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Posts posted by razer

  1. Two points: 1-One thing never changes from generation to generation and that is the desire for fun and sex during our youth. . If I were in my

    20s living in Bangkok where the women outnumber the men two to one and half of those men are gay (just a guess) and if I were half-way decent looking with a decent salary ….the last thing I would be interested in is finding a wife. But …that does not mean it wouldn’t happen. 2-Men are attracted to feminine behaviour, polite behaviour and are turned-off by loud, hard drinking women …except for a one night stand or a steady roll in the sack. That’s exactly what I would tell my daughter.

  2. Culture Studies 101 - Dear TAT. Muslims and Israelis don't like each other politically or religiously. This recent dislike is 65 years old but the history goes back over a thousand years. Homosexuality is forbidden by Islamic (Muslim) law.It is a crime punishable by imprisonment. This headline, I am sure, would be highly insulting to all three. Please do your homework. :)

  3. "Despite the recent global media attention on safety issues, Phuket remains a relatively safe destination" If this is true why does it get in the global media?

    Going on holiday is supposed to be fun and worry free. Due diligence may turn away a lot of tourists. If we think we are going to a civilized country to relax and enjoy our holiday we don't research anything except where to stay, were to eat and things to do. On the other hand if we are going to a dangerous part of the world for an adventure holiday we will practice due diligence. Is the writer saying Phukhet vis-a-vie Thailand, is dangerous enough to warrant due diligence?

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  4. Why would a tourist with family, want to get in an argument with a Thai?... We shall just stereotype foreign tourists as those who come to Thailand to insult the local population and provoke fist fights. I think the police would support this. And slashing tires and letting the air out is an old, traditional practice. What's wrong with that? Thai police; what can one say about them? Do they bring honour to Thailand?

  5. CNN


    I don't think a westerner living in Bangkok three years is going to argue over a 51 Baht taxi ride.

    Afterthought: I am all smiles with a 51 Baht taxi ride and always tip. There are a lot of good people driving taxis but it seems to me, that during the past year or so, the bad guys are starting to out number the good guys.

  6. Me too. Just spent 8,000 on glasses I can't use. The corrections made by the shop owner were way off. We assume they are optometrists like in the west.

    1. Get an eye examination at a hospital and ask for a prescription.

    I didn't need any correction to the lenses and went back. He had the lenses modified but there was a small correction anyway and letters are blurred. I also asked for light weight plastic lens and got heavy glass lens.

    2. I would advise find a shop where someone speaks English VERY WELL.

    This is a good place to start.

  7. Sadly, this is a too familiar pattern in Thailand. The 1999 National Education Act called for action to reform Thai education. There has been a lot of talk, committees, think tanks for Thai education but everyone knows the results. This is the same thing. Showing the world they are diligent in knowing the problems .. BUT ... knowing a problem exists and having the collective political will to solve it are two different things. Thailand can never be a first world country until the culture changes and the meaning of national pride and love of country is discovered.

  8. Been through it in Jahor Baru in 2007 and Indonesia says "Sorry" or "You are behaving like children" complaining so much.Every year they do this but how to stop them? If Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand petition the international court for financial compensation somebody has to pay. First the Indonesian government would be held accountable and in turn the investors in palm plantations. If the investors were held financially accountable that would be justice.

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  9. Contradiction? Who is lying or has there been a 180 degree turnaround? 01-08-2012 The Nation published an Asia News Network Article …” These are the implications of a Japan External Trade Organisation (Jetro) survey … The survey, conducted in June and covering 374 corporations, showed that while 49 per cent said there would be no change in production bases after the AEC launched, 29% saw a possibility of new bases in Myanmar and 21 per cent in Indonesia. Of the respondents, 232 corporations are in the manufacturing sector.

    Japanese companies also complained about a lack of human resources. For those in the manufacturing sector, 53% of the Japanese companies said engineers are the most needed, 40% said they need workers and 37% said they need managers. The Japanese companies in the non-manufacturing sector 45% said they face a major shortage of managers, 30% said they can’t find administrative/sales staff and 28% said they need engineers.”

  10. Studies have shown that backpackers contribute more to a local economy than high end tourists. Why? Because high end tourists spend their money at high end resorts which are usually controlled by a foreign company and profits are repatriated. In Thailand, the elite are usually partnered with the Mariotts, Sheratons and so on ... I can see how they would like to use tax money to promote high end tourism. I wish they would be as innovative with the education system.

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  11. If you can forget "It's all about me" then realize that the social cost of corruption is high. Corruption in Thailand is systemic reaching every economic vein in this country and is sucking the life blood. Education suffers, infrastructure suffers, day to day management of public services suffer, public safety suffers, crime victims suffer. Where does it stop? The people who get an occasional benefit are happy to get something for nothing because they have nothing to begin with and will have nothing tomorrow. History is full of examples and the consequences are just damn scarey.

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