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Everything posted by Tippaporn

  1. "True, reality is what it is, but my reality do not necessarily fit with your reality, . . . " It's a wonder that we can say we all live in the same world. The world of a pauper is not the same as the world of a king. Neither is the world of a man or woman and the world of an animal. Or of a bug. Or a cell. Or an atom. Please, I keep government as far away from my life as possible. "I believe that moment you die, and are dying it will be a very individual experience based on you, your life, and how you feel loved or love somebody." I would say that you've described that very accurately. The experience immediately after death is as unique from one to another as it is in life. Some have more trouble adjusting than others. The more one understands of the nature of death before the event the easier the transition becomes. Assistance is there if required.
  2. Just a few more thoughts. Emotions come from thoughts. Don''t believe me? That truth is way too easy to check yourself whether it's true or false. Anyone who understands that can much more easily see the thoughts which must be necessary to produce the feelings one is expressing. There's little magic in cultivating that ability. Any words which are either spoken or written, and you can include facial expressions, are the clues which give away the thoughts behind them. Until we are all-knowing, which will never happen, we are all ignorant about one thing or another. There's no shame in saying, I didn't know that. Society does brand the word with negativity. Of course they do so in their own ignorance. The world can be a meat grinder that can strip you of every good thought. If you allow it to. And you are correct. There are many who revert to cynicism as a defense against the horrors they see and even personally experience in the world. But cynicism is the antithesis of who you really are. It brings only ugly feelings which make for personal misery. Blow it off. You have everything in life which allows you to do so. And with that comes very real change. Very pleasant change. The world is markedly different. Your personal world. And that is not illusory.
  3. Cynicism shouldn't be confused with perceptiveness. Perceptive people are not fooled by politicians. Cynicism is, per it's definition, believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity. Cynicism develops when the excitement, hope, eagerness, joy, and wonder of life which is a hallmark of youth is replaced with it's opposite. Here's a personal story which might help explain. My first 5 years in Thailand were spent with a beautiful Thai lady. Those 5 years were absolute bliss. We never once fought over anything. We had nothing but fun. During those years I made yearly trips back to the U.S. Sometimes I would be absent for 3 or 5 months. During one of my lengthier stays in the U.S. I was informed by an anonymous friend that my love had taken another. We eventually broke up. In the aftermath I was torn with extreme feelings of both hate and love. I would awake on morning filled with wonderful memories of her and instances of love she had shown toward me. The next morning I would awaken with my mind filled with the details of her 'betrayal.' This went on for months. I was literally being torn up emotionally. But I knew I held the key to resolve it. Employing all that I knew to be true the truths I did know which could resolve my dilemma came to me one day. They were these: Everyone is looking for the same thing; happiness. The only reason anyone does anything is because they believe the doing of it will bring them happiness. Everyone does the best they know how in any given moment. These truths resolved my dilemma in a literal instant. They were the catalyst to bring me to the proper perspective. From that moment on I could freely look at what she had done without a single pang of pain because I understood fully that she was seeking her happiness. And good on her if she found someone she was happier with than me. For if I truly loved her then there was nothing more I could wish for her than to find happiness. I've felt nothing other than love for her ever since those realisations brought me to the proper perspective. Knowledge and information bring understanding which in turn changes perspectives which in their turn release one from bitter feelings; feelings which cynicism produce. You've been viewing the state of the world from a poor perspective. As with me, it can all change in a literal instant. If you want it to.
  4. "Perhaps you are not old yet and don't understand that old minds do not work as well as young ones." Yes, that is a belief as well. Just remember, be prepared to own what you believe. There are people in the world who are sick. And, surprisingly, they do not want to get well. Their illness serves a purpose for them.
  5. TBL, I nominate you for "Most Cynical Poster of the Year" award. If short answers are all that you can handle then here's my reply. Ignorance. Ignorance which permits all that is "bad" and ignorance which is incapable of understanding it. Now I've gotten into hot water before because of my use of the word ignorance. Ignorance by it's definition is merely this: lack of knowledge or information. The word carries no judgement. People attach judgement to the word, though. I do not and I do not do so here.
