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Posts posted by Banzai99

  1. Because at 52 I can't even look at a 23 year old without fear of being called a perv. In LOS I can live with one.

    As long as you understand its not cos you are one hansum man.And the cost of these relationships and the material expectations that comes with this can be exhaustive.

    Unless of course your lady is HI SO chinese thai with a bank balance bigger than yours.

    ThaiVisa Norm....................''Rich young girls attracted to old decrepit farangs, quite normal....................

  2. Ill tell you what, most of the replies will be from people who couldn't find Japan on a map of the world, when they start slagging off Japan or Japanese people, or Thailand and Thai people, they have probably never been to Asia, and if they they have been they didn't do much research, you went to a 3rd world country and expected what ? Monaco. Geneva, Tokyo, what did you expect, did you expect a fully developed country when you CHOSE to come to Thailand ?

  3. I just downloaded the latest batch of updates, the new windows 10 nag icon has now gone.

    I had already registered BTW. I'll let you know if it comes back, but it looks like the latest updates get rid of the icon, so far so good.

    Spoke too soon, it's come back again.

    Now its gone again and I've not restarted my computer.

    Restarted a few times, still no icon, I think when you have accepted the offer the nag icon goes away'

    Try the latest updates

  4. Red this, Yellow that, it's got nothing to do with that, the military are in power at this time in Thailand's history for a very good reason.

    It's to protect the elite when the inevitable happens, I just can't understand why people keep going on about Red and Yellow, it's beyond that now, a huge event will occur soon, and the rich and powerful want to stay that way, they are the puppet masters and pull The Generals strings, it doesn't matter he is unusually wealthy, way beyond what is reasonable wealth, his brother too, not at this time, at this time he's needed, he controls the guns to keep certain people in certain positions of power as soon as he's not needed he will be thrown to the wolves.

    Then the old generation of hand picked politicians will resume business as usual, a few sacrificial lambs here and there and some people think there is a crackdown on corruption, it's a joke, the biggest target was targeted for a reason, and we are forbidden to talk about it, very convenient laws Thailand have, you can't question certain things, so certain people remain totally untouchable, no matter what they do.

    If anyone here thinks any past or present Politicians or Generals give a toss about the average Thai person, I think you're wrong, the corruption in Thailand is ingrained from the top to the bottom, only the poor suffer the most, the rich get richer, the poor remain poor, High ranking Police and Army Generals amass enormous wealth with nobody questioning them, everybody knows they're corrupt, but nobody questions that wealth, unless they're targeted by someone higher up the ladder they are free to do what they want, why do you think that is ? ( Control of the Guns ? )

    You lot here can argue and slag each other off, it will make no difference, you have no say anyway, hey you have as much say as the Thai people now, that is no say at all, because like the average Thai person, you don't matter to the real players in this game, you are of no consequence.

    In a few years you'll realise why this has happened at this time, but we can't talk about about it.

    I just find it bemusing that supposedly intelligent Farang can't see what's going on and why it's going on at this time,, if you think all that's going on is for the happiness of the Thai people you are deluded, but yes , some Thai people will be happy, but just a few.


  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_military_aircraft

    17 May One Marine was killed when MV-22B Osprey, BuNo 168020, c/n D0150, of VMM-161, 'YR-01',[203] from the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit experienced a hard-landing mishap, burned, while conducting training aboard Marine Corps Training Area – Bellows at ~1140 hrs., Hawaii time. Twenty-one Marines and a U.S. Navy corpsman were aboard at the time, and all other 21 have been transported to local hospitals for assessment and treatment. The Marines were conducting routine sustainment training at the time. The 15th MEU departed San Diego 10 May on a seven-month deployment to the Pacific Command and Central Command areas of operation. The cause of the incident is under investigation.[207] Military officials confirmed the death of a second Marine, in hospital on 19 May. "Family members and sources close to the victim identified him as Matt Determan and said he died Tuesday from injuries sustained during the crash, which also killed 24-year-old Lance Corporal Joshua Barron and injured 20 others. At least two of the Marines who were injured in the crash remained hospitalized in stable condition on Tuesday, according to a Marine Corps. spokesperson."[208]

    22 May A U.S. Navy aviator ejects from a T-45C Goshawk, 'A', of VT-9, based at NAS Meridian, Mississippi, when he overruns runway 29 at Halsey Field, NAS North Island, California, at ~1400 hrs. PDT with both pilot and airframe ending up in San Diego Bay. Civilian boaters rescue the pilot who is conveyed to UC San Diego Medical Center for examination. He was treated and released. The airframe, which came to rest upright partially submerged in shallow water was retrieved by a crane as night fell.[209] The pilot, who was not named, was conducting a routine training mission to prepare for aircraft carrier landing qualifications, according to the Navy.[210]

    Imagine if these accidents had happened in Thailand, what an outcry there would be on TVF, the whole Thai population would have been slated and Thailand put through the wringer, but of course they didn't happen in Thailand OMG, there were Farangs involved, what is the world coming to, perhaps they were American Thai's, yep, that must be it. facepalm.gif

    Always off topic this is Thailand

    How is pointing out other Military Aircraft accidents do happen outside Thailand, off topic ?

