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Posts posted by lung

  1. Hello Lung ,

    have done the trip as well, but PoiPet is a very ugly place and the price you mentioned only experienced traveller will get.

    You also forgot to include the taxi fee to n from busterminal in Aran.

    At the border the min you pay is THB 1000.- , but you will be ask for more.

    The VisaRun run companies exist because they take care of all the paperwork and nowadays they go to a hasslefree place where you are not bothered.

    The cost of THB 1,800.- to 2000.- seems very fair to me.

    :D this is correct...

    after i look around i will try the ON-NUT > bang laem? :D the 1800er trip :D

    i only verry :D with the khaosan-tours... :o

    everytime! time some problem...

  2. :o


    nation 27.04.2006


    HM the King's April 26 speeches (unofficial translation)

    His Majesty addressed the Administrative and Supreme Courts' judges during separate Royal audience at Klai Kangwol Palace in Prachuap Khiri Khan on Tuesday at 5.42pm.

    HM the King's speech to the Administrative Court's judges

    "Now, I will talk about the election. The court itself has the right to discuss the election, especially the candidates who received less than 20 per cent of the vote.

    Besides, some of them were the sole candidates in their constituencies, which is critical. The sole candidatures cannot lead to full membership in the House, because a sole candidate must have support from at least 20 per cent.

    Is this issue relevant to you? In fact, it should be. The issue of the solecandidacy elections is important because they will never fulfil the quorum. If the House is not filled by elected candidates, the democracy cannot function. If this is the case, the oaths you have just sworn in would be invalid. You have sworn to work for democracy. If you cannot do it, then you may have to resign. You must find ways to solve the problem.

    When referring the case to the Constitution Court, the court said it was not their jurisdiction. The Constitution Court said they're in charge of drafting the Constitution and their job was finished after completing the draft.

    I ask you not to neglect democracy, because it's a system that enables the country to function.

    Another point is whether it was right to dissolve the House and call for snap polls within 30 days. There was no debate about this. If it's not right, it must be corrected.

    Should the election be nullified? You have the right to say what's appropriate or not. If it's not appropriate, it is not to say the government is not good. But as far as I'm concerned, a oneparty election is not normal. The one candidate situation is undemocratic.

    When an election is not democratic, you should look carefully into the administrative issues. I ask you to do the best you can. If you cannot do it, then it should be you who resign, not the government, for failing to do your duty. Carefully review the vows you have made.

    I heard on the radio this morning about the case in Noppitam subdistrict in Tha Sala district in Nakhon Si Thammarat province. It is not the only case. There are other places [where there were election problems] that can cause the collapse of the country. The nation cannot survive if the situation runs contrary to the law.

    Therefore, I ask you to carefully study whether you can make a point on this issue. If not, you had better resign. You have been tasked with this duty. You are knowledgeable. You must make the country function correctly. Otherwise, you must have a discussion with the Supreme Court judges who will come in later. Conduct your discussions with people based on knowledge, honesty and faith in your duty to resolve this situation. The country should function according to the law.

    I will be grateful if you look into the issue. Otherwise, it will cause a problem, because without the House of Representatives, there won't be democracy. We have many types of courts and councils, and every one of them must work together to find solutions.

    What I'm saying may seem a bit strange, but I have to urge you. Otherwise people will cite Article 7 of the Constitution. I affirm that Article 7 does not empower the King to make a unilateral decision. It talks about the constitutional monarchy but does not give the King power to do anything he wishes. If the King did so, he would overstep his duty. I have never overstepped this duty. Doing so would be undemocratic.

    They refer to the government under Prime Minister Sanya Dharmasakti. Then, I did not overstep this duty. At that time, we had a parliament but the House Speaker was away. The Deputy House Speaker countersigned according to the Constitution. At that time, the prime minister was not Royally appointed. It was not against the Constitution.

    Installing a Royally appointed prime minister means appointing a prime minister without any rules. At that time, Professor Sanya was appointed as prime minister, but a Deputy House Speaker legally countersigned for his appointment.

    Go review the history. You are knowledgeable people. You know the guidelines and the principles.

