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Posts posted by lung

  1. From October, tourists from the designated countries can still enter Thailand without visas and stay for up to 30 days, but their entry stamps will be renewable twice at most for a maximum stay of 90 days.

    Tourists who stayed for 90 days must leave the kingdom for at least 90 days before being permitted to re-enter Thailand, Suwat said.


    here we go ..


  2. You just described what I have been saying all along. I was pointing to your fumbling about the "Tourist Visa Runners" when the articles does not mention anything about those. In times of confusions when not having all the facts - an old man like yourself (50+?) should know to be more careful with his assumptions.

    again ?? :o

    when you read YOUR post u can't find TOURISTVISA ok...

    touristclass/30days ok ?

    and this was same one more or so...

    example :

    tourist 30days... 3 times

    touristvisa 60 days ... 3 times ( u think it's unlimited?)

    other visa 90 days ... 3 times

    MAYBE :D

    understand now ???



    ok your right... i to lazy....


  3. she can then apply for a NI number and then has the same rights as I do in the UK. Free health-service, eligible for credit, can own property. She doesn't have to bring in an amount of money every month that is almost 10 times more than minimum wage.

    After 3 years she can then apply for UK citizenship and can carry a UK passpost and all the benfits that are afforded from that.


    and she will get some money from the goverment :D

    and all 30days borderrun ? i think not :D


  4. read the article again. The article is talking about Visa On Arivals (VOA) that is available for 20 countries. educate yourself here. And it is a fair assessment to believe they are also talking about the Visa Exempt Stamp (30 Days Stamp Entry) because of the refference to 41 countries and the lenght of stay that such stamp provides.

    Keep your ASSumptions to yourself.

    :D :D

    ok... only for you again (24?) :o


    However, some foreigners including tourists ''tiptoe around the law'' by resorting to so-called visa runs to extend their stay. Most take a bus to a border, check out of the country and then return the same day to have the VOA renewed.

    They repeat the practice as many times as they wish, affording them almost unlimited stay in the country.

    Pol Lt-Gen Suwat said the change of the VOA rules is in order.

    In future, foreigners from those 41 countries will be able to stay in the country for 30 days from the first VOA stamp, which will be renewable twice at most, each time for a maximum of 30 days. In other words, a foreigner will be permitted to remain in Thailand for no longer than 90 days in total after three VOA stamps.

    The commissioner said the current system is prone to abuse as many foreign nationals make numerous visa runs so they can stay on long term to do business. In some cases, they have gone unregulated, causing social problems.


    this are the 30 day - runner ...


  5. I just re-read the article over and over and I just noticed this.

    They make refference to 2 things:

    - VOA

    - VOA Stamp

    Where the VOA Stamp - probably reffers to the nationals of the Visa Exempt Countries getting a "30 Days Entry Stamp".



    IT is NOT about VOA or VOA-stamp or 21 or 41 country's !!

    IT is about you COME IN then you go 3 times out or REFRESH-VISA

    or VISARUN (30 days or 90days)

    BUT after you got enough VOA or VOA-stamps (3)

    please make some holiday back home...

    and then come thailand again ...

    30-day-runners and touristvisa-runners will not get "unlimited" entry

    i wish they will check the teacher first :D

    and the marriage-ones can still feed the 5 buffalo :D



  6. Been trying all Day ..No Google search, or Gmail..?

    as a non computer buff, can some one please explain just whats going on in simple terms , and why can I access all other web sites OK..?

    Thanks........... Mumbo


    that was a few hour's ..

    but still connect over google.co.th

    technixx :D


  7. Visa rules will be tightened to stop abuse

    Maximum stay of 90 days for foreigners

    Visa-on-arrival (VOA) regulations will be tightened for nationals of 41 countries to prevent abuse of the privilege and curb the rising number of illegal entries, according to the Immigration Police Bureau (IPB). Foreign nationals from those countries, including the US, China and India, will be able to stay longer but with fewer chances of renewing the VOA.


    Current list of Thailand's VOA nationalities:


  8. :o



    Eight more suspects in plot named

    Coup d'etat planned if bombs failed to work


    Police plan to arrest eight more suspects in connection with the alleged plot to kill caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on the basis of statements made by an army sergeant under extensive questioning on Wednesday night. A Crime Suppression Division investigator said Sgt-Maj Chakrit Chantra, who surrendered to police, also identified the mastermind of the alleged plot.

    Gen Panlop Pinmanee, the former deputy director of the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc), is understood to be the ''General P'' allegedly named by Sgt-Maj Chakrit as the mastermind. He insisted on his innocence.

    ''I don't know who made up this plot to have him implicate me,'' Gen Panlop said yesterday.

    ''If police summon me, I won't run away. I will wait at home to see what they do. I'm not guilty and have no idea why I should plan to kill the prime minister,'' he added.

    ''General P'' was identified as the big boss. The sergeant-major also spoke of major-generals with the initials S and T and a colonel with the initial B as other conspirators, the source added.

    Col Surapol was upset with the failed attempt on Aug 24 and ordered another try. This time they were to use either an RPG or M79 grenade launcher and if that attempt failed, they were to stage a coup d'etat.

    Maj-Gen Pairoj was released on bail after being questioned, as Sgt-Maj Chakrit did not clearly implicate him in the alleged plot.

