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Posts posted by lung

  1. :o


    Court reject police's arrest warrant on PAD (1.9.2006-20.00)


    The Criminal Court turned down on Friday a police request to issue arrest warrants against seven key members of the antiThaksin People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) for allegedly conspiring to overthrow the government and breaking the law under Article 116 of the Criminal Code.

    The court issued an order stating that the seven people, including Bangkok senatorelect Rosana Tositrakul, and PAD coordinator Suriyasai Katasila, were merely exercising their right to freedom of expression under Article 39 of the Constitution, and to hold a peaceful assembly, which was guaranteed by Article 44 of the 1997 charter.

    "The speech [by those charged by the police] is first and foremost made to demand Pol Col Thaksin Shinawatra to resign [as prime minister] ... There appears to be no intention to overthrow the law of the land nor the government by using force or to cause havoc and unrest amongst citizens," the court order said.

    The two presiding judges also stated that peaceful protest was a constitutional right that could not be denied, especially when considering that the country was not in a state of emergency or war when the protests took place earlier this year.

    The order will likely have a positive impact on five other core PAD leaders who face the same allegations by the police, said Nitikorn Lamlhuea, a lawyer from the Law Society of Thailand who is representing both groups voluntarily and without payment, as a public service.

    "It will definitely have an [positive] impact especially on the issue of [the right to peaceful] protests," Nitikorn told The Nation after the court order was read (see box).

    Rosana, speaking for the six other accused PAD members praised the court order, saying it set a precedent for police investigators not to abuse their power to issue summons. All seven PAD members twice refused summons to report to the police, forcing the police to ask the court for arrest warrants earlier this week.

    "[The court order] is setting a new precedent for [police] investigators, so that they may not use their power [to summon people] on a whim. The justice system [which the police is part of] must be free from political interference. simply because they issue a summons letter and let my fingers be printed," Rosana said.

    "Article 76 states that the government must promote people's participation [in politics and governance]. The police must look into the charter and not harass citizens."

    The police, led by Maj General Chatchawan Suksomjit, deputy commander of the Metropolitan Police, might now try to charge the seven with minor, noncriminal offences such as obstructing traffic, littering and using loudspeakers in public areas.

    However, Rosana and Nitikorn vowed to fight these charges as well, even though they merit only fines.

    Pravit Rojanaphruk

    The Nation



  2. :o

    hey... UPDATE


    Govt called to probe death of Italian prince


    The government is urged on Friday to provide full information on the death of an European aristocrat in a Bangkok jail last month.

    Christoph von Hohenlohe, a prince and member of the Agnelli family, the powerful Italian industrial dynasty, died the hospital unit of the Bangkok Remand Prison on August 6. He was arrested on July 31 for forging travel documents.

    Pracharaj Party deputy leader Pramuan Ruchanaseree, who said the government should be aware that lack of cooperation in providing information on the matter would affect foreign ties.

    "Thai authorities should investigate the cause of the prince's death at the soonest. This will show respect to the prince and his family," he said yesterday.

    Thai authorities have declined to comment, but hospital reports suggest von Hohenlohe died from a possible blood infection or lack of insulin.

    His mother, Princess Ira von Furstenburg, has already demanded an autopsy.

    Von Hohenlohe was arrested at Don Muang airport while trying to leave the country. He had failed to get a flight home to Hawaii before his visa ran out was delayed by three days. He changed the date on his arrival card in pen to save time on more paperwork, but it was spotted by immigration officials.

    The Nation



  3. :D


    today i got some "western union" .i go to the bank... (ayudhya)

    we beginn talking...

    i ask .. can i have a account ? because my krungthaibank (buuh) don't have "western u.."

    little bit BAK-WAAN and i show my fresh tr-visa and...

    do you want atm (150baht) or visaelecton :D ?(220baht)

    o.k. ... i take the 2.one :D

    hmm... and a free ambera :D

    how much you want put in ?

    500baht :D

    you ever know :D

    ok... thanks and khop khun maak

    (and g/f mai lu) :D


    i like tuesday


  4. :o

    still open ??



