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Posts posted by likerdup1

  1. On 10/24/2018 at 11:45 AM, Wilson Smith said:

    And because you have this qualification, does this mean someone in AA has appointed you to some type of authority to decides who qualifies to be in an AA meeting despite them identifying that they are an alcoholic? There are no leaders, back of bus Bozo!  


    You can quote until the cows come home. 


    Read the only thing that matters on the topic.


    The modern outcome is " You are an AA member if you say so. You can declare yourself in; nobody can keep you out." 

    Later in the chapter we read " Who dared to be judge, jury and executioner of his own sick brother?"

    Because I have what qualification? That AA is for alcoholics only? What are you talking about?


    I am not suggesting we kick people out of meetings because they are not "real" or "true" or hopeless alcoholics. I think the original OP may be suggesting this but that is damn near impossible to do. YOU CAN HOWEVER SETUP A MEETING IN SUCH A WAY AS TO MINIMIZE DAMAGE NON-Alcoholics could do at a meeting.


    I attend a meeting here in Pattaya that states up front at the beginning of the meeting that AA is for people with alcoholism. If anyone is attending that feels they are a drug addict, over-eater, sex addict, gambling addict AND NOT an alcoholic .. we ask that they don't share and talk to us after the meeting about where they can get help for their specific problem. We have never had anyone not honor that. But in the case someone shows up who is so belligerent that they insist on speaking even when not called on or insist on speaking during random sharing and go on about addiction or gambling problems for the 4 minutes we allow etc.. there is not too much we can do about it. So our meeting is setup in such a way to minimize the possibility of any strong personality that doesn't honor the singleness of purpose or 3rd tradition from dominating share time. But then again, anyone new who is there would be able to tell right away that this person doesn't belong and that they are being quite disrespectful of what the meeting purpose really is. TO HELP ALCOHOLICS.



    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, MrPatrickThai said:



    read this please and get back to me

    I have briefly read this. Until one really knows the Big Book this is extra non-AA approved opinion. I choose to stick with the Big Book and 12 and 12.


    Again, my suggestion to you is study the Big Book with a good well known and tried and true Big Book teacher. Joe and Charlie or Scott L and Bob D.


    Talking to a new commer straight away about "alcoholism as a spiritual malady" IS THE WRONG WAY TO APPROACH HELPING A NEW COMMER.





  3. All you've done here is shown me where in the book it talks about THE SPIRITUAL SOLUTION!




    Wow, are we using the English language here?


    Without a doubt AA's solution to alcoholism is SPIRITUAL ... but alcoholism itself IS A MENTAL OBSESSION coupled with AN ALLERGY OF THE BODY


    Now I am certain I am not the one who is confused here.


    Study the book with a Joe and Charlie seminar recording or a Bob D and Scott L seminar recording.


    I am done talking about this with you..

  4. 35 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

    I agree with many things you say in this thread, but you seem a little confused about the spiritual v mental nature of the disease of alcoholism. How long have you been sober? just asking as when I was 2-5 years sober, I thought I knew it all, and after two decades realized I didn't know half of what i thought I did. I assume in another 10 years, I'll look back to now and think the same.


    How long one has been sober has nothing to do with actual knowledge of the AA program. Are you just saying I'm confused to get an explanation rather than just ask me?


    I am 24 years sober and have had 3 Big Book sponsors, one who is a well known circuit speaker and Big Book teacher. He gives well attended seminars on the program as illustrated in the Big Book. Sir, I am not confused, you are simply think you know for certain something that is just not completely accurate.


    Show me where in the literature it goes into depth about the spiritual nature of the disease. Sure it is also a spiritual problem BUT THE MAIN problem is the mental obsession, then the allergy of the body (which cannot be cured or recovered using the program) That is why real alcoholics must abstain if they want recovery.


    I only see it in one place mentioned briefly (in the 4th step) where the alcoholism is talked about as a spiritual problem. If the Big Book authors wanted to make this a point it would be talked about in as much or greater detail than the two fold disease of alcoholism that the first 3rd of the book covers. There is an entire chapter in the book called "More About Alcoholism" that goes into great detail including stories illustrating the mental obsession portion of the disease. I am not confused, sorry to say but I'm certain you are basically inaccurate here and holding onto something you think is correct that you probably repeat at a lot of meetings.


