cashless positive? lol
giving the government absolute control of your ability to participate in the marketplace is a terrible idea. a good example of this is during the protests in Canada where the government shut down bank accounts of truck drivers.
I'd say enjoy your dystopian future, but you are probably already a geriatric and won't be around to see how bad it actually gets.
so many bitter old losers and cucks on here. the guy is right and i guarantee he has no issues getting women in bkk.
you put women on camera and give them a position of power (they can turn him down but he cant turn them down) and you are going to have some uppity bitches that wouldn't typically get a second look from this guy. the other factor is putting girls in a group always changes the male/female dynamic as girls always allign and don't like to stick out or go against the grain.
Taxes are theft.
Governments don't need more money. They have no profit incentive and noone to hold them accountable for how they spend/waste public funds.
If they can't manage with 80 billion thb a year they need to work harder and smarter with the existing funds.
I'm very happy with my condo purchases here. Haven't dipped into housing as I don't like the grey area of ownership but I have quite a few friends that have done well.
The people that say only to rent typically know <deleted> all about property or Thailand.
I have a 20 year elite visa, so not sure if this really fits me.
how easy would the path to PR be? I'd consider getting it for a few years if it's a quick and easy path to PR. Otherwise, I'll stick on the Thai Elite.
I kinda wish I could just buy another 20 year Thai Elite that I can start in another 20 years.
Nah, if anything, carrying a lot of debt during hyper inflation is a great position to be in, assuming you can make the payments. The people that will hurt the most are those holding cash, or nothing at all.