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Everything posted by Tippaporn

  1. I don't shop on Amazon but I thought it interesting that the product appeared there. You would think that Amazon would vet the companies that it hosts on it's site? Apparently not. Couldn't find HUangH on the Internet which is certainly a tell.
  2. I use multiple back-ups. Never lost a single file in over 15 years.
  3. I have a need for a lot of storage. So I went online to price some storage devices and found a 20TB solid state drive for . . . are you ready? . . . $159.99, or just under 6,000 baht if 37:1. Here's the link but since I first opened it it has now changed to "unavailable" and the price is not shown any longer. I tried googling the brand, HUangH but can't find a thing. This is the stuff dreams are made of, 5555555555.
  4. Medicine can indeed be a solution. That evidence cannot be denied. I would, however, warn that medicines should not be viewed as a long term solution. Too many reasons why to get into here. But any malady is ultimately a product of psychology. I understand that statement would seem to many to be blasphemous. Live and learn.
  5. Well, it lasted about a day and a half for me. I immediately took a regimen of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc. Had one full day of it. Woke up to a rough morning. By 11 AM I felt back to normal. It was a non event for me. Again, given the amount of deception rampant in the world today with so many trusted institutions lying through their teeth I don't trust the accuracy of the store bought test. Maybe it was accurate, maybe not. I also gave myself suggestions that I'd get over it quickly if I did have. I approached it as a challenge. Not that people here believe that suggestions have any power to influence.
  6. Hey Hummin. I'm down with Covid right now. I can't say it's 100% certain as the prognosis is from a store bought Covid test. I don't know enough about them to certify their complete accuracy. I'm certainly not having any trouble breathing, which is supposed to be one of the symptoms of Covid. Feels much like a common flu right now. In any case, in order to give you good answers to your above questions I need to be clear headed enough to organise my thoughts well enough. And I'm anything but clear headed right now. I feel as though I've drunk enough beer to make me feel woozy. Give it a few days then. Just wanted to let you know I'm not ignoring you.
  7. There's been a lot of ideas thrown around on this thread. Most make no sense to me (though I understand the logic behind the ideas). This statement does not trash other folks as to the ideas they hold or what they personally believe. I better make that clear. I'm only saying that most of the ideas don't make sense to me. No different than my ideas not making sense to others. Now I've done a lot of searching, same as everyone else, and the only thing I've found that does make sense is The Physical Universe As Idea Construction. For once I could wrap my brain around that concept, which didn't take long, so much of our mysterious life is explained. Once this concept is understood one is able to understand where so many beliefs come from. And best yet, once this concept is understood then so many of the fallacies of other ideas become as plain as the nose on one's face. Again, this is how it works for me. I've given a good example of the use of beliefs and thoughts in how they are the source of depression. Someone just sent me this meme which crystalises how beliefs and thoughts operate and their use in actual action in our world. And in this case it highlights beliefs which contradict each other. Yet still any holder of these beliefs goes from one to it's opposite without so much as feeling the slightest bump in the road. They are quite blind to their own contradictions. Maybe I'm the only one who can see it, maybe not. I'll post it and I guess I'll find out. Well, I can say that if no other then at least the artist can see what I'm seeing.
  8. Actually, it fits right in. God is all about creation. And this is about creation as well. Individual creation. Our creations. The God within us. But I won't bore you with it any further.