    Or are you a bit miffed cos it stops the Thai bashing ?

    Well if you are desperate to make Thailand look normal, then you can quote maybe the statistics for say - number of crashes per F-16 Take Off (or crash before it even managed to take off) since the plane first went into service, and then compare them with the US stats.....

    at least this one will provide a few more spare parts to keep the other 3 in the air a bit longer....

    How would that be possible

  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_military_aircraft

    17 May One Marine was killed when MV-22B Osprey, BuNo 168020, c/n D0150, of VMM-161, 'YR-01',[203] from the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit experienced a hard-landing mishap, burned, while conducting training aboard Marine Corps Training Area – Bellows at ~1140 hrs., Hawaii time. Twenty-one Marines and a U.S. Navy corpsman were aboard at the time, and all other 21 have been transported to local hospitals for assessment and treatment. The Marines were conducting routine sustainment training at the time. The 15th MEU departed San Diego 10 May on a seven-month deployment to the Pacific Command and Central Command areas of operation. The cause of the incident is under investigation.[207] Military officials confirmed the death of a second Marine, in hospital on 19 May. "Family members and sources close to the victim identified him as Matt Determan and said he died Tuesday from injuries sustained during the crash, which also killed 24-year-old Lance Corporal Joshua Barron and injured 20 others. At least two of the Marines who were injured in the crash remained hospitalized in stable condition on Tuesday, according to a Marine Corps. spokesperson."[208]

    22 May A U.S. Navy aviator ejects from a T-45C Goshawk, 'A', of VT-9, based at NAS Meridian, Mississippi, when he overruns runway 29 at Halsey Field, NAS North Island, California, at ~1400 hrs. PDT with both pilot and airframe ending up in San Diego Bay. Civilian boaters rescue the pilot who is conveyed to UC San Diego Medical Center for examination. He was treated and released. The airframe, which came to rest upright partially submerged in shallow water was retrieved by a crane as night fell.[209] The pilot, who was not named, was conducting a routine training mission to prepare for aircraft carrier landing qualifications, according to the Navy.[210]

    Imagine if these accidents had happened in Thailand, what an outcry there would be on TVF, the whole Thai population would have been slated and Thailand put through the wringer, but of course they didn't happen in Thailand OMG, there were Farangs involved, what is the world coming to, perhaps they were American Thai's, yep, that must be it. facepalm.gif

    Always off topic this is Thailand

    How is pointing out other Military Aircraft accidents do happen outside Thailand, off topic ?

    Or are you a bit miffed cos it stops the Thai bashing ?

  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_military_aircraft

    17 May One Marine was killed when MV-22B Osprey, BuNo 168020, c/n D0150, of VMM-161, 'YR-01',[203] from the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit experienced a hard-landing mishap, burned, while conducting training aboard Marine Corps Training Area – Bellows at ~1140 hrs., Hawaii time. Twenty-one Marines and a U.S. Navy corpsman were aboard at the time, and all other 21 have been transported to local hospitals for assessment and treatment. The Marines were conducting routine sustainment training at the time. The 15th MEU departed San Diego 10 May on a seven-month deployment to the Pacific Command and Central Command areas of operation. The cause of the incident is under investigation.[207] Military officials confirmed the death of a second Marine, in hospital on 19 May. "Family members and sources close to the victim identified him as Matt Determan and said he died Tuesday from injuries sustained during the crash, which also killed 24-year-old Lance Corporal Joshua Barron and injured 20 others. At least two of the Marines who were injured in the crash remained hospitalized in stable condition on Tuesday, according to a Marine Corps. spokesperson."[208]

    22 May A U.S. Navy aviator ejects from a T-45C Goshawk, 'A', of VT-9, based at NAS Meridian, Mississippi, when he overruns runway 29 at Halsey Field, NAS North Island, California, at ~1400 hrs. PDT with both pilot and airframe ending up in San Diego Bay. Civilian boaters rescue the pilot who is conveyed to UC San Diego Medical Center for examination. He was treated and released. The airframe, which came to rest upright partially submerged in shallow water was retrieved by a crane as night fell.[209] The pilot, who was not named, was conducting a routine training mission to prepare for aircraft carrier landing qualifications, according to the Navy.[210]

    Imagine if these accidents had happened in Thailand, what an outcry there would be on TVF, the whole Thai population would have been slated and Thailand put through the wringer, but of course they didn't happen in Thailand OMG, there were Farangs involved, what is the world coming to, perhaps they were American Thai's, yep, that must be it. facepalm.gif

  8. There are thing that are going to happen in Thailand that are beyond the man in streets vote or opinion, in fact, no opinion is allowed, by law.