    One thing I have learned. It's not what I think I know that can causes me trouble. It's what I know for certain that just ain't so that will get me every time.


    Page 23 there is a solution:

    These observations would be academic and point­

    less if our friend never took the first drink, thereby

    setting the terrible cycle in motion. Therefore, the

    main problem of the alcoholic centers in his mind,

    rather than in his body.


  5. 8 hours ago, dennis123 said:

    This thread deserves some trolling.


    You people are truly insane, bickering over who should be allowed in AA meetings and who not.

    Are you a member of AA? If not then you would not understand. Alcoholism is, of course, a fatal disease and how to run and conduct AA meetings is important because it is how most all people get introduced to the AA 12 step program and understand enough about alcoholism to b then be willing to do it all.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    The whole book is about alcoholism!

    Is it now? Are you quite sure about that? Let's have a look at the very first page of the book. The first title page of the book has this. "Alcoholics Anonymous".


    Then in my third edition second physical page it is written. "The story how many thousands of men and women have RECOVERED from alcoholism."


    The very first sentence of the forward explains: We of alcoholics anonymous are more than one hundred men and women who have recovered from a hopeless state of mind and body. To show others PRECISELY HOW WE HAVE RECOVERED IS THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK.


    The Big Book IS MOSTLY NOT ABOUT ALCOHOLISM... only about the first third of the 164 pages including the Dr. opinion explains alcoholism. The REST OF THE BOOK IS ABOUT HOW TO RECOVER FROM ALCOHOLISM USING THE PROGRAM ...


    The main problem for the majority of people I hear in the rooms of AA is they really don't know much at all about the Big Book or the program of recovery called the 12 steps.


    Its is damn shame so many alcoholics in the fellowship know very little about the Big Book and the 12 step program of recovery.


    Do yourself a favor. Search for Big Book study on YouTube. Take about 12 hours of your life and learn the program out of the book.


    JOE AND CHARLIE Big Book study is one of the best.

  7. On 10/17/2018 at 3:19 PM, ThailandLOS said:

    "The agent spoke no English so she could not tell me anything about why I needed the new documents or map"


    And you spoke/read no Thai after 14 years in Thailand and couldn't ask why you needed the new documents or map. Works both ways buddy ????

    Exactly. I've seen this time and again. Guys reside in this country for years and never take the time (even a few hours a week) to take a few inexpensive classes and learn some Thai. I learned Thai at the local library. 10 1 hour lessons for 1000THB. I went 3 times a week for a few months. My Thai is now good enough to handle most simple business situations ... along with Google Translate I can get along fine where nobody speaks any English.

  8. 5 hours ago, mogandave said:


    Are you really using the fact that people sometimes get “shut down” in US meetings for getting off topic to legitimize your desire to kick people out you do not feel qualify as “real” alcoholics?


    Where did you read that I suggest I have a desire to kick anybody out of meetings? I absolutely do not. My point is simply AA is for alcoholics, always has been and always will be. People who have problems other than alcohol should always be urged to attend other meetings and urged to NOT share. I attend a meeting here in Pattaya that, as part of the format, uses just that kind of language. People with problems other than alcohol and no drinking history to share are urged to go elsewhere for fellowship, also they are urged to not share if they choose to attend. We have NEVER had anybody NOT honor that. The group also never has open voluntary sharing in the case somebody is beligerent enough to show up and demand to speak who is not an alcoholic or continually shares off topic. They simply won't get called on. It is a more than reasonable request to ask people who have other problems go elsewhere for help and that they not share if the choose to stay in the meeting. That group may run it's meetings as they see fit. That group sticks to tradition 3 and the singleness of purpose.


    The problem is that many alcoholics with long term sobriety have never really studied the Big Book thoroughly.. they have picked up what they know from going to lots of meetings .. In my experience MOST meetings of AA have loads of alcoholics who have stayed sober but DON"T really know the program as outlined in the Big Book.


