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Posts posted by lung

  1. :D:D

    i want a big doener kebap. not this copie from khaossarnnn...

    and "schwarzwaelder kirschtorte" (i don't know in english,sorry) is a cake...

    ok... i like all kind of cake... but they not have some good...


    now i go eat RAD NAA , i not really like but on this time have only

    7eleven or >>> RAD NAA


  2. SAMUI MURDER: Couple give ‘very useful’ information

    Published on January 08, 2006

    Tourists who found victim’s phone go back to island to assist investigation. A couple who are possibly the last people to have seen the murdered Katherine Horton alive yesterday gave police “very useful” information, which the authorities believe will help lead them to the Welshwoman’s killers. Britons Chris and Gill Burrows identified themselves to Samui police as the ones who had found the mobile phone believed to have belonged to Horton.

    Chris Burrows said that after finishing their holiday on the resort island they had flown back to Bangkok, where they read a newspaper report stating that police wanted to contact a middle-aged couple who had found a cell phone on Samui’s Lamai beach on the night of the murder.

    After contacting Bangkok police, the couple immediately flew back to Samui to assist in the local investigation.

    Burrows said he and his wife had seen a young woman coming along the beach and talking on a mobile phone some time after 8pm on New Year’s Day. They were walking in a southerly direction and passed the woman, believed to be the murdered Welshwoman, walking north.

    He added that it had been a very dark night with no moon. When they were walking along Lamai beach, about 200 metres from the Buddy pub, the woman suddenly emerged from the shadows. She was chatting on the phone and seemingly very happy.

    He said there had been other people on the beach, about 15 to 20 metres away from them.

    After passing her, the couple walked towards the New Hut Bungalows, which is where Horton was staying at the time of her death. Minutes later they turned back, this time walking along the water’s edge.

    This was when they found an object, which turned out to be a black LG mobile phone, said Burrows, adding that he could not be sure exactly where they had found it.

    Samui police took them to Lamai beach last night, but Burrows said it had been impossible to give the precise location as the time and sea level had both been different from when they were there on January 1.

    Police were expected to try again last night at a time nearer to when the couple was strolling along the beach a week earlier.

    A senior police officer, who asked not to be identified, described the information they had received from the couple as “very useful”, though he said more time would be needed to verify what they had learned.

    Meanwhile, the results of DNA testing to compare the sperm found in Horton’s body with DNA samples from suspects are not yet complete.

    However, Pol Major Aswin Kwangmuang, deputy commander of central investigation, said initial results showed that the specimens from at least three men did not match the sperm.

    He hoped results from the other 26 samples would be available today.

    Aswin acknowledged that little progress had been made in the case so far but said police believed that more than one person had been involved in Horton’s murder.

    Arthit Khwankhom,

    Anan Paengnoy

    The Nation


    Under-strength Samui police turn to volunteers for security

    Published on January 08, 2006

    About 800 untrained volunteers from communities across Samui will patrol the island’s beaches to provide security for tourists and make up for the severe shortage of police officers. The 200-square-kilometre island has only 14 tourist police. During peak season it draws as many as 20,000 foreign tourists at a time. Samui also has about 200 local police, but this is not enough to provide security for an island that generates about Bt10 billion a year in tourism revenue, said mayor Warakorn Rattanarak.

    The island is also home to about 50,000 permanent residents, and more than 100,000 labourers live there for at least part of the year.

    Samui district chief Decha Kangsanant said he had ordered all village headmen to turn the 800 volunteers recruited to direct traffic during holidays into security guards.

    They will be divided into three groups for three shifts, from 9pm until 6am, Decha said.

    They will patrol the island’s beaches, including Lamai Beach, where Katherine Horton went missing on the night of January 1.

    The Welsh university student’s body was found floating off shore the next morning.

    “Nobody wants this kind of thing to happen. We all regret the case,” said Sa-nga Pongchababnapha, headman of Lamai village.

    “The most important thing to do right now is to regain the confidence of tourists.”

    Tourist Police commander Maj-General Panya Mamen said the security strategy for Koh Samui would be upgraded to the same level as that for Chiang Mai and Phuket. The northern city and southern island each have more than 20,000 volunteers to help tourist police.

    Panya said he could not shift more tourist police to Samui because there was a shortage of officers. There are only 1,000 for the entire country, he added.

    A course would be held on Samui soon for volunteers who want to help tourist police, he said.

    Panya said the island’s tourist police currently divided themselves into two shifts.

    Ruang-nam Jaikwang, president of the Samui Tourism Association, said the murder of Horton could damage the island’s tourism industry in the long term but so far there had been no cancellations.

    Anan Paengnoy,

    Arthit Khwankhom

    The Nation

    Koh Samui

  3. Police recover traces of sperm

    Published on January 07, 2006

    Evidence from slain tourist’s body being checked against DNA samples collected. A forensic examination of slain Welsh tourist Katherine Horton has found human sperm in her body, police said yesterday. DNA testing will be carried out on the sperm to see if it matches tissue samples taken from people who have been questioned by police investigating the young student’s murder.

    “Two human sperm samples were found, and police will conduct DNA tests to see if they match any of the DNA samples from the 14 men they have questioned,” said Royal Thai Police spokesman Lt-General Achiravit Supanpesat.