    At that time, other councils, even the Sapha Sanam Ma [the National Convention of 1973] that people laughed at, didn't breach the law because Mr Sanya was countersigned for. I was content because it was according to the Constitution's guidelines.

    But this time, they will violate the Constitution. I don't know who told them to do so. I myself feel that it's not right. I am asking you to think and act in a way that will not violate the Constitution's guidelines, to help the nation get through these obstacles and prosper.

    HM the King's speech to Supreme Court's judges

    Now, there was an election in order to ensure democracy. But if Parliament lacks a quorum, it is not democratic. Please consult with the people who govern the country. Please consult with the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, the Criminal Court and with other courts as well. It will help the country be governed by democratic rule. Do not wait for a Royally appointed prime minister because that would not be democracy.

    I have suffered a lot. Whatever happens, people call for a Royally appointed prime minister, which would not be democracy. If you cite Article 7 of the Constitution, it is an incorrect citation. You cannot cite it. Article 7 has two lines: whatever is not stated by the Constitution should follow traditional practices. But asking for a Royally appointed prime minister is undemocratic. It is, pardon me, a mess. It is irrational.

    You are Supreme Court judges with clear heads that can think of a method to work this out. The administration must have a House with a full quorum. If not, it would not be functional. I feel that maybe finding a way to establish a House which lacked a quorum would be messing up. I want to apologise again for using the word "mess". I have no idea who messed up. You cannot administrate the country by messing up. You cannot think in haste and pass the buck to the King, which is worse than messing things up in other areas, because the King has no authority. Please help the court to think. Now the public pins their hope on the courts, especially the Supreme Court, but other courts as well. The people say that the court is still honest and knowledgeable because the judges have learned about the law and scrutinise them carefully so the country survives. If you do not follow legal principles, correct administration principles, the country will not survive as it is today, because there are not enough MPs to fill the quorum of 500. It cannot function. You have to consider how to work this out. You cannot ask the King to make a decision saying that the King has signed his signature. Article 7 does not say that the King has that authority. It does not.

    Look at Article 7. The article does not say that a constitutional monarchy means the King has the authority to make an order. I insist that I have never issued any orders without basing them on directives of the articles of the Constitution, laws and Acts. I strictly and correctly have complied with the Constitution.

    People have asked for a Royally appointed prime minister, but there is not a rule for this; a prime minister is correctly Royally endorsed every time. There may be people who say that King Rama IX likes to do what he wants, but I have never done that.

    Since I became King, there have been several rewritings of the Constitution over several decades. I have never acted on a whim. If I had done that, the country would have sunk a long time ago. Now they ask me to act on a whim. If I do what I am asked to do, they will lambaste and gossip about the King, saying that he acts on a whim. I am not afraid. If I had to, I would do it, but I do not have to.

    Supreme Court judges have the right to tell the other courts - the Constitution Court and the Administrative Court. There is no restriction on the Supreme Court. Judges have the right to speak out and make a ruling, therefore I would like to ask you to consider, consult with other judges of other courts such as the Administrative Court, about how to work it out and do it quickly. Otherwise the country will collapse.

    I was watching TV awhile ago; a ship weighing several thousand tons was hit by a storm and sank 4,000 metres under the sea. They still have yet to find the cause why the ship sank. Thailand will sink more than 4,000 metres under the sea. Irretrievable. We would not be able to rescue it. So you would also sink, and innocent people would also sink below the ocean.

    Now this is the worst crisis to have hit the world. You have the duty to perform and consult with the people who are informed. People call to "rescue the nation". Whatever they do, they call "rescue the country''. What do you rescue? The country has not sank yet. We have to prevent it from sinking, we do not have to rescue it. You have to think carefully how to solve this problem. If you can, please consult with each other.

    Actually, people across the country and around the world will rejoice and see that the Supreme Court judges are still competent and knowledgeable and have the willingness to retrieve the country when it is time to do so.