    If I ask as simple question like. "What does AA say is the solution to obtain recovery from alcoholism" Most would not be able to answer correctly. There absolutely is a simple and correct answer to that question.


    If I asked them to show me where in the Big Book are the 11th step instructions, they would fail that also .. it's a travesty. I go to a meeting in Pattaya that "observes" the 11th tradition with 5 minutes of silent meditation up front at every meeting and they guy who started that does not understand that the meditation that AA used in the early days WAS NOT EASTERN style mediation... that was only really widely introduced in the USA in the 70's ... 30 years after AA started.


    AA uses contemplative mediation adopted from the Oxford groups and Christian mediation practices. It's a shame but so many alcoholics have not ever taken the time to really study the Single Most important text our Society has.


    The Book entitled "Alcoholics Anonymous"


    Let me ask you this. Why does AA have a singleness of purpose? What is the function? Why is it important?

  9. On 10/14/2018 at 2:39 PM, Neeranam said:


    Spiritual tools to fix a physical allergy or mental obsession?


    No, to fix the spiritual malady by having a spiritual awakening, by connecting to the power of God, as we understand it.


    Our book promises us that “When the spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically.”The mental and physical factors of alcoholism are put into remission AFTER the “spiritual malady” is overcome — which means I’m still in danger of drinking until I have a spiritual awakening — whether I think so or not.


    Yes spiritual tools to fix the MAIN problem of the alcoholic which is the mental obsession -- which is also described as the insanity of the first drink. The Big Book has an entire chapter on alcoholism and it says over and over the that main problem is the insanity of the first drink or in other words mental obsession. Study the book with a good Big Book teacher (like Joe and Charlie) and you will see that absolutely the spiritual awakening or connection with God directly addresses and gives recovery from the mental obsession part of alcoholism .. period.


    Page 23 there is a solution:

    These observations would be academic and point­
    less if our friend never took the first drink, thereby
    setting the terrible cycle in motion. Therefore, the
    main problem of the alcoholic centers in his mind,
    rather than in his body.
  10. On 10/16/2018 at 9:47 AM, Wilson Smith said:

    Luckily AA does not care about your opinion or your judgement on others who attend the meeting.  


    Attempting to use "parts" of the literature as a weapon. Why don't you quote the full writing. Tradition 3 has a very painful history and in the end it was settled.


    " We were resolved to admit nobody to A.A. but that hypothetical class of people we termed pure alcoholics." So beggars, tramps, asylum inmates, prisoners, queers ( old skool useage) plain crackpots, and fallen women were definitely out." 

    The next paragraph delves into the fear - "isn't fear the true basis of intolerance? Yes, we were intolerant."

    The modern outcome is " You are an AA member if you say so. You can declare yourself in; nobody can keep you out." 

    Later in the chapter we read " Who dared to be judge, jury and executioner of his own sick brother?" 

    So, what is your point exactly? People who are not alcoholics and have other problems should attend other meetings .. period.


    You say AA does not care about my judgement? I am just calling a spade a spade. If someone comes in and says they have not had a drink for 25 years then goes on and on about some other problem like sex addiction what are we supposed to think? This guy would get shut down or not allowed to talk at some of the better meetings I go to in the states. Sorry, we are here to recover from alcoholism period..


    AA is for alcoholics, not drug addicts unless they are also alcoholics, not compulsive gamblers UNLESS they are also alcoholics etc. etc.


    Seems you are just bashing me and giving your opinion .. which is unclear you've made no real point, just also sighted sections of the literature. Your point is unclear and your opinion if you are giving one is unclear.


    Exactly how was I using the literature as a weapon? You've not made any clear argument or point. Just basically said AA doesn't care about my opinion which doesn't make sense because AA is a program in it's essence.


    Let's have a look from the 1958 Grapevine article where Bill W. was quoted.


    Bill Wilson stated that “Sobriety, freedom from alcohol from the teaching and practice of the 12 steps is the SOLE purpose of an AA group. Groups have repeatedly tried other activities and they have ALWAYS failed. If we don’t stick to these principles will shall almost surely collapse. And if we collapse, we cannot help anyone”. (1958 Grapevine article)


    If you want to "teach me" something or change my mind about and issue, come back well informed, articulate and make sense. Otherwise you are just another in a long line of critics who just want to criticize because it goes against there single minded NOTION of how they think things are instead of really trying to inform themselves.

