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Posts posted by eddie11

  1. I am a british citizen and my wife holds a British passport

    My wife is due to give birth to our daughter very soon in Thailand.

    I am currently in the UK working and my wife and family will join me after the baby is 2 months old.

    What are my options for getting our daughter back to England

    1.Get a British passport from embassy in bangkok ( does this mean i have to be present present when applying ) Not possible due to work commitments

    2.Get a Thai passport and a visa to visit UK ( again would I need to be present )




  2. ""If they want to clear us out of [Rajprasong intersection] too then we'll bring the whole country to ruin - end of story," said a woman, anger in her eyes.

    "I don't know who [the men in black] are but I thank them for without them, many red shirts would have been killed," she said."

    Seems that she has no doubts whatsoever. :)

    If she doesn't know who they are, how does she know they didn't kill red shirts? At least muslims promise their martyrs 72 virgins, what to the red shirts expect to get to die for a rich old fool.

    Either way, she seems to be contradicting Nattawut and saying that the 'men in black' we're active and armed combatants.

    This is from the nation, there was no old woman :D

  3. A true gentleman of the game, will be sadly missed.

    RIP Sir Bobby


    The footballing world today paid tribute to Sir Bobby Robson, who has died after a long battle with lung cancer. Sir Alex Ferguson led the tributes, saying: "In my 23 years working in England there is not a person I would put an inch above Bobby Robson. I mourn the passing of a great friend, a wonderful individual, a tremendous football man and somebody with passion and knowledge of the game that was unsurpassed. His character was hewn out of the coal face, developed by the Durham county mining background that he came from. His parents instilled in him the discipline and standards which forged the character of a genuinely colossal human being."

    Howard Wilkinson also paid tribute to a man who also had a tendency to forget players' names (hence the Fiver's reference to him as Rir Sobby Robson). "My best memories of Bobby are the funny ones, all the more funny because he remained blissfully unaware, nor offended that his faux pas became a source of such fun. At one England Under-21 gathering, I selected Shola Ameobi who was a young striker at Newcastle under him. Bobby had also bought at great expense Carl Cort, a striker from Wimbledon. Shola had about six Christian names, most of them, to me, unpronounceable and in an attempt to put him at his ease on his debut performance, I called the lad over and asked him what Bobby called him when he was at the club. With absolutely no sense of resentment, rather more with a sense of love and understanding, Shola said, 'Carl Cort, mostly'.

  4. Hi

    If I was to bring a DVD recorder with a 160 GB hard drive would it work in Thailand using True visions Dstv.

    They seem to be very expensive in Thailand. Just wanting to know if there would be any technical issues.

    I also see that True visions do a PVR box,( bit like SKY+) any comments on that.


  5. Hi Rick75,

    not much in the way of guest houses in Rattanaburi,some short time but not recomended for a long stay.

    If you have access to a car I would suggest stay with the family for a few days, it might not be too bad, and then

    decide if you wish to move on.There is a nice place in Thatum,17km away, owned by a German called Frank,has nice rooms and a pool.

    Surin is only a 45 minute drive.

    Just be polite with the family and everything should be fine.

    Don't forget to visit Sala Thai restaurant in Rattanaburi while you are there,best in the area

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