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Posts posted by Escapologist

  1. They stuck out because they were so much prettier than the locals. I have lived in Thailand for the last two decades, but holiday in Oz from time to time. . They are not "novel" to me.

    They are novel in Perth and that is why they would have generally stood out there. Personal biases aside, if what you are claiming about Thai supremacy is actually true then it's very surprising that Thai women barely feature, if at all, in any international 'most beautiful' poll online. Never even won Miss World. Why is that then? It all becomes clearer when you break out of the bubble.

  2. Simply not true. The difference is how the perception of availability alters a man's assessment of attractiveness. Take those same Thais and place them amongst a student population in a popular Western university and, like for like, they'd turn no more heads than the rest.

    Sorry, but you are incorrect. A few years ago I visited Perth Australia and, by far, the most attractive women I saw were Asians and some of the prettiest ones were born in Thailand or were of Thai heritage. I know because I asked them. They stuck out because they were so much prettier than the locals. I had the same experience on the East coast of Oz.

    "By far" the most attractive women you saw in Perth were of Thai origin. They didn't 'stick out' because they looked different to the European locals? Because they were novel? But because their inherent racial beauty was so vastly superior. Okey dokey then. Glad you found your niche. Just make sure you stay jai dee. They become less attractive when you're jai dam. Test it and see.

  3. go to a Western university town and tell me the girls are not better than typical Thai fodder

    Huh? Compare any Western university town with Bangkok and Bangkok will win by a mile - on looks and attitude. Thai women are much more beautiful percentage-wise than any Western country and on top of that they are not nearly as stuck up.

    Simply not true. The difference is how the perception of availability alters a man's assessment of attractiveness. Take those same Thais and place them amongst a student population in a popular Western university and, like for like, they'd turn no more heads than the rest. Except, in less diverse areas, as a novelty. When you say that women are "stuck up", and have a bad attitude, you mean that they have signalled that they are not available to you and that this has irked you. You don't get that so much in Thailand for obviou$ rea$on$ to do with the exchange rates. The lies we tell ourselves!

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  4. So I'm not the only one crossing the street to avoid these feral beasts! If it's just the odd one then I'll slow down to a non-threatening, slightly crouched, walk until I'm off their turf. A pack of them and I'll do a volte face and pick another route! The bane of anyone travelling khon diaow on foot!

  5. "a living hell, as elementary rights to existence are ruthlessly violated"

    Those were exactly my thoughts...as I got off the plane at Mccarran International. Can you believe how much some of those girls charge? I was ruthlessly violated by them! The US is one of worst countries on Earth...apart from all those others.

  6. Blaming penis size for male promiscuity? How would he explain black promiscuity rates? Large penis size? Luckily for me I have a big, nay huge, penis, it's true, a cheap skanky Thai hooker told me. She also confirmed my general level of handsomeness even though nobody ever mentioned it back home. Now I know the truth though!

    In a sexual context, there is no such thing as a large or small penis, there is only the relationship between a penis and a vagina (or whatever!). Asian women tend to have smaller vaginas which means that, despite a vagina's natural elasticity, they are generally sexually compatible with a smaller range of penis sizes. Therefore, in spite of the psychological affects of seeing a large truncheon, I don't believe that Thai women generally have an issue with Asian penis sizes when it's time to get down and dirty; and nothing in that dubious and vague article lends any actual evidence to the contrary; which kind of casts doubt on the study's scientific credibility (or even it's existence)!

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  7.  "As you would say in the west we are like partners, we are lovers but also great friends and care very much about each other."


    Only, if by "partner", you mean 'scam artist and hooker'. That would be a close western equivalent. I've heard guys like you on many a hooker's phone. Insecure, desperate to know that she "loves" you and isn't "cheating on" you. She invariably gives an Oscar-winning performance, complete with tears, naked on my hotel bed, just before getting nailed by yours truly and, no doubt, countless others before and after. You need to snap out of it and wise up. If you are lonely and vulnerable then Thailand will eat you up and spit you out with no remorse. You will find what you really want much closer to home. Thailand is just for fun. Remember that last line and you will be fine.

  8. ... UK citizens no longer have freedom of speech....

    That statement alone is preposterous enough to make unnecessary any further reading in you politically biased elucubrations. But, as others have correctly said, opinions vary.

    It's not preposterous if you are a UK citizen who has had the pleasure of a dawn raid for social media comments or if you have been banged up for "offending" certain well-connected minority activists on your website or if you have been banged up for speaking your mind about immigration in public and so on... Not sure what "elucubrations" are but they cannot alter the facts of the matter.

  9. Most Thailand expats seem to be disenfranchised with their usually more civilised home nations. Many don't have a good word to say about home. Cheap young pussy really does appear to impair memory function and the faculty of fair critical comparison.

    Well I'm certainly not here for any of that. So by your argument that means my critical thinking is unaffected.

    And it isn't really about being disenfranchised, it is about weighing up and assessing the pros and cons of all nations. In England my various flats or houses were burgled over a dozen times, I was repeatedly mugged in the street (and I'm a disabled lady), I saw a lot of behaviour that was not the "civilisation" you speak of. In Bangkok I have been neither burgled nor mugged in many years visiting here.

