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I'm an engineer by trade. I have to design things that work (hopefully). A great deal of creativity is involved, as is knowledge of those physical laws which apply to my designs. When I look out at existence and consider it's practical nature I'm left breathless. I think miraculous is a very fitting term. When I consciously create my reality I'm floored when I see how the results unfold. It's my favourite part of life. To witness the actual events which unfold to fulfill a desire. And oftentimes the result is better than what I had imagined. It's magical. And in times of trouble, when I'm in the midst of the darkness of a storm, I'm amazed at the silver linings of those dark clouds. If you look for the silver lining you'll see it. And that's when you realise that a negative experience has brought you to a better place. And consider it a blessing and be thankful for it.
I hope this isn't a response to my postings. It's gotta be one of you other guys.
I would but we don't talk anymore.
I can only speak for myself. And it's rather complex. I remember as a 6 or 7 year old kid looking at my arm with child-like amazement and the realisation that this arm attached to this body was 'me.' So for me I found life absolutely fascinating and wondrous as far back as I can remember. Now that I've come to a fairly good understanding of at least the basics of who I am and what reality is, and cultivated a conviction that I create my own reality, I can look back upon my early years with an understanding of why I choose my particular early environment, my particular parents, the types of experience I had, and such. I had both a wonderful and hellish childhood. I guess it might even be fair to say that the hellish part of my early life turned me into 'damaged goods.' That was the catalyst for me to search for answers. So I might say that I lit a fire under my rear end in order to turn me to the path of discovery. I was very much interested in UFOs in my early teens. I bought just about every available book on them and checked regularly to see if any new ones popped up. Which should give an indication that in my search for answers I was open to almost anything. Mind you, though, as long as it made sense. Even then I was astute enough to recognise rubbish. Perhaps my interest in UFOs was born out of a comic book I had read when I was maybe about 7 or 8 years old. An alien spacecraft arrived on Earth. I can't recall anything about the story but I can still vividly see the last few frames. The aliens were standing in front of the craft with the ramp down. The good old army was assembled in front of them . . . jeeps and tanks and an army of soldiers. The aliens were of a highly advanced race and came to help the earthlings. The earthlings were fearful of the aliens true intentions so they ultimately settled on the decision to blow the aliens to kingdom come. The aliens didn't fight back. They had their force field to protect them. The simply turned and went back into their craft and took off, never to be seen again. And the kid I was angrily spat, "Fools!!!" So ever since then I put stock in the idea of higher intelligences existing somewhere out there. When I was about 13 and already experiencing difficulties I asked myself a question. If I could have anything in the world, anything at all, what would it be. My answer came quickly. Wisdom. Not knowledge. Wisdom. Kinda odd for a 13 year old kid, I admit. So my road to find answers was partly due to my fascination of myself and the world I found myself in and to know as much as I could about it and partly due to find answers to get myself out of my 'damaged goods' state. I've often wondered where I'd be today if I hadn't found what I consider to be the best and most comprehensive explanation of who we are and of reality. I remember going to a psychic with my wife once; for the fun of it. She told me that I would be good at writing horror novels because of the immense amount of anger she sensed in me. That raised my eyebrows. To this day I give her credit for her ability to divine that about me. Who knows. Maybe in some probable reality I'm an equal to Stephen King.
I don't doubt what you say, Hummin. Science has worked marvels to alleviate pain and suffering and to bring health to so many. I am sincerely grateful. "But for the rest of your post we have science to prove how you can use simple cognitive self therapy to perform better, take control of raging thoughts, anxiety, severe mental health issues, physical pain, perform better at public performance’s, and also for motivation to succeed in life." I know little to nothing of cognitive self therapy. So I visited this site for an introduction. I won't poo-pooh it because it is helpful to some, as you yourself have attested. If I had to make a point by point comparison, though, the knowledge Seth and others like him provide goes much further than what cognitive self therapy can provide. "There are coincidences that happens in life to that can feel like miracles as well." If you truly understood what I understand then you would know that there is no such thing as coincidence. Coincidence, fluke, luck, chance, accident and similar are nothing more than events for which we have no rationale explanation for. Events for which we cannot follow the thread to their source. There is a reason for everything. Nothing "just" happens. "What I really do not like is this mass suggestion’s done by snake oil sellers targeting people who struggle in life with promises if you do like this and this you will see and see the “light.”" Given the content of my post to which you're replying do you consider me a snake oil salesman? Hey, I understand there are a lot of dubious people out there in the world who don't at all have your best intentions at heart. The are also numbers of genuine folks who do. Do you lump them all together? Perhaps the genuine people are well intentioned albeit, unfortunately, sorely misguided? I'm not trying to suggest what your beliefs are but I'm curious about your statement. and whether you're open to expounding on it a bit. "What works for you, might not work for another." Partially true. One certainly has to account for the circumstances. "A little bit guidance from a professional and cognitive self therapy changed my brain to create new neural pathways." I'm sincerely happy that it's helped you. You've shown that there's always more than one path to get you to where you want to go.
