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Posts posted by DavidB4

  1. so many times these incidents happen its becos of the owners. I have seen many Thai houses homes which they have big dogs. U know what these dogs r for? its just for guarding the house. The owners never bring their dogs out for exercises or walks.

    They r just confined to the compound of house. without daily exercise these dogs will have alot of pent up energy which in turn builds to frustration and anger issues.

    everytime i walk past these houses at where i lived these dogs will behave like they want to kill me.

    I have a medium sized Thai Doberman mixed Dog n I walked her twice everyday. She is the most well behaved friendly dog. Even then i keep her on a leash when i walked her just in case (u wouldn't know what it takes for an animal to snap even how long or how well behaved it is)

    if u want a guard dog then seek n ask for professionals to train u a guard dog. Not keep it inside your house compound for 24/7. That makes an insane angry killer dog.

    I agree completely. Personally I've never had a soi dog come after me, every dog that's ever threatened has been someones home dog and they have no training. Barking and going after people are their only entertainment.

  2. Who on Earth keeps TWELVE dogs. Why so many. I'm glad I'm not your neighbour. A couple is fine but twelve is ridiculous. Have you any idea what the 'carbon footprint' of even one domestic animal is? If not I suggest you read the following.....http://www.salon.com/2014/11/20/the_surprisingly_large_carbon_paw_print_of_your_belo

    You have obviously (and I don't blame you) never read any of my other posts on dogs.

    One of our dogs had 8 puppies, do you think we should have drowned them all?

    We gave some away which left 6.

    4 were starving ill treated strays that our remaining 6 bought home and now we look after.

    2 are tiny little Chihuahua's who we do take to the city and have the carbon footprint of a large mouse.

    All our dogs are fully vaccinated every year and do a good job in keeping the Cobra's out of the houses.

    It goes without saying that we don't let them bark all night.

    Have you any idea of the carbon footprint of our neighbours cows?

    I don't eat beef, how about you?

    Anyway, with 2 billion beef eating Chinese next door, quite honestly I think it is your post that is........... ridiculous.

    Beside which I planted 200 teak trees to offset my dogs carbon footprint. I should probably get a Nobel prize.

    Well said!

  3. In most civilized countries, there would be no debate about whether or not this dog should be put down. This is a horrific attack, on a child. Her life will never be the same again. She is going to have to live with scars all over her face, for the rest of her life. This dog needs to be executed immediately. And the owner needs to come up with far more than the 150K he has offered. He should face prosecution. He was responsible for the dog getting loose. And he very obviously has never disciplined this wild, dangerous beast. If the people who are killing terrible, out of control dogs are getting prosecuted, why not the owners of these beasts? This is simply another example of a judicial system that is completely, and utterly broken, and dysfunctional.

    Also, something needs to be done about the soi dog situation. From my point of view feeding feral, or near feral wild, street beasts does NOT earn Buddhistic merit, despite popular belief. Most of those does should be taken off the streets. They are filthy, are a menace, and a threat to society. The only reason they are allowed to exist is severe sloth on the part of the authorities.

    The entire dog situation is like a microcosm of what we love and hate about Thailand = they don't over-regulate it but they also just ignore it, for the most part, and it's out of control. I love dogs but I learned quickly that soi dogs in Thailand are not anything like the animals I encountered back home, they are damaged goods because they have been mistreated so much from birth, often by children who's parents do not control them either...what a surprise. At my apartment building the Thai owner has 2 dogs, one is loose and just barks at people, never attacks, and the other is caged...24/7. It cries and scratches the floor and it breaks my heart so I asked permission to walk it. He looked at me like I was crazy but said ok. Walking him has been an ordeal. Most streets I can't go down because the soi dogs will attack. Many Thai people who we walk by are afraid of the dog and often give me dirty looks. He has never tried to attack anyone and in fact is very friendly but I keep him on a tight leash just in case and because the people are so freaked out. I don't enjoy the walks much because it takes so much effort, with the dog who's not trained and the people for the same reason but I try to keep it up for the animals sake. I don't understand the Thais "general" attitude towards their animals and I don't think I really want to.

  4. Blame game aside one thing is clear, "they"(whoever they are) could do a much better job at educating tourists about this important cultural difference and it's allot more important than telling them not to point their feet at a Thai. The difference I'm referring to is that Thais(for better or worse you decide for yourself) are terrible at conflict resolution, sometimes called losing face. They basically have 2 responses to conflict, either ignore it or blow up and get violent and the one often follows the other. Those of us who have lived here a while are very aware of this and know how to avoid most problems but tourists don't. They confront Thais with loud voices and in the face anger as if they were back home where they can get away with it. We all have our own opinions on both sides of this equation and there is no need for me to express mine here but the tourists could be helped out with some more intel.

  5. There was no yelling, screaming, stomping, shouting or childish behavior.

    From your Western mindset, perhaps.... you realise that you're not in the West now, right?

