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Posts posted by eddie11

  1. Good luck to you - but do have any figures as to what prices are likely to be if you sell in any given month?

    Thresher?... does that improve the price when you sell it, or are you using it for other purposes?


    A thresher takes the husk of the rice.

    We buy untreated rice ( still with husk)for 7 Baht/ Kg

    Treat rice (remove husk) sell for 14 Baht/Kg.

    We got a local with a thresher but we gave him 48 kg and he gave us back 20kg

    so we want to buy our own. His take seems too high .

    I seem to have mixed up TRESHER with Rice MILL.

    What I am looking for is a rice milling machine.

    Sorry for any confusion

  2. Good luck to you - but do have any figures as to what prices are likely to be if you sell in any given month?

    Thresher?... does that improve the price when you sell it, or are you using it for other purposes?


    A thresher takes the husk of the rice.

    We buy untreated rice ( still with husk)for 7 Baht/ Kg

    Treat rice (remove husk) sell for 14 Baht/Kg.

    We got a local with a thresher but we gave him 48 kg and he gave us back 20kg

    so we want to buy our own. His take seems too high .

  3. Sporting star's from many sports get paid millions of dollars for performing.....at the end of the day, that money comes from u and me, the sports fan.....

    So why is it that if one of them gets caught using steriods, that he is banned ?

    He was just doing something so that he can keep on performing at an elite level, keeping us happy, his team winning and making himself a fortune along the way......

    If there was a pill, that if taken by the English football team, would then assure them victory in the next World Cup, would u be against them taking that pill on the quite...hmmmmm

    Most sport men and women are into steriods these days anyway, so why not just let them take the courses and perform for longer, they sure get paid enough to take the risks....

    We might get to see Beckham and his "showhawk" at a few more World Cups.....

    It's called cheating.

  4. Hi Guys,

    Had all my rice harvest done, did not get as much as last year, quite a poor harvest, as planted later, some years outstanding some years poor, thats the way it go's, i am in the UK at the moment, i was wondering if anybody knows the price of Rice at the moment, how much one kilo, i can then work my quota out.

    Thanks Guys.....................................

    Here in Rattanaburi rice is going for about 7Baht /kilo (untreated)

  5. On the subject of Leeds Fans here is an earlier mail from this thread.

    Rich after this weekend me thinks.

    as a lifelong leeds united supporter ,

    there is no greater joy for a leeds fan than the sight of that yob manager of theirs  on the touchline , mouthing obsenities , spraying saliva , his purple nose throbbing with anger and nastiness as his team suffer another defeat.

    AT LEAST HE SHOWS RESPECT to the dead. The word yob is a word you always associate with Leeds.

    I always thought you lot couldn't sink any lower but i was wrong.

    the sight of that (ex leeds) spoilt brat duck billed  brainless freak rio losing it aint bad either.

    Brainless, after the weekend thats a good one eh.

    may they plumb the depths for ever.

    You have been there for years and Saturday just comfirms it.

    As for Loonypool fans you would have thought they would have show more respect after the soccer tragedies they have witnessed.

    I hate Leeds and Loonypool with a passion but come on, lets have a bit of dignity here and respect a football genius weather he played for Utd of not.

    Respect to all the fans throughout the country who showed theirs.

    R.I.P George

    As a Leeds fan myself it is sad that a small percentage of fans show no respect.

    Best may well have played for MU (before my time) but he was a genius with a football .

    Respect where respect is due regardless of his choice of club

  6. Well I must admit I was truly amazed at the way England stuff the "Old Enemy" really comprehensibly. :D

    What a game Lampard had. 2 golas (1 pen) and a great trademark free kick from Beckham. :D

    Maybee things would have been a bit tougher had Crespo not been sent off early on for spitting at Lampard, but hey who cares its the result that counts.

    we are now well set for an assualt on the World Cup next year. It was really a game worth staying up for :o

    You wish! :D:D

    You wish you were going :D:D:D

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