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Everything posted by Metapod

  1. the competition is what caused thailand to shoot up in the rankings for quality fiber. this is going to stagnate the market with a duopoly forming between AIS vs True
  2. so worldwide taxation, no more pot, and chinese police patrolling soi cowboy this new government is absolute <deleted>e and i'm surely missing Prayut and the old boys club now
  3. a global taxation like the US would be even worse than what is being proposed. thailand had a good system already and its one of the reasons why thailand has a lot of wealthy expats and foreign investment. all of the wealthy expats are gone if they are going to be taxed on worldwide income (me included)
  4. global taxation like the united states? thats even worse.... then i'm 100% gone from thailand. <deleted> that
  5. holding out hope that Thai Elite will be excluded and given preferential treatment like the LTR visas
  6. withdrawing cash from ATM from an overseas bank while in Thailand is still a remittance and liable for tax.
  7. they did a great job with sukhumvit sidewalk. so many bitter negative old <deleted> on this forum
  8. So from all of this, my take away for my situation is to simply remit less money into Thailand and pay tax on what I remit. I had planned to make some more investments here but I'll be parking that money abroad and investing outside of Thailand instead. I'll also consider any large purchases or plans domestically as well if it will cost me an additional 30% to do it locally. I travel abroad frequently, so I'll do my major shopping in other countries and things like elective surgury for LASIK etc will just be done elsewhere.
  9. not just the truckers. they also shut down bank accounts for those who donated money to the protest. i agree, the future is <deleted> and the idiots will sell their own future away for 10,000 thb and be none the wiser.
  10. I prefer the 2am closing time. I'll tell you why 1. It encourages people to get started and go out earlier. It's easy to go from dinner to party. In the west, so many young people stay home until midnight to pregame as "it's dead until midnjght" 2. A good short time is better than a long ebb/flow. I like knowing 10pm to 2am is going to be a solid party block and what I'm in for. It's only on rare occasions I want to party until the sun comes up as it <deleted> up your next day 3. If everything shuts at 2am, it gets the girls out of the bars and into your bedroom faster Less dancing, more <deleted>
  11. It's got nothing to do with security, it's a mental health issue. Honestly, freedom means you also need to accept some risks and <deleted>ty things go happen. You can't solve this by turning into a police state. People still get attacked and killed in prisons.
  12. i started smoking again when thailand legalized weed and i found that i drink less, sleep more, and get more exercise. it's been a net positive on my life. thailand went full legal with weed and everything is fine. there is no need to change anything. the last 15 months shows it works
  13. smaller government and then less tax. nobody likes government but yet always wants the government to be larger and be involved in more things. everything private is more effective. private schools > public schools, private hospitals > public hospitals. every government process has no profit incentive and motivation to be efficient. stop thinking about how to reward bad government and instead limit government and you dont need to rape and steal from your citizens
  14. The solution isn't more taxes, it's smaller government. Taxes are theft and governments will always want to spend more and more. Politicians basically win elections promising to steal your money to give you things back.
  15. DTA doesn't exclude you from filing and paying taxes. You have a double tax residency and that means you will be required to file taxes in both regions. If the taxes owed in one region is less than the other, you will need to pay the difference to the other region. What the DTA agreement does is prevent double taxation of the same income, it doesn't mean you can just pick and choose the region you owe taxes and pay the smaller amount. Keep in mind that Thailand has a progressive tax structure and the higher rates kick in a lot earlier than western countries like the US. This change affects everyone who isn't already filing and paying taxes in Thailand.
  16. Thailand is going to lose A LOT of wealthy expats over this change.
  17. no kidding. 3 weeks into new government and they completely <deleted> me over
  18. wow, this might be the one thing that forces me to move out of Thailand. I'm shocked.
  19. Hope that doesn't happen as i will then have a gap between the end of my 20 year Thai Elite and eligibility for Retirement Visa
  20. can i get the contact details of the electrician that you end up going with? i have some electrical work i need to do
  21. must feel great to be a land owner next to that building right now. i bet they will get raked over the coals trying to develop a second access road.
  22. they need to find a way to clear the water up. bangkok has so many waterways that would be a lot more pleasant if the water was cleaner.
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