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Posts posted by eddie11

  1. Like most women, my wife is only interested in the big games i.e World Cup finals,

    but is as passionate as anyone during these games( when England are playing)

    If Thailand ever qualify for the finals :o I think she would burst into tears with pride.

    I have seen her in floods of tears after England were beaten by the Argies in '98.

  2. Background:

    This is really an issue of Thai law, not UK law, so I have found great difficulty in obtaining advice.  Hope you can help!


    First of all she has to get sole custody of her son ,this should be done in the court in the local amphur. This should be straight forward enough as the boys father is happy to cooperate.A lawer should be able to sort it out.

    Went through this 2 years ago

    Thanks Richard W

    Your reply is interesting. Did the whole process cost 'an arm and a leg' and how long did it all take? I have heard that lawyers in Thailand can take a very long time, like those in most other countries, to do the paperwork.

    Was your situation an 'amicable' process, and were there any particular reasons for going down the legal route, given the fact that the British Embassy apparently don't recognise such arrangements?


    Laulen :o

    Life is half spent before we know what it is.....George Herbert

    Wife paid around 15,000Bht

    Took around 3 days .

    Can be done cheaper but you have to know the ins 'n' outs of the process.

    Ours was an amicable process.

    the 15,000 Bht was expensive but due to work commitments back in the UK

    it had to be done ASAP, so the wife used the first lawer she contacted.

    So shop around !!

    Good luck

  3. After llast nights crushing blow I think they will get well beaten at the Weekend, what with 3 players suspended and low morale setting in again.

    reminds me of the joke I heard, Graham Souness was in a local supermarket when he saw an old lady with a hugw ammount of provisions seriously struggling to get her goods to the check out desk. Souness said "can you manage luv" to which the woman replied "I can manage better than YOU"  !!

    And just think,we had too much on our plate so we handed over to Newcastle to finish the job in the FA cup. P1sses you off don't it :o

    It gets worse-

    Newcastle 1 man utd 4

  4. Background:

    This is really an issue of Thai law, not UK law, so I have found great difficulty in obtaining advice.  Hope you can help!


    First of all she has to get sole custody of her son ,this should be done in the court in the local amphur. This should be straight forward enough as the boys father is happy to cooperate.A lawer should be able to sort it out.

    Went through this 2 years ago

    Thanks Richard W

    Your reply is interesting. Did the whole process cost 'an arm and a leg' and how long did it all take? I have heard that lawyers in Thailand can take a very long time, like those in most other countries, to do the paperwork.

    Was your situation an 'amicable' process, and were there any particular reasons for going down the legal route, given the fact that the British Embassy apparently don't recognise such arrangements?


    Laulen :o

    Life is half spent before we know what it is.....George Herbert

    Wife paid around 15,000Bht

    Took around 3 days .

    Can be done cheaper but you have to know the ins 'n' outs of the process.

    Ours was an amicable process.

  5. One of my friends reads the news on a popular English radio station.  I have another friend who's appears in several music videos (as a bass player in the band for solo-artists).  Another friend of mine is in Parliament.  Several friends of mine are in various diplomatic positions at the American Embassy and other embassies.  And of course my wife, who's quite famous.

    whos' your wife Pudgie?

    Mrs Pudgie :o:D:D

  6. Well done to Luton,nice to see a club like them do well.They used to be in the old DIV 1 regually did they not?

    They did. Had a good run in the 80's but went on a downward spiral .

    Just came out of administration so an even harder fight for them against teams with money to spend ( Hull City)

    Well done Mike Newell

  7. A friend and I were talking today of stories of sweet revenge by scorned lovers.  We've heard the ones about prawns in the curtains and sugar in the petrol tank (dos that really work anyway?) but there must be more than that. 

    What's the best sweet revenge story you've heard of (or did)?  And did it make you feel better afterwards?

    Heard this one doing the rounds ?

    Only in South Carolina!! Yes, revenge when applied this way can be sweet revenge eh? Below is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson University.

    This was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding, at the reception, the groom got up on stage at the microphone to talk to the crowd. He said that he wanted to thank everyone for coming many from long distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the bride's and groom's families for coming and to thank his new father-in-law for providing such a fabulous reception. To thank everyone for coming and bringing gifts and everything, he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift from just him.

    So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair was a manila envelope, including the wedding party. He said that this was his gift to everyone, and to everyone to open the envelopes. Inside each manila envelope was an 8x10 picture of his best man having sex with the bride. He had gotten suspicious of the two of them and hired a private detective to trail them weeks prior to the wedding. After he stood there and watched the people's reactions for a couple of minutes, he turned to the best man and said "F--- you," he turned to the bride and said "F--- you," and then he turned to the dumbfounded crowd and said "I'm out of here."

    He had the marriage annulled first thing that Monday morning. While most of us would have broken off the engagement immediately after finding out about the affair, this guy goes through with it anyway as if nothing was wrong.

    His revenge: Making the bride's parents pay over $32,000 for 300 guest wedding and reception.

    Letting everyone know exactly what did happen.