  6. You are correct. No, they can't. The information is vast. Understanding takes effort. The effort required is not overwhelming. It's really no different than any other endeavour in life. If you want to reach a goal you've set for yourself then what needs to be done is laid out if front of you. One either accepts and does whatever it takes or not. Often times people, via their non-stop mental dialogues with themselves, talk themselves out of it. We are all very familiar with that internal process. "You have taught yourselves to look outward into physical reality, but the inward validity of your being cannot be found there - only its effects." Physical reality is a purely subjective construct. It is the inside of you turned outward into a three dimensional medium which you have been taught to mistakenly accept as base reality. Yet physical reality can only show the effects of your own inner reality. Physical reality is nothing more than a faithful and perfect mirror of inner reality. Therefore true change happens from the inside, not the outside. When change occurs on the inside the outside must change. It cannot be otherwise. Physical reality must reflect inner reality. Therefore you and everyone else, knowingly or not, consciously or not, willingly or not, creates personal inner reality which is then experienced physically. As likened to a sounding board, you either like the results or not. If you like the effects then keep on keeping on. If not then the change needs to ideally come from the inside to change the outside. Seth has used the analogy of a painter to describe the the tool which we use to create our reality. The artist uses paint and applies it to a canvas to create a picture. For us the paints are our thoughts and the canvas is the physical medium. We literally, not figuratively, transform our thoughts into physical manifestations. Seth goes into detail as to how this is accomplished for those who are curious as to how the process works. So through our thoughts we create. Since our thoughts are our own and no one can force us to think one way or another then we have supreme control over what gets manifested in our personal realities. The practical terms of creating our own reality then become wholly obvious. Imagination and emotion play crucial parts along with thoughts in producing our manifestations. It's important to understand that our thoughts are not who we are. As it is obvious that the paints an artist uses are not him then it should be understood that our thoughts, or ideas, are merely the paints we use for the production of our three dimensional, interactive paintings. So again, the thoughts and ideas we use are not us. Hopefully I've explained it well enough to satisfy your question.
  7. Thanks for the appreciation, TBL. So I'll keep it short for you. "My mind just doesn't work on such a lot of information presented in a single post." That statement is simply a belief. A belief is an idea that is repeated over and over again. And in this case one can easily see that it's a limiting belief. Don't shortchange yourself. Your mind is certainly capable of of processing a great deal of information and I'm sure have your own personal experience of instances in which you have done so. Here's an applicable quote from Seth: "There is no hope for the mentally lazy." If the saying "less is more" is a universal truth then we would have college pamphlets rather than college textbooks.
  8. There's one other point I'd like to make to the above. I've said it many times. Reality is what it is and works the way it does despite anyone's beliefs about it. Period. Death will treat you the same as everyone else equally with no regard for your beliefs as to whether an after life exists or not. Given that then the takeaway is that no matter what one believes about the workings of reality the laws apply regardless. You create your own reality whether you believe you do or not; whether you agree with it or not; whether you like it or not. Which means that you have two options: create consciously or create unconsciously. You won't be doing anything you haven't been doing all along. Now if you had that choice to make consciously which choice would you make?
  9. The truth is that it's not easy material. It's challenging, but not overly so. I'm not the sharpest tool in the box and I have no problem in general. I've given a lot of thought to presenting the concepts Seth lays out into easily digestible form but the devil is always in the details. And the details are profuse. Simple, but profuse. Easy to understand but again, profuse. Seth's information is not so much a better way of thinking, such as in a self-help type of way . . . think positive, for instance. Rather his entire aim is to expose the true workings of reality. And that can't get any more transformative. For instance, if I wanted to be brief, to the point, and absolutely succinct in stating an absolute truth I could repeat a cornerstone of what he espouses: You create your own reality. There is no other main rule. Now this cannot fly more directly in opposition to what most people believe. That truth is rather shocking to people and more often than not it is a totally unacceptable premise based on lived experience. Tell that to anyone who has just suffered a serious loss of one kind or another and you'd best run for cover. Now I've often used Mark Twain's wonderfully astute observation that “What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so." as a warning that most actual truths are diametrically opposed to the "truths" that most folks subscribe to. Another one of his quotes, at least arguably attributed to him is "it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." This is also an astute observation that warns that once a person is convinced that something is true it's almost impossible to convince them it's not. Another cornerstone of Seth's revelatory insights is contained in Jane Robert's 1963 essay entitled "The Universe As Idea Construction." Both of these concepts, if understood and accepted, radically change the "rules of the game." But these truths needn't just be accepted without evidence. The evidence that this information is absolutely valid can easily be obtained by any individual who seriously desires to know it. But the resultant changes in thinking, and behaviour, are absolutely transformative and the benefits cannot be overstated. Take the idea that everyone creates their own reality. Which means that no one else can create within one's reality. Unless consent is given of course, which is usually done unconsciously. No longer can one feel that they are a leaf at the mercy of the wind. In fact, just the opposite. For perhaps for the first time in one's life one can truly become the captain of their own ship, as they were meant to be. On the other hand, as long as one believes that others, God or