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Posts posted by Debothai

  1. Sounds like Property sales or marketing- it good if you a good sales person... I doubt the base will be 80K bt as that Exec level in most firms 80-100k + bonuses. Typically 20-50k base + okish bonuses is the way to go. If it is in fact sales- if you good it often to take less base then negoitate better commission on each deal. Plus you have commissions both ways- suppliers, buyers and in betweens. It is the Thai way. Chok Dee.

  2. Hello, I am a half-british half-cypriot expat and I have lived almost all my working life in UAE, plus some time in Qatar.

    I have been visitng Thailand for many years and i have developed a close connection with the country to the extent that I have learned the language and married a Thai Lady. Now we are expecting the birht of our son. Normally my wife would be living with me here in the UAE but i have sent her to Bangkok during her pregnancy to be near to her family and to be near to better medical care.

    My present company is undergoing a crisis, prompted mainly by the collapse of Libya and its associated projects in that country and also due to the economic slowdown here in UAE and the company's inability to secure any new projects. All this means that the future here is at best questionable and I may find myself redundant soon, as have many others in my company.

    The idea of living and working in Thailand is not new to me, but i have always held back due to the lower salaries and the complicated visa arrangements.

    Nevertheless, given the current situation, I have been able to secure a second interview with an international firm operating on the eastern sea board as well as other regions of the Kingdom.

    I have not yet discussed salary levels, but it was made clear to me that I will not be on an expat package and they were originally looking for a thai national but were unable to find qulaified enough candidates.

    The posting quotes 80k baht plus various benefits, that could be a car and accommodation...

    What would be a good salary to start negotiating with? I believe that 100k is my minimum and I was thinking of giving them a range of 110-120k. Is that excessive? All this is of course much less than what I make here, but here we work 10-12 hours a day and six days a week plus every other friday...I am leaving my current job mainly because of the future uncertainty.

    Views Comments appreciated.

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