  9. Are there dogs who behave similarly? Of coarse.
  10. My cats follow me everywhere I go. Our most recent, a 5 week old kitten, nuzzles constantly. She rubs her face and snout up against my face and her purring is unbelievably loud. I can't get her to stop. I'm rarely able to sit on the commode with one cat or another wanting to jump up on my lap, purring while I stroke him or her. We have to limit the number of cats who sleep with us. One of our males, another street kitten we found, insists on sleeping next to me. I usually fall asleep on my side with my arm outstretched. He lays himself next to my body and rests his head on my arm. He'll lay there all night. If I start to stroke him he'll start purring. I'm usually in my office during the day. Whenever they hear me come out a number of them will rush up the stairs to greet me, all wanting my attention. Or if I'm downstairs and go upstairs it's like a herd running up the steps. And always getting ahead of you and stopping. A number of them will lick me incessantly. We let them out and if I call them they always come, just like a dog. Well, not always. Depends on whether something has fixated their interest. Our first cat, a huge male, would follow me to one of the neighbors I visit a few doors down. If I get to my neighbor's house and sit with him out front he'll arrive at the gate and meow, as if to say, "What about me?" I could give countless other examples. Unconditional love? 5555555555 You get only what you see, my friend? Cats are different than dogs in the sense that they're much smaller. They understand that much larger humans can potentially be a threat. So they act out of self preservation. That's a good thing, no? Cats therefore do not easily give their trust over to just anyone. It requires gaining their trust. Most humans don't have the patience for it and, like jealous Gods, they feel insulted if they make an overture of friendship only to be rejected. But once you gain their trust you'll find that a cat will give you as much unconditional love as any dog. Yet still there is no comparison to be made between dogs and cats. They're different and can't be expected to be the same. Simply put, a cat's expression of love is different than a dog's expression of love. But both love unconditionally.
  11. The appreciation is mutual, Hummin. I've respect for what you've found for yourself in life and I, too, am happy for you. Just one last comment. Growth is never ending. And growth implies challenges. And so challenges are eternal. One will never be without them. And there is also no end to the mysteries of life. Neither here nor anywhere we may find ourselves. You have a better weekend, Hummin.
  12. Perhaps your mother saw the cat differently than you did?
  13. Cats have a quite different nature which can be interpreted as selfishness. BTW, what's wrong with selfishness? Aren't we all highly concerned about what's best for us? Selfishness is good. As long as that selfishness is to everyone's benefit. Wanting more than what one needs isn't selfishness as much as it is greed, for instance. Cats look after themselves. As it should be. And no different than what we do. Martyrdom and self sacrifice are never a good idea. That's not to say they can't appear to be noble, worthy and workable values. But those ideas don't work well. I love cats.
  14. @Hummin Why do I promote Seth? Now I understand the difficulty some would have in believing in an afterlife, or rather continued existence beyond this world. Be that as it may I can think of no other more concise, knowledgeable and comprehensive source than someone who is in a position to have a much more broader awareness than we do. For if it is true, and it is, that Seth has access to knowledge and broader awareness which is expansive enough to explain us and our reality to us then the potential of hitting a true gold mine are beyond obvious. It's certainly panned out for me. On the other hand, the degree of humbleness which Seth possess cannot be evidenced more by his statement, "You can learn more from watching the animals than you can from reading my books." Which is not only true but it is also his way of saying that the knowledge many of us seek is to be found everywhere. Reading Seth is in no way a requirement to acquiring any knowledge one wishes to possess. I've met those who know much as I do but have never heard of Seth. But Seth is a very handy reference for assembled knowledge. Beyond Seth is the knowing that all of life's answers are truly within each and every one of us. We are the true source of it all.
  15. Cats can and do, indeed. I've got 10 of these marvelous, loving and loyal creatures. You'd be amazed at their capacity for expressing love.