otherwise, or chance, luck or fate is the determinative force in one's life then one will more often than not short themselves and deny themselves the fulfillment of their desires and kneecap their given abilities and talents. So you see, it's not about a better way of thinking, or a better way of living, but rather an awakening to the truth as to what the real rules of game are and what the actual laws of reality are. For we all know that if we try to operate on laws which are in truth fictitious you can rest assured that trouble will follow in one form or another. You don't see or hear of many people jumping off of tall structures in the hopes of flying. Why? Because most everyone by now understands the physical law of gravity. In the same sense if other as yet unknown laws are just as well known and understood the effects would be massive for not only the individual but for the world. One can look out into the world now and see the misery, death and destruction resulting from a perpetrated false reality built on a foundation of lies. It ultimately collapses upon itself under the weight of it's own deception. Concepts such as the universe as idea construction, for instance, are not simply superficially addressed. Seth goes into granular detail as to the mechanics of how thought is transformed into physical reality. No, it's not light reading. But I guarantee that it will challenge as nothing has ever challenged you before. Topics include everything from religion to animal consciousness to time to evolution to early man to All That Is (God, if you prefer) to Jesus Christ to past civilisations to reincarnation to alternate realities to how freedom works. Seth's works comprise the most comprehensive explanations of who and what we are and the reality we find ourselves in from the perspective of someone who has participated in earthly reality and is now in a more expansive reality from which he can view ours. If I knew of a way to make short script of so much knowledge I'd be more than happy to. But I don't. So I'm forced to produce long posts. Then again, there are those who truly want to know and there are those whose curiosity is merely casual. For those who truly want to know there are no complaints about lengthy reads or taxing one's brains. None of what Seth brings to the table is theoretical and distant. And all of it can be directly explored by anyone who so desires. The proof is yours for the asking.
  10. LOL. Congratulations on a well written post that pretty much nails it, Sunmaster. I admit that I have grappled for a long time with the question of why even the most common sense ideas fail to connect with people. Whether it's politics or beliefs about life. One would think that proper information and explanations, backed by logical and rationale reasoning, would suffice. And again I admit that that has failed me time and time again. I recall an early experience I had with a friend of mine. I had been turned on to Castaneda's works by another friend just before I was introduced to Seth. Once I started reading Seth I was deluged by an avalanche of insight. I turned to this friend of mine, who had also read Castaneda's works, and excitedly gushed some of the new ideas I was now privvy to. The response I received was as shocking as it was unexpected. He quite vehemently and violently let me know that he didn't want to hear another word from me on the subject. He explained that his life was going exceedingly well and he had no intention of mucking up his good fortune by changing any of his ideas. He was on a roll which he felt was pure fortunate chance and he wanted to ride it out for as long as it lasted. After that I learned to keep my mouth shut about what I knew. Fast forward to a point in my life where I felt comfortable enough to successfully argue the validity of what I knew to be true. I've attempted to use facts and common sense in the political arena and quickly found that most people, on any side of any aisle, were unchangeable in their thinking. Not only that but even when winning an argument there was an impenetrable wall of pure dishonesty preventing any admission on the part of my opponent that he was wrong. It was the ultimate exercise in futility. Coming to this thread I believed that people would be much more open to genuinely discussing those ideas which have been a major driver in my life. And to much benefit, I must add. I believed that there was common interest here. But I'm finding that my experience in the political arena extends to here as well. As you say, people believe what they believe and they're not quite so ready or willing to change their beliefs, even if you can point out detrimental ideas and explain beneficial ones. You are correct. The initiation of change must come from the individual himself. No amount of prodding or enticement will do the trick. I should have long ago listened to myself regarding the fact, which I just recently posted here, that everyone who comes into this world comes with their own unique challenges. The ideas they hold and subscribe to are the ones that are necessary to fulfill their own journeys. Now I'm not one to experience depression often but I do find sometimes that traveling on the paths least traveled there is a yearning for companionship. That companionship I've found to be rare. Every once in a blue moon I'll bump into a stranger who is more family to me than my biological family is. The last time it happened was in a seaside open bar in Sam Yoi Rot. It's a nice story so I'll retell it. The bar was in walking distance to the bungalow we were staying in. I had traveled with my wife and young daughter and a lady friend of ours plus her little girl. I went in advance and they were coming to meet me after putting the girls to bed. As the sunlight faded the bar become filled with young European tourists, whom I engaged in conversation. I got on well with one young Brit in particular and the conversation spontaneously veered into the direction of Sethian related subject matter. Now this chap had never read Seth but he excitedly expressed the most similar ideas. For all intents and purposes it was only the two of us in the bar. My wife and our friend had at sometime unknown to me made their way into the bar and seated themselves at one of the bars outer tables. Once I noticed them I came over to greet them but quickly returned to the intense discussion I was having with this newfound brother of mine. We could have talked the night away and almost did so. The comradery was devine. Yeah, I'm still surprised that my offering didn't elicit a single response. Perhaps I'm too wishful in my thinking. Perhaps I've yet to struggle a while longer thinking that the words I offer could serve as a catalyst for some. I should best give it up, though. My apologies to anyone who took offense. Again, Sunmaster, thanks for your astute post.