    Thank you everyone who has the willingness to perform their duty correctly, so that the country survives and does not need to be rescued. Thank you for trying to carry out your duties well; people will be grateful. Thank you on behalf of the people, everyone in the country, for being strong Supreme Court judges. Thank you for performing your duties well. Be strong in your fight for righteousness and justice in the country. Thank you.


    i think ... > new election :D


    viva la :D

  3. why not go otherwhere ??

    mae sot ... or so (burma or malaysia)

    "stamps" they make shure.have old space in passport.

    but the cambodia-sticker + 4stamps!

    shure you got trouble :o

    new EU-PASS about 1-2 month... :D , take 48pages

    my 32'er was good for 2year :D


  4. :D

    now he is verry buzy...


    Thaksin files defamation suit against Sondhi again

    By Phoojadkarn Daily 4 April 2006 23:08

    Caretaker PM Thaksin Shinawatra is once again suing staunch critic Sondhi Limthongkul for defamation. His lawyer, Chatree Tharipassaro, filed a suit to that effect at the Criminal Court on Ratchadaphisek road yesterday.

    The plaintiff’s complaint is that during the anti-Thaksin demonstrations from March 6 to 24 Sondhi, one of the key leaders of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD), used PAD’s stage to publicly make several false statements sullying his [Thaksin’s] reputation.

    The complaint refers to Sondhi’s statement that there was no other prime minister on earth who bought people’s love with money (like Thaksin did), spending up to 300 million baht to hire illiterate people to support him and his Thai Rak Thai party (TRT) at their rally in Sanam Luang March 3.

    The lawsuit also refers to Sondhi’s claim on March 10 that he had been secretly informed by a high-ranking military officer that Thaksin had hired gunmen to assassinate him.

    On March 13, Sondhi had said that his ‘Save the Nation’ stage in Phuket was burnt by subordinates of the square-faced man (Thaksin) and on March 16, he had claimed Thailand was the only country on earth that had a madman as a prime minister, the plaintiff alleged. Also, the media firebrand is quoted as saying on March 22 that the nation was facing a disaster because the government’s leader was completely obsessed with black magic.

    The plaintiff deposed that all of these statements by Sondhi were false and made to intentionally slander and discredit him [Thaksin] and petitioned the court to force the defendant to publish the court’s judgement on this case in seven newspapers for seven days.

    The court has accepted the case and will hold a preliminary inquiry at 9.30am today.



    Thaksin sues 'The Nation' for misleading report

    BANGKOK, April (TNA) - Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Tuesday asked his lawyer to file a lawsuit for defamation against the publisher of an English-language newspaper for a misleading report but the suit demanded no compensation from the paper.

    Mr. Thaksin was upset with the Nation for reporting that the Privy Council removed him from chairmanship of the committee overseeing preparations to celebrate the 60th anniversary of His Majesty the King's ascension to the throne, according to Chalermkiart Saikaew, the lawyer.

    Mr. Chalermkiart said the Privy Council did not remove the caretaker prime minister from the position as reported on the newspaper's front page on March 20.

    ''We have evidence from the Privy Council which confirms that it did not hold a meeting to remove the prime minister from the position as reported by the paper. This misleading report has damaged the prime minister's reputation and he wishes to sue the newspaper but he demands no compensation,'' the lawyer explained.

    Asked if the prime minister would sue his critics, the lawyer provided no direct explanation. He said it depended on what his client wanted to do with them, but he did not elaborate.



  5. :D

    NOW it's to late...




    Thaksin Resigns as Thailand's Prime Minister (Update3)

    April 4 (Bloomberg) -- Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said he will step down as premier after his declared victory in a weekend election failed to resolve a political standoff that crippled his government.

    Thaksin, 56, speaking in a live television broadcast at a press conference in Bangkok tonight, said he will stay on as interim prime minister until a new leader is chosen. He met with the country's King Bhumibol Adulyadej this afternoon.

    ``I'm convinced that what I've done as prime minister was the best I could do,'' Thaksin said. Quoting words King Bhumibol Adulyadej has said in the past, he said: ``If we keep competing with each other at the end the loser is the country.''