    On-topic though, I have great respect for the UK, and the Queen of England. I am not a critic of her, she has served her country every day, and if you read about her life you will understand that especially in her youth, the role she was born into was a very demanding and exhausting one.

    I have, if anything, greater admiration and respect for the most illustrious and magnificent HMTK in my adopted nation. I always judge a person by their actions, and I have the utmost respect for this person because of those actions. I can not compare those many benevolent and unifying actions, to the actions of a hairdresser who seeks to be an internet sensation by insulting people in a remote and verminous manner.


    Thanks for your personal anecdotes but I fail to see how they show your ability to think critically or even vaguely challenge my implied assertions that the UK is a more civilised country than Thailand or that many on here cannot recognise this because, in the face of so many objective measures, they are emotionally attached to it not being true.

    A Thai moves to England, gains British citizenship, and then exercises her new found freedom of speech. In doing so she ruffled some feathers in Thailand. Coincidentally, last week a North Korean official attempted to make a hairdresser in England remove a poster of Kim Jong Un from his shop window. It seems that, had you chosen North Korea as your new abode, you might have approved! Bad luck to you if that is what you're in to.

  10. You are correct. The British regime now routinely persecutes citizens for breaking the artificial taboos of its imposed multicultural order. Whilst it is still permissible to criticise royalty, a raft of political thought-crimes legislation has passed on to the statue books since Tony Blair was elected in 1997 and British citizens have found themselves in court, and sometimes in jail for many years, for being caught being stridently critical of: Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, feminists, non-whites or mass-immigration. Royals are still naturally popular amongst the indigenous though and so, representing the historical link between past and present, they are still fair game in the minds of the treacherous cosmopolitans who've slyly captured us in their cage of social-engineering legislation.

    As you say, Assange and Snowden are also examples of what happens when anyone exposes how these creatures operate. Thailand certainly has problems, and Thais are clearly indoctrinated in the mythology of the-one-we-cannot-criticise, but the globalists have created an extremely illiberal mess in the West. A clash of civilisations, to coin Samuel Huntington's phrase. Having said that, two wrongs don't make a right, Thailand's "lesse majeste" laws do look ridiculous from here and I'm glad that a Thai managed to develop her own mind on the matter. Congratulations to her.

    Best piece of eloquent, deviant misinterpretation and pile of nonsensical prose I've read in long time.

    Nonsensical prose? You mean that you did not understand it. So let me simplify it for you: the rafts of law which have been introduced to punish expressions of dissent against multiculturalism mean that UK citizens no longer have freedom of speech. In addition to that, citizens who expose how the new world order operates, people like Assange and Snowden, are hunted down like game. But, be that as it may, UK citizens are still free to openly criticise royalty, Thailand's lesse majeste laws are ridiculous from a UK perspective and have more in common with Kim Jong Un than with Elisabeth Windsor. So, as I'm sure you'll agree, it is obviously a good thing that a Thai has developed her own mind on the subject.

    I hope this has helped you understand my original post.

  11. "According to Mr. Surapong, Ms. Chatvadee has not been in contact with her parents for some time."

    I'm not surprised, if I had parents like them I wouldn't like ever to see them.

    If I had a daughter like this I'd disown her. She should know that her comments would affect the family who are living in Thailand.

    Publicly disowning her, given the totalitarian nature of king worship in Thailand, is understandable, but privately too? She'd do well to disown you first then.

  12. I wonder if the police will ask for extradition?

    The UK and Thailand have had an extradition arrangement for over a century but only one extradition to Thailand and that was for a murder charge. Good luck to the Thai authorities if they think they'll get away with such a request. Extraditing a British citizen for criticising foreign royals would spell the end for the incumbent British Home Secretary. Won't happen.

  13. I very much doubt she gives a toss, she is a British Citizen, living in a country that allows freedom of speech. She's not likely to return here anytime soon.

    Freedom when it is against the Thai Monarchy. If it is against UK or USA than there isn't that much freedom....see the Snowden situation where they threatened the newspapers

    You are correct. The British regime now routinely persecutes citizens for breaking the artificial taboos of its imposed multicultural order. Whilst it is still permissible to criticise royalty, a raft of political thought-crimes legislation has passed on to the statue books since Tony Blair was elected in 1997 and British citizens have found themselves in court, and sometimes in jail for many years, for being caught being stridently critical of: Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, feminists, non-whites or mass-immigration. Royals are still naturally popular amongst the indigenous though and so, representing the historical link between past and present, they are still fair game in the minds of the treacherous cosmopolitans who've slyly captured us in their cage of social-engineering legislation.

    As you say, Assange and Snowden are also examples of what happens when anyone exposes how these creatures operate. Thailand certainly has problems, and Thais are clearly indoctrinated in the mythology of the-one-we-cannot-criticise, but the globalists have created an extremely illiberal mess in the West. A clash of civilisations, to coin Samuel Huntington's phrase. Having said that, two wrongs don't make a right, Thailand's "lesse majeste" laws do look ridiculous from here and I'm glad that a Thai managed to develop her own mind on the matter. Congratulations to her.