  11. Well, there's no literal talking or listening on an on-line forum. The fact that I "listen" is evidenced by my thoroughness in addressing just about every point a poster makes. I'm not here for the sake of my ego. I'm here to exchange and debate ideas. In my opinion the science disciples have a valid point in complaining that many of the beliefs expressed on this thread are backed up with nothing other than "I believe." I certainly disagree with their mantra of "give me proof." But for the most part the beliefs expressed here are not shown to have any working thesis or even any type of logical explanation for why someone's beliefs are true. In God's name why would posting writings from "masters" be boring? If that were true no one would have ever read any of their works to begin with. Not that I would call Seth a "master." And, speaking logically, if no more than 1 or 2 would read half of the text what does that say about their thirst for knowledge? I'd say those that find it too taxing to read don't have a strong desire. Those with strong desire would eagerly devour the material. The proof is always in the pudding. I appreciate your bluntness, mauGR1. It takes a very thick skin to believe what I believe and feel no shyness in communicating those beliefs to others. Well, confidence would more accurately describe it. And an ability to argue it logically.
  12. Speculating is, in essence, questioning. Questions lead to answers. Answers make a huge difference. Of course if one believes that answers are not available then one has just made their bed. They've closed the doors which would allow answers to come in. As far as what is knowable and what is not that is up to each of us to decide. And my answer is: Argue for your limitations and they're yours. There are no limitations. At least not for me. There's been a plethora of theories cast about here regarding just about everything. Certainly regarding the subject of who and what we are. My bone of contention with them is that most of the beliefs expressed here seem to not take into consideration a theory's practical application. Folks can believe anything they so choose but it would behoove people to work their beliefs through to at least attempt to show how their theories actually function in practical terms. To say, "I believe in this, that or the other," is all well and fine but how does a particular theory work? For if nothing else this is a practical reality. And a rather stable one in that cats and dogs don't suddenly fly, or other phenomena don't behave in helter skelter fashion. I find it interesting that I've offered an explanation as to who and what we are, and provided an actual working theory about how it operates and why, granted it's not complete and there is much more detail that needs to be filled in, and no one has offered a single comment. Or a single question. I admit as well that I find that a bit depressing, too. It leads me to the conclusion that what I have to offer sparks no true interest here. People believe what they believe and there seems to be no real inquisitiveness to delve into unfamiliar theories to find out what's there or how they would work in practical terms. Endlessly discussing beliefs about life while presenting no working theses for any of them, while ignoring ideas backed up with working theses, is pointless to me. It amounts to a never ending circle of debate which goes nowhere other than round and round.
  13. Allow me to voice my perspective on what you wrote. I'll begin with the conclusion you reach in your last statement. To paraphrase, the answers are all within us. A truer statement has never been made. But what, then, is the purpose of the reality which seems to be outside of ourselves? In my humble opinion that can't be ignored or sidestepped in favour of strictly going within. For the truth is that this seemingly outsidedness is in fact who we are expressed in terms of a physical reality. What lies 'outside' is us. It's a projection of our subjective reality into a three dimensional medium. But for what purpose then? Why would we go through the 'trouble' of doing so? Is this endeavour the height of silliness or is it a question of lack of understanding on our part? I'm willing to bet it's the latter. Now I've said it before so let me say it again, and hopefully folks will ponder this statement as to whether it conveys real truth before simply dismissing it because they may at first not know what to do with the information, or how to fit it into their current world view. It is near impossible, or at least highly unlikely, that anyone can understand the miraculousness of all that is life without first understanding who and what we are. Let that statement sink in. For if it is true that everything which appears to be outside of our skin is actually an extension of ourselves then it stands to reason it is all us in the first and final analysis. And so, it stands to reason that if we are unaware that the 'outside' is us, due to an ignorance of knowing who we are, and the outside is then mistakenly believed to be apart and separate from us, then is it any small wonder that any explanations we attempt to define that outsidedness as something that is not us would, in the end, make little sense? I'll submit here a rather comprehensive and detailed explanation of who and what we are, although I will caution that it is not complete. This explanation comes from one who has experienced our world yet is no longer engaged in it on the same level as we are. He offers his perspective of earthly reality from the perspective of one who, by his own admission, resides in a more expansive environment in which he is able to view our reality as easily as we are able to view a painting. But quickly, before I submit his explanation I would like to comment on some of your other perspectives in your post. "I do also realise the futility of such endeavors and speculations. Because that's all they are at this point: pointless speculations that keep our minds busy and entertained...and distracted." Is your conclusion drawn only from the fact that you feel you have not been able to reach any definitive and conclusive answers? And so the belief arises that after so much effort with little to no