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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. I think I have the attraction of Android phones figured out. People who want a new hobby buy an Android phone for something to do. You can spend weeks and probably months fiddling with these high tech toys.

    My question is what phone do you actually use when fiddling with these amazing devices? :blink:

    I find the Galaxy S2 to run just fine straight out of the box.

    Hello Gary, you like your toys, surprised you aint gone android yourself, wheres the watering hole now ? I have been to the place next to SCB a few times, never seen a farang though. Hows Roger?

  2. The Thai's in any of the heavily populated tourist areas are generally c**ts!! FACT

    I've never experienced this myself, even with a couple of years living in Bangkok. In fact I think given the size, Bangkok by far has the friendliest people for a large city I've been to (I've been to a lot of cities). I've never worked in a Thai company before, so that's my one lack of experience here, and I always think you get the true measure of a nation if you work there; as a farang living on the "surface" of Thai society, perhaps I am enjoying a life through the prism of a farang-resting-in-Thailand.

    I would expect many anti Thai posters have been burnt by Thai women or men and then go on to judge a whole population by their experiences with a 0.000000009999999% of the population.

    Its almost as stupid as saying that all Farangs are fat mouthed, fat bodied losers , who hate their own lives and blame Thailand for the mistakes they have made, sure, some are, but its a minority.

    Most are worse. smile.gif

  3. Sales people here in this country will tell you what you want to hear to get the sale, lies included. Once you're out the door with your purchase they don't care. Most of them don't have a clue about the product or service they are selling, they don't care....


    I have had an entirely different experience. I have never had any problems returning any faulty equipment, I always find the sales staff as helpful as they can be, and if I know more about the product than they do, I'll do my best to help them along. WOW

    I always have a positive experience when shopping in Thailand WOW , Hong Kong is another matterW

    Maybe, just maybe, they feel your hatred towards them, they pick up your negative vibes ? No, they just don't care - already mentioned!

    I pick up those vibes just from a few words on an anonymous forum. smile.gifWOW

    What is this WOW crap, u wanna clue me in pal ?

    They don't care about you, I can understand that, I don't care about you either. smile.gif

    Like I said, maybe its the negative vibes you give off that makes Thai people wary of you, I never have and have never had any such problems at all.

    You're the problem m8.

  4. Sales people here in this country will tell you what you want to hear to get the sale, lies included. Once you're out the door with your purchase they don't care. Most of them don't have a clue about the product or service they are selling, they don't care....


    I have had an entirely different experience. I have never had any problems returning any faulty equipment, I always find the sales staff as helpful as they can be, and if I know more about the product than they do, I'll do my best to help them along.

    I always have a positive experience when shopping in Thailand, Hong Kong is another matter.

    Maybe, just maybe, they feel your hatred towards them, they pick up your negative vibes ?

    I pick up those vibes just from a few words on an anonymous forum. smile.gif

  5. I thank you.

    It seems some posters are allowed to call Iraqi women ''not human'' and get away with it.

    Oh if only I could say that about Welsh people and get away with it!

    There are flocks that would thank me.

    Nice one Mark, even though I just spat my beer all over the keyboard, I appreciated that.


  6. The only circles I travel in are the ones I make myself. It actually wouldn't surprise me if there were a lot of ex-Navy SEALS and military types in Thailand left over from the Vietnam war. That war exposed men to places and things they had never seen before, and the war did not prepare them well for returning to their home lands. War tends to do that to people.

    Does that mean in the future there's going to be a lot of expats in Iraq and Afghan. :D

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Have you compared Iraq and Afghan women to Thai women? :blink:

    Oh, wait, you can't even SEE Iraq women. You get to see a big, black tent thrown over something that may or may not be human. :o

    Sorry, are you saying that Iraqi women may not be human?

    Well spotted Sir . smile.gif

  7. Or you could try to interpret, from my postings on TV.


    Yes, but then surely, he'd come up with a Twunt, or even a pretentious Twunt, if I may be so bold to suggest. smile.gif

  8. Let me guess. You have spent two weeks in Thailand and found a "good girl" in Pattaya. You gave her money at the airport and are now sending her money monthly. I guess you know all about Thai women right? :lol:

    Yes, all these young women with posters of old washed out Pattaya Farangs on their bedroom walls, I don't think so.

    Kerry, you were an old guy years ago in TQ1, you're 20 years older now, you know nothing about Thai women other than those you pay. smile.gif

  9. Take it as red your antii smoking then ? :D

    Umm, yeah, to be pro smoking would be absolutely insane, expensive, smelly, anti social, your hair stinks, your clothes stink, your breath stinks, if you smoke at home your house stinks, they give you cancer and make you look old, so yes, you can take it that I'm anti smoking, especially when a smoker lights up withing my airspace and wants to take me with them on the cancer trail.

    They don't even get you high, what's the point in smoking them ? blink.gif

  10. I also accept that most young women don't find old men physically attractive either. But, there are "rentals" that will take their place. And, surprisingly enough, some of those "rentals" enjoy their time with their regular customers. I know mine do.