  14. Why is it that the average farang looks so ugly

    next to the average Thai/Asian? this holds true

    both for men & women, to say nothing of children

    ... incredibly cute, especially the boys ... nothing

    like in the west. where they look far older than their

    age, & totally lack charm, joy & liveliness!

    Thailand must be one of the few remaining nations for whom an impolite term for foreigners is the standard. It seems that you too can make huge generalisations about the unseemly blob of unspecified decadence known as the "farang". That kind of talk is more acceptable from an average Thai who is typically untravelled, indoctrinated, and pig-ignorant. From a Westerner, however, it usually indicates somebody who is "without a tiny speck of objectivity" and whom is in the midst of a pretty obvious misfit's tantrum. The individual nations which constitute "the West" contain some of the most beautiful people on Earth, no question about it, but they are just unattainable for you to personally have cheap and easy sex with. Go to Vegas, plenty of hookers there for you (although you probably couldn't afford them), and tell me the talent there isn't better than anywhere in Thailand - by a mile. You live in a dream world.

    • Like 1
  15. Because women are Cheap Charlies wink.png

    Many women are very generous in a variety of ways. Apparently you have not realized yet that women are sexually far more valuable than men. There's an evolutionary reason why women are sexually superior to men. Unlike any other species of female animals, the human female is eager, willing, and capable of engaging in sexual intercourse without being confined to a breeding cycle. Regardless of season, ovulation, relationship status, or frequency, the human female will continually advertise her immense natural capacity and ability to sexually give and receive pleasure.

    No one man, regardless of size, or libido, can sincerely satiate a sexually liberated woman from within a monogamous relationship. By sexually liberated, I refer to women who are not indoctrinated, restrained, oppressed and repressed by the religious morals of a western patriarchal society - which would seem to be the case in Thailand, or any Buddhist nation without that imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above..

    If not for societal restraints of western patriarchal society inhibiting a human female's natural evolutionary and instinctual sexual design, every woman, rather than just a few, would exhaust male after male, experience orgasm after orgasm, one after another, each becoming more powerful and pleasurable with no lessening of sexual desire. At the root instinctual level and evolutionary design of every modern woman's sexuality is an overabundance of sexual charms coupled with an unlimited sexual capacity that truly leaves her as the the sexual superior of any male counterpart.

    At this root level of a modern woman's astounding instinctual, evolutionary sexual abilities and capacity is an antiquated modern patriarchal society's desire to control it; to control the power it has and the human female that can wield it as the sexiest, most erotic female animal on the planet. After the Goddess days of old, the human female's incredible sexual power has been exploited and condemned, she has been beaten, hanged, tortured and burned as a demoness whore and relegated to a level of slavery and property by patriarchal societies ruled by monotheistic religions demanding a male image and role for their imaginary sky Daddy about as probable as seeing or finding a pink unicorn floating in the heavens above.

    From an evolutionary perspective, the insatiable evolutionary and instinctual sexual capacity of the human female to satiate and exhaust a multitude of males one after another, or at the same time, is biologically quite adaptive because it ensures she will become pregnant. The human female is biologically no different than many other female species in that she was designed by evolution to mate with, and receive the sperm of multiple males, and often in quick succession.

    However, the human male wants to monopolize a human female, to dominate her by controlling her natural sexuality designed by evolution so that he can be assured he is the father of the children he then provides for. This is just one of the reasons why most societies are patriarchal from men trying to dominate, possess and own women in a manner that suppresses her evolutionary, biological, anthropological, behavioral, and instinctual sexually superior design expressed in those ancient Goddess days of old prior to the sexually inferior male invention of monotheism.

    Interesting theory, Bohemian, quite at odds with the usual evolutionary theory that the female is the driver of monogamy due to her need for a provider. You could probably seduce a feminist or two with it!

    Regarding female satiation, I believe that their satisfaction is much more psychological than ours. All these guys fretting about their dicks have been chasing a red herring since they were jacking off to Heather Thomas in the Fall Guy...or is that just me?! hehe

  16. Buddhism, temples, spirituality, sunny weather, street food, little baby elephants, to save mankind - those are the reasons that I would choose to live in a developing country such as Thailand - and if that spiel doesn't convince myself that I'm not a sex tourist then I'll work on it for when this topic returns God d*mn it!

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  17. ...And IF there are sooo many prostitutes, obviously, it is ONLY because there are sooo many male predators that keep the “industry” rolling and growing. And make some gangs richer. ...

    Or, at the very lease, let's stop making jokes about their hopeless and desperate situation. Amen!

    In a nutshell, you said that some girls prostitute to cover basic expenses, some do it for big bucks, and some are trafficked as slaves. The latter group is a small minority and is unlikely to come into contact with your typical farang. The rest make a choice to offer their services and the customers pay for those services. Are you trying to claim that demand precedes supply? Indeed, it seems that are you simply attempting, bitter feminist-style, to conflate sex-slavery with voluntary prostitution. In which case you are not fit to pass comment on the sex industry.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the feelings of righteousness you experienced as a result of your sermon, I know I will enjoy my next hooker even more now. I'll let you know how it goes. Cheers.

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