    And best of all, trashing the bride's and best man's reputations in front of all of their friends, their entire families, i.e., their parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, nieces and nephews, etc.

    This guy has balls the size of church bells.

  8. Background: My wife divorced her first husband, a Thai citizen in 2001.  Under Thai law he has legal custody and responsibility for any children, and the divorce papers have been signed stating this.

    Now, my Thai wife would like to look after her son, with me as step-father.  I am happy with this.  Her first husband has no objection to his son going to live in the UK with his mother, and being brought up there.

    British Embassy has stated that there will be no problem in the granting of a Settlement Visa for a dependent child under the age of 16 (he's 7).

    Question: Can my wife legally take her son to the UK, or does she first have to change the divorce papers to become legally responsible (the legal guardian') for her son?

    This is really an issue of Thai law, not UK law, so I have found great difficulty in obtaining advice.  Hope you can help!


    First of all she has to get sole custody of her son ,this should be done in the court in the local amphur. This should be straight forward enough as the boys father is happy to cooperate.A lawer should be able to sort it out.

    Went through this 2 years ago

  9. Anyone who is a boxing fan, make sure you tune into The Contender, I watched it last night (first episode) and it was truly great.

    Last night a "nobody" punched his way into the next round by beating the No.3. in the world. It was one of the best fights I have ever seen, much like a Rocky movie, blow by blow - absolutely brilliant!  :o

    The second show is on Friday (UBC series channel I think it was), you should make a point of watching it.

    Is it on in England? Chonabot?

    No-hoper fighting the favourite and winning on the first episode

    (all a bit "ROCKY" don't you think)

  10. Thai Govt attacks drunk driving on the Internet

    BANGKOK: -- PM Dr Thaksin announced today a plan to make it illegal to use the Internet while affected by liquor or a drug, or to discuss sexually explicit matters on the Internet. The proposed bill will enable the Royal Thai Police to monitor internet traffic of those who use or abuse alcohol or drugs, Dr Thaksin said. The PM was confident that bill would be passed by the parliament and said “There is too much immoral activity between teenagers that begins in an internet chat room." Adding that studies from the health ministry showed the rise in teenage pregnancies mirrored the average rise in internet use among teens in Bangkok, Nonthaburi, and Chonburi.

    This bill follows several lately, passed by parliament to keep Thai society free from dark influences which threaten to change the culture. In recent weeks a clampdown has been ordered on high pressure water pistols as well as on advertising and promoting sexual enhancement products.

    The Thai prime minister was quoted saying "I myself have forbidden my daughter last week to use the internet after she drank a glass of wine" but refused to elaborate further on the nature of her internet activities.

    The internet cafe Community in Thailand fears a lack of income from beverage sales due to this measure. It's still not clear which products will be outlawed.

    Carlsberg and TCC Group of Thailand, producers of the Chang brand have calculated this could lead to an overall downturn of sales if the new bill is implemented. The Company already received opposition from Buddhist monks last week, when they proposed to list their stocks on the SET exchange. This latest measure might put another damper on their move to the stock exchange and has forced the major brewer to consider an alcohol free version of its popular beer to maintain profits.

    Internet usage has already been restricted by the Thai Internet Police to prevent youths from looking at sexual content. In this latest measure they will be aided by a software company from Nonthaburi Software Park, who has developed an "Internet logger" which logs all requests within Thailand. This system is unique in the world and has been developed in cooperation with Shincorp their main shareholder.

    Ngo's have complained already by the flagrant disregard for human rights, that this "Thai Big Brother" system represents.

    The PM dismissed opposition taunts that the cost would be excessive, saying he plans to use money raised from a special “lottery” to fund the project and would also direct funds away from the controversial “Elite card” system to help implement this within the next 3 months.

    Civil liberties groups say they will challenge the law in constitutional court. "The prime minister is trying to use this issue to distract people from his poor handling of the economy this year." said Somchai Chaiwannakhup, of the Thai Law Foundation.

    --Agencies 2005-04-01

    What day is it today? :o:D

  11. Taken from The Daily Telegraph..

    Thailand cop accused of killing Britons blames "spy"

    March 31, 2005

    A Thai police sergeant accused of murdering two young British backpackers in 2004 pleaded his innocence and said, in remarks published today, that the killings were actually done by his informant.

    "It wasn't me, it was my informant," Somchai Visetsing, 40, told the court, the Nation newspaper reported.

    Somchai is standing trial for the September 10 shooting murders of Adam Lloyd, 25, and Vanessa Arscott, 23, near the Bridge on the River Kwai in western Kanchanburi province.

    Thai police have said Somchai confessed to the shootings, but blamed Lloyd for starting a row.

    Somchai testified yesterday that although he did not own a gun and had to borrow one from his colleagues, his drug investigations informant Ya, or Drug, had a .38 calibre revolver, the Nation reported.

    "Nobody knows Ya, not even my boss," the Nation quoted Somchai as saying.

    "He's one of my spies, and I cover for him. I don't know his phone number, address or real name. But I've used him on 10 investigations."

