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Posts posted by rascalman

  1. To be treated fairly, honestly. But immigration ard far from being fair. It is about money. Corruption is a word that feels correct. Came here when I was 20 during the war. Now I am old just want to be left alone. I want my books, music and easy chair. I do know the Thai people. I have Lived, worked around them. They work hard and some are good for some are not. Sound like your country? 


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  2. Please I do not deserve any personal negative posts. I do have  a retirement, social security and  disabity income. I just do not or will not have that kind of money in any bank. 

    As stated I am very sick and just want to finish my life here in peace. Immigration here are unreasonable IMHO. 

    Moving will be so hard on me financially and physically too. I now have a rare skin disease that has piled on me. I want to die here. 

    I value constructive comments if you can? 

  3. Thanks for those who care. I get my biopsy soon, I am on steroids and that other antibiotics. Now it is not much better. 

    Now I have been here a long time and may have to get out. No $25,000 then no visa it seems. I will plan. Help if you can. 

    I have quite a dilemma now in my old life. With a few choices to make that I am not happy with. Thailand are throwing out expats who are fine, many like me have lived here a longtime. But if you do not have $25,000 in a Thai bank then no visa. So being very sick does not matter. Nothing matters it seems. I will just have to get out. Being an  old NCO and used to making plans I might have to.
    Choice is to live in Cambodia I am thinking Siem Reap not far from Thailand, one hour flight. I can find a condo/apartment for well under $500.00 a month, utilities cheap and food cheap too. Got no choice if immigration does not want me.
    My visa expires in October so in June I will go talk to Thai immigration. I do not expect much help. If you know any expat contacts their please let me know.  Thank so much. 

    Bangkok for now

  4. UPDATE : JUST got back more blood work and another consult with a head doctor. She looked at me and said "treatable" put smile on my face.

    I am on prednisone, another name. Big Dosage 40mg.daily. Did not get into the getting off this. I know this medicine and it's a serious matter. 

    I am hopeful. 



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  5. Went to institute of dermatology and got a through examination, then second visit biopsy on my toe. So waiting for results but they think I have Bullous pemphigoid. I have never suffered like I am now. Feet better but blisters on hand and itching that is incomprehensible it is simply unbelievable the pain I have had. 

    Looks like prednisone soon I can not wait for help. Thanks.. 20190319_024850.thumb.jpg.d36074e989459356e09da6613afb0467.jpg

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