results the efforts have all been in vain and useless? Correct me if I'm wrong, Sunmaster, but that seems to be the gist of the sentiment you express. Of course I beg to differ. And I ask also, to keep our minds busy and entertained...and distracted from what else? Is there something else we should be doing? And if so what might that be? "What do they [speculations] offer us in terms of personal fulfillment and perhaps development?" I would answer with "a whole lot." "Will they increase our happiness, compassion and self worth?" Absolutely. "Will they uncover the shadows that have plagued us since childhood?" There's no need to muddle through dirty waters to get to clean waters. If one desired health would it better to attempt to understand what makes healthy people healthy or to understand what makes sick people sick? Are the healthy in a better position to teach health or is it the sick? Given this analogy does it then make sense to look for solutions by dredging through unpleasant past episodes? So, without further ado, here's food for thought that should keep one chewing for a long time to come. Note that all of my smilies are my personal symbolism for the impish playfulness that is me. Seth on The Environment of the Psyche. You come into the condition you call life, and pass out of it. In between you encounter a lifetime. Suspended - or so it certainly seems - between birth and death, you wonder at the nature of your own being. You search your experience and study official histories of the past, hoping to find there clues as to the nature of your own reality. Your life seems synonymous with your consciousness. Therefore it appears that your knowledge of yourself grows gradually, as your self-consciousness develops from your birth. It appears, furthermore, that your consciousness will meet a death beyond which your self-consciousness will not survive. You may think longingly and with an almost hopeful nostalgia of the religion of your childhood, and remember a system of belief that ensured you of immortality. Yet most of you, my readers, yearn for some private and intimate assurances, and seek for some inner certainty that your own individuality is not curtly dismissed at death. Each person knows intuitively that his or her own experiences somehow matter, and that there is a meaning, however obscured, that connects the individual with a greater creative pattern. Each person senses now and then a private purpose, and yet many are filled with frustration because that inner goal is not consciously known or clearly apprehended. When you were a child you knew you were growing toward an adulthood. You were sustained by the belief in projected abilities - that is, you took it for granted that you were in the process of learning and growing. No matter what happened to you, you lived in a kind of rarefied psychic air, in which your being was charged and glowing. You knew you were in a state of becoming. The world, in those terms, is also in a state of becoming. In private life and on the world stage, action is occurring all the time. It is easy to look at yourselves or at the world, coma, to see yourself and become so hypnotized by your present state that all change or growth seems impossible, or to see the world in the same manner. You do not remember your birth, as a rule. Certainly it seems that you do not remember the birth of the world. You had a history, however, before your birth - even as it seems to you that the world had a history before you were born. The sciences still keep secrets from each other. The physical sciences pretend that the centuries exist one after the other, while the physicists realize that time is not only relative to the perceiver, but that all events are simultaneous. The archaeologists merrily continue to date the remains of "past" civilizations, never asking themselves what the past means - or saying: "This is the past relative to my point of perception." Astronomers speak of outer space and of galaxies that would dwarf your own. In the world that you recognize there are also wars and rumors of wars, prophets of destruction. Yet in spite of all, the private man or the private woman, unknown, anonymous to the world at large, stubbornly feels within a rousing, determined affirmation that says: "I am important. I have a purpose, even though I do not understand what it is. My life that seems so insignificant and inefficient, is nevertheless of prime importance in some way that I do not recognize." Period. Though caught up in a life of seeming frustration, obsessed with family problems, uneasy in sickess, defeated it seems for all practical purposes, some portion of each individual rouses against all disasters, all discouragements, and now and then at least glimpses a sense of enduring validity that cannot be denied. It is to that knowing portion of each individual that I address myself. Period. I am not, on the one hand, an easy author to deal with, because I speak from a different level of consciousness than the one with which you are familiar. On the other hand, my voice is as natural as oak leaves blowing in the wind, for I speak from a level of awareness that is as native to your psyche as now the seasons seem to be to your soul. I am writing this book through a personality known as Jane Roberts. That is the name given to her birth. She shares with you the triumphs and travails of physical existence. Like you, she is presented with a life that seems to begin at her birth, and that is suspended from that point of emergence until the moment of death's departure. She has asked the same questions that you ask in your quiet moments. Her questions were asked with such a vehemence, however, that she broke through the barriers that most of you erect, and so began a journey that is undertaken for herself and for you also - for each of your experiences, however minute or seemingly insignificant, becomes part of the knowledge of your species. Where did you come from and where are you going. What are you? What is the nature of the psyche? I can only write a portion of this book. You must complete it. For "The Psyche" is meaningless except as it relates to the individual psyche. I speak to you from levels of yourself that you have forgotten, and yet