    Six of the 14 men are foreigners. The results of the DNA matching are expected this afternoon, he said.

    Achiravit was not able to say whether the sperm could provide any substantial indication that she had been raped.

    Horton, 21, a psychology student from Reading University, Cardiff, was attacked near the bungalow where she had spent her New Year’s holiday with friends on Lamai Beach on the famous resort island of Koh Samui on the night of January 1. Her body was found floating in the sea a few kilometres away on January 2.

    Police said Horton had been hit several times on the head and body with a blunt object and thrown into the sea to drown. She was talking to her mother on her mobile phone when the attack took place, and her mother reported hearing her scream before the call was cut off.

    An informed source said yesterday police had produced a sketch of a foreigner who reportedly found Horton’s mobile phone and passed it to a restaurant waitress, who later gave it to investigators.

    “Police have questioned the waitress, and she claims a foreigner speaking with an Italian accent gave it to her on the night of the murder after finding it somewhere,” the source said.

    The waitress works at the Buddy restaurant about 200 metres from New Hut resort, where Horton was staying on the night she was killed, and is among those facing intense questioning, the source said.

    Meanwhile, police said they had released four male workers at a nearby resort after detaining them for questioning on Thursday night as part of the investigation.

    Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday said the culprits had to be brought to justice “dead or alive”.

    “This crime is severely detrimental to the country. The culprits must be brought to justice dead or alive. There is no place for them in this country,” he said.

    BRITISH BACKPACKER’S DEATH: Murder remains mystery

    Published on January 07, 2006

    Police looking for couple phone will lead to couple who may have information on the slain woman. After celebrating Christmas with her family in Britain, Welsh university student Katharine Horton, 21, came to Thailand to spend the New Year holiday with her best friend Ruth Adams. Neither of them was aware that it would be the last great time they would have together. On December 31, Horton and Adams met a group of four Western men while on a ferry from Surat Thani to the resort island of Samui.

    The girls and their new acquaintances decided to stay at the same beachfront bungalow resort.

    A few hours after checking in at the New Hut resort, the group took a boat to Koh Pha-ngan to join that island’s countdown party, which is famous among tourists along with its monthly full-moon parties.

    They returned to their bungalows the following morning. Amnuay Detchna, manager of the New Hut resort, remembers seeing Horton have breakfast with Adams before going sunbathing and scuba diving in front of her room.

    Later in the day, Horton, Adams and the four men had dinner at the Ninja restaurant, just a few minutes away from New Hut bungalows. New Hut’s assistant manager Kamthorn Ruangsuk then spotted Horton sitting with two of the men on the beach in front of her room from about 10pm to 11pm.

    “I’m pretty sure it was her, but I am not sure which of the four guys it was, because I just saw them from behind, unlike the girl,” said Kamthorn.

    Horton’s body was found on Monday floating in the sea off Thong Krok Beach, about three kilometres from the bungalows.

    Amnuay also said he had seen the three sitting there at around 10pm.

    Police investigators, however, put the time of the attack at 9.43pm. They arrived at this time after examining Horton’s mobile phone and noting the time of a call between Horton and her mother, believed to have taken place immediately before the murder.

    Police found Horton’s mobile phone with a waitress identified only as Poo, who works at the Buddy pub and restaurant, a few hundred metres away from the New Hut resort. The waitress told police that a middle-aged Western couple had given it to her.

    Police are searching for the couple in the hope that they can find out where they found the phone and from there determine where the attack took place.

    Adams told police that Horton had received a call from a relative while sitting on the beach near their bungalow.

    While her friend strolled along the beach and chatted with her family, Adams returned to their bungalow and fell asleep. When she woke up she realised that Horton was missing.

    Horton’s mother Elizabeth told police that she had heard her daughter scream prior to the line going dead.

    “It was only a week ago that we took Kath and Ruth to Heathrow in a state of great excitement,” Ruth’s parents, Michael and Jenny Adams, of Bromley, Kent, said in a statement.

    Arthit Khwankhom,

    Anan Paengnoy

    The Nation


  4. :D

    day 2 ji-net unlimited...

    conection 8times.they cut me out and out and fatal error ...

    now i do some on the proxy... :D

    but then > unlimited... no cut...

    15days > 169baht...

    bevor KSC 7days 109baht never problem,3diff. number's..

    > cut off after 8hour's. but i think the best...

    bevor t-net 30days 335baht never problem > cut off after 3hour's !!!


  5. :D:D hmm...

    can somebody tell me how quick is maxnet 256/128 (590baht) now??

    i want to change...

    i currently use dial-up. have 45kbps and download so 5kbps (3-7) :D 10mb/30min

    online 10h a day. pay 500-600baht/month -- (with n-rich)


  6. ...

    ...some thaigay want to f... your girlfriend.

    what do you do?? :D

    maybe he a policeman and have a gun...


    thanks to -?- to put this there, the best memory...

    i want to make this long time before.i m not a cristian or an english,

    but in my country you get a cross

    when you have "only" an deadly accident with your car.

    but.... sorry ... i cant

    i was a bit to scared :o

    KAN forever

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