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Posts posted by SK1972

  1. Split - i am sure you can spend your half million easily before anything is ever cleaned up :o

    Brit - I was not indicating you or your wife in particular. I may have generalised as Split said and offended a few sensitive ones. You may have been lucky and found the needle in the haystack!! :D

    Life is not a bed of roses either.

  2. Splitlid - Once again, I have to say I didnt say every "tom dick and harry" farang in TH are bad. I did say it was predominently so in TH. I do admit I was generalising but who can blame me with what you see here. I am not afraid to speak my mind.

    I have been to outside Bangkok, many times as my husband's father has a house there with his TH wife.

    I work for an org joint-venturing with the TH govt to try to get the "less fortunate" women off the streets but from their attitude and character, it would seem a lost cause. (I said seem) There are a rare handful who seem to really want to try but are easily influenced by peer/parental pressure and the "lifestyle" of what foreigners can offer.

    I did not have any intention to flame the men here or make them become defensive or think they have to defend themselves. If one is happy and contented as they are, who gives a <deleted> what others think right???

  3. Well, Boo.........thanks for your comments. I never mentioned that all Thai women are bad. I do have Thai friends too. I said there were both sides to them as in every country. I said "WE " as in its a saying "we can lead a horse to water but we cant make it drink" Its a GENERAL saying, I never said the other farang women feel the same or agree with me. Just to let you know, "I" is usually not used in a general saying.Please read it properly before "flaming me".

    I have no idea what a citizen of the world is. Does that mean he has NO nationality or affiliation to any country? In exile?? I do understand that RC, Rod and yourself are old hands in this forum so you would know each other better. That doesnt mean you have to "flame" newbies who have their own opinions.

    I reiterate again that I did not say anyone has to agree with me. Its a free world and we are entitled to our opinions. Thats what a forum is for!!

    If you can see, "flaming" goes BOTH ways. Rod indicated what I said to be <deleted> and got a bit oversensitive about it. Read through all my postings and see whether I mentioned Thai women were prostitutes, I DID NOT. I think you all have confused me with someone else.


  4. Splitlid, yes I know Rod is entitled to his opinion. The way he expresses his opinions is as if everyone else in this forum is NOT entitled to their opinions. "<deleted>" would mean he is a typical Brit.........who are known to love TH and all its "wonderful offerings". Been to UK and loved it better than TH though............. :o

    Yes, I am in TH and have resided here for the past 2 years and travelled here for work the last 8 years. I am not a farang nor a Thai/Indian but an expat. In my line of work, I have seen too many "cases" to be not very pro-TH.

    Only a million dollars??? Just kidding :D

  5. BTW, to each their own opinion about TH depending on ..........each individuals wants and needs..maybe it be physical, emotional, self-esteem or career wise.

    We can lead a horse to water but we cannot make it drink..........no one is asking everyone to agree with our comments/opinions. :o

    One can ponder about it and make his own judgement/opinions and not get all bent out of shape about it.....touchy! :D

  6. Rod, maybe you should come back to REALITY and OPEN your eyes in Thailand.

    We never said ALL Thai women are bad. You may be surprised that there is a percentage of professional, overseas educated Thai women who have a syndicate to go out with farangs to....."upkeep" the lifestyle they are used to. One of my Thai friends is in this "group". That's her choice, I tell her my opinion and we are still friends. :o

    Like I said and reiterate, there are good and bad women/men everywhere..........just more predominent in less developed countries.

    P/S are you middle-aged?

  7. RC and Splitlid - I never said there were ONLY 2 kinds......but from what I see, thats how it seems. There are farang men who prefer farang women too. Who knows, you two could be unique!!! :D

    Every country has its "black sheep" but it just seems more prominent in the less developed countries. :D

    Elfe - I say NEVER as I am already happily married so no way....they dont appeal to me. Too narrow minded and old fashioned for my taste. Even the overseas educated ones.........they tend to fall back to their roots/upbringing sooner or later. :o Not from experience but from observation.....

  8. KL, well I think it is more "mindboggling" for you to think you know more about the Thai people as you and your lady are non-Thais. As monkeygirl seems to be Thai, I would think she would know more about her own country's culture and etc than you would. I must say I do agree with some of her comments, having seen it happen in REALITY more often that I would like to. :D

    I do agree with your comments that you would not want to date another Thai girl from experience.........see, some do learn from it instead of going on to the next one blindly!! Kudos for that! Unfortunately some never learn........ :o

    There are 2 kinds of farang men here.............one that denies he has ever been "conned" and go on thinking the next one may be different (which usually are not) ........................and the other who learn from it and stay way clear of the Thai women's antics :D

    As for someone's comments about foreign women preferring Thai men...........not me. I cant even imagine getting close to one let alone having a relationship with them. Well, thats my opinion.......I may get slated for this. :D

  9. Hi Britmaveric................yes a lot of things seem to "just happen" in TH doesnt it?

    It does help that the Thai women are very receptive towards newbie farang guys in TH................go figure!

    P/S I meant if the guy is unable to be more matured than to keep hinting that the person who has a differing opinion from him, the person is "offered an air ticket" to go home...............

  10. BTW, Khun Larry..............are you a 50-60 year old farang with a 25-35 year old Thai gf? Seems like it, only those kind gets very sensitive about what other women have to say about the Thai women. Monkeygirl has a right to say anything she wants as she IS Thai.

    KL, Do you really hate farang women so much?? From some bad experience? Is that why you came to TH? P/S This forum is FOR Farang women.....do you have confusion about your sexuality??

  11. I do agree with SOME of the things said by monkeygirl and boo. I am a non-Thai nor a farang. Whether the men want to admit it or not, its up to them. We cant force them so why try!!!

    Not every man in TH is bad, but it sure is hard to find ONE let alone a handful.

    Still note the "free ticket" offers going around ..............hehehehe........

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