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Posts posted by me313

  1. It sounds like a callous answer, but that is the way a lot of people think they just don't let it show until they have an excuse to bare their fangs and exploit people when they are weak.

    Hm many problems here I too have been asked " have you got a room for a month"

    My fear is

    they move in not only themselves but 5-6 other people into a studio room , dont want to pay a big deposit and then dissapear after the month leaving my room destroyed, what they want is a room at a 12 month price for 1 month, well it aint hapening in one of my units :whistling:

    You want to stay a month your'e gonna pay a 3 month price.

  2. Why would anyone question the protests of the Red Shirts when viewing this type of lack of legal representation in this "Democratic" society? People languishing in prisons without due process of law, legal review of their pleas, lack of Habeus Corpus, and all other denials of basic human rights in a "Democratic" legal system.

  3. I am American and come from a Jewish heritage. I have lived in Germany (for 5 years) in the civilian population and I speak German. When I have asked older Germans if they knew and what they thought about the Holocaust, they all had the same answer, "We didn't know what was going on." Ironically, Thai students can also quote the German geriatric population verbatum, "We did not know...". Since there are many retired ex-pats from Germany and The West living here, I wonder if they also learned that phrase from them in preparation for the inevitable questioning that would happen after they made their little statement (to the world).

    The Thai girl seemingly proud of imitating Hitler is proud to be a puppet because I believe she sees it as a way to become part of the wealthy Nazi empire one day (if not now).

    I have been attacked here often by very racist Europeans (and Americans) and right behind them and helping them without any hesitation were Thai people, full of hate and learned racism. They know exactly what they are doing, saying they don't know, it's just an old excuse they have also learned.....It's really about Thailand becoming the upstart little tiger in Asia, and doing whatever it takes to attract people with money. Anything for money, really, isn't that what the cliche is about Jews?

  4. 200 baht equals approximately 4 and a half Euros. A German paying anything less than ten euros for such a trip in Germany would be lucky indeed. While this is not Germany, the foreigners come here expecting everything for cheap and to push people around, just like that German just pushed the tuk-tuk driver to the ground because there was an argument. We don't have the whole story, because as was noted, the German couple were drunk, it is possible they are putting themselves in a much better light than they have behaved, and the Tuk-tuk driver cannot be located because 200 baht is not an incredibly high price to pay for a taxi ride in the rain in the middle of the night.

  5. Regarding the sentence, "It all comes down to money. MOST ( not all ) Thais do not have principles they can be easily bought." I hate to say this because it might burst your perception of Thai people, but MOST people all over the world can be bought with money most people are ruled by money. I just lived in Europe for a year and all I can say is money rules the world, and most people will do almost anything for it. I"m not disparaging your (what seems like) racist comment about Thai people, perhaps they are not as clever at disguising greed as our Western counterparts?

    I have been a teacher here for 6 years and the government makes it harder every year for foreign teachers to work here and yet they let this scum open businesses and extort money from people.

    It all comes down to money. MOST ( not all ) Thais do not have principles they can be easily bought.

    Of course they are charging high prices because they have to pay off the police to stay in business.

    If the government paid police a decent wage and got rid of most of it's existing police force we may actually have some law and order here, and the Thai people may even start to respect the police. Then the foreign mafia ( with Thai interests ) would have to move to another country. jap.gif

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