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Posts posted by DavidB4

  1. 22 hours ago, lucjoker said:

    impossible to register, they dont send the required log in e-mail ????

    I'm registered and it was easy but I don't think you have to, I only did it because they keep track of the shows I like and show me an alert when there's a new episode. There are different sites(links) shown as to where you can watch the shows and you learn which ones work best for you and which ones have the most advertising and pop-up ads. A bit annoying but not a high price to pay to be able to watch so many shows for free. I highly recommend installing ghostery on your computer to help block pop-ups....everywhere. It's free and I consider it a lifesaver for working on the internet. 

  2. 11 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Maths wasn't one of the reporters strongest subjects, after all this is Thailand.

    Math is no longer my strong point but I believe they stated it correctly = the 'top' spot, #1 is the safest(= Finland) and the bottom spot #136 is the most dangerous and since Thailand came in at #118 that means it is among the 20 worst or most dangerous places....I think. 

  3. My ex-girlfriend was able to get a visa easily on her first try by enrolling (I set it up) in an English Language class in the US and they helped file the appropriate forms with the embassy as they have many foreign students. I think it helped that she was already enrolled in English classes here in Thailand. Good luck. Oh and she did not have 100,000 in the bank but this was about 10 years ago so maybe the requirements have changed. 

  4. You are right to be concerned. You have hit on 2 of the biggest issues when it comes to relationships with Thai women: 1. They are really not all that interested in you but in what you can do for them....not good for the long term and 2. Communication, not all their fault since it's partly cultural, their parents didn't talk like you want to so where would they learn....answer: the most successful marriage I've witnessed so far was a friend from the US who married a tour guide who also had a college degree. Not only was she smart but she had to talk to groups of people for a living and so she could definitely keep up her end of a conversation. Good luck! 

  5. 9 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Darwin's theory at work here again, but probably frustrated by the anti rabies vaccinations.    Deary me!  What a revolting thought.


    Oh and thank you Mr canuckamuck!!!  Made my day. Quote!  "I remember when I was a teenager, we were always digging up dead animals for party snacks, good times."   Laughing and upchucking at the same time!!!

    Darwin Award shoe-ins!

  6. He's right! I learned to carry a stick, I mostly used bamboo which was very effective, his custom one looks amazing. Usually just pointing the stick at a dog did the trick(they've usually never had anyone do that before, shocks the Thais watching too...I was in the city) and then if you have to hit one usually one wack was enough. The one exception I had was a dog that just came straight in and started biting my dog and my first tip then is to drop your dogs leash and go to town on the attacker. If you keep holding the leash you can get tangled up and end up in a mess. Plus it gives your dog more freedom to maneuver. 

  7. On 10/1/2016 at 3:46 PM, chrisinth said:

    OP, what sort of dog do you have?


    And probably more important, what is your reaction to the dog pack? Confident, Angry, Scared, Worried? As other posters have said, you need to have your dog on a lead and the reason i asked about your reaction is because what you are feeling will be transferred to your dog/dogs and that will be a big part of the story that happens next.


    Best way i have found addressing packs while walking my dogs is to wait for the initial charge (if it indeed ever happens) and just stop or walk towards them. Never back away and make sure you get between the pack and your own dog (very very few dogs are completely feral here and will think twice when faced by a human). This stops anything developing nine times out of ten. On the one out of ten times it doesn't work, plan B comes in.


    Walking stick.jpg


    After 8 years of walking dogs daily here (when i am at home) i have developed my 'walking stick'. It is made from SS316 tubing, weld sealed at one end and filled with a mixture of sand and oil to give it additional weight. The golf ball handle screws in to seal the tubing. The device taped halfway down is an Ultrafire, very high lum torch. It is something that isn't talked about much with reference to dog deterrents, but i have found it to be great especially if the torch has a strobe mode. This freaks most of them out, even in daylight! 


    During my dog walking treks, i have walked through packs of 20 or more dogs with no problems, that said though, no real aggressive ones about. Plus the fact that i was walking two siberians which, while not showing aggression would never back down to any other dog. Unfortunately we have recently lost one of the sibes, so i have upped the game a bit and now have one 32kg sibe and an 11 week old 'Czech' German Shepherd pup (who is already at 14kg!).


    Will be interesting to see what happens in about six months when the GSD grows up a bit..............................;)


  8. blink.png ??

    I can imagine the police now;

    Senior copper: "Looks like suicide to me"

    Junior copper: "Should we not run a blood test first before we inform the family?"

    Senior copper: "We could. Or, we could go for dinner"

    Junior copped: "Dinner it is, then"

    My Thai is very limited, I'm just wondering if there is an equivalent match in the Thai Language for the word 'investigate'?

  9. Unless you have a top notch internet connection streaming TV is impossible to watch. I have tried and gave up after seeing repeated buffering, pauses and connection drops. I will stick with Truevisions. It's only 50 baht a day and i get excellent HD reception, instant viewing of the channel i want, recording onto PVR, and no frustrating b

    You must be in dial up still. Just a medium level connection is more than enough

    That's right, I have a regular internet connection and most of the time the streaming is fine and on the site I listed there are different sites offered with the same show carried and some days one works better than another, you'll figure out which ones best for you. There is another site: http://www.theprojectfreetv.net/ that has some TV shows watchepisodes doesn't (like the Tunnel..good show) and also a good selection of movies archived. They just added some of the newer movies.

  10. I also liked Netflix, at first, their site if very well done but they hardly ever update their movies and they're even slow on their TV shows. Take one of my current favorites Black Sails, great show and you can see the new episodes sooner on this free TV Site: http://www.watchepisodes.to/ It has a fantastic selection of TV shows and if you register(no fees) they will send you email notices of new episodes as they're uploaded...great service. For movies I use http://rainierland.com/ and http://putlocker.is/ both are free, no need to pay True(except for the many sports junkies) or Netflix or buy cds anymore. Cheers, David

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