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Posts posted by SK1972

  1. Dirtyrider.............maybe it would be best you married your gf legally and try to get her a visa from there. I doubt they are going to issue her a tourist visa now she is pregnant as they are sure she is NOT coming back!!

    You may be better off asking the British Embassy instead........they will give you precise information. It would be good to tell the the truth, that she is pregnant as it will be difficult to extend any visa (when she is there) if they found out you lied to them.....she is gonna "show" . I know one guy who lied to the Embassy and now he is unable to get a visa for his "wife" now. :o


    British Embassy

    1031 Wireless Road

    Lumpini, Pathumwan

    Bangkok 10330

    +66 (0) 2 305 8333 Main Embassy line

    You can also ask them about the procedures of getting married. Pretty simple though.

    Good luck and cheers! :D

  2. Sego.............I know your success rate!!! But I am not telling. :o

    JimBim......you can play bridge too!!! Be a man (kidding) :D

    Catat, let me modify your recipe..............

    Blue Kamikaze recipe

    5 oz Vodka

    1 oz Blue Curacao

    2 oz Lime Juice

    Crushed Ice

    Blend it all together and serve in a jug with shot glasses!!! YUMMY

  3. The Viking..........very harsh words. What has Shopgurl ever done to you? :D

    Sk1972- no worries love don't agree with some of your views, but never the less you are still liked. 

    Brit...no worries I am not here to "try to be liked" by every tom, dick or harry. I am not asking everyone to agree with me anyway. I don't agree with some postings here either but I don't make a big deal about it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. That is how the world revolves. There are too much <deleted> in the world for us to be fret about what people think about us. :o

    Like I said, one has to be happy and contented with oneself first in order to find true happiness. :D

    As you can see, I do like a little banter once in a while...... :D

    Shopgurl.........you can spell your nickname/user name as you how please! Go for it "gurl"!

  4. what i do dislike though SK1972 is you and your husbands strange views of Thai people.
    Mango........ever heard of freedom of speech and mind??? I have my reasons and they are justifiable. You don't know me nor what I have seen and experienced while working to help them, so who are you to say I am wrong in my views!! :o

    I will never say I disliked someone's views as I am sure they have their reasons. To each their own opinions and views. I can say for a fact that I am NOT the only one who has these views. Do you have a tendency to like ONLY those that share your views? :D

    I never said I disliked ALL Thai people. FYI, I happen to like many whom I have met here, including Shopgurl. :D

    Sas Cars......congrats on your 200th posting........and counting

    Shopgurl.....well said!!

    We all have our own personal views of notable achievements, some maybe less or more greater than the other.
  5. Catat, dont worry.........we will pull you "out from your shell"/shyness. When we do meet, some of the girls and I, we are quite boisterous!! :D

    Sego........dont get all big headed now ........ :o No revealing my height!!!

  6. Stinking Rich Or Humble Old You?, what do you like people to think?
    I dont think one should care very much about what others think....so long as you know yourself and are happy with yourself. If one always worries or obsesses about what others are thinking, they will never be happy.
    QUOTE (mango @ Mon 2004-10-11, 02:26:52)

    Back in the good old United Kingdom it's all about how much you have.

    How much your house is worth.

    What kind of car you drive.

    What clothes you wear.

    How much money you earn.

    Where and how often you go on holliday.

    The list could be endless.

    I dont find that at all when I lived in the UK.

  7. Why does it say "wives", not wives? Is someone lacking netiquette with using inappropiate innuendos? 

    Stroll.......why is it you pick on me with regards to "netiquette"....cant you be fair? I dare say the others have a lack of netiquette too if you read properly.....do you suffer from selective reading? :o ............

    What is so inappropriate whether I use "wives" or wives?? It is up to the INDIVIDUAL to perceive it. If the individual thinks negative then it becomes negative....if the individual thinks nothing of it then its positive........we cannot control how people think :D If its in your head, dont blame others for it! No one can control your brain.

    Stop being so sensitive and enjoy life! :D

  8. Crush, you must be very ignorant.....WE as in the people who read the forums...We also could be people I meet from the forum........did you really have to "think" to come up with that??? :o

    Pepe & Crush..........both of you MUST be related........one who lavishes his greedy in-laws with British Pounds and the other buys Mercedes for his wife. Good for both of you!!! :D

    It is always funny that people who are really rich do not have to brag about what they have done and bought but others have to...........

    I have enough of this, it just gets verrryyyyyOLD..........Good Luck with both of you and your "wives"!!

    P/S I would dare bet that both of you are men who HAVE to get the last word in...... :D so you MUST post again!

  9. well, mango if you dislike honesty......thats your problem, not ours. It is hilarious how the person I was directing the post to doesnt mind so much but some overly-sensitive men do.......... :o

    Stroll ....if you are all right with it.....go for it and good luck :D .

    IamMaic....true!!! HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY :D . Lies always materialises in the end....and causes hurt, friction and doubts.

  10. Stroll, no worries.

    As for your comment "It took me some time to come to terms with the different meaning of these issues here. ", I hear you loud and clear.

    I dont understand it either....as a parent I would prefer my daughter (if and when I have one) to be happy more than anything else. Thats what my parents told me. :o

  11. Stroll, I dont need an education in the Asian culture as I am Asian!!! I guess I am lucky as my parents are educated and of more "modern" culture.

    I do understand the culture but I think some Asian cultures should be "forgotten" as it costs a lot of friction and tension between a couple......especially monetary issues

  12. It is my fault she is still married because I never proposed to her. And she hadn't told me, because there is "no ploblem", so why should she have?

    It is YOUR fault??? :D Stroll, whatever happened to honesty?? :o I think that should exist in any relationship............I dont think you proposing has anything to do with her being married. A honest woman would have told you. You should stop making excuses for her.

    I do hope it works out well for you and good luck!

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