  11. On 10/17/2018 at 7:41 AM, jnak said:

    Congrats on getting it done!  I have a question about getting your embassy income letter certified or legalized.  Did you have to get it translated into Thai first even though the original is in english?  UJ says it doesn't need to be, but I did email the office to ask that question and they said yes.  But, what are they going to say really? I just wanted to double check with you, and if they accepted yours in english, they should accept mine.  I am going to mail it in instead of messing with Bangkok.

    No translation to Thai language necessary. You would have seen that as an additional step had that been the case. I would have done it by mail had I known this was an easy option. Hopefully I will never have to get an income letter certified again as unless I am sure I am never coming back to Thailand I will just continue to get the 1 year extension of permission to stay on my original Non-O.


    I DID NOT USE AN AGENT to do any of the work in procuring my Retirement Visa and 1 year extension of permission to stay on the original Non-O.

  12. 10 minutes ago, mogandave said:


    You talk about people you think should be excluded, you you flare at the word “exclusive”. Interesting, albeit telling...

    Forgive me but I am doubting and confused now what the conversation is about. I would suggest reading the 12 and 12 tradition essays concerning singleness of purpose. AA is meant to be exclusive in certain ways ... but I am not going to discuss it any further. If you are curious then read the 12 and 12 essays.

  13. Just now, mogandave said:


    So we need to be more exclusive, yes?

    Exclusive how? Why even use that word? It is not about exclusivity but about what the REAL purpose of every AA group SHOULD be. That is to help alcoholics who walk in the room looking for help. How can AA be helpful to alcoholics if we start letting people in with every problem under the sun? Check the traditions .. the 12 and 12 essays are great for clarifying this. Go to the literature with questions. Not here!  3rd tradition and 5th tradition.

    • Like 1
  14. On 10/12/2018 at 9:39 AM, Wilson Smith said:

    And an Alcoholic is anyone who states they are an Alcoholic. 

    The long form of the third tradition helps with this. The fellowship of AA ought to be for all who are seeking recovery from alcoholism. Unfortunately the fellowship in some meetings get people with all kinds of problems mainly because, in my opinion, a lot of rehabs tell people with other problems: Hey if you can't find an SLA or GA, or CA meeting in your area just go to AA!


    This is an issue because it takes away from singleness of purpose and makes it really hard for a real alcoholic to identify if people are sharing about gambling, drug addition or other war stores that ARE not about how the two fold disease of alcoholism manifest in their lives.


    We have guys in Pattaya that go to meetings who have stayed sober for a long time on NO steps and come in talking on and on about sex addiction or drug addiction. That does little to help A REAL alcoholic who walks into his or her first AA meeting. It only creates confusion. There are quite a few men in AA here in Thailand that go just for the social aspect and seem to have forgotten that AA is for people who want recovery from alcoholism. There could be someone (in fact there should be a lot more people) walking in the doors looking for help from alcoholism and WE NEED to be prepared to help these people AS THE BOOK outlines. Help them identify first if the are alcoholic then present them with the spiritual tools (the steps)

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 10/3/2018 at 11:25 AM, MrPatrickThai said:

    Richard Alpert(Ram Dass) or Bob Marley would say differently.

    So who says Bob Marley was not a pot addict or addicted to other drugs? Also anybody know if Bob Marley was looking for recovery from any kind of addiction? That is what we are talking about here.


    The point is that people who are alcoholic AND want recovery from alcoholism the AA way need to have a spiritual awakening sufficient to bring about recovery from alcoholism. For me - NO WAY was doing another drug, especially pot (which made me paranoid as hell) was going to bring about a spiritual awakening. What did it for me and continues to work is doing the 12 steps.


    Just because someone is a famous musician does not mean they are spiritually enlightened. Just because a guy is famous and sings well and dances around on stage shouting love one another does not necessarily mean he is spiritually enlightened.