    Thaksin, Thailand's most popular prime minister since the country started electing its leaders in 1932, called snap polls three years early to secure his mandate amid mounting protests against his rule in the capital, Bangkok. Criticism of his rule grew after his family made a tax-free $1.9 billion selling its stake in telecommunications group Shin Corp. on Jan. 23. Thaksin last night declared victory with some 60 percent of the vote and vowed to do ``whatever it takes,'' including resign, to resolve the crisis.

    He thanked the 16 million who voted for him in snap polls last weekend and apologized to them. He said it was time for all to show unity.

    Protest Letter

    Thaksin said the People's Alliance for Democracy, which has organized regular protests against Thaksin in the capital, Bangkok, since late January, said in a letter delivered to him this afternoon they would end their demonstrations if he quit.

    Elected prime minister in January 2001, Thaksin was the only leader to have completed a four-year term since the abolition of the kingdom's absolute monarchy in 1932. He won a second term in February last year when his party captured a record 375 seats out of 500 in the lower house of parliament, delivering the first absolute majority in the country's history.

    The premier said last night that if he stepped down, he would be replaced by another member of his party, naming his deputy Bhokin Bhalakula, Speaker of the House in the recently dissolved parliament, and Commerce Minister Somkid Jatusripitak as two of four potential leaders. He did not name any successor tonight.

    Government Scholarship

    The son of a coffee shop owner and one of 10 children, Thaksin grew up in a village near Chiang Mai, Thailand's second- largest city.

    He won a government scholarship to study in the U.S. in 1974, emerging with a master's and doctorate in criminal justice from Eastern Kentucky University in Lexington, Kentucky, and Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, respectively.

    Returning to Thailand in 1980 as a high-ranking police officer, he started several small businesses and came close to bankruptcy. He accumulated his first fortune through Shinawatra Computer Co., which supplied International Business Machines Corp. mainframes to government departments.

    In 1990, Thaksin won one of two mobile-phone concessions and the following year was awarded an exclusive satellite franchise. From there, he built the country's largest business conglomerate, with communications, banking, transport and real estate units.

    A lawmaker since 1994, Thaksin served under different governments as foreign affairs minister and a deputy prime minister responsible for traffic and transportation. He set up his own party in 1998 -- Thai Rak Thai, or Thais Love Thais -- winning office three years later.


    he look's soo... :D


  6. only for the STATS...

    bak THAKSIN >>


    APPOINTED March 11, 2005

    BIRTH DATE/PLACE July 26,1949 / Chiangmai Province

    RELIGION Buddhism

    MARITAL STATUS Married with Khunying Potjaman Shinawatra (Damapong)

    # EDUCATION BACKGROUND 1973 - Graduated from the Police Cadet Academy in Thailand

    # 1975 - Master Degree in Criminal Justice, Eastern Kentucky University, U.S.A.

    # 1978 - Doctorate Degree in Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University, U.S.A.

    # EXPERIENCES 1973-1987 - Joined the Royal Thai Police Department and was promoted to Police Lieutenant Colonel in 1987. Last position was Deputy Superintendent of the Policy and Planning Sub-division, General Staff Division, Metropolitan Police Bureau

    # 1987-1994

    - Started Shinawatra Computer and Communications Group

    - Chairman of Shinawatra Computer and Communications Group

    # POLITICAL APPOINTMENT Novermber 2,1994 - February 10, 1995 - Minister of Foreign Affiairs

    # May 28, 1995 to November 18, 1996 - Leader of the Palang Dharma Party

    # July 20, 1995 to August 14,1996 - Deputy Prime Minister (in charge of traffic and transportation in Bangkok)

    # August 15,1997 to November 14, 1997 - Deputy Prime Minister

    # July 14,1998 - present - Established the Thai Rak Thai Party and Leader of Thai Rak Thai Party

    # January 6,1998 to February 9, 2001 - Member of the Parliament (Party List)

    # February 9,2001 - The 23rd Prime Minister of Thailand

    # March 11, 2005 - The 24rd Prime Minister of Thailand

    # SOCIAL ROLES 20 September 1993

    - Found the THAICOM Foundation, (initiating the satellite education program for young children in remote areas unable to continue their education at the secondary school level)