    You obviously have some issues about Thai culture that you'd be better of fixing within yourself, rather than educating the "stupid" Thais about how minor issues should be dealt with. wink.png

    Best of luck. smile.png

    Again, you continue to misinterpret my writings. I've never said, or thought for that matter, that Thai people are stupid so please don't try to put those words on me. You obviously have issues with foreigners which you should either deal with or learn to suppress before someone takes that view of you.

    BTW - paying someone 20,000 baht (or any amount for that matter) to do something they are not doing is not a "minor" issue in my opinion.

    I think your approach is correct. Polite but firm. I don't understand why some expats seem to think that, because they love Thailand, everything is acceptable? If a Thai family are paying 20,000 Baht for a service, but not receiving it, they just accept that as their lot? I'd be surprised if that were true. And if they don't, neither should you.


    they deal with in a way that gets the work done, in the best way for them - ie, making everyone save face

    Of course most big footed farang only know how to stomp in and make demands when the work they pay for hasn't been done, and the Thai way takes a level of insight and intelligence beyond most farang here.

    Good luck teaching Thais how Thai matters should be dealt with. cheesy.gif

    I believe 4 years of trying it the Thai way is more than enough to prove it wasn't working. At what point do you change tactics or do you suggest to keep your head buried in the sand acting like all is well and hope one day it will all be OK?

    Taking money for services not rendered is not only wrong it is criminal, even in Thailand. Inaction is condoning this type of behavior and benefits no one.

    You are suggesting that talking straightforward to a Thai person about a problem in a calm and polite manner causes them to lose face and will result in retribution? You have an amazing view on things and it doesn't match the views of my Thai friends and family. Thank God.

    Well said!

  6. No mention of any lack of work being done.

    My point exactly is that approach doesn't work here all the time. "Stay quiet and don't mention the real problem" and hope beyond hope that the problem will somehow go away or someone will take responsibility.

    No, use your head and play it to your advantage. You've been given good advice about how you should have played it to your best over all advantage.

    Most arrogant farangs are too up themselves to see the different ways things can be done. Shouting, stomping and screaming gets what they want in the very short term....

    You lost this one. How much, will be seen over the coming years.

    Best of luck. Hopefully they'll put your childish behavior down to being a childish farang, and not knowing how to properly behave. smile.png

    "Most arrogant farangs"...this is the typical defense mechanism for Thais who cannot logically explain why they do things(meaning don't do anything) the way they do. We learn quickly to control our big mouths when we move here which is a good thing but we should never learn to stop being farangs and not taking any action. For me when someone says: "you don't understand you are not Thai" I say lucky me.

  7. Wasting water in Thailand is cultural and endemic, trying to curtail it would be right up there with trying to stop corruption...the ones who would be tasked with enforcement would probably be the worst offenders. Anyone who's ever seen Thais washing dishes on the street, or outside kitchens at homes, has witnessed the flood of water going by, trying to change them is next to impossible.

  8. Well charcoal tablets might help. In this case take 5 at the same time. 3 times daily. Also take the mentioned electrolyte sachets. If it doesn't help you have to see a doctor

    He's right, always start with the charcoal tablets they work well especially with mild diarrhea. Go to your pharmacist now they're great(one of the best things about Thailand) and why the hell have you waited so long?!

  9. It may not have exploded but I was on one a year or so back when the engine failed and then caught fire. Luckily we were at a pier so everyone got off.

    I had a similar experience at the dock near Plontip, a fire started under the wood flooring, I called it to their attention, we got off, they put it out, we got back on again and away we went. I've always been amazed that I don't hear about more fires/explosions!

  10. Considered this area when moving last year, but eventually settled on Cha-Am, partly due to easier access to BKK and its airports. Visited again a few weeks ago and got the impression south of Pak Nam Pran of it being one big building site - maybe OK when it's finished.

    You could also have a look at the area immediately north of Cha-Am - some nice quiet beaches with a smattering of condos, restaurants etc.

    You seem to know Cha-Am so would you live in the area north of there or are you only suggesting that to the poster as a quiet spot? Cheers...

    Thank you! Do you rent or own there....how are the rents/range?

  11. Considered this area when moving last year, but eventually settled on Cha-Am, partly due to easier access to BKK and its airports. Visited again a few weeks ago and got the impression south of Pak Nam Pran of it being one big building site - maybe OK when it's finished.

    You could also have a look at the area immediately north of Cha-Am - some nice quiet beaches with a smattering of condos, restaurants etc.

    You seem to know Cha-Am so would you live in the area north of there or are you only suggesting that to the poster as a quiet spot? Cheers...

  12. I am going to give you some advice . Stop using toilet paper use the ass washer next to the toilet it cured my hemorrhoids used to have so much pain now nothing .I had one installed back home as well toilet paper just leaves you with stinky butt anyway .

