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Posts posted by Debothai

  1. I have visited the Philippines twice and it is a much much poorer place than Thailand and this is apparent the moment you step into NAIA,. Also, the costs of everything are a bit more than Thailand. The traffic is worse, the dirty streets and rubbish is everywhere, thought the Philippinos on the whole have clean habits at their homes. Lots of beggars, always vigilance for robbers. Dismal food, and everything is run down. Beautiful mountains and beaches. Weather is not so hot as Thailand. Everybody can speak english, but not between themselves, so one can't know what is going on. Everybody wants to extract money and gifts from you. Philippinos usually don't sit on floors as do thais and keep time at their tasteless meals (unlike some thais who eat all day long) Fanatical about religion. Low quality products, nothing worthwile to buy...Nothing worthwhile at their 7-11 s unlike the thai 7-11s. The pinoys are very proud of jolibee a very greasy junk-junk food chain which is by FAR worse than KFC, MacDonalds and Burger King. The San Miguel beer is not bad though...I would recommend the Philippines for a week two weeks visit and maybe to visit the resort islands, where simple accommodation can be found. Philippino ladies very fun-loving and warm...but not for a serious realtionship, in fact they alone can brighten up dull places such as Doha and Dubai...

  2. deVere has been contacting me regularly by phone to meet, talk about investment portofolios and pension schemes. I am currently 40.

    I wonder if there is a substantial benefit in availing of these services, or would it be an additional financial burden for me. I am earning a medium salary, not too much, but I can live confortably.

  3. I have been told by my work colleauges to do the RMF and the LTF in order to avoid paying so much tax. I talked to a bank guy and he says there is not much benefit in doing it...I would like to know:

    1. What are these things?

    2. Can a foreigner do them?

    3. Do they really reduce your tax payments?

    4. When is the best time to do them?


  4. I spent some time there in June, and I slept on the chair for 2 hours. I was flying from DXB to BKK, I was partying in DXB till 03.00 then my flight was at 05.55, reached MCT at 06.55 then after getting to the lounge, I was very tired so I slept for a couple of hours. Then at 09.00 I proceeded to my gate and the BKK flight left at around 11.00.

    Muscat is not a very interesting airport to spend time in and it has the annoying loud announcements. However, if you are into plane-spotting, there are nice views of the traffic...Oman Air was very nice though. Much better than Emirates.

  5. Saturday night 14 JAN, my wife and baby went to Emporium then to Soi 22 for a beer then on our way back near Soi 20 just outside the 7-11 there was a 50-ish guy wearing an all-blacks rugby shirt and shorts, and has a small canon camera taking many shots of a homeless-looking man sleeping at the bus stop...

    Who are these people???

  6. The letter to the PM is not going to be taken seriously, but at least it will get the Thai Government thinking that the immigration laws are maybe due for some reform. There is a large number of foreigners living already in the Kingdom. IMHO there should be some form of differentiation enabling those with a proper education and proper work experience to be able to live with more relaxed visa regulations, while at the same time limited the undesirable foreigners, as the authorities deem is appropriate.

    The request for citizenship for foreign husband is a highly desirable idea, however although I don't think they will grant it, at least they should make a legal route so that interested foreingners can eventually attain citizenship, or at least permanent resident status. Even though the permanent resident status exsits, the quota must be increased for each country and the achievements of the foreigner's contribution to the Kingdom should be considered.

    Immigrations law reforms can only take place if there is a will from the Government and I believe that there is not enogh interest at the present time. Certainly, if other nations are involved and a reciprocate aggreement is arranged for Thais who wish to reside abroad, it would be much more probable to expect reform in this law. But consider how hard it is, for a example for a Thai citizen to obtain US or UK residency.

    The important thing is to remember that regardless of the visa laws, the Kingdom does want to have elite foreigners. All that is needed is to have some reform. What they do not want, is foreigners, doing nothing good for the society.

  7. It looks to me that the issue here is he or they didn't have work permts, and they charged too much interest, The question that comes to mind here is, all these guys from India that sell nuts and beans from a basket, that move on to become loan sharks, do they all have work permits? They are a very conspicuous enterprise with their nice motorcycles and turbins so it's probably not illegal. does anyone know the means of getting into this line of work? it looks like easy money. thumbsup.gif

    I heard from various sources that the indian guys selling beans sprinkle a bit of their own piss on the beans before going out to sell it. This is a popular urban myth, but I refrain from purchasing any of these types of nuts...

  8. My UK passport has still got 2 years validity, but also only 3 empty pages left. I plan to renew my passport. How would this affect the status of my one-year Non-IMM thai visa? Can I staple the new passport with the old one to have the visa till the visa is over? Or shall I wait till the old passport runs the clock? I am concerned that I would run out of pages...

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