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Posts posted by scd

  1. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. My search continues... I have made some progress after talking to a couple of local artists. One of them pointed me in the direction of a nearby fabric retailer, and they did indeed have some thin canvas. The good stuff was out if stock but it's given me some leads.

  2. Chiang Mai is not a great place for art supplies in general and canvas in particular. Good quality things tend to be over-priced and sometimes hard to find.

    I use a heavy Belgian linen which I bring from the US.

    Aargh i suspected that might be the case. Thanks for the info, now i know haha. Ok, compromised standards here i come!

  3. Hello everyone. Sorry for the extra thread but the search function isn't being too kind to me today.

    I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of un-stretched canvas to paint on using acrylic artist paints? i.e. canvas that hasn't been stapled/fixed to a frame already.

    I tried the place next door to the U.N. Irish pub but they only have the prepackage jobbies.

    Yours with much thanks.


  4. Hello All

    Not sure if this is in the right place and my apologies if it's a bit obscure. I have an amount of ringgit that i'd like to convert into baht. I shall be transiting through KUL airport and will require some baht for when i land and want to leave Suvarnabhumi airport.

    Has anyone had any experience with this situation or knowledge which airport dealer might give me the best rate?

    I realise that airport exchanges should be avoided due to their lower rates.

    Much thanks


  5. Thanks for the relevant replies guys. I'll go with a double Tourist visa. Not sure if Brisbane will do a triple (anyone know?). I've investigated the Ed visa before and might leave that option for a future date if needed. Cheers and thanks!

    Not sure if the Brisbane consulate does triples, best to phone them and ask. My experience with them is that they're friendly and willing to give advice.

    Which brings me to another option that you might want to consider. A couple of posters on this thread have mentioned that it would be impossible for you to obtain a non immigrant visa at this stage. Now, technically speaking that might be true, but the Brisbane consulate has been known to slightly bend the rules sometimes. In June '09 I obtained a non imm 'o' from them based on having a Thai girlfriend. All they needed was a letter from the GF stating that we were in a long term relationship, along with a copy of her passport/ID and sufficient funds in a bank account (can't remember how much, sorry).

    If I were you I'd ring them up and ask if such an option would be available for you. It certainly worked for me, it got me a 15 month stay with multiple entries.

    Good luck.

    Cheers Leftfield. That was sort of the angle i was looking at, as i'd seen it mentioned on a consulate site somewhere that a Non Imm O could be attained on grounds of a long visit to see an acquaintance, if one had supporting documentation etc. Unfortunately in the rush to pack for the airport i forgot to get the GF to write me a support letter. All good. I'll be more then happy if the Bris consulate is as supportive as people suggest, and i'll try them out for a triple and see what happens. Thanks again!

  6. Hello all. I was wondering if someone can help me work out which visa i should apply for for my next visa to Thailand. Unfortunately i still can't quite get my head around it and would appreciate any advice.

    Some history: After holidaying two times previously in Thailand visa exempt (less then 30 days) i decided to go back for a longer stay this year (2011) utilising a Tourist visa with 2 entries. This i obtained successfully in Australian and used this year in Thailand. While staying in Thailand i extended the visa twice by 30 days at immigration, did a visa run to Myanmar, and when this visa expired, i received another 15 days by doing a land entry at Myanmar, which i used before returning back to Australia recently.

    My situation: I am 37 and in a relationship with a Thai lady and I would like to continue this relationship during 2012 with a view of it becoming long term if the attraction remains. I have bought my airplane ticket back to Thailand in January 2012.

    My needs: I have no need for a work permit at this stage but the ease of obtaining one if i do find appropriate work or set up a type of business would be handy. The need not to do border runs every 3 months is also of interest to me. If i can keep extending by going to my local Immigration that would be great. Multiple entry would also be nice in case we decided to holiday outside of Thailand in 2012.

    So basically i am wondering if i should continue getting Tourist visa's, for this year at least, or if i should try to get a Non-Imm O multiple entry (based on?)? Whatever affords me the greatest success of returning is of most interest to me, although i'm weary of filling my passport with Tourist visa stamps.

    Any advice is much appreciated and if i've left anything out please let me know and i'll reply. I check TV everyday and would like to apply for my new visa in Australia in the next week or so.



  7. Tonights vegie meal courtesy of the U.N. Irish Pub: Vegie pie with chips (fries) and a small Leo. Taste & quality = great! Portion size = adequate for me. Cost = 205 baht. Could do drop the chips and beer and you'd be under 100 baht.

    Proving once again that it's possible to both be a vegetarian and to have clogged arteries.

    Hehe a man has to live a little ;)

  8. Tonights vegie meal courtesy of the U.N. Irish Pub: Vegie pie with chips (fries) and a small Leo. Taste & quality = great! Portion size = adequate for me. Cost = 205 baht. Could do drop the chips and beer and you'd be under 100 baht.

  9. There is a new (to me) Indian place on Tha Pae road nearer the bridge than the gate called The Spice, It has a big sign out front "Vegetarian". Anybody tried it yet? Indian food is a great option if you want go meatless.

    I did a very small review on this place in the Indian food thread. They actually do veg and non veg though i went for the veggie kofta option. Was very tasty and i'm actually considering grabbing a takeaway from there tonight funnily enough.

  10. Hello! We're looking for reasonable quotes to paint the inside and outside of our place 4kms south-east of the moat. If anyone can recommend someone (with telephone number if possible) it would be greatly appreciated. With thanks. S.

    Excellent painters at www.NewLookIPD.com. Unbelievable service. We were more than pleased!

    Thanks MS. I shall take a look now.

  11. I've just got TOT wireless put on at home but don't have a pc to access it there. I'm trying to connect to the net via my iphone 4 but am having no joy. Any ideas? Should i speak to TOT next? I fear the language barrier in these types of situations will add hours of pain haha.

    Is the modem actually on and connected to the internet? Did they install it for you and put in username and password in the modem setup? Did they check it was working before that left?

    Can the phone see the network and can you connect to the network? Do you have to type in a password?

    If the answer is yes to all of the above you can try a network reset: Settings - General - Reset - Reset Network Settings

    Or try and connect to the modem directly by entering the modems ip address in Safaris address bar, it should be something like this:, and check the modem setup.

    thats what happens when you buy iphone stick to samsung then all these little problems will never happen in the first place such an over priced peace of kit and substandard

    next to samsung

    LOL always love haters pitiful comments, really helpful.

    Thanks AndersSN, you've given me plenty to work with :jap: .

    x2 on the haters ;) .

  12. I am planning to do one on the 9th of December (has to be this day due to flights booked). Not sure if the GF will lend me her car for the day... but am happy to be a paying passenger!

    Edit: Will check my passport tonight to see if Saturday 10th of December is an option.

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