    - Vice Chairman of the THAICOM Foundation

    # 1994 - present - Chairman of the Advisory Committee of Pre-Cadet Class 10 & Police Cadet Class 26

    # September 12,1998 - President of the Northerners' Association of Thailand

    # February 9, 1999 - Honorary Chairman of the Northern Thai Association of Washington, D.C., U.S.A

    # June 28, 1999 - Honorary Advisor of the Thai Northerners Association of Illinois, U.S.A.

    # AWARDS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1992 - Awarded the "1992 ASEAN Businessman of the Year" from the ASEAN Institute, Indonesia

    # 1992 - Awarded the "Kiattiyod Jakdao" in Economical Development from the Committee of the Armed forces Preparatory School Foundation

    # 1994

    - The "1993 Outstanding Telecom Man of the year Award"

    - Honored as 1 of 12 Leading Asian Businessmen by the Singapore Business Times

    - One of the finalists of the Asian CEO of the year selected by the Financial World

    - Invited as the first Thai and third fellow to attend the "Lee Kuan Yew Exchange Fellowship" program

    # 1996

    - Received the "Outstanding Criminal Justice Alumnus Award" from the Criminal Justice Center, Sam Houston State University

    - Honored the "Distinguished Alumni Award" from Sam Houston State University

    # 1997 - Received the Honorary Award as the Outstanding Politician (who has contributed significantly to the society) from the Mass Media Photographer Association of Thailand (MPA)

    # March 29 to April 4, 1998 - Attended the Special Visitor Program as Special Guest of the Australian Government

    # November 8 to November 11, 1999 - Special Guest of the Chinese People's Institute Foreign Affairs, the People's Republic of China

    # ROYAL DECORATIONS 2002 - Knight Commander (Second Class, lower grade) of the Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao

    # 2002 - The Most Blessed Order Of Setia Negara Brunei (P.S.N.B.)

    # 2001 - Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Admirable Order of the Direkgunabhorn

    # 1996 - Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant

    # 1995 - Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand


  7. C.A.T. lines are jammed up...

    I can't call overseas....

    but that's ok.... SPREAD THE WORD EVERYBODY!!

    thanks for info


    6times again... and i pay per connection (60baht in 2h) :o


    ok.. :D but only today...

  8. the nation 1 minute ago!


    I will not accept post of premier in the next government : Thaksin

    Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra announced on Tuesday that he will not take premiership in the next government. He said his decision is aimed at restoring unity in the country.

    He apologised to 16 million people who voted for him in the April 12 election.

    A main reason of his decision is that the country is celebrating HM the King's 60th anniversary on the throne, Thaksin said.

    However he will remain in the position as caretaker prime minister until the Parliament select the new prime minister.

    The Nation



  9. :o

    ok... one more from

    the nation


    PM abuse rampant on spoiled ballots

    It may have been expressed in many different ways but the intriguing message that election officials came across while counting votes in Sunday's election was too common to be dismissed as a natural mistake.

    Among the more than 1 million invalid ballots counted as

    of yesterday were an unknown number that were disqualified because voters chose to spell

    out their dislike of caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

    The most prevalent messages on the invalid ballots, according to vote counters, were "Thaksin get out" and "Thaksin, you are evil".

    Other messages, some conveyed in just one short sentence and others occupying almost the entire ballot, contained vulgar abuse and profanities. Besides written messages, many voters drew funny pictures, including a square-faced cartoon character, apparently aimed at mocking Thaksin, according to election officials.

    A voter, who wanted to be identified only as Nok, told The Nation she intentionally wrote down on the ballot "Thaksin, you are the worst of all evil" although she knew it would make her vote invalid.

    "I just wanted to show that I no longer want him as prime minister," she said.

    As of yesterday, the Election Commission (EC) estimated the invalid ballots from Sunday's election would exceed 1 million or about 3 per cent of the overall figure of eligible voters. The tally is a record breaker since Thailand first introduced elections under a democratic regime more than half a century ago.