    Part-time isle resident dies after Thai jailing

    Royal intrigue: The sudden death of Prince Hohenlohe

    By Leila Fujimori

    [email protected]

    Services were held today in Spain for a European prince and part-time Hawaii resident who died earlier this month after being held in a Bangkok jail for allegedly altering his expired visa to facilitate his return to Hawaii.

    Jet setter Christoff "Kiko" Hohenlohe, 49, was heading back to Honolulu after a visit to Chiva-Som, a luxury spa in Thailand, to lose weight.

    His Thai visa expired July 20, and Hohenlohe allegedly used a pen to change the date to July 29, the day he was to travel back to Hawaii, to avoid having to deal with immigration officials, friends said.

    Immigration officials caught the alleged alteration and Hohenlohe was arrested on suspicion of forging documents, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported.

    Hohenlohe was in a weakened state after a significant weight loss, collapsed and was left on the jail cell floor for four hours before being taken to a hospital Aug. 5, where he possibly suffered a stroke, said Gaddo Cardini, who accompanied Hohenlohe's mother to Thailand, where she saw him the day before his collapse.

    Cardini, in a phone interview from Spain, said Hohenlohe was kept alive on a ventilator until he was pronounced dead Aug. 8.

    Hohenlohe, a Liechtenstein national, descends from royalty on both sides. His mother is Princess Ira von Furstenberg, former sister-in-law of fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg, and daughter of a prince and a Fiat heiress. His father is Alfonso, prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg.

    Cardini said the Thai government apologized to his mother for what Cardini calls "such a stupid case" because it was a mistake. He said Hohenlohe's blood sugar was elevated and he had been given insulin. He also developed a lung infection and his kidneys were affected.

    His mother wanted to bring his body to Switzerland for an autopsy to determine the cause of death, but it was not possible to bring his body out of the country without embalming him, Cardini said.

    Cardini said he could have avoided the arrest had he paid a fine of $20 a day. Authorities held Hohenlohe without bail for five days before his collapse.

    Friends and acquaintances in Hawaii were shocked and appalled by such a tragic end to a member of European royalty.

    Hohenlohe was supposed to return Aug. 1 for a three-month stay in his Kahala apartment.

    Margherita Parrent, president of Friends of Italy Society of Hawaii, said: "It's absolutely shocking to hear that he died and how he died. It's like a nightmare.

    "To shave his head and throw him in a cell with 40 others, who knows what type of treatment he had," she said.

    Hohenlohe, who has family in Italy, Spain and Germany, attended the society's functions, including its annual film festival.

    Despite his royal bloodlines, Hohenlohe was "very low-key" about his heritage, Parrent said. "If you saw him walking around Honolulu, he didn't put on airs."

    Hohenlohe had many friends in Honolulu, where he could go to the beach unrecognized. He had been coming to Hawaii for more than 10 years and usually came a few times a year, up to three months at a time, staying at a Kahala apartment, his friends said.

    "He could have chosen to live anywhere, but he came to live here under the radar, away from the intense glare of publicity," Parrent said.

    Lifelong friend Dialta Alliata Di Monte Reale characterized Hohenlohe as a man "who lived in a different world -- very courteous, very nice, without worries, kind of a character -- unique nowadays, childish if you wish, like a big boy.

    "He was very young for his age, never worked," she said.

    "It was a silly action that drove him to death," said Alliata, an Italian princess who lives in Makiki Heights and is Cardini's sister.

    Alliata said Hohenlohe was a good public relations spokesman for Hawaii, and he had persuaded her to visit Hawaii, where she settled with her husband and five children.

    "Hawaii was his second home, it was his base," she said.





  5. Qualifications of foreign teachers in Thailand must meet required standards

    There have been thousands of foreigners working for local schools in Thailand, particularly international and language schools, a number of whom entered the kingdom as tourists with no work permits as professional teachers, according to Mr. Jakrapob.

    --TNA 2006-08-18


    YIPP... to much of them and mostly english :o

    to much...


  6. :o

    ok... 1 more...