I can. In any case, my sincere best to you, TBL.
Thanks Hummin. Same to you, mate.
"It's like the placebo effect- for it to work one has to believe it does, and I don't." You make an extremely valid point, TBL. You can have anything you want in life. But you have to believe. That's the trick. That's the rub. That's the inherent caveat. If you're poor and want money you can mouth the words, "I am rich!" all day long. You can write the words a hundred times over on a black board, like a schoolchild being disciplined by his teacher. None of it will do you any good unless you believe. And no amount of action will overcome your disbelief, either. It will all fail. So how do you overcome that small obstacle which you see symbolically as a mountain taller than Mt. Everest? To believe . . . to truly believe . . . is not as difficult as you think it is. There are, in truth, only two things one can think about. What is wanted or what is not wanted. There is nothing else. In either case you will make your arguments. If your focus is on what is wanted then the reasons for why that is possible will begin to literally flood your mind. The reverse holds true when your focus is on the unwanted. You will gravitate to and attract every thought out there as to why it is not possible for you to have what you want. It's a simple enough exercise to sit quietly, perhaps with pen and paper to help maintain your focus, and begin with a single thought of why you can have what you want. It may be as easy as pointing to someone who has it already and saying to yourself, "Well, somebody else has it so it's certainly not impossible." Don't get me wrong. It takes effort. But not at all effort that is beyond anyone's capabilities. But what you will find with this simple exercise is that if you stick with it then suddenly another thought which is in alignment with your desire enters your brain. And then another. Much sooner than you can imagine you will be overwhelmed with thoughts, with memories of past achievements, that all align with your desire. At a certain point you will undeniably feel the reality of your desire. It can be quite intense, I can assure you. Rinse and repeat as often as necessary. We do live in an existence in which time is a factor. Instantaneous manifestations happen in the dream world, but not here. The goal is to actually feel the reality of it. For it is emotion that acts as the fuel, the rocket engine which propels thought into physical reality. Now if this process seems to be an impossibility for you just remember this. You are in this moment using the exact same process to create what you are creating right now; misery. Read and reread that again. You won't be doing anything different than what you're currently doing. You're just going to do the reverse. Stand aside of yourself for a moment and objectively observe your present thoughts of despair as if they were someone else's. As you think of one injustice a like thought soon arrives. Using the process of associative thought you bring another thought into your head, perhaps totally unrelated to the first but of a similar nature. And another follows. And another, and another, and another until you're ready to scream in agony. Not so much because you're having these thoughts but because you literally feel their reality. You feel the pain of that reality. It's easy to then be convinced that this is the only reality that exists. That it's rockbed reality. This is the real world. The only world. The true world. Hogwash. Rubbish. Now if employing that identical process to focus on what is wanted then that reality becomes just as real as the reality of the world you're experiencing now. Realise that all of this is mental. It's all within your subjective reality. Physical reality is simply a three dimensional interactive medium which mirrors your subjective reality and forms it into the things you can sense; feel, touch, hear, smell, I forget the last one. Because this is how reality is set up, these are the laws which it must abide by, then when your subjective reality changes then the physical mirror must, must follow suit. Change happens. Your life becomes different. Not symbolically but in real terms. And please don't give me this sh!t that you're too old. That's a juvenile excuse that I would never accept if some kid were to try to pass it by me. Age has nothing to do with it. Or show me where that's written on some stone tablet. Good luck to you, TBL. Even though there is no such thing.