  16. Hummin, there is nothing I write that attempts to deny your own reality. Everything I write is to get you to see that there is more to your reality than what you see. Everything I write is an offering of how reality actually works and I do it in such a way where you can choose to understand it or not. No pushing on my part. You've let it be known that you've suffered severe depression. Severe enough to seek professional help. And it worked for you. Now I'm not going to be so foolish as to try and deny your reality, or deny the reality that the help you sought and utilised was of benefit to you. You have also once questioned why you would want to know any of the information I offer. So here I will put the information I offer into a practical context which would answer your question of why you would want to know using subject matter which you no doubt can easily relate to. To recap, the fundamental law of creation is that one creates their own reality. The mechanism, or the specific means by which this is accomplished is through ideas. Ideas are the building blocks used to create one's life. Ideas which are predominant, or oft repeated to one's self, become what is commonly known as beliefs. Feelings and imagination flow from beliefs. Feelings are largely caused by beliefs. And again, imagination also largely follows beliefs. Ideas and beliefs are composed of energy. They have power. And finally, there are only two things anyone can ever think about - what is wanted and what is unwanted. The above is about as basic an explanation as can be given. But even with this skeletal explanation one can then begin to understand that depression, for instance, which is an emotion, is in essence nothing more than an "uncontrollable," persistent and predominant focus on those ideas which produce negative emotion. And those ideas, which are apt to be very broad in their scope, all revolve around what is not wanted rather than what is wanted. It really is that simple. Now you may assume that I know nothing of depression and therefore have little idea about the subject. Au contraire. I, too, have suffered from severe depression in my life. I know this subject matter most intimately. Fortunately for me I was able to use the tools of understanding those points which I've recapped and have freed myself from depression's most viscous and agonising cycle. I ultimately recognised and understood the true source of my emotions and was then able to purposely choose those thoughts which were in alignment with happiness. And which then produced the positive and beneficial emotions which naturally flow from those thoughts. These days depressive thoughts are rare for me and when they do assail me I can quickly counter those depressive thoughts. Now I might get depressed for a few minutes at most. There is one aspect in all of this that still goes unaddressed. Positive thinking was very much in vogue a few decades ago, with many books written on the power of positive thinking. Yet what was missing from this trend of "new age" thinking was the question of what to do with negative thoughts. You can't simply sweep them under the rug and pretend they're gone forever. In order to address the negative thoughts and how to handle them requires even more understanding of the nature of our reality and ourselves. And that particular understanding involves what it is that we consider real or not real. And here I must once again provide a quote by Seth from an earlier post: Certainly for the more than the hundredth time I say, "Your beliefs form your reality," and this means that your beliefs structure the events you know. Such experience then convinces you more thoroughly of the reality you perceive until a vicious circle is formed, in which all events mirror beliefs so perfectly that no leeway seems to appear between the two. I've explained before that beliefs create reality. Or perhaps it's easiest to think in terms of experience here instead. Reality becomes what reality is believed to be. Within the limits which define our reality's boundaries, of course. Again, you cannot regenerate a lost limb. But to carry on I'll repeat myself; reality becomes what reality is believed to be. A poor man believes he is poor and thus that belief becomes his lived reality, or experience of reality. His belief in poverty becomes a condition of reality rather than a belief about reality. A wealthy man believes he is wealthy and thus that belief becomes his lived reality, or experience of reality. His belief in wealth becomes a condition of reality rather than a belief about reality. Now it's quite obvious that both realities exist and that both are equally valid. Thoughts and beliefs are what create each lived experience. It cannot be any other way. This is the law of the land. So one might see a paradox here. How is it possible for two opposite realities to exist simultaneously? And another question arising from that then might be, "What is real and what is not?" The answer to that paradoxical question is that there exists more than one reality. In this case it is a reality of poverty and an equally valid reality of wealth. Whichever of these two realities someone experiences as their lived experience will be the one they believe in. Therefore that is the answer to the dilemma of what to do with negative thoughts. It is, again, the simple realisation that there exist many numbers of realities, all equally valid. Which one someone chooses is always up to them, decided upon using the same free will we are all imbued with. It is important to note that a switch in belief means quite literally that a switch in experience will surely follow. If this were not true then it would be possible for anything to ever change. We would be frozen within an unalterable reality for eternity. So as I've pointed out before, one must put themselves in a position of questioning their beliefs to uncover for themselves whether or not any particular belief they hold is a condition of reality or simply a belief about reality. That is, if one were interested in understanding the "why anyone would want to know" question and so make a conscious choice which is to their benefit rather than to their detriment.
