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Posts posted by lanna2011

  1. It's all about perceptions. A large chunk of the population most likely want change for the sake of change. Is it any different than the elections in the US that saw the rise of extremist supporters of the republicans in the USA last November, only to see the support for that group start to fall off and the recent loss of a historical republican seat ito an Obama democrat in NY? Or the ground shaking change in Canada that saw the left of center NDP become the official opposition in Canada tossing aside the once strong centrist Liberals? Or the beating Liberal Democrats took in the UK local elections not so long after they made strong gains in the national elections? Electorates around the world are frustrated and want a quick fix. It's the 5 minute noodle syndrome,

    Of course it's unrealistic for people to expect immediate results, but that's not what's driving the voters' intention. They are volatile. I also predict that if large numbers turn out to support the PTP, those same numbers would turn against the PTP 6 months to a year later if they didn't get what they expected.

    I would tend to agree with this assessment. While PT will probably win the biggest minority in the upcoming election, they will still be faced with the problem of putting together a coalition. Also, I don't think that Thaksin will be able to reign in his ego. He will probably drive Yingluck crazy trying to micromanage her from abroad!:ermm: With all of this baggage, I would be very surprised if they can last a full year, much less a full term.

    some sense in this - I'm guessing they will get the majority votes and fail to form a government and so the cycle of frustration will continue (unfortunately)

  2. I would like to ask Yinglak about the minimum 15,000 baht salary guaranteed for degree holders.

    Is this just for new applicants?

    Is this to be a law covering both the private and state sectors?

    What about the millions of employees currently earning less than 15,000 baht? Are they all going to see their salaries increased to 15,000 baht if they have a degree? And if they don't have a degree,what will happen?

    Details please, Pheua Maeow party.

    Oh the bitterness. I love it when these polls come out and the good doctor's haters come bleating out of the woodwork.

    quiet right... now expect to be roasted laugh.gif

  3. What about the old German submarines purchased by the current government? No money laundering there, surely..

    Can you explain further because I cant see the link. Whereas with Thaksin I can clearly see the theft, the muirder, the corruption, the lying andc the cheating

    Were you on the jury for Thakins trial? Or is that "hamg him on the rumor"

    I still believe the surest way that the Dems can win the election, is by providing an amnesty/organising Thaksins sentence to a suspended sentence....and make him an "Advisor" to the newly elected Democrat Government. (basicly steal PTP prime trump card).

    There is no disputing his business and organising expertise. He would be an asset to any Govt. but if he puts a foot wrong he is easliy grabbed and gets locked up again. An implanted electronic tag would .signal where he is at any point in time.

    There is no disputing his business and organising expertise. He would be an asset to any Govt.

    The man is a crook in the tradition of the Marcos family. No deal.

    like Suthep you mean?

  4. Not at all, I said, "not much difference between 30 Baht and zero Baht" ..........Abhisit took Thaksin's 30 Baht charge and reduced it to zero Baht.

    In simple English, he accepted and then extended further Thaksin's original initiative. Is that clear enough?

    You are making some strange arguments. There are people arguing that the 40 baht not covered for a student uniform (brought into play by one of the red hecklers) is just too much ... but now you say there is not really a difference between 30 baht and zero baht.... The issue of altering a uniform once -- versus the family's regular 30 baht visits to the hospital/dr/OPD would seem to weigh out on the side of the free medicine. Anecdotal issues aside ... free healthcare even though it aint the BEST isn't bad at all. My bill this week from Suan Dok (CMU hospital) including 2 months of three different maintenance meds ----- 0 Baht. Same meds at Sri Pat (private hospital section of CMU) 2900 Baht .... So, yeah .. I'd say the free education system AND the universal free medical care still need some work but are, in practice, good and getting better.

    If your partner was registered with social security she would be eligible to go to the hospital free (I am assuming she is as she is a dressmaker ...) That covers her locally AND elsewhere if the needed medical support is not available locally. It would not cover OPD treatment in other provinces.

    Thaksin deserves the credit for sure - I think farangs using the system is pretty cheapskate

  5. I feel for the American .. assuming this story is true. I assume if it is the actual facts will come out and it will make headlines in the US if he is actually an American citizen and being held with no bail for what amounts to a banned internet link that wouldn't even work in Thailand since it is banned.

    However, this is Thailand. People are idiots if they visit another country and expect the the laws are the same as their own country or that they will be excused from obeying the laws because they are not the same as their homeland. The US has a very well known saying in court, "Ignorance of the law is NO excuse". But even if you visit Thailand and are unaware of the seriousness of this well known law then you deserve what you get.

    I for one have no issue with the law in question. His Majesty is a father figure to so many Thais and has been for so long that some Thais have have died of old age never knowing another King let alone anyone with such devotion and love for all Thai people and The Kingdom of Thailand. Although His Majesty has publicly stated he is not above criticism and regularly pardons those convicted of these types of crimes, it is a law I understand and respect Thais for embracing and enforcing when appropriate.

    But yes, Thailand needs to reevaluate some of its censorship laws in my opinion but not when it comes to this issue. How awfully sad if one day it became like England has become were the Queen and her family serve as tabloid fodder and late night spoofs overshadowing any news of what they give to their country. In fact, in England, I'm not even sure they (England's Royals) are able to do much now except to try and protect the royal image from all the gossip, paparazzi and unethical reporters.

    depressing comment - and naive

  6. I hate Thai bashing, but sweeping problems like this under the rug doesn't help this situation either.

    I'm not sure where the "Thai bashing" thing comes from. There is nothing on this thread I've seen attacking Thai's, or condemning their behaviour. Only posts pointing out the way things are here and the issues related to that.

    This is a difficult subject with no easy answers, it's only by rational discussion and raising awareness that things will eventually change.

    I agree with you. Nothing of Thai bashing in this thread (as opposed to the numerous other posts in other threads that have). I was just pointing out Thai bashing is pointless and agreeing with him only on that point. But it's not a reason to close this discussion, in fear of thai bashing coming up as it does in most other threads.

    Isn't it more to do with 'Pedo' bashing? why define it as or not as 'Thai bashing'? to be depolored everywhere - where ever it is found

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