    Jetset-prince dies in the prison of Bangkok

    Christoph to Hohenlohe, son of Ira of sovereign mountain, had falsified Thailand-visa with a ball-point pen

    Of Daniel Kestenholz

    Bangkok - in the night on Tuesday, Christoph "Kiko" prince to Hohenlohe (49) died in Bangkok under dramatic circumstances. Prince to Hohenlohe, who belonged to Europe to high nobility and Jetset, has sat for past week in custody: It was arrested at the airport of Bangkok because it had extended its expired visa itself and had falsified therewith.

    At the death bed of the prince with liechtensteinischem passport were hurried also its famous mother Ira of sovereign mountain (66) and its brother Hubertus, the singer and former ski-racers. "As I it on Sunday yet saw, went it it badly, but it caused plaster living", said Hubertus prince to Hohenlohe vis-à-vis the Berliner morning postal service. "The physicians can itself do not explain, that one so quickly kollabieren can."

    Probably the hard prison conditions had broken the portly Christoph. The "free thinker", so its brother, had been before in Dubai and Manila and was returned just now by a wellness-cure out of Krabi.

    Then the prison shock. "Kiko" sat overfilled in totally, stink cells. The first two days in the police prison, then four days in the anxious-Kwang-headquarters prison. "On Saturday", so Hubertus prince to Hohenlohe, "went it with its health downhill, he came into the hospital." To late. "Christoph insulin needed. It lay in a sugar coma. Thereto an infection in the lung that blood pressure fell came, suddenly failed all organs." In the night on Tuesday, the hospital had assured it yet around 1.00 clock per telephone, would be everything stable. Around 3.00 clock, a lady had called and had said literal: "I at the pleased to tell you that your brother has passed away." (It pleases me, them to announce, that its brother died is.) "Probable wanted it be only friendly", says to Hohenlohe. "The entire is a totally stupid chance. My brother never was vorbestraft, but the officials advanced strictly after books, without feeling." Its mother Ira had brought Christoph yet meal into the prison and had encouraged it, he should not get upset so. This, so Hubertus, further had thought itself nothing with the forgery of the visa. It did not know that on that in Thailand up to six years custody stand. Hubertus: "Christoph a dwelling in Hawaii had reserved. It had missed the first flight. It had anxiety to miss the flight yet once. The reservation and down-payment would have decayed. It thought, it would change it itself, the stupid date." What the boundary official noted immediately. Am "whether I furiously?", asks Hubertus to Hohenlohe reflectively. "I can me simply do not introduce, that in the year 2006, if one on the moon fly still has six years custody threaten and one one overfilled cell with murderers out of Burma and Cambodia divide must, only because one at the visa rumgekritzelt has."

    Also the Swiss message in Bangkok that is responsible for liechtensteinische citizen, had advocated after best fortune a release of to Hohenlohe, like the message confirmed. Even the Italian message turned itself a - without success. At the same time departure would have can to Hohenlohe without problem: It should have paid in the departure merely ten Euros punishment fee for every day, that the visa had expired.

    Prince Christophs grandmother is Clara Agnelli (86) that controls the billions-package of the Fiat-family. Its mother princess Ira should been the secret love of sovereign Rainier III of Monaco its after the death of its woman Grace Kelly.

    Out of the Berliner morning postal service of the 11 August



    i think now you know the story or ?? :D



  7. :o

    autotranslater ... again


    So my son, the prince died, in the Thai-prison

    Ira Prinzessin zu Fürstenberg over the death of its son Christoph in a Thai prison

    Why did it have to die? The sudden death of Christoph prince to Hohenlohe (49) after its prison stay in Thailand is a single riddle. Mother, Ira Prinzessin zu Fürstenberg shocked that (66), tries, the inconceivable, to understand. " I see still its view through the bars, would hear its voice", reports it in the Italian newspaper "Corriere Della serums". "As I it Thursday in the prison in Bangkok visited, saw brought it very from. They had forced it to shave the head barely. It neither was able to sleep yet eat, but nevertheless it made a clear impression on me."

    The next time when it saw "Kiko", lay it in the coma in the hospital. Nominally a heavy infection. What happened ? The princess is helpless: "It not suffer had caused, asked me, a sprite and a belaid bread to buy." Rumors, Kiko had been diabetic, rejects the mother. "The cause of death remains mysterious. The medical report gives no information at all."