It's typical that people blame themselves for creating unwanted experience. Just as you say it's typical for people to use cynicism as a psychological defense mechanism. One day you'll figure out that you're the creator of it all . . . and quite needlessly. There have been enough words offered here to allow you to get a grip on what's really going on. But it's as if you resist all of it. As if you're almost proud of playing the victim. As if you want to remain where you are, as painful as it is to you. You have your own challenges in life, TBL, as we all do. If this is one of yours, and I don't claim to know, then to overcome it you have to, at some point, come to the realisation of what's really going on. I can glimpse it. Sunmaster can, too. But so far you're more unwilling than unable to. I've come from a similar place where you are now. I know. At one time in my life I've felt exactly as you do. I couldn't bear the pain anymore and made the effort to get myself out of that hell hole. There isn't a single force in the universe or all of existence that keeps you where you're at except yourself. Pick up a Seth book and start reading instead of crying rivers of despair. That's one option. There's unending options. But if you say, "I can't" no one here believes you.
You have a "parking angel" too? LOL And here I thought I was the only one who had one of those. Personally I love driving into an absolutely full parking garage and finding someone pulling out right at the entrance of a mall just a few seconds before I get there. I always rib my wife about it. And I'm with you 100% regarding surrendering my personal power. Never. Being a victim absolutely sucks.
I'll be perfectly blunt with you, TBL. You may not like it but playing the victim keeps you the victim by your own choice. What if I were to tell you that the perpetrator of a crime and their victim share similar beliefs? Those similar beliefs play themselves out by assuming different roles. The cops need the robbers as much as the robbers need the cops. The truth is there are no victims in life. If there are then those roles are chosen. Each and every time.
I will relate one personal experience with consciously creating my own reality. I consider it my first attempt at doing so with full conscious awareness. Years and years ago I was turned on to Seth by a waitress whom I ended up marrying. At the time I was a bartender working a service bar in a pizzeria. This waitress and I would engage in many deep conversations. While we were dating we decided to try the Ouija board, which was the same method initially used by Jane Roberts and her husband, Robert Butts, which ultimately initiated communication with Seth. We dedicated a notebook to record whatever responses might be forthcoming. Which notebook, by the way I hold in my hands this moment. We were able to receive communications on our first attempt, though most of it was in the form of one word answers to simple question we posed. Our initial contact was with someone who went by the name of Stetson Ruwett and claimed to be a portion of my greater identity, or psyche. As we progressed and our communications turned from single word answers to multiple full sentences I had proposed to her. She accepted and we set a date just short of two months. But it quickly dawned on us that the wedding we ideally wanted to have was well beyond our means. I was earning good money as a bar tender but had no savings. My future bride had earned damn good money as a waitress in a swank restaurant in downtown Chicago but she had recently quit and was presently unemployed. She also had no savings. We were unwilling to move our wedding date out so how in the world would we be able to fund a paid-in-advance $5,000+ (in 1980 dollars) extravaganza in less than two months? We were doing the Ouija board almost daily and we did so on the day I proposed. We'd begin with the usual question, "Do you have a message for us?" "Yes, I do. Create your own wedding." "Could you be more specific?" "Yes, I can." "Well?" "Forget about the money. It should not stop you from doing what you want to do." That was it; the entire extent of his advice. And so we took his words to heart. I cannot speak for my then-partner but I can for myself. I had learned enough from Seth by then to understand that thoughts create reality. And so I kept my thoughts on my goal and as doubts crept in I knew exactly what to do with them. They go in one ear and immediately out the other. I would not allow them to remain to entertain me. Everything fell into place effortlessly and the money came from even the most unexpected and unimagined sources. My father, for instance, living far away in Germany, sent $2,000. That might not seem as anything unusual . . . unless you knew of our relationship. We've never talked to each in our entire lives. But that's another story. Not only did enough money flow to us to pay for it all but when all was said and done we had excess to boot. Now if anyone wants to call bullsh!t on this story and make a somehow valid claim that it was all due to luck, chance, happenstance, God, or whatever then you're more than welcome to do so. I have endless stories to 'prove' that I create my own reality. This small example also illustrates the truth that we use beliefs, as a painter uses paints, as the mechanism to create reality. I do need to add that creating one's reality is not done alone. We are not alone.