    Any guess why The General who said there would be no coup and elections would be held swiftly is now saying 2 more years and the Polls show the Thai people support him, of course you are unable to answer this, it's against the law, what a convenient law.

    We're Farangs and can leave when we want, I feel sorry for the Thai people who have no choice.

    He said no coup??

    "Thai army chief urged calm, doesn't rule out coup"


    Soon there will be a referendum (that's what they have been saying) on whether or not Prayuth should stay in power for a few years longer. I bet the majority wants him to stay.

    There wouldn't dare be a referendum saying they want him out, can't you understand why the Military government is needed in this period of Thai history ?

    I find it unbelievable that you think all this has happened for the happiness of the Thai people, it's got naff all to do with happiness of anyone except the very very rich and powerful, who want to remain rich and powerful, Ptayuth makes one mistake after the transition, they'll be after him and his family like a pack of hounds.

  9. How can foreigners not see the truth of what is happening here... feel pity for you if you don't understand...

    Which side are you on? Democracy or totalitarianism? You really should make it clear when you are handing out pity so freely.

    I bet he's on the same side as me, just trying to get by in a country that I have zero input into their political shenanigans, even The Thai people have no say now.

    And it's for a very good reason, one that cannot be discussed, so he's right, if you can't understand what is happening here, he can pity you, or at least pity your lack of understanding.

    If he does not say what the truth is, one would have to be a mind reader to understand what you fellows are talking about. It is simply not clear writing. If anyone is to be pitied it would be him for not knowing how to express himself.

    I asked a simple clear question. Answer it or don't.

    I'm a mind reader.

  10. Makes you wonder why these Billionaires ever want to get involved in politics, if it was me, I would have made my Money , left the country, and be living a life of luxury in Monaco, Annecy, Nice, I wouldn't put up with the crap politicians put up with, no need to when you're a Billionaire.

    Your entire life is under a microscope, no, not for me.

    Oh we know why they get into politics, for opportunity to steal more. It seems that you understand "enough", for some there is never enough.

    The other critical motivator in his case is power.

    Money only goes so far to satiate a megalomaniac, he craves power in accompaniment.

    He already had billions, but wasn't satisfied, he craved more money and more power, both of which could be furthered by becoming a Southeast Asian tyrannical political despot, like his model Ferdinand Marcos.

    He already had the money and could have still had the power to this day if only he had been honest.

    He had the potential to be a great PM but had to stuff it up for himself and the country with greed.

    It was to late that he found out that it was the power that he craved over the money, by that time he had run from justice, so had to reach into his bag of dirty tricks in an attempt to get back free of all impediments.

    Unfortunately for him and the country it hasn't worked and he has now left his sister in the mess she is in with multiple charges brought about by his direction (caddy).

    He apparently sees no shame or accepts any responsibility for this.

    And now the new administration are going to change everything, no more cronyism, no more corruption, no more people who align with the right people getting away with anything they want, no more members of rich and powerful families getting drunk, coked up, killing policemen then being allowed out of the country, of course, all this will change,

    The Generals and all the other Generals and Police Chiefs extraordinary wealth will be investigated and scritinised, also his brothers, and all the super rich Politicos that are now on the right side, they will be investigated too.

    Yeah right........blink.png

    For intelligent people, I have to say, your ignorance astounds me.

  11. There are thing that are going to happen in Thailand that are beyond the man in streets vote or opinion, in fact, no opinion is allowed, by law.

    Any guess why The General who said there would be no coup and elections would be held swiftly is now saying 2 more years and the Polls show the Thai people support him, of course you are unable to answer this, it's against the law, what a convenient law.

    We're Farangs and can leave when we want, I feel sorry for the Thai people who have no choice. They're gonna get screwed by the rich like they always have done and always will do, and they can't do a thing about it.

  12. Makes you wonder why these Billionaires ever want to get involved in politics, if it was me, I would have made my Money , left the country, and be living a life of luxury in Monaco, Annecy, Nice, I wouldn't put up with the crap politicians put up with, no need to when you're a Billionaire.

    Your entire life is under a microscope, no, not for me.

    Oh we know why they get into politics, for opportunity to steal more. It seems that you understand "enough", for some there is never enough.

    Crazy hey, I could eek out the rest of my life on a Billion Dollars if I took it easy and lived to 457 years old, but in reality screw the politics, I'd be having a Hugh Hefner type party life.

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