    Took me forever to figure out what that thing was for thought it was to wash the floor hahahahaha!!

    He is absolutely correct. It's simple logic really: Hemorrhoids are caused by straining too much and over time just about everyone gets them. You can treat the affects but how can you reduce the straining? You can change you diet(good luck) or use drugs or you can use the Hand Bidet Sprayer or Bum Gun as some call it to spray water up inside to get things lose and moving...without straining. It's like a mini-power enema and it's fast, convenient and even refreshing. To say nothing of 10X cleaner that toilet paper which for us who know better is just plain nasty. A sprayed behind is a clean behind, see www.bathroomsprayers.com. post-132541-0-94901400-1452494608_thumb.

  13. Can we get things in perspective. I also live in Riverside Condo and, from what I remember, the no smoking policy was imposed without reference to the tenants about 18 months ago. Personally I am a non-smoker but what's the problem. I understand, and agree with the policy of not smoking indoors, but outdoors - really get a life! These little "Hitlers" that constantly try to control how others may live are beginning to make me throw up. If you don't like it for Gods sake just move up wind. What next tenants will not be allowed to use sun cream in case the smell may offend. Get a life!!!

    So having to breathe someone else's smoke is somehow acceptable when it's "outside"? I never understood that thinking. It's still rude, inconsiderate behavior...period. I remember when they passed the law and you'd go outside in downtown San Diego and you almost needed to go inside to get some fresh air there were so many smokers on the street. The air outside is not their air, it's everyone's. It's a nasty habit and I don't give a ___ if they feel put out.

  14. With all his verbal games, I think what this is really about is Trump wanting people to take him seriously as a legit candidate for president. Now, that it's clear he can actually potentially be nominated and from that potentially be elected, I think he has ALREADY accomplished that goal. I think the really interesting thing with the Trump story is how this is going to end for him and how he'll handle it. Because I still don't really believe there will ever be a PRESIDENT TRUMP. I also feel that deep down Trump doesn't really even WANT this big job with the crappy old house, but that he's got face issues now, because he wants NOT to be a LOSER than not getting this job he really doesn't want. Yes, I think he's a bit of a madman. Not many people have mentioned that, but that's what I see.

    Well said and yes I think he is a bit mad in an ego-maniacal way. When you see how he responds to anyone who he perceives as attacking him whether it be verbally or in one of his many lawsuits I shudder to think what he might do when he has nukes at his finger tips!

  15. 2 Questions; 1 are you serious? and 2 how long have you been here and have you not tried the Hand Bidet Sprayer that almost every bathroom has? Toilet Paper(especially here in Thailand) is obsolete and honestly just plain nasty. Would you wipe your hands after touching poop and consider them clean? Time to leave the Dark Ages behind(pun intended) and move up to washing with water.

    There is no way I'm walking around (and eating) with stinky hands. Give me toilet paper over a bum gun any day of the week. Especially since a lot of Thai toilets don't even have running water to speak of. Tough to use a bum gun with no running water. Or soap to wash my stinky fingers. Just a basin with a pan that's used to flush the mess down the "no moving parts" basin.

    95% of my sit-downs are followed by a shower, (handy time, and in the BKK heat, I usually need a shower anyway). I freely admit that I try to hold it until I'm on home court to facilitate the shower.

    In my eyes, bum guns are simply a concession to the fact that paper costs money- and bum guns are harder to steal than a roll of TP. Nothing new or zoomy about them...

    Some people really ought to cover their ar5es when they speak.

    God knows what backwater area you live in but almost every condo, house, restaurant, coffee shop, cinema or pub in which I've set foot in Thailand, there's been a flush toilet with a bum gun and toilet paper.

    Bum gun for cleaning, toilet paper for drying so you don't walk out with a water patch on your ar5e

    People suggesting that using a bum gun leaves you with stinky fingers obviously don't know how to use them.

    You're not supposed to jam the damn thing up your ar5e - you're supposed to spray from a small distance.

    You are spot on...for regular use but if you happen to get the runs from some dodgy Thai food "jamming it" up your ass and getting cleaned inside and out can be a great relief! Stinky fingers though...never, hand washing is always requisite for me. Viva la spray....

  16. Sometimes, all to often I'm afraid, reason and common sense are no where to be found. Washing with a Hand Bidet Sprayer(Bum Gun) means you will have stinky hands but wiping with dry toilet paper means they will be clean,,,,yeah right. People are just attached to their toilet paper, much like their toilet paper is attached(cling-ons) to them.

  17. 2 Questions; 1 are you serious? and 2 how long have you been here and have you not tried the Hand Bidet Sprayer that almost every bathroom has? Toilet Paper(especially here in Thailand) is obsolete and honestly just plain nasty. Would you wipe your hands after touching poop and consider them clean? Time to leave the Dark Ages behind(pun intended) and move up to washing with water. See www.bathroomsprayers.com. DSCN9921.jpg

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