not forgotten. I speak to you through the printed page, and yet my words will re-arouse within you the voices that spoke to you in your childhood, and before your birth. This will not be a dry treatise, studiously informing you about some hypothetical structure called the psyche, but will instead evoke from the depths of your being experiences that you have forgotten, and bring together from the vast reaches of time and space the miraculous identity that is yourself. Now: The earth has a structure. In those terms, so does the psyche. You live in one particular area on the face of your planet, and you can only see so much of it at any given time - yet you take it for granted that the ocean exists even when you cannot feel its spray, or see the tides. And even if you live in a desert, you take it on faith that there are indeed great cultivated fields and torrents of rain. It is true that some of your faith is based on knowledge. Others have traveled where you have not, and television provides you with images. Despite this, however, your senses present you with only a picture of your immediate environment, unless they are cultivated in certain particular manners that are relatively unusual. You take it for granted that the earth has a history. In those terms, your own psyche has a history also. You have taught yourselves to look outward into physical reality, but the inward validity of your being cannot be found there - only its effects. You can turn on television and see a drama, but the inward mobility and experience of your psyche is mysteriously enfolded within all of those exterior gestures that allow you to turn on the television switch to begin with, and to make sense of the images presented. So the motion of your own psyche usually escapes you. Where is the television drama before it appears on your channel - and where does it go afterwards? How can it exist one moment and be finished the next, and yet be replayed when the conditions are correct? If you understood the mechanics, you would know that the program obviously does not go anywhere. It simply is, while the proper conditions activate it for your attention. In the same way, you are alive whether or not you are playing on an earth "program." You are, whether you are in time or out of it. Hopefully in this book we will put you in touch with your own being as it exists outside of the context in which you are used to viewing it. As you dwell in one particular city or town or village, you presently "live" in one small area of the psyche's inner planet. You identify that area as your home, as your "I." Mankind has learned to explore the physical environment, but has barely begun the greater inner journeys that will be embarked upon as the inner lands of the psyche are joyously and bravely explored. In those terms, there is a land of the psyche. However, this virgin territory is the heritage of each individual, and no domain is quite like any other. Yet there is indeed an inner commerce that occurs, and as the exterior continents rise from the inner structure of the earth, so the lands of the psyche emerge from an even greater invisible source. That is the end of dictation for the evening. Now: Dictation (on The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression): As the earth is composed of many environments, so is the psyche. As there are different continents, islands, mountains, seas, and peninsulas, so the psyche takes various shapes. If you live in one country, you often consider natives in other areas of the world as foreigners, while of course they see you in the same light. In those terms, the psyche contains many other levels of reality. From your point of view these might appear alien, and yet they are as much a part of your psyche as your motherland is a portion of the earth. Different countries follow different kinds of constitutions, and even within any geographical area there may be various local laws followed by the populace. For example, if you are driving a car you may discover to your chagrin that the local speed limit in one small town is miles slower than in another, In the same manner, different portions of the psyche exist with their own local "laws," their different kinds of "government." They each possess their own characteristic geography. If you are traveling around the world, you have to make frequent time adjustments. When you travel through the psyche, you will also discover that your own time is automatically squeezed out of shape. If for a moment you try to imagine that you were able to carry your own time with you on such a journey, all packaged neatly in a wristwatch, then you would be quite amazed at what would happen. As you approached the boundaries of certain psychic lands, the wristwatch would run backwards. As you entered other kingdoms of the psyche your watch would go faster or slower. Now, if time suddenly ran backward you would notice it. If it ran faster or slower enough, you would also notice the differences. If time ran backward very slowly, and according to the conditions, you might not be aware of the difference, because it would take so much "time" to get from the present moment to the one "before" it that you might be struck, instead, simply with the feeling that something was familiar, as if it had happened before. In other lands of the psyche, however, even stranger events might occur. The watch itself might change shape, or turn heavy as a rock, or as light as a gas, so that you could not read the time at all. Or the hands might never move. Different portions of the psyche are familiar with all of these mentioned occurrences-because the psyche straddles any of the local laws that you recognize as "official," and has within itself the capacity to deal with an infinite number of reality-hyphen-experiences. Now: Obviously your physical body has capacities that few of you use to full advantage. But beyond this, the species itself possesses the possibilities for adaptations that allow it to exist and persist in the physical environment under drastically varying circumstances. Hidden within the corporal biological structure there are latent specializations that would allow the species to continue, and that take into consideration any of the planetary changes