    The court also heard Somchai's confession was coerced because he was in a room full of police generals who told him it was in the "national interest" that he confess, the Nation reported.

    A television interview in which Somchai apologised to Arscott's family was also coerced, the report said.

    Somchai told the trial he met Lloyd and Arscott at a restaurant, and then offered Arscott a lift home.

    But before they went far, Lloyd got out of the car and began arguing with Arscott, then returned to punch Somchai in the face, kicking him repeatedly until Somchai passed out, the paper reported.

    Somchai said that when he awoke, a police colleague and Ya were there. Somchai said they wanted revenge, but he told them not to hurt the Britons, lent his car to Ya, and went to bed.

    Ya called Somchai the next morning to say he'd "done" the backpackers, and for Somchai to be careful because he might be blamed, Somchai told the court.

    Somchai then fled to Burma but was handed to Thai border officials by the Karen National Liberation Army after a month on the run.

    He fled rather than be arrested because he put half the 2,000 people in Kanchanaburi prison and did not want to join them, the Nation reported.

    The trial continues.


  12. If you go to The Olde English Gentlemen in my home town you will find it full of such characters. Can give directions if you like.

    Is that the one on Hightown Rd ? :o

    Yes mate that's the one. I was back in Luton last year for a while and noticed that they were doing it up.

    Surprised to find a fellow Lutonian on here. We'll have to meet up and have a drink sometime (not at The Olde English Gentleman though).

    Where are you currently living in Thailand?

    Not back in LoS until end of June, will be living in Surin. Would be cool to have a few Changs :D

  13. Just a quick question,

    Do immigration like you to apply for an extention based

    on marriage during your first 90 days or can it be done on your last 90 days?

    Will be living in Surin province and as far as I can tell

    the nearest immigration office is near the Cambodian

    border so I will be going there anyway.

    Just thought I might put off transfering the 400,000 Bht

    from UK for a year.

    Any thoughts welcome.

  14. Dugdale I am in Rattana right now. I have a wife and kids here. I'll be here for a month or so. I'd say that opening a noodle shop/restaurant would work but you have to have the right location. Rattana is not that small if you look at the whole district. It's growing too. If you did open a shop I'd bet your problems would be more with you relatives and their ideas of quality and business. If you open a clean shop on a main road you just might get by. I doubt that you village alone would be enough to provide 200 baht profit per day but I'm no businessman. I can say that there is a lack of 'modern-style' restaurants on the Sikoraphum Road.

    As for taking business away from the people in downtown Rattana I wouldn't worry about that. The downtown like everywhere in Thailand is controlled by the Chinese. If your brother-in-laws are farmers why not help them compete in the market as without a little help they'd never have a chance. If you spend time setting it up with them and getting the ideas of customers and quality in their food they should be able to sell noodles or basic rice plates like the others do.

    Another important thing to think about. I've heard that eventually Rattanaburi will be a province so future prospects look better.  I also heard that they are planing to open a college here so more and more people will be drawn to this area as they are to Surin city.

    I wonder how many people on this board have connections to Rattana?

    Also have a house & family in a small village 4 km outside Ratannaburi.Plan to grow veggie, sell noodles, small shop etc.Just enough to tick over.

  15. Dugdale I am in Rattana right now. I have a wife and kids here. I'll be here for a month or so. I'd say that opening a noodle shop/restaurant would work but you have to have the right location. Rattana is not that small if you look at the whole district. It's growing too. If you did open a shop I'd bet your problems would be more with you relatives and their ideas of quality and business. If you open a clean shop on a main road you just might get by. I doubt that you village alone would be enough to provide 200 baht profit per day but I'm no businessman. I can say that there is a lack of 'modern-style' restaurants on the Sikoraphum Road.

    As for taking business away from the people in downtown Rattana I wouldn't worry about that. The downtown like everywhere in Thailand is controlled by the Chinese. If your brother-in-laws are farmers why not help them compete in the market as without a little help they'd never have a chance. If you spend time setting it up with them and getting the ideas of customers and quality in their food they should be able to sell noodles or basic rice plates like the others do.

    Another important thing to think about. I've heard that eventually Rattanaburi will be a province so future prospects look better.  I also heard that they are planing to open a college here so more and more people will be drawn to this area as they are to Surin city.

    I wonder how many people on this board have connections to Rattana?

  16. surprised you asked , have you not noticed the guys going shotting at night ?

    they wear headlights to dazzle the birds then blast them with those copies of muzzle loading muskets ! There are various small engineering outfits that make them in issan.

    They fill the cartridge with black powder from fireworks , stuff in lead pellets , and ram it donw the barrel. They use a percussion cap from a toy pistol to set off the powder .

    they have a very long barrel and are very accurate at shooting birds at night .

    then they eat them , most varities are eaten . they dont shoot sparrows ! but everything else is game .

    I've seen these blokes at night walking through my wifes village in Surin, dressed in black, wearing balaclava's and carrying their home made rifles.Looked very suspicious until my wife told me they where only going lamping :o

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