  16. On 10/4/2018 at 6:29 PM, Neeranam said:

    It's a 3-fold disease


    . Physical craving

    . Mental obsession

    . Spiritual malady


    Yea, you could say that because ONE time in the Big Book (in the 4th step portion) it mentions it's a spiritual malady. But all Big Book enthusiasts I know point out that if the Big Book wanted to make a point that it's also a spiritual malady it would not have been mentioned briefly once. The first 3rd of the program portion of the book. (Dr Opinion and the first 164 pages) makes the point over and over again that it's a problem of body and mind. In fact the first SENTENCE of the forward to the first edition states that they feel it's a problem of body and mind (Physical craving and Mental Obsession). Quote: "We of alcoholics anonymous are more than one hundred men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body."


    To go on and on with a new commer about how you think it's also a spiritual malady would be what AA calls "leading with the chin" in the 9th step. We don't go on and on about spirituality with a new commer until they are convinced they have the problem of body and mind. (first step)

    On 10/4/2018 at 6:29 PM, Neeranam said:



  17. Personally I won't sponsor anyone that smokes weed as it is a strong drug that can alter a persons mood dramatically and people have many different experiences smoking it. (Myself it makes me paranoid!) I stopped smoking weed long before I got off booze and other drugs.


    The point I think many people miss about AA is that the program itself is designed to bring about a spiritual awakening.

    IMHO being high on pot or other drugs get's in the way of achieving that. And yes Bill W. did do LSD BRIEFLY but that was because he was using it to try and bring about the spiritual experience again that he had before in the towns hospital. Bill W. was not an LSD addict and did not take it for a long period of time. They were "experimenting" with it but gave it up.


    The twelfth step says: "Having had a spiritual awakening as THE result of these steps..." 


    so the ENTIRE PROGRAM OF AA IS meant to bring about a spiritual awakening. THAT is what give recovery from alcoholism. NOT abstaining on ones own will power, that fails REAL alcoholics. They can never do it for very long and with contentment.


    To be high on other substances is basically trading one problem for another.


    I  tread carefully when a men ask me to sponsor them when they have told me they have recently gone on doctor prescribed phys-co pharmaceuticals because so many alcoholics as well as addicts are mis-diagnosed as having depression, anxiety etc.. because THE ARE NOT HONEST with their doctors. (Me included)


    Basically IN MY EXPERIENCE and I am not a doctor - someone who is high on another substance will have trouble with having a spiritual awakening.


    Being high on pot instead of drunk on booze is just trading one mood altering substance for another IMHO.

    • Like 1
  18. Hi, back in the USA they are beginning to urge flu shots again for flu season. I have looked briefly on the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital web site and they are offering vaccines year round.


    I am skeptical about getting a vaccine here because I don't want to get last years vaccine.


    How do I know I am getting the most recent protection? Anybody get reliable vaccines here in Thailand? Pattaya area?

  19. 10 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    It's out of stock .. damn. I was starting to feel very encouraged. thanks for trying though. searching some more..

  20. 2 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Watchara on occasion does a good deal.


    Other than that, only Honda in Bowin, Yamaha prices higher outside town.


    But then the question is, if you were to save 2000 baht (because thats about what it is) is it worth all the hassle?

    Thanks, OK. Yea I have seen some price differences here and there usually, like you say 2k THB. thanks, I'll check out Watchara Marine

  21. On 8/30/2018 at 9:20 PM, scorecard said:

    IMHO folks who are alcoholic would want to join a real AA group which is focused on one thing only, alcoholism, not a group which is a mixed-bag of quite different problems.



    You could assume that in your humble opinion, but my experience is I had very little idea of what alcoholism really is until well into many hundreds of meetings and finally meeting my 3rd sponsor who took me through the Big Book of alcoholics anonymous. If you study the book you find that about the first 3rd of the program part of the book (Dr. opinion and first 164 pages) is AA's description "of the problem as we see it". It is an allergy of the body coupled with a mental obsession. They supple several stories (including Bill W's story) to illustrate the illness called alcoholism.  I knew I had a problem but once I studied the big book and it's description of alcoholism I finally go answers as to WHY I COULD NOT CONTROL MY DRINKING. That is the essence of the problem. Lack of control -- there fore I am powerless and require a power greater than myself to give me the power to abstain for good and all.