Dr ZDogg is a collector of others work, and sell it to his audience for views shopping little bit from everywhere. Not so different from most people who read, study, consume, feel, experience and so on to make up a decision, where others seek masters be it a educated priest or monk, or any guru out there with appeal to the audience. Science do not work with proofs that is a feeling, a hunch or personal experiences, they work with projects that can be reproduced within same measure and with same results by other scientists. Until proven it is only theory. But you know all this, but still confused when you referring to solid truths and easy to prove. Obviously everyone's level of understanding is different. People will gravitate to those sources of information which provide them information they are ready to hear and in a format that is acceptable to them. Just as I offer information which most are not ready to hear. Just as I provide a Sethian format which is uncomfortable for most. "But you know all this, but still confused when you referring to solid truths and easy to prove." You create your own reality is a hard truth. So how does one prove it? Searching for evidence in one's past one's life one will find that it is chock full of personal experiences which bear this truth out, for one. For another one can make conscious choices now of what they want their future to include and watch it 'miraculously' pan out. Now I can relate dozens of my own personal experiences which provided me with proof that I create my own reality. Another could heap their own doubt upon it in an attempt to invalidate it. But as I've been saying all long, since I started in on this thread, do not think that every proof can be measured, quantified, held in your hand, seen with your two eyes, or perceived with any of your other senses, or even with a man-made physical device which can detect things a human cannot. I've had far too many experiences with consciously creating my own reality to deny the reality of what I'm experiencing. Science has done such a wonderful job of subverting, cheapening, depreciating and otherwise poo-poohing the validity of subjective reality that over many generations people have come to distrust and outright dismiss their own subjective reality. They may have a quite valid subjective experience and pass it off as a mere figment of their imagination. Or otherwise talk themselves into denying their own experience. As in the well known exchange between old Jacob Marley and Ebeneezer Scrooge: "You don't believe in me," observed the Ghost. "I don't," said Scrooge. "What evidence would you have of my reality beyond that of your senses?" "I don't know," said Scrooge. "Why do you doubt your senses?" "Because," said Scrooge, "a little thing affects them. A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheats. You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!" Scrooge expresses perfectly here the view of science in regards to subjective reality. Hummin, would you deny your own experience if browbeaten by science, or any other Doubting Thomas, into submissive conformity? I don't think you would.
Jerry Garcia's 80th birthday today, had he still been with us. An apropos song for this thread. The Wheel (Garcia/Hunter/Kreutzmann) The wheel is turning and you can't slow down, You can't let go and you can't hold on, You can't go back and you can't stand still, If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will. Won't you try just a little bit harder, Couldn't you try just a little bit more? Won't you try just a little bit harder, Couldn't you try just a little bit more? Round, round robin run round, got to get back to where you belong, Little bit harder, just a little bit more, A little bit further than you gone before. The wheel is turning and you can't slow down, You can't let go and you can't hold on, You can't go back and you can't stand still, If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will. Small wheel turn by the fire and rod, Big wheel turn by the grace of God, Every time that wheel turn 'round, Bound to cover just a little more ground. The wheel is turning and you can't slow down, You can't let go and you can't hold on, You can't go back and you can't stand still, If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will. Won't you try just a little bit harder, Couldn't you try just a little bit more? Won't you try just a little bit harder, Couldn't you try just a little bit more?
On a serious note though, feel free to debate anything I've said.
Dude, I was just having some honest fun with you. Your first post was clever. I appreciated it. So I thought I'd play along with you. Jai yen yen. Hey, wait a minute! I thought you said "that which cannot be harmed." So now you're telling everyone you're butthurt?
The danger there is that they'll be making decisions over your life by the grace of their oversized brains and the common peon will be cut out of all decision making because we're too stoopid and must therefore heed whatever diktats the 'experts' make for us. Does Covid ring a bell?
Thanks for the concern. The fist is holding up well. That which cannot be harmed. Hmm. Let me think a spell. Krypton!!! No sh!t?!?!?!?! Superman? Wow!! Wait'll I tell my 9 y.o. daughter. We just watched your movie, Man Of Steel (2013) yesterday. She's never gonna believe her pops is conversing with Superman. Damn, she's in the shower right now. Can you hang here for just a few more minutes until she's done? This is gonna be all over her school tomorrow! You are one hansum dude, too. How do get on with the Thai ladies here?