    Four hours without aid

    Kiko was arrested because of forgery of a visa on the 30 July in Bangkok and arrested become. On Friday it had complained over sickness, but first after four hours, aid had come. It was brought into the hospital, died after three days in the coma it in the night of Monday on Tuesday.

    "The story is not yet long to end. We want to know, what happened. But now we keep in mind first once to get Kiko home. On Marbella, it should come next to the grave of its father to the quiet." On the 17 August, the funeral is. After Bangkok, it will return no longer. "This city becomes for me always the picture of Kiko be, that me behind bars looks at."


    Last change: Friday, 11 August. 2006, 12:10 Clock


    source BZ.berlin



  8. Bottom of page 3 in today's (11/8) Bkk Post
    Apparently not in the online edition. I would be grateful if somebody could scan and post it here.




    sorry... but is the NATION



    European aristocrat dies in jail

    European aristocrat Christoff von Hohenlohe died of unknown causes at the Bangkok Remand Prison earlier this week, officials and relatives confirmed yesterday.

    "Hohenlohe died on Tuesday. We've sent all the details to the Swiss Embassy," said a prison official, who asked not to be named.

    "He was here on charges of possessing false documents," the official said without elaborating.

    Christoph's brother, Hubertus von Hohenlohe, said Christoph arrived in Thailand in mid-July on a transit visa but had overstayed by a day after missing his flight.

    Hohenlohe, 49, from Liechtenstein, apparently altered the date on his visa, leading to his arrest on July 29 at Bangkok International Airport.

    Hubertus said his brother had been denied bail twice. An autopsy was under way to determine the nature of Hohenlohe's death.

    "It's strange," Hubertus said after arriving in Bangkok on Sunday to help get his brother out of custody.

    In an interview with Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera, he said their mother visited Christoph in jail on Saturday, and he was in a room without mattresses.

    The Nation, DPA



  9. :o


    only auto-translatet.. :D , but the same person


    Mysterious death of the Jetset prince in the Thai-prison

    Why did Christoph of Hohenlohe falsify its visa?

    Party in Marbella, Venice or Beverly halls. Noble companies and pretty affairs. Age nobility and large fortune. "Kiko" Christoph prince of Hohenlohe (49), named lived, on the suns side. Now it came under mysterious circumstances in a prison in Thailand around the life. It was to a wellness-stay in the east Asian tropics paradise, writes the "Corriere della serums" Italian. It had tried to left the country with a falsified visa, direction Hawaii, into the next tropics paradise. Its mother, Ira princess of sovereign mountain, had visited it shortly before its death in the prison. "It was totally doubts", said it. "I can me do not explain, like such a tragedy happen could." Seven days schmorte prince "Kiko" in the cell in Bangkok. "It became treated like a felon", complained its brother, the well known singer and ski racer Hubertus of Hohenlohe. "My brother its visa would not have been allowed to falsify. To block but it like a felon behind lattice - that rechtens was not." Obviously it had missed its flyer after its wellness-stay and had changed thereupon the Thailand-visa personal. Its cause of death is previously unexplained. Until the result of the autopsy is certain, three months can pass, fears its family.

    Beigesetzt should become it there where it lived and celebrated most dearly - in Marbella.


    and a engl-link from other one





  10. :o


    Why I think the 'Thaksin-Bush' letters were forged

    If you have seen the text dated June 23, supposedly written by Thailand's caretaker prime minister, bemoaning the political problems he is having with those protesting against his rule to "Dear Mr President", and the subsequent reply dated July 3, you must take them with a full measure of salt.

    You could be hoodwinked. And don't say you haven't been warned.

    Why? Because these supposed letters are simply too comical - and even preposterous - to be true. Now, we know why the Thai government has been so reluctant to release them to the Thai public in the first place.

    I even suspect that they were forged to tarnish the good reputations of Thaksin Shinawatra and President George W Bush.

    Thaksin was supposed to have said in the first paragraph of the note that he was writing as a "caretaker prime minister" complaining about "a threat to democracy in Thailand since early this year". Any sensible Thai citizen would find it hard to understand why someone who has assigned himself the task of "preparing the best possible democratic path for the next government following new national elections this fall" would tell the US president that Thai democracy is under threat.

