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Everything posted by Crocbait

  1. I don't know where the 'we' you refer to come from, but where I come from they are called "quad bikes"
  2. Talk about being brain washed from birth.
  3. Interlocking pavers can actually carry quite a heavy load if installed correctly on a properly formed base layer. I have seen them used on military bases that have tanks, and they hold up better than ashphalt or concrete.
  4. The useless git will probably blame it all on Farangs.
  5. I use send.com to send money every month. Mobile or website app and you get the rate quoted with no fees taken out.
  6. I had my visit in August and the immi officers only sat on verandah, never asked to look in the house. They wanted 2 x neighbours to come with ID and verify I lived there. Another group photo in front of the house and repeated again 2 weeks later. (Refused their offer of help for 2k THB, so I don't think they liked us anymore :))
  7. I had a similiar experience sending registered mail. Tracking stopped at Swampy. I had to get onto the addressee to see if it had arrived. Took about 10 days to get there.
  8. Kindle users have a look at "Book Bub". It sends you a daily email of free ebooks (or specials) available on Amazon. You can select the genre you want to receive and if interested click on the title, and it takes you to Amazon to get it. Admittedly though, some of the ebooks are not worth reading. I just delete it and open another from my library.
  9. Yes, but so happy the wee man has left. Pity they didn't open an emergency exit and shove him out without a parachute! The board is under pressure to reduce his payout.
  10. Been getting a few good downpours in Phetchabun.
  11. Travelled from Nong Khai to Phetchabun through Loei and passed an area that builds houses using recycled timber. There were quite a few areas with stored timber and partly built houses. Not sure of the exact area but we travelled from Nong Khai on Drive from Route 211, นค.3041, Route 2020, Route 2098. Probably a bit far from Pai, but might be worth a drive
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