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Posts posted by eddie11

  1. Let us not forget that PTV is the TRT. I trust that you can see past the facade of what is going on here. I for one would have to agree that putting emergency rule back into place is the right thing to do. You need to ask yourself who would be arrogant enough to do this self serving thing and you will find the only answer is the TRT. I would also say it fits what I am calling Thaksin’s plan “B”.

    Punishing TRT members, well that’s one for the books. Again all meant to make the appearance it is not the TRT, and if you think about Thaksin and his opposites, it fits exactly his style and what he would say.

    Slow? The issue about the constitution is for what I can see still more or less on track based on the initial time frame, and I certainly would be annoyed at someone who would be bitching and complaining about something that was still not done. Although I do agree putting the underlying infrastructure back together seems to be a impotent attempt at this point, we must not forget it is a two step process, undo what Thaksin did then rebuild. As far as I can see undoing has never been done before because noone has ever taken thing to this level. I have been watching demolition next to the Asok BTS station for a while now, obviously clearing the way for a new building, this is no different.

    Remember the “under currents” talked about early on and mostly centered in Thaksin country, you are now seeing that was not a false statement. This has much bigger ramifications than the appearance of infringement of freedom, and only will serve to further divide the country. Emergency rule is the correct call.


  2. 'When Your'e Young'

    Life is timeless, days are long when you're young

    You used to fall in love with everyone

    Any guitar and any bass drum

    Life is a drink and you get drunk when you're young

    Life is new and there's things to be done

    You can't wait to be grown up

    Acceptance into the capital world

    You pull on some weed, then you pull on someone when you're young

    But you find out life isn't like that

    It's so hard to comprehend

    Why you set up your dreams to have them smashed in the end

    But you don't mind you've got time on your side

    And they're never gonna make you stand in line

    You're just waiting for the right time

    You're fearless and brave - you can't be stopped when you're young

    You swear you're never ever gonna work for someone

    No corporations for the new age sons

    Tears of rage roll down your face

    But still you say "it's fun"

    And you find out life isn't like that

    It's so hard to understand

    Why the world is your oyster but your future's a clam

    It's got you in its grip before your born

    It's done with the use of a dice and a board

    They let you think you're king but you're really a pawn

    You're fearless and brave - you can't be stopped when you're young

    You used to fall in love with everyone

    Any guitar and any bass drum

    The Jam Classic

  3. taken from MoT web site

    (Braveheart )

    Supporter: We didn't come here to play for them Bates and Wise.

    Second Supporter: Let's go home, we have too many points to make up!

    Sons of Leeds! I am Billy Bremner.

    Second Supporter: Billy Bremner is seven feet tall!

    Yes, I've heard that, and he scores goals by the hundreds. And if he were here, he'd consume our opponants with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse. I AM Billy Bremner! and I see a whole army of Leeds supporters, here, in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight and avoid relegation and the slavery of Division one?

    Supporter: Against that? No, we'll run, and we'll live even though we get relegated.

    Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least for a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM OR OUR PRIDE!

    Come on Leeds!!!!

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