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Posts posted by tootall

  1. I won't go near BPH and have found PIH to be a valid alternative to the high pressure selling techniques employed by BPH. But your treatment regimen is going to be dictated by your Oncologist so unfortunately you will be stuck with whichever hospital they are located at

    At Pattaya International I had an operation for the removal of some metal braces from an old leg injury and they were excellent on all accounts (even the insurance reimbursements) and I also went through a bout of Deep Vein Thrombosis and my US doctor later on commented that the Thai hospital did everything that she would have done so her follow up care was minimal

    I would have a frank discussion with both BPH and PIH regarding how much your treatment is going to cost. As much as I hate to admit it, the traffic in central Pattaya would impact my choice today, especially with the construction on Beach Road, and seeing that you will have to travel to the hospital often for your treatment, you might want to take that into account when making a decision

    I went around and asked as many people as I could who they had coverage with and how was the care. The last few recomendations by independent nurses closed the dear for me. I had the most favorable responses with P. International Hospital, including the nurses. I have been a patient with them since 2010 and I think you get the best care for the money there. I have had many things from broken fingers, motorcycle accidents, in need of therapy for back strains and out-patient surgery.

    I and many others say go with Pattaya International Hospital

  2. The last time I had to book a flight, I checked Thai air online. When I figured out my exact date, I happened to be in the Central Plaza near a travel agency. Turned out that the agency was a few hundred baht cheaper. Go figure.

    I have looked online and checked the prices and then go down to the local airline travel/ticket office and I always get the same flight I looked on line for several thousands cheaper. I know it is cheaper to go to the local office of the airline you want to fly. This is in Pattaya and for Thai Air, both domestic and international

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  3. I see and hear these clowns flying up and down small soi's, on busier main roads and I think to myself here comes another one who will bite the dust, injure passangers or other vehicles/motorbikes. I see them scare other motorbike riders by coming up behind them and reving the engines. These people have no clue how to maintain that many "cc" amd have never driven them before. Same said for tourists who are on smaller bikes, they have never driven a bike before and now they are driving and putting others in harms way. They should ban the use of anything over 130cc unless you have a Thai motorbike license. They certainly should not be renting them out, these clowns are roving death traps. But that makes too much sense-sorry

  4. Another genuinely great idea that would certainly reduce the road toll, especially more minor injuries caused by bikes sliding off the wet slippery roads. They get very wet, especially during the dry season with the build-up of sludge on the roads. Water play should b restricted to walking-only areas or private residences. The problem will be giving it over to provincial govenors - will they have the will to enforce it? It will certainly stop some of the horrendous traffic congestion in many of the towns here. Took me over an hour to travel a few hundred meters through a water celebration once...let's see how this pans out.

    The thing that bothers the farangs who leave thailand in droves during Songkran is the stupid and unsafe practice of throwing/spraying of motorbikes on the roads with water.I can not understand why the Thai government is more concerned with making non-drinking areas which does nothing to prevent accidents and fights from motorbike drivers who do not want to get wet, much less have an accident. I have experienced some moron who causes a motorbike accident with some sort of water and then the coward who threw the water and cause the accident run away. The problem is many motorbikes are traveling at a speed that when surprised by a blind sided berage of water and loose control of their motorbikes. It is sad to say that most of the problems with this is caused by farangs out of control with water. The other is each provence is given a day for Songkran but in Pattaya it is a week and 1/2 of pure bull. If Pattaya stuck to two maybe three days it would be much better. The water deluge is supposed to stop at darkness, but it does not. People want to go out at night and are dressed for the most part in nice evening clothes. The last thing I want to do is go on my motorcycle to meet friends and get hit with buckets of water at night, for a week and 1/2. Ask yourself do you want to walk/sit for hours with wet clothes and underwear while you eat food and go have drinks with friends? This is a problem that the government and or police have let get out of control. these two agencies are desinged to protect people and the do not enforce safety. The Thai government does loose tourist baht when we all leave for a week. Do you really thing the goverment is making money from the morons buying 6 packs from 7-11 while the hotels are at less than capacity and any farang left here is shut in their domicile? GET A CLUE AND PROTECT DRIVERS

  5. I'm curious as to what the average daily expenditures per Chinese tourist are, compared to other nationalities like Germans or Americans. I know that many of the small businesses and employees in Thailand get a good share of their income from the tips, which are mostly associated with American Tourists. My Thai wife has a hair salon and says that only Americans ever tip her. This contributes greatly to her overal income. My experience is that the Chinese are not know for tipping or their generosity. So, these numbers might not have quite the importance that is being assume in the article. The net profitability of masses of small spending tourists is dramatically lower than a much small number of big spenders. The impact of the masses has indirect costs associated with it like the huge increase in VIP buses screaming down the roads carrying low spenders but risking the lives of everyone in their way. Increased road damage, increased vehicle pollution, increased degradation of parks and nature areas, etc with very low returns in comparison.

    Is this a joke? Nobody tips in Thailand and service employees and small business own most certainly do NOT survive off of tips. That's ridiculous. Your comment about the Chinese is equally superficial. You seem to think that Chinese riding VIP buses causes more road damage than westerners riding VIp buses or minivans. Your comment is so patently racist and laced with western superiority that it's quite frankly nauseating. Gt over yourself. The Chinese have finally a middl class with money and now they spend it traveling just like white western tourists do. It's a benefit to the Thai tourist industry.

    My thai wife works at a hotel that has these buses filled with Chinese and Korean tourist stay and come with a "tour Guide". She says the hotel employees do not recieve any tips from these groups when they come. She thinks the "tour guides take all the tip money. Also ask a golf caddie on any Pattaya golf course if they get tips after a round of golf from the Chinese-but expecially the Koreans-small to no tip. I am not racist-just pointing out facts

  6. Isn't this the mother of all ironies! One of the biggest sex peddler calling for a crackdown on prostitution. This is like Bill Gates asking everyone to stop using Microsoft because it is bad for society.

    I agree this is "The kettle calling the pot black" he made his millions peddling sex in his "massage parlors" This guy is the biggest two faced politician currently in office. It was ok for him to get wealthy from sex and gambling, but now it is taboo? What a joke

  7. I was thinking of booking with Air Asia for an upcoming jolly to Hong Kong.

    Now I am put right off the idea.

    So if not them, can anybody suggest the next best/cheapest option? (BKK-HK return)

    Be serious. Try going in to a travel agent and asking a similar question. What is the first question they will ask?

    Pass............. What is the first question they will ask?

    Unless you mean "Do you want the next best or next cheapest?"

    I also concur about Air Asia. I tried to book a flight from BKK to Udon on the internet with Air Asia and was met with a maze of extra charges that I could not book the tixs. Every time I tried to decline the extra charges I could not finish transaction. As stated before maybe go to travel agent or I find an airline ticket office to shop for best deal. I found that I get a better deal on Thai Airlines if I go to their tixs office than I can online.

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