  17. Ignorance is simply, per it's definition, lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something. By it's strict definition it is non judgemental. People have, though, attached judgement to it and so to say someone is ignorant is then usually taken as insult. I use the term per it's definition and attach no judgement to the word. I just wanted to make clear what I mean when I use the term so that you don't feel insulted by it. Now the question is, how many of your "truths" are actual truths and how many are beliefs which you accept as conditions of reality rather than beliefs about reality? And which therefore lead you to believe they are immutable truths? Take, for instance, the belief in abundance and prosperity and it's opposite. Each is an idea. Each exists in subjective reality. The idea which an individual focuses on predominantly becomes a belief which then accumulates enough energy to make that subjective belief physically manifest as their lived experience. So those who believe abundance and prosperity experience just that. Those believing it's opposite experience just that. A wealthy individual lives the "truth" of their belief. A poor individual does likewise. Both a wealthy state and an impoverished one are both true. Consider these statements from Seth taken from The Nature Of The Psyche: It's Human Expression: Certainly for the more than the hundredth time I say, "Your beliefs form your reality," and this means that your beliefs structure the events you know. Such experience then convinces you more thoroughly of the reality you perceive until a vicious circle is formed, in which all events mirror beliefs so perfectly that no leeway seems to appear between the two. What Seth is pointing out here is that since physical reality is a three dimensional faithful product and mirror of your beliefs then the longer you believe something to be true the more it is manifested in terms of lived experience. The more it's experience reflects your belief the more convincing your belief becomes as being the "truth." It truly becomes a viscous circle and the individual is blind as to what's really going on. I've always said that the greatest mistake people make is to never examine their beliefs. They belief in this, that, and the other as being true. Once a belief is believed to be true - a condition of reality - they stop questioning and never look back. They never ask themselves whether or not it is instead simply a belief about reality. You create your own reality. That is my fact. Where would you go to double check that? There is only one place you can go to do that. Your inner self. You certainly are not going to find confirmation on any science oriented site. Complex information is initially difficult to absorb. I remember my first experience on the first computer I had bought. The feeling of absolute and devastating dejection as I had no clue what to do. You learn. As to your impression that this information is based mostly, or only, on the experience of people then that impression is dead wrong. While we are all as unique as snowflakes there exist too many commonalities to list. When providing personal experience as an example to get a point across then the related personal experience is used knowing that another has similar experiences. It's called creating a bridge. One can, using that method, more easily bridge the gap of understanding. All of your experience originates from your subjective reality. It is then translated to physical reality. No different, in a sense, that translating one language to another. Most people examine the outside of experience, or the translated one - physical reality. Few examine the inside, which is the originator of all reality - subjective reality. I've told you before, more than once, to examine your subjective reality. That's where the real answers are found. You have to admit that you've been taught to believe in endless ideas since birth as being true. Following are two beliefs which most likely came via religion or science or both since both are proponents of these beliefs. "No one can know the truth," is one of them. "You cannot trust yourself," is another. Both ideas are 100% false. Now since you can't trust yourself and since you cannot know then how in the hell can you expect to know anything with certainty? Both of those beliefs will make it almost impossible for anyone looking for answers to find them. And even when they do they can never fully trust that the answers they've found are true. You're quite capable of recognising the difference between wishful thinking and the real thing, Hummin. This post has become long enough and my time here is cut short today. I'd like to continue addressing the rest of your very interesting and excellent post later, Hummin.
  18. It's really a point of non contention with me. Darwin's theory completely ignores the role of subjective reality. Hell, it ignores subjective reality altogether. A fatal mistake. “Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of biblical creation. Both are quite handy, and both are methods of telling stories, and both might seem to agree within their own systems, and yet, in larger respects they cannot be realities…. No — no form of matter, however potent, will be self-evolved into consciousness, no matter what other bits of matter are added to it. Without the consciousness, the matter would not be there in the universe, floating around, waiting for another component to give it reality, consciousness, existence, or song." —SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 582, April 19, 1971 All forms of life evolving from a single form which itself was created by random dead matter coming together under the proper conditions and sparked to life (no explanation provided for what that spark was) is a scientific fairy tale.