    In fact, any educated Thai would consider it a great insult for a caretaker premier to find it necessary to write to the head of another country declaring himself the champion of democracy - not only of Thailand but throughout Asia as well.

    This racket of letter-forging constitutes a real menace to Thailand's democratic future. They even made Thaksin write another paragraph to "assure" Bush in a way the Thai leader must have thought would please the superpower's chieftain. No way, Thaksin, in his right mind, would ever write something like this:

    "During this period, I want to assure you that I will take steps to help get the country ready for free and fair elections, and to work to shift the national debate from one that is emotionally charged to one that reasonably discusses the central questions of Thailand's future, including whether the country's political governance will be decided through the ballot box or in the street. The answer to that question, Mr President, will have an important impact on the future course of democracy in Asia."

    If Thaksin had really written that and meant it, then someone else must have forged the earlier part of the note to Bush that said: "My political opponents, because they knew they would again lose, boycotted the April elections and left the political situation in Thailand in deadlock."

    You simply can't claim to hold "free and fair elections" while predicting that your party would win and that your opponents would surely lose. And these forgers expect Bush to read it without laughing his head off?

    The real smoking gun, though, is when Thaksin was supposed to have blamed "various extra-constitutional tactics to co-opt the will of the people" allegedly employed by his "opponents" who, according to the text had tried to "provoke violence and disorder" - and failed.

    You could argue that on June 29, six days after the letter was supposedly sent to Bush, Thaksin did mention "extra-constitutional charismatic figure(s)," in a specially-convened conference of senior bureaucrats from around the country, and as such the note must be genuine.

    I doubt it. Any leader in his right mind wouldn't string out his country's dirty linen all the way across the Pacific Ocean. Besides, Thaksin is supposed to be intelligent enough to know that when he uses that sort of subtle language ('poo mi barami' or charismatic person), which confuses many Thais, could create utter linguistic chaos at the White House. Thaksin had no reason to befuddle Bush. He couldn't have written such a complicated letter.

    I was also inclined to conclude the letter was faked when I read: "There has been a threat to democracy in Thailand since early this year. Key democratic institutions, such as elections and the observance of constitutional limitations on government, have been repeatedly undermined by interests that depend on creating chaos and mounting street demonstrations in Bangkok as a means to acquire political power that they cannot gain through winning elections…"

    Thaksin, of course, knew that Bush must have been briefed by his aides, who must have read in-depth analytical reports from the US Embassy in Bangkok.

    He couldn't possibly have written anything that would suggest that the US president was naive enough to assume that the hundreds of thousands of protesters who rallied against the sins of the "Thaksin regime" were only stooges organised by the caretaker premier's opponents.

    But the most tell-tale sign that the supposed exchange of letters between Thaksin and Bush was a shameful scam, a frame-up to besmirch Thaksin and Bush's honour and reputation, was in Bush's alleged reply. Bush didn't show any personal sympathy or support for the supposedly embattled Thaksin at all. The US president's supposed note only emphasised "our two nations' friendship" that remains strong.

    If it was really from Bush, the letter couldn't possibly have carried such a condescending tone, such as when Bush tells Thaksin: "Free and open political systems can be unpredictable…but the Thai people are resilient and Thai democracy is strong and I know that your country will emerge from the current situation with renewed focus on that which makes Thailand great." Good old friends don't try to lecture each other on the fundamentals of political science.

    For "Bush" not to show some degree of sympathy for his embattled friend called "Thaksin" is unthinkable.

    How could "Bush" not condemn the "extra-constitutional tactics" employed against his good friend "Thaksin" back home when it was so obvious that it was a cry for help from a friend in need? No, a true friend doesn't simply brush off a friend's desperate request for help by saying: "…it is my sincere hope that all parties can find a way forward that respects the great achievements of Thai democracy…"

    No, real friends don't write these sorts of letters to each other. What you read is nothing but part of a huge scam cooked up by letter-forging rackets in both countries determined to undermine good bilateral relations.

    Suthichai Yoon


    source : nation-online 13.7.2006



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