    An election official in Phichit province confirmed yesterday that many ballots he counted contained the same hand-written message "Thaksin get out".

    "Other ballots were marked too many times or randomly crossed all over," said the official.

    In Phitsanulok, a polling official said he also saw anti-Thaksin messages written on ballots while manning a vote-counting centre on Sunday night.

    "I saw "Thaksin get out" on many ballots. Some others wrote "Hate square-faced man", the official said.

    The director of the EC provincial office in Yala, Varothai Naewbantad, said a large number of voters made their ballots invalid by intentionally writing on them.

    "They just wrote down what they wanted. Some messages were way too rude to be disclosed," he said.

    Varothai said this had never happened before and the number of invalid ballots in Yala in past elections was remarkably low as voters had a good understanding of politics and the election process.

    Director of the EC provincial office in Chachoengsao, Chukiat Rojanapinan, said the record of invalid ballots in all constituencies of the province exceeded 10 per cent, the highest in its history.

    "In the last election, we had 3.6 per cent of invalid ballots. But this time, it is clear that voters intended to make their ballots invalid," he said.


    one more election :D

    and they will got it :D


  10. :o

    not forgot this one's



    At least 38 constituencies in 15 provinces, mostly in the South, will see by-elections after the Thai Rak Thai candidates running unopposed failed to get votes from at least 20 per cent of the eligible voters, Election Commission secretary-general Ekkachai Warunprapha said yesterday.

    The provinces are Krabi (three constituencies), Chumphon (2), Trang (3), Nakhon Si Thammarat (5), Narathiwat (3), Prachuap Khiri Khan (1), Pattani (2), Phang Nga (1), Phatthalung (2), Phuket (2), Yala (2), Songkhla (7), Satun (1), Surat Thani (3) and Phetchaburi (1).



    good night


  11. :o

    and from REUTERS.co.uk

    Thai PM claims election victory


    BANGKOK (Reuters) - Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra claimed victory on Monday in Thailand's snap election that failed to resolve a political crisis and he promised to set up an eminent persons group to find a way out of the mess.

    Thaksin, accused of corruption and abuse of power by street campaigners trying to oust him, said he would step down if that was what the group of former judges, university chiefs and prime ministers recommended.

    Nursing a political bloody nose after a poll boycotted by the main opposition parties, Thaksin said on a television talk show his party won more than half the vote in Sunday's election.

    But he said votes for his party had dropped from 19 million at the last general election in February 2005 to 16 million and that 10 million voters had voted to abstain -- effectively a vote against him -- or for minor parties with no chance.

    "I want reconciliation for the country. I will do anything," he said. "I have retreated so many steps that my back is against the wall.

    Appearing calm at the end of a day of confusion caused by the Election Commission's slowness in releasing results, Thaksin's tally released him from a promise to resign if his Thai Rak Thai (TRT) party won less than half the vote.

    The election, which Thaksin's promise turned into an effective referendum on his leadership, guaranteed constitutional chaos in the absence of the reconciliation with opposition parties and street campaigners he sought.

    The Election Commission (EC) said 38 of 400 constituencies had failed to secure a winner, leaving empty seats in parliament and making it impossible for him to form a new government.

    The EC said it would hold by-elections in the empty seats, which are in the opposition-dominated south, but there is no guarantee that at the second-attempt TRT candidates will get the 20 percent of eligible votes needed to win in uncontested seats.


    Nationwide tallies trickled out at a snail's pace throughout the day, but results for Bangkok delivered an early blow to the Thaksin, a telecoms billionaire, showing TRT had lost to the abstentions vote by 50.1 percent to 45.9.

    A year ago, it won 32 constituencies in the capital.

    The political crisis has taken its toll on the economy, paralysing business decision-making and sapping the stock market, Southeast Asia's worst performer of the year.

    Bangkok's bourse did rise slightly as foreign investors saw a chance to buy cheaply, but the baht inched lower as the lack of a clear resolution emerged and Thaksin hinted his patience might snap if street protesters failed to accept the results.

    "It's time to bring law and order," he told reporters after voting with his children, whose tax-free $1.9 billion (1.1 billion pound) sale of the telecoms empire he founded galvanised the street campaign in January.

