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Posts posted by Debothai

  1. the lady asking for the farang to lie to further her agenda, should be prepared to offer a percentage fee from the 500 k sin sod to the lying farang. However, this is falling low, very low...Much better not to get invloved....if it was me I would ask this manipulative woman, how much would she be offer to me to lie....

  2. Have you tried DOG-PISS-EGGS? KHAI-YIO-MAH?

    These are very tasty and go well with beer. They are pink dyed eggs with the whites a translucent brown and the yolks a sticky grey, they can even be found in 7-11 and Big C etc...nice!! i don't know how they are made but I think the name is not the description of the way they are made.

  3. I've read about a Thai country dish that contains feces. Has anyone else heard of it?

    Also, I'm surprised so many people find eating blood disgusting. It's quite common in the UK in the form of black pudding. I find it quite tasty.

    this is a isan delicacy using intestines with faeces in it...Tried it once, but it didn't taste horrible, but wasn't nice either.

  4. The first picture is pla-raa....It is nice when eaten along with som-tam...but I am not a great fan of it....Scandinavian have similar but more pungent fish fermentation products...These fermented fish products were devised over the ages to be able to utilise the food without a refrigerator. (because it wasn't invented then)

    Few thais don't eat pla-raa, but those who don't are disgusted by it. It is however popular with most of the population....My wife loves this sh*t..

    The best was when we were made to open the container for inspection at dubai airport, I warned the official, but he wanted to open it...The result was we were quicky ushered out of the terminal...:lol:

  5. I have decided to do all my sms to wife in thai, now that i managed (thanks to help from this forum) to make my android phone type in thai. Small dictionary in hand. My thai wife has a mobile that can type only english so she practices english and i practice thai.

    SMS ing in thai is good for you i think, but to avoid mis-understandings only SMS to your trusted friends or wife....We're still learning here...:jap:

  6. In the worst case I would have to pay some tax...a lot of these trains were purchased in thailand previously, and I have all the bills. Stuff bought from germany, has VAT paid, sometimes not...Probably I will end up paying some tax on them, but I will try to pass them as toys..

  7. Hi I am planning to move to Thailand soon, and i am taking all my trains with me...About 180 or so wagons and 40 or so locos, mostly trix and athearn...(H0 scale)

    Any similarly minded farangs there? Have you got a layout? I know two-three thai guys who are into the hobby....but no farangs...:jap:

  8. Hi our baby boy is due in July and we already have the name decided...It is the name of my father albeit with a thai twist...My father is Cypriot and his name is Costas (Constantinos) so we decided to name the baby Dino which is short for Constantinos or Constantine.

    In my native Cyprus it is normal to name the children, their Grandfathers or Grandmothers name...If we were to have a daughter, it would be Susan, as is my English Mum...If we have a next baby he/she will be named as per my wife's parents....(Nid or Da)

    The name Jai is very nice and can be a boy or girl...Also it is a popular name even Jaidee is also very popular.

    Don't get influenced by others, name your baby what you wish...

    My father when asked what he thinks we should name the baby said: " I don't know.. this is your decision...Aren't you going to give him my name?"

    At that moment I knew that we had to give our baby boy my father's name.

    They are all coming over to Thailand when baby is 1 month old...My wife is already there and i am trying to conclude my work in the emirates and go to live in thailand.


  9. Actually it is not very complicated.

    Here's a video to watch.


    As Phil Conners mentioned, If you use the same Google account on your phone and the web version of Android Market. When you install an application from the Web, it automatically installs on the phone.

    To purchase Android apps from the Market, you will need to set up a Google checkout account using the same Google account that was used on the phone.

    You could also do a search on the Market application on your Android for "thai keyboard" and install one from there.

    You could also go to a developers website, download an apk file and copy it to you SDCARD. Then using any file manager, or application manager on the Android you could install the application. For example you could go to http://www.tswipe.com/ to download their keyboard.

    Thanks a million---- you have gained lots of karma....I just used the tswipe link....Khob khun mak mak...now I will send thai sms and improve my thai!!

    I have messed up my google accounts, that is why i can't download anything from the android sites...

    Anyway this is good thanks...:jap:

  10. Our baby is going to be born in July in Bangkok...Its a boy...I will let you know our experiences....My wife lives in Bangkok and the baby is going to be born in a medium level private hospital.:jap:

  11. I value thai soaps a lot, because of the thai language that I am able to learn by watching them...As for the violence, well I like tarantino's films..so i guess the soaps are pretty tame....But they do have an age indication prior to screening each episode and most of the soaps - later at night are 18+ rated....I only get my thai soaps fix from TGN, that's the only thai channel available here in UAE.

    I love thai soaps in which the bad lady is also the sexy lady.!! normally the lead actress is the sexy lady but sometimes the bad lady is too...:jap:

  12. The only possible logical answer has to be that she is a medium contacting the dead, right. It couldn't possibly be anything else, right?

    And you say the ghost of the dead grandfather lives in a bird box in the garden?

    One case of mild mental illness, and one of more serious mental illness I'd say.

    No no grandfather has a whole room to himself....The rest of the family are crammed into the other two rooms, this room is a complete shrine and the decorations (mostly made by my sister in law are quite elaborate.) Everytime i visit I bring a couple of COHIBAs and a bottle of scotch as offering....We drink the scotch and I smoke the cigars after the offering!:jap:

  13. I remember when my wife waied the spirit of PHRA BOO as it was being expressed by my sister-in-law and asked her about any winning lottery numbers...PHRA BOO told my wife to stop wasting your husband's (me) money on the lottery and just wait for your husband to support you!!! I think all that was a bit strange...

  14. ian, that was the easy answer, though admittedly my first thought.

    OP, you were there, was it credible? did you believe?

    the catholic church still performs excorcisms

    there are more things on heaven and earth....

    I was there...what was fascinating was that all family members regarded the whole thing with a calm and 'seen that before' attitude...Apparently in some rural locations there are group gatherings were spirits are challenged to folkes...But I have only seen that on TV. Mostly Thai people believe these phenomena...My problem is, I try to explain it logically but cannot.

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