  19. Learn. But in order to learn you must be open to learning. Whatever confusion you feel now will dissipate quickly and effortlessly with the acquirement of knowledge. But that acquirement does take effort. Not nearly as much as some may suppose.
  20. Don't look for a godly force. Certainly not one as described by religion. Look for the God within you. The spiritual is not physical. Therefore you cannot prove it's existence physically. Give it up.
  21. Again, science in it's current practice and it's current ideology can never provide the answers to who and what we are, and ultimately the totality of our reality. Those answers must be found within and not without. And again, I, and I'll be so bold as to also speak for Sunmaster, do not at all dismiss the valid and true answers science has come up with. I don't deny gravity. I don't deny heliocentricity.. I don't deny thermal expansion. I don't deny inertia. I don't deny electromagnetic induction. And so much more. Remember, too, that my line of work requires that I adhere to certain scientific principles. So to say that I dismiss science is the "bull pie" you allege others are guilty of. Just because my ideas are more expansive and include ideas science is unwilling and incapable of dealing with does not infer that I dismiss science. And just because I critise science does not infer that I am anti science. Yet again and again you make these inferences and baseless allegations which do not exist and insist that they do. Own up, Hummin.
  22. Continued . . . It's not at all a question of "not understanding science," Hummin. Rather, just as some see the failings of religion others see the failings of religion and science. Again, as Sunmaster pointed and as Seth makes clear science, in it's current state, can only deal with objective reality. It is not yet equipped to deal with subjective, or inner reality and therefore is incapable of providing any true answers to explain that portion of our reality. And so, some of us . . . like me . . . like Sunmaster . . . look elsewhere for sources and answers which are capable of explaining that portion of reality to us. I would bet a dollar to a donut that you do not believe those sources exist. Now I've provided an example which shows the ineffectiveness of the "methodology of science" to arrive at a conclusion as to whether or not consciousness, or we, create our own reality. I've again asked @VincentRJas recently as yesterday point blank to give his opinion or comment since he more than anyone keeps insisting that my problem is that I so obviously don't understand the "methodology of science." Yet no matter who I ask, or how many times I ask it, not a single science oriented type here has addressed it. They avoid doing so as if the question were the plague. And I know that @VincentRJhas read that last request since I posted it yet he still ignores answering the question and continues to remain silent on it. Why? Because he, and all of the other science types here who are so thoroughly convinced that the "methodology of science" is capable of providing all answers to existence would have to admit that one of their most cherished beliefs, which they held to be true in the absolute, must now reconcile the fact that they've been wrong.