    What REAL alcoholics need is a good groups that focus on helping new people identify. My sponsor started such a group in LA recently. They are growing like mad ... just like the Pacific group which also places huge emphasis on the program AS IT IS OUTLINED in the Big Book. Unfortunately you will find A LOT of meetings where people don't even have Big Books available and just talk about a lot of stuff other than how to recover from alcoholism the AA way.

    • Like 1
  22. 58 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Alcoholics do the opposite of what you tell them, in my experience.

    I would not have gone to this group, but I heard that it was good for low bottom drunks, maybe not AA though. I'd like to know if it is supported by the higher powers of the fellowship.

    Did you see anyone there with a beard or wearing tennis shoes(God forbid!)?

    Are the newcomers on special chairs? 


    I knew someone who went to this group who said, as a member, he HAD to wear a shirt and tie.



    One of the best things I did for myself was to finally give up, surrender and become willing to follow direction. So what exactly did I do? I asked for help in a share back in 1993. After the meeting my first sponsor approached me. He told me I could recover and never had to drink again IF I followed his instructions. First they were simple, go to meetings and call him once a day, then the directions he gave were the steps.


    Hitting bottom is important in that we finally give up trying to quit on our own ideas. I will not sponsor any man who doesn't follow direction. I have had many sponsees over the years. The ones who are curious, follow through with direction and are eager to do the work have great success. The ones who don't follow the directions (basically doing the steps out of the book) I will drop and tell them why. I don't co depend any alcoholics lack of willingness to do the work. All we have is the steps to give and our experience with doing them. Either I do the program or I don't. There is no "coming in and going out" there is only doing or not doing IMHO

  23. On 9/1/2018 at 10:07 AM, mogandave said:


    Aren’t the asking for help by walking in the door?

    Nobody made me beg when I came in...

    Forgive me but to me this is a problem. Assumptions..


    We have too much miscommunication, assumption, misunderstanding of what the AA program truly is. The fellowship and the program are two different things. Until somebody actually asks me for help I don't know if they want it or not. And in AA asking for help means we suggest the program - IF they are really alcoholic. My current sponsor actually vetted me to see if I was really alcoholic and I applaud him for it! He is a rock star AA in my view having started two very popular meetings, very successful in business and over 30 years sober.


    Another problem is since many AA's don't really know the program they will pounce on new people that show up to meetings making assumption after assumption that they are alcoholic and need/want help. This is a big mistake, it can drive some people out of the meetings. I have seen people in Pattaya share at new commers assuming they are alcoholic etc. etc.. this is so bad .. I was appalled at the insensitivity and lack of knowledge about how to approach a new commer


    The actual AA program takes work. Sometimes A LOT OF work if you want to "thoroughly follow the path" and not fail. So we cannot assume anybody is up to the task unless we ::

    1) do a good job of sharing our experience with drinking alcoholicly in order for new people to identify if they are alcoholic or not ( alergy of the body and obsession of the mind laid out in the Dr. opinion and more about alcoholism in the big book.

    2) explain what the AA program is and what is designed to do. Which is actually very simple. "Having had a spiritual awakening as THE result of the steps. (Step 12) That AA's solution for recovery is having a spiritual awakening through doing the steps thus bringing about recovery and lasting and contended life without alcohol.

    3) Find out if they are willing to go to any lengths and actually do the step work under direction from a sponsor (hopefully one that is not a BS sponsor but will sponsor them out of the big book)


    Step 5 - a really thorough step 5 takes a lot of humility and willingness.

    Step 9 can be a huge chunk of work and takes a lot of courage. So assuming somebody is up to the task is a big mistake.

    step 12 is a challenge .. big one for some people. It takes study, courage, practice.

    The program of AA is simple but NOT easy.


    I will regularly let men know I am available to sponsor and talk with them after meetings. But if they ask me to sponsor them I will ask them ARE YOU WILLING TO GO TO ANY LENGTHS to stay sober? If not I will not sponsor them.


    My first sponsor asked me two questions the evening I met  him.

    1) Why do you want to stay sober?

    2) Are you willing to do anything it takes to recover.


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