that might occur for whatever reasons. The psyche, however, while being earth-tuned in your experience, also has many other systems of reality "to contend with." Each psyche, then, contains within it the potentials, abilities, and powers that are possible, or capable of actualization under any conditions. The psyche, your psyche, can record and experience time backward, forward, dash - or sideways through systems of alternate presents - or it can maintain its own integrity in a no-time environment. The psyche is the creator of time complexes. Theoretically, the most fleeting moment of your day can be prolonged endlessly. This would not be a static elongation, however, but a vivid delving into that moment, from which all time as you think of it, past and future and all its probabilities, might emerge. If you are reading this book, you have already become weary with official concepts. You have already begun to sense those greater dimensions of your being. You are ready to step aside from all conventionalized doctrines, and to some extent or another you are impatient to examine and experience the natural flowing nature that is your birthright. That birthright has long been clothed in symbols and mythologies. Consciousness forms symbols. It is not the other way around. Symbols are great exuberant playthings. You can build with them as you can with children's blocks. You can learn from them, as once you piled alphabet blocks together in a stack at school. Symbols are as natural to your minds as trees are to the earth. There is a difference, however, between a story told to children about forests, and a real child in a real woods. Both the story and the woods are "real." But in your terms the child entering the real woods becomes involved in its life cycle, treads upon leaves that fell yesterday, rests beneath trees far older than his or her memory, and looks up at night to see a moon that will soon disappear. Looking at an illustration of the woods may give a child some excellent imaginative experiences, but they will be of a different kind, and the child knows the difference. If you mistake the symbols for the reality, however, you will program your experience, and you will insist that each forest look like the pictures in your book. In other words, you will expect your own experiences with various portions of your psyche to be more or less the same. You will take your local laws with you, and you will try to tell psychic time with a wristwatch. We will have to use some of your terms, however, particularly in the beginning. Other terms with which you are familiar, we will squeeze out of all recognition. The reality of your own being cannot be defined by anyone but you, and then your own definition must be understood as a reference point at best. The psychologist, the priest, the physicist, the philosopher or the guru, can explain your own psyche to you only insofar as those specialists can forget that they are specialists, and deal directly with the private psyche from which all specializations come. When I use the term "psyche," many of you will immediately wonder about my definition. Any word, simply by being thought, written or spoken, immediately implies a specification. In your daily reality it is very handy to distinguish one thing from another by giving each item a name. When you are dealing with subjective experience, however, definitions can often serve to limit rather than express a given experience. Obviously the psyche is not a thing. It does not have a beginning or ending. It cannot be seen or touched in normal terms. It is useless, therefore, to attempt any description of it through usual vocabulary, for your language primarily allows you to identify physical rather than nonphysical experience. I am not saying that words cannot be used to describe the psyche, but they cannot define it. It is futile to question: "What is the difference between my psyche and my soul, my entity and my greater being?" for all of these are terms used in an effort to express the greater portions of your own experience that you sense within yourself. Your use of language may make you impatient for definitions, however. Hopefully this book will allow you some intimate awareness, some definite experience, that will acquaint you with the nature of your own psyche, and then you will see that its reality escapes all definitions, defies all categorizing, and shoves aside with exuberant creativity all attempts to wrap it up in a neat package. When you begin a physical journey, you feel yourself distinct from the land through which you travel. No matter how far you journey - on a motorcycle, in a car or plane, or on foot - by bicycle or camel, or truck or vessel, still you are the wanderer, and the land or ocean or desert is the environment through which you roam. When you begin your travels into your own psyche, however, everything changes. You are still the wanderer, the journeyman or journeywoman, but you are also the vehicle and the environment. You form the roads, your method of travel, the hills or mountains or oceans, as well as the hills, farms, and villages of the self, or of the psyche, as you go along. When in colonial times men and women traveled westward across the continent of North America, many of them took it on faith that the land did indeed continue beyond - for example - towering mountains. When you travel as pioneers through your own reality, you create each blade of grass, each inch of land, each sunset and sunrise, each oasis, friendly cabin or enemy encounter as you go along. Now if you are looking for simple definitions to explain the psyche, I will be of no help. If you want to experience the splendid creativity of your own being, however, then I will use methods that will arouse your greatest adventuresomeness, your boldest faith in yourself, and I will paint pictures of your psyche that will lead you to experience even its broadest reaches, if you so desire. The psyche, then, is not a known land. It is not simply an alien land, to which or through which you can travel. It is not a completed or nearly complete subjective universe already there for you to explore. It is, instead, an ever-forming state of being, in which your present sense of existence