    The two other suspects were sent to the Military Court's detention facility in Nakhon Pathom province.

    Investigators will ask Sgt-Maj Chakrit to re-enact what he allegedly confessed tomorrow. CSD chief Pol Maj-Gen Aswin Khwanmuang said he expected police to conclude their investigation in two weeks. The case would then be referred to the public attorney.


  9. :D

    nation online 8.9.2006



    Top general said to be mastermind

    Accused says 4 senior officers targeted PM over 'damage he's caused nation'

    One of three military personnel linked to the alleged car-bomb plot to kill the caretaker prime minister turned himself in to police yesterday and said four other senior officers were behind the plot.

    Police said Sgt-Major Chakhrit Janthara told them a four-star general masterminded the murder plot against Thaksin Shinawatra for "having damaged the country".

    Citing what they described as Chakhrit's 10-page written confession, police said three other officers were involved in the murder plot - a Maj-General Sor, a Maj-General Tor and a Colonel Bor, all assigned to the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc). Chakhrit was also at Isoc.

    Police did not say whether Chakhrit had specified whether the alleged mastermind was assigned to Isoc.

    Three Army personnel, including Chakhrit, surrendered to police yesterday. Combined with Chakhrit's implication of four other officers, as well as the two officers currently in military custody, the total number of military personnel allegedly involved in the plot has grown to nine.

    General Pallop Pinmanee, a deputy Isoc director who was sacked on August 24, the day police intercepted the Daewoo sedan loaded with explosives, said he would not comment on Chakhrit's statement in regard to the "mastermind" issue.

    Excluding Chakhrit, who is the most junior of the military personnel in custody, no other officers have cooperated with police.

    Citing "Chakhrit's confession", police said the non-commissioned officer had proposed shooting Thaksin, but Colonel Suraphol Supradit, who surrendered himself yesterday morning shortly after Maj-General Phairoj Theerapharb, said "the mastermind" wanted to use explosives.

    Following is what police cited from Chakhrit's confession: Chakhrit and Suraphol later argued over the use of the bomb and its violent impact, but Suraphol finally insisted that "Hundreds of people may die from the bomb, but to save all 65 million Thai people, the Thaksin regime has to go."

    Suraphol ordered Chakhrit to buy the Daewoo sedan, which was intercepted by police on August 24 and found loaded with explosives, from a used-car dealer. Chakhrit had the car painted bronze at a garage in the Ratchadaphisek area.

    The car was later loaded with bomb materials, though Chakhrit was not involved. Chakhrit received several payments of Bt100,000 to pay for the operation.

    He said Supaphol ordered him to find a spot for the Daewoo at the Air Force Terminal at Don Muang airport on August 9, but he was asked to leave by an Air Force military policeman while waiting for the driver to park the car.

    Chakhrit said he was going to return to the airport the next day, when Thaksin was scheduled to fly to Cambodia, but the plan was postponed due to poor planning.

    On August 24, Lt Thawatchai Klinchana was ordered to drive the Daewoo near Bang Phlat Intersection, and Lt-Colonel Manas Sudprasert, the second suspect arrested on Tuesday, was to wait with a remote-controlled detonator. Chakhrit said he did not go to the scene and did not know why the remote control unit did not work.

    After the sedan was intercepted and found loaded with explosives, Suraphol ordered Manas to use Plan B, which was to kill Thaksin in an ambush using Russian-made Rocket Propelled Grenades or US-made M-79 rounds, but police identified the team members before the plot could be carried out.

    Chakhrit claimed "the mastermind and executive operators" also had a Plan C, the staging of a military coup, if Plan B failed.

    A police source said Chakhrit had decided to reveal all of this information because he feared he might be "silenced" by people familiar with the plot.

    Speaking after Chakhrit was arrested, Central Investigation Bureau commander Lt-General Montree Jamroon said Chakhrit had confessed to all charges police had pressed against him. "The jigsaw puzzle is nearly complete, but I can tell you nothing about what he has said," Montree added.

    Chakhrit was the first military staffer to surrender to police on Wednesday when he walked into the Crime Suppression Division (CSD) headquarters. He was questioned by police in the presence of military officers from the Judge Advocate Corps.

    Maj-General Phairoj was the second to surrender. He arrived at the CSD compound in a van at 8.10am, ahead of the 10am deadline set by police for the suspects to surrender. He was escorted inside and had no chance to speak to waiting reporters.

    Colonel Suraphol was the last to show up, shortly after 10am. He told reporters, "You go ask my bosses", when asked to explain his role in the alleged assassination plot.

    All three officers have been charged with six criminal offences, as have Thawatchai, the driver of the Daewoo sedan, and Lt-Colonel Manas, who has been in military custody since his arrest on Tuesday.

    The Bangkok military court accepted a police recommendation not to release the three on bail. They were later brought back to the CSD compound and kept separately in detention facilities before police began questioning them.


    what (?) khon ... are can do good??




  10. It also reported that the family had paid bail of US$6,000 (€4,667) and then a second payment of €5,000 (US$6,430), without securing his release.
    I filed that under “false newspaper reports”.




    r u shure ??

    for a half mill baht things can happen quickly.

    i listen :o they give him some "extra"...

    but... who know's



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