    Are you an old man paying young Asian women for sex ?

    Answer yes and I can guarantee you that they may enjoy a meal with you or you spending money on them or you giving them money, but, if you think they enjoy having sex with a man older than their Father or even Grandfather ( In the case of many old men who come to SE Asian countries to take advantage of poor people) you have to be joking.

    If she had money she wouldn't look twice at you, just the same as young women in your own country won't look twice at you, unless you pay them, no difference, it's just that old men flock to SE Asia to take advantage of cheap prices.

    I don't see many young girls putting posters on their bedroom walls of grey haired old men, do you ?

  11. Whoa !!


    If you want to give your money away try giving to charity. You are throwing good money after bad. Your g/f <snip>

    She probably has other sponsors as well as a Thai boyfriend in the background. She will suck money out you like a leech and you will soon be getting requests to help out the family.

    Tell her you have lost your job and cannot give her any more money until you see her in September. Let's see if you see her in September !

    Patronus thankyou,

    Why do you say such things, your lady is this way ? sorry for you, Ning is not the same as that, i know she likes me a lot why would she do bad things to me? thai ladies like japanese men, we treat them good and we are good looking to them.

    i am 29 years old she is 22, I have a good salary and she has poor condition, i spend more in 1 night drinking than she earn in 1 month, if a mistake is made it is ok, i am young, i can take other chances, all life is not safe it is not 100% sure, i live in Tokyo, we could have earthquake today that will kill me and many other, i can make mistake and not worry about money, it is not the end of my life.

    thankyou Petronus.


  12. She is working in a hair salon in pattaya, she had 3 weeks with no work as her boss had a family problem and closed the salon. now she is back at work, i want to help her but not to give to much.

    i gave her 200,000 Yen at the airport when i left Thailand as she had to pay for rent and some money for family, i know it is not easy for her so i can help her a little.

    i went with some some people from my office to roppongi last night, 4 people, our bill was total was 300,000 Yen. I paid for woman from england before 6 months ago, 200,000 yen one night, hostess club in ginza.

    Thai women are not asking so much money. :)

    Thankyou cardholder



    I think you have to remember that this is Thailand and the cost of many things is a lot less than Japan. Just because you have money (and it's not a lot in Tokyo) doesn't mean you should throw it away. There are many on this forum who will not thank you for your extravagance and will be quick to tell you that a fool and his money are quickly parted.

    I am also a bit concerned about your girlfriends work. The last time I was in a hairdressers in Pattaya a blow job was included in the price. Do you know where her shop is, or even the name ?

    I would tread carefully and send your money over slowly. Take your time - you are obviously smitten by this young lady as evidenced by your phone calls. Many of us have been there - tread cautiously.

    cardholder thankyou,

    i called her and asked her the name of the shop, she said she doesn't know name and address but it is in south pattaya.

    i dont think it is a sex shop, she is not that way, if she was she could go to a gogo, she is 22 and slim style, no child. i will go back to pattaya in september for 1 week, she wants me to go to meet her family, she said she can get time from work for my visit.



  13. Thankyou Cardholder and Wasp.

    i will send 40,000 Yen, 100 looks like to much.

    Thankyou to other people to, i don't understand the egg and the other words written or the meaning,sorry.

    cardholder, yes, we met on the internet and she lives in pattaya.



    Yoshi, you met on the Internet but you haven't said what job she has in Pattaya.

    If you are sending Y40,000 that is a great addition to her wages. Is she happy to continue 'working' now she has found a boyfriend ? Some girls in Pattaya often like to return to their villages once they have a boyfriend. Perhaps different in Tokyo.

    You may have to send a little bit more for her to do this.

    Cardholder, thankyou.

    She is working in a hair salon in pattaya, she had 3 weeks with no work as her boss had a family problem and closed the salon. now she is back at work, i want to help her but not to give to much.

    i gave her 200,000 Yen at the airport when i left Thailand as she had to pay for rent and some money for family, i know it is not easy for her so i can help her a little.

    i went with some some people from my office to roppongi last night, 4 people, our bill was total was 300,000 Yen. I paid for woman from england before 6 months ago, 200,000 yen one night, hostess club in ginza.

    Thai women are not asking so much money. :)

    Thankyou cardholder


  14. Thankyou Cardholder and Wasp.

    i will send 40,000 Yen, 100 looks like to much.

    Thankyou to other people to, i don't understand the egg and the other words written or the meaning,sorry.

    cardholder, yes, we met on the internet and she lives in pattaya.



  15. Hi,

    100,000 Yen per month is no money here, in Thailand it is over 35,000 Bahts. She has a job too but earning only 10,000 Baht, she has to share a room with 4 other peoples, it is not so good, i want to help but don't want to make her feel helpless.

    I had a great time with her and would like to help.would she feel not so good to accept my gifts, i don't want to ask her of course and it was first time in thailand for me, so i am not to sure how thai peoples will act.


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