    I need to get a new one and as it'll only be used once a month or so I'm thinking of keeping it rolled up under the seat, or disconnecting it altogether from the voltbox then connecting it again when I'm going to use it. (depending on just how easy that is).

  7. ^ If a governor states something it's definitely true.

    Personally I imagine the large white envelopes at the end of each month are of more importance, I mean that's why he paid so much to be given the a job right?

  8. They better hope the police don't track the offender down, he might just give the police a few baht to plant a 'stolen barmat' on his person. That's a few weeks in Phuket jail right there, before a few months without a passport while on bail.

    I'd love to say that this time next year Phuket tourism is going to be down due to tourist beatings, stabbings, extortion, murders and suspicious deaths, but nope in 20 years time there'll still be plenty of naive tourists going there to boost the local scum's coffers.

  9. New CBR400 Rumours.

    Now these are obviously Japanese imaginations, but let's look back at the start of this thread and look at what the first pic of the CBR250R was touted as in Oct. 2010.

    First pic of the rumoured CBR250 in the thread.

    2 1/2 months later many were driving their new 250s around.




    As usual with Thai Visa: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. rolleyes.gif

  10. 3 years ago the Thai authorities were towing boats loads of men, women and children out to see in boats. They were striped of food and water, and the engines to the boats were removed. The boats full of men, women and children (over 1000 people in all) were then set adrift and the occupants left to die a torturous death. Some luckily were picked up by the Indian navy.

    Let's just share a moment to remember these poor men, women and children who were systematically tortured to death, quite literally by the boatload, by the Thai authorities only 3 years ago. And don't let this incident be forgotten.

  11. It' s always a worry to see police sitting around drinking in a restaurants wearing guns in Thailand . Maybe there was one of the guys jealous of some of the promotions .

    Actually, I have observed this with thai guys that get promotions or even are considered up on a hierarchic level. The one with the promotion will rub it in the face of the others. In jest or not, with a few drinks that could really piss off somebody with access to a gun. So your speculation deserves some merit.

    Actually you see this at almost every aspect of Thai society. Thais trying to belittle others to feel good. Seems to be a major base of the culture from the amount of it that is on display everyday.

  12. I refuse to go to the village as I find the people uneducated, ignorant, unhygenic and boring.

    I've nothing to do with them, and they've nothing to do with me. Just like we've nothing in common, so why would I go there when I don't value or like the people there.

    The wife accepts it as it's my personal choice.

    Doesn't mean I don't care about her.

  13. RAM Mount

    Tiz about time I picked up one, has anyone fitted one to the CBR yet?

    Two places look okay.


    Steering mount. Not that easy to find here. Touratech have something similar for 2,100b.


    Or right handlebar mount.


    GPS4YOU have something that would likely fit on here for only 600b.


    Though the GPS might block the windscreen from doing a full right-hand turn, which wouldn't likely happen much during the once or twice a month I actually use the GPS.

    Anyone mounted one yet?

  14. Actually it was not missing money. It was about money being wasted.


    Po. Col. Pornprasert was found guilty of misappropriation of funds.

    Which began with the Ambassadors of Finland, Germany, the US, the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands and France officially writing to the Police Commissioner General requesting a full audit of accounts due to the amount being siphoned off by the Royal Thai Police.

    One of the most recognized and trusted charities is the American Red Cross whose CEO makes over $1,000,000 a year thanks to donations and whose organization paid severance of $1.5 Million to the person they hired to distribute 9/11 donations after it was discovered more than 1/2 the money was being spend inappropriately.

    What on Earth has the salary of an American charity's CEO got to do with the Royal Thai Police being found guilty of misappropriating millions and millions of baht that was donated to help with the Tsunami, which was being discussed as some people oddly don't think the Royal Thai Police are much different from the police in Western nations.

  15. I just remembered that retired police officer in Pattaya last year who went back to his old station in Pattaya with a meat cleaver and ended up closing the station. Will try to find a link.


    From Pattaya One newspaper:

    Knife-wielding Retired Police Officer forces temporary closure of Pattaya Police Station

    28th January 2010

    PATTAYA: -- On Wednesday Night at Pattaya Police Station there was drama as a retired Police Officer forced the station to close for a time as he was threatening People with a meat cleaver. Retired Police Senior Sergeant Major Pairort who finished his career with the Marine Police, came to the station and demanded a meeting with Police Lieutenant Colonel Sutum, the Deputy Chief of Pattaya Police. The reason for the meet was not given by the retired officer who realized he would not be granted his wish and then produced a knife and made his way to the car park and claimed he would not back-down until he saw the senior officer. Eventually the other Deputy Police Chief, Police Lieutenant Colonel Chonapat arrived and ordered the man to place the knife on the ground. He complied and was led up to the cells to give him a chance to calm down. He was later released with no charge.

    Probably upset that on retirement he was cut out of the tea money, poor chap. wink.png

    More than likely, but regardless of circumstance, the Royal Thai Police not so different than those in the West. Eh Nisa. rolleyes.gif

    Anyone remember the six Western countries that officially complained about the 35 million baht Tsunami Donation money that the Royal Thai Police were left in charge of?

    How much do you think went missing of the 35 million?

    Only 30 million of it. ph34r.png

    Of Charitable Donations for the Tsunami!

    To be fair they were honest in their response, that corruption may have occured.

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