  23. Now I promised to pile on but I have to start with that one paragraph Why, Hummin, do so many people turn away from religion? Is it because the easily recognise the fallacies? The many contradictions? The faulty logic? Of coarse. So those searching for answers to life and who once believed that religion had all of the answers now begin searching elsewhere. Many then turn to science as science does offer facts based on evidence, proofs and is backed up by solid logic. Science's answers can then be used quite practically to create numerous inventions for the benefit and convenience of mankind. How supremely wonderful! But, as Sunmaster so wisely points out: Here are a few quotes from Seth which would serve to further elucidate and expound on Sunmaster's quite astute answer. He is referring to science with this opening statement. The underlined, bolded text is per Seth's request. I should warn you first: if you have any aversions to learning you will loudly protest over having to read too much, or you'll excuse yourself by objecting to "copy & paste," or you'll come up with any other lame reason to not read . . . and then comment on what you've read. Or, as you've done in the past, you'll claim that it's "beyond" your understanding. Any reasons you offer as objections will not at all be true reasons but just excuses passed off as "credible" reasons. So far in any of your investigations, you have been probing exterior conditions, searching for their interior nature. To make this clear: When you dissect an animal, for instance, you are still dealing only with the "inside" of exterior reality, or with another level of outsideness. (Pause.) In a manner of speaking, when you probe the heavens with your instruments you are doing the same thing. There is a difference between this and the "withinness" out of which all matter springs. It is there that the blueprints for reality are found. There are various ways of studying reality. Let us take a very simple example. Suppose a scientist found a first orange, and used every instrument available to examine it, but refused to feel it, taste it, smell it, or otherwise to become personally involved with it for fear of losing scientific objectivity. In sense terms he would learn little about an orange, though he might be able to isolate its elements, predict where others might be found, theorize about its environment - but the greater "withinness" of the orange is not found any place inside of its skin either. The seeds are the physical carriers of future oranges, but the blueprints for that reality are what formed the seeds. In such dilemmas you are always brought back to the question of which came first, and begin another merry chase. Because you think in terms of consecutive time, it seems that there must have been a first egg, or seed.1 The blueprints for reality exist, however, in dimensions without such a time sequence. Your closest point to the withinness of which I speak is your own · consciousness, though you use it as a tool to examine the exterior universe. But it is basically free of that reality, not confined to the life-and-death saga, and at other levels deals with the blueprints for its own physical existence. In the entire gestalt from cellular to "self" consciousness, there is a vast field of knowledge - much of it now "unconsciously" available - used to maintain the body's integrity in space and time. With the conscious mind as director, there is no reason why much of this knowledge cannot become normally and naturally available. There is, therefore, a quite valid, vital, real and vastly creative inner reality, and an inward sequence of events from which your present universe and life emerges. Any true scientist will ultimately have to learn to enter that realm of reality. So-called objective approaches will only work at all when you are dealing with so-called objective effects - and your physicists are learning that even in that framework many "facts" are facts only within certain frequencies, or under certain conditions. You are left with "workable facts" that help you manipulate in your own backyard, but such facts become prejudice when you try to venture beyond your own cosmic neighborhood and find that your preconceived, native ideas do not apply outside of their context. Because of your attitudes, ideas do not seem as real to you as objects, or as practical. Thoughts are not given the same validity as rocks or trees or beer cans (two of which sat on the coffee tab/,e between us at the moment) or automobiles. In your terms an automobile gets you somewhere. You do not understand the great mobility of thought, nor grasp its practical nature. You make your world, and in an important manner your thoughts are indeed the immediate personal blueprints for it. When you manipulate objects you feel efficient. The manipulation of thoughts is far more practical. Here is a brief example. ( 10:36.) Your medical technology may help you "conquer" one disease after another - some in fact caused by that same technology - and you will feel very efficient as you do heart transplants, as you fight one virus after another. But all of this will do nothing except to allow people to die, perhaps, of other diseases still "unconquered." People will die when they are ready to, following inner dictates and dynamics. A person ready to die will, despite any medication. (Emphatically:) A person who wants to live will seize upon the tiniest hope, and respond. The dynamics of health have nothing to do with inoculations. They reside in the consciousness of each being. In your terms they are regulated by emotions, desires, and thoughts. A true doctor cannot be scientifically objective. He cannot divorce himself from the reality of his patient. Instead, usually, the doctor's words and very methods literally separate the patient from himself or herself. The malady is seen almost as a thing apart from the patient's person - but thrust upon it - over which the patient has little control. The condition is analyzed, the blood is sampled. It becomes "a blood sample" to the doctor. The patient may silently shout out, ''That is not just a blood sample - it is my blood you are taking." But he [or she] is discouraged from identifying with the blood of his physical being, so that even his own blood seems alien. The blueprints for reality: In greater terms they reside within you. In private terms they are part of your being.
  24. Another superb answer, Sunmaster. Even Hummin liked it. Is he starting to crack?

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