    There was no immediate response to Thaksin's promise of an eminent persons group from the opposition parties or from the leaders of a street campaign which has wearied many Bangkok residents with its constant protests.

    Analysts say a post-election break before street protests are due to resume on Friday could provide a cooling-off period for talks between Thaksin and his opponents, an ad hoc coalition called the People's Alliance for Democracy.

    Some voters in Bangkok disagreed. "Most people don't trust elections any more," said businessman Ponganan Limprajikul, 32. "I think there will be more protests. More people will come out to join the protests and they could become more emotional."

    (Additional reporting by Nopporn Wong-Anan and Bill Tarrant in BANGKOK and Chawadee Nualkhair in PATTANI)


    viva la ? :D

  12. ufff... just on BBC..


    Thaksin claims Thai election win

    Thaksin Shinawatra

    Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra says his party won more than 50% of the votes in Sunday's snap election.

    He said he won 16 million voters, down from 19 million last year, though official results are not yet available.

    There were indications of a big protest vote against Mr Thaksin, who called the snap election in a bid to end weeks of instability over claims he is corrupt.

    Mr Thaksin said he would set up a committee to look into the crisis, and would resign if it asked him to.

    Speaking on live television he said his Thai Rak Thai party had won 349 seats, down from 377 a year ago.

    "Last year we got Grade A, now it's Grade B," he said. "There's no difference, we've still passed the examination."

    'Solve the problem'

    Before Sunday's election, Mr Thaksin said he would resign if he did not win more than half of the vote.

    The opposition - who have called for Mr Thaksin to resign, accusing him of corruption and abuse of power - had refused to put up candidates in more than half of the constituencies in protest at the election.

    Mr Thaksin said that he planned to set up an independent committee of eminent people to consider a way out of the country's political crisis.

    "If the committee asks that I resign, then I will, if that will solve the problem," he told the political talk show.



  13. :o

    ufff... just on BBC..


    Thaksin claims Thai election win

    Thaksin Shinawatra

    Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra says his party won more than 50% of the votes in Sunday's snap election.

    He said he won 16 million voters, down from 19 million last year, though official results are not yet available.

    There were indications of a big protest vote against Mr Thaksin, who called the snap election in a bid to end weeks of instability over claims he is corrupt.

    Mr Thaksin said he would set up a committee to look into the crisis, and would resign if it asked him to.

    Speaking on live television he said his Thai Rak Thai party had won 349 seats, down from 377 a year ago.

    "Last year we got Grade A, now it's Grade B," he said. "There's no difference, we've still passed the examination."

    'Solve the problem'

    Before Sunday's election, Mr Thaksin said he would resign if he did not win more than half of the vote.

    The opposition - who have called for Mr Thaksin to resign, accusing him of corruption and abuse of power - had refused to put up candidates in more than half of the constituencies in protest at the election.

    Mr Thaksin said that he planned to set up an independent committee of eminent people to consider a way out of the country's political crisis.

    "If the committee asks that I resign, then I will, if that will solve the problem," he told the political talk show.


    uffff........ :D

  14. :o

    fresh from the NATION



    A belligerent Thaksin had vowed not to return to office if the "no votes" plus votes for smaller parties beat pro-Thai Rak Thai votes nationwide. According to the sources, the exit polls conducted by the party showed that Thai Rak Thai's 19 million votes in the last election could plunge to 15 million this time.

    "The leaders are still shocked and the party's mood is tense," said a party source. "They had expected a high turnout of 'no votes' but never thought it would be this high."

    Among Thai Rak Thai Bangkok candidates facing humiliation by "no votes" are Pongpisut Jintasopon (Constituency 7), Sita Tiwari (Constituency 8) and Pimon Srivikorn (Constituency 18).

    There is also concern that even in the Thai Rak Thai strongholds of the North and Northeast, large numbers of "no votes" in inner city areas will embarrass the party.

    With no exit polls, officials did not expect a full picture of the returns until some time today.


    then sleeping first ... and wait.... :D


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