Another bone of contention I have with science is that it's almost as if they rule out the ability of common men and women to ascertain true reality. In other words, if you're not a scientist you're barred from knowing. I call major BS on that. The truth of this reality is to be found everywhere, especially in the living of life. The information has existed in the past, it exists in the present, and it will always exist in the future. Someone had forwarded me the episode of Dr. ZDogg and Dr. Hoffman earlier this year. I tried to get through it but to me they were way off the rails. So I noticed the link to that episode in the video you just posted and started watching again, thinking I had never seen it. Since this theory was developed by Dr. Hoffman I thought I'd may as well get it directly from the horse's mouth. After a few minutes I realised it was the same I had watch, or tried to watch, earlier. Thanks for clarifying what you meant by non believer.
Absolute freedom must exist if we create our own reality. You cannot create your own reality without it. The two are inextricably linked. Absolute freedom is inherent in creation. Not today but perhaps soon I'll discuss how freedom works. New concepts such as probabilities will need to be introduced as probabilities are what allows freedom to function.
What happens, though, when you run out of space??? I had an interesting, and vivid dream not long ago. I found myself on the edge of the universe. Seriously. On one side I saw what you'd expect to see. A typical view of blackness sprinkled with lights everywhere. On the opposite side pure whiteness. Nothing else. It evoked in me the feeling of incomprehensible massiveness. The universe without end was nothing compared to it. It was to me infinity. Though I was positioned on that side I was very apprehensive about going in. And as I was looking back towards the known universe I was amazed to see orbs of all sizes coagulated on the edge of the universe. As if they were planets being washed up upon a shore but couldn't couldn't get through whatever barrier separated the two regions. So they just amassed. Very picturesque to say the least.
I didn't mean any harm with my comment, understand. Bur when I checked out you avatar 'rumak' what immediately came to mind was The Coneheads, who were from the planet Remulak. And then I saw a spaceship included in your avatar. I slammed my fist down on the table and said to myself, this dude is definitely not from planet Earth.
Constant motion. I'll agree to that one. Absolute freedom is another. Many, many more.
Not sure I understand your non-believer label. Non believer of what? Or the relationship you make between someone who knows and belief or non belief. Can you clarify that? ZDoggMD's theory of reality seems to be alluding to the idea of everything possessing consciousness. On that I would agree. Everything is ultimately energy. It's awarized energy. There isn't anything that exists which is "dead." It's all alive. But that leads to a deeper discussion that I'm not going to get into here. He also alludes to the concept of gestalt consciousness. What's a gestalt? That would be similar to our bodies. Our bodies are composed of cells, organs, and such which are further composed of smaller units of consciousness; atoms and subatomic particles and beyond. In other words, our bodies are are made up of innumerable consciousnesses. As we are only a portion of our greater psyche. He also questioned what effect evolutionary forces have on the tiniest units of consciousness. Here he goes off in the weeds in my opinion. The first line in the video's description reads: "Why can't we explain how matter generates consciousness? Maybe because matter is just an icon that points to a deeper reality..." Consciousness creates form. Not the other way around. Which concept makes for my major bone of contention with science's beginning of life theories. It's totally backwards. But of course that theory assumes that there is no reality other than the physical one. A huge assumption which, if in error, completely destroys their theory. Here's the way I look at it. If Seth is legitimate, if he's truly an entity whose existence has traversed through ours and beyond, if he's truly in a position to thoroughly understand our reality in it's minute detail and communicate it without distortion, and in a way that attracts the interest of even scientists, then there's no need to search for other sources who are still at the stage of trying to figure it all out. After 4+ decades pouring through his works on a daily basis I'm convinced he's legit. His description of reality is not only sensical but I fail to see any holes in it. On top of that much of what he talks about I can prove to myself. And put to practical use. I do enjoy keeping up with science now and again just to see where their heads are at. In my humble opinion they have a very long way to go. BTW, I found it interesting that he used serotonin and it's relationship with depression. A recent major peer reviewed study just came out that finds no link between serotonin and depression. One day it's established science and the next day it's not. How seriously should I be paying attention to these folks?
From what planet are you from, fellow space traveler? Obviously your planet is void of Dog. Dog is good.