resides. You create it and it creates you. It creates in physical terms that you recognize. On the other hand, you create physical time for your psyche, for without you there would be no experience of the seasons, their coming and their passing. There would be no experience of what Ruburt (Seth's "entity" name for Jane) calls "the dear privacy of the moment," so if one portion of your being wants to rise above the solitary march of the moments, other parts of your psyche rush, delighted, into that particular time focus that is your own. As you now desire to understand the timeless, infinite dimensions of your own greater existence, so "even now" multitudinous elements of that non-earthly identity just as eagerly explore the dimensions of earth-being and creaturehood. Earlier I mentioned some odd effects that might occur if you tried to take your watch or other timepiece into other levels of reality. Now, when you try to interpret your selfhood in other kinds of existence, the same surprises or distortions or alterations can seem to occur. When you attempt to understand your psyche, and define it in terms of time, then it seems that the idea of reincarnation makes sense. You think: "Of course. My psyche lives many lives physically, one after the other. If my present experience is dictated by that in my childhood, then surely my current life is a result of earlier ones. And so you try to define the psyche in terms of time, and in so doing you limit your understanding and even your experience of it. Let us try another analogy: You are an artist in the throes of inspiration. There is before you a canvas, and you are working in all areas of it at once. In your terms each part of the canvas could be a time period - say, a given century. You are trying to keep some kind of overall balance and purpose in mind, so when you make one brushstroke in any particular portion of this canvas, all the relationships within the entire area can change. No brushstroke is ever really wiped out, however, in this mysterious canvas of our analogy, but remains, further altering all the relationships at its particular level. These magical brushstrokes, however, are not simple representations on a flat surface, but alive, carrying within themselves all of the artist's intent, but focused through the characteristics of each individual stroke. If the artist paints a doorway, all of the sensed perspectives within it open, and add further dimensions of reality. Since this is our analogy, we can stretch it as far as we like-far further than any artist could stretch his canvas. Therefore, there is no need to limit ourselves. The canvas itself can change size and shape as the artist works. The people in the artist's painting are not simple representations either - to stare back at him with forever-fixed glassy eyes, or ostentatious smiles, dressed in their best Sunday clothes. Instead, they can confront the artist and talk back. They can turn sideways in the painting and look at their companions, observe their environment, and even look out of the dimensions of the painting itself and question the artist. Now the psyche in our analogy is both the painting and the artist, for the artist finds that all of the elements within the painting are portions of himself. More, as he looks about, our artist discovers that he is literally surrounded by other paintings that he is also producing. As he looks closer, he discovers that there is a still-greater masterpiece in which he appears as an artist creating the very same paintings that he begins to recognize. Our artist then realizes that all of the people he painted are also painting their own pictures, and moving about in their own realities in a way that even he cannot perceive. In a flash of insight it occurs to him that he also has been painted - that there is another artist behind him from whom his own creativity springs, and he also begins to look out of the frame. Now: If you are confused, that is fine-for it means that already we have broken through conventional ideas. Anything that I say following this analogy will seem comparatively simple, for by now it must appear at least that you have little hope of discovering your own greater dimensions. Again, rather than trying to define the psyche, I will try to incite your imagination so that you can leap beyond what you have been told you are, to some kind of direct experience. To some extent this book itself provides its own demonstration. I call Jane Roberts "Ruburt" (and, hence, "he" and "him") simply because the name designates another portion of her reality, while she identifies herself as Jane. She writes her own books and carries on as each of you do in life's ordinary context. She has her own unique likes and dislikes, characteristics and abilities; her own time and space slot as each of you do. She is one living portrait of the psyche, independent in her own context, and in the environment as given. Now I come from another portion of reality's picture, from another dimension of the psyche in which your existence can be observed, as you might look upon a normal painting. In those terms, I am outside of your "frame" of reference. My perspective cannot be contained in your own painting of reality. I write my books, but because my primary focus is in a reality that "is larger than your own," I cannot appear as myself fully within your reference. So Ruburt's subective perspective opens up because of his desire and interest, and discloses my own. He opens up a door in himself that leads to other levels of his being, but a being that cannot be completely expressed in your world. That existence is mine, expressed in my experience at another level of reality, so I must write my books through Ruburt. Doors in the psyche are different from simple openings that lead from one room to another, so my books only show a glimpse of my own existence. You all have such psychological doors however, that lead into dimensionally greater areas of the psyche, so to some extent or another I speak for those other aspects of yourselves that do not appear in your daily context. Beyond what I recognize as my own existence, there are others. To some extent I share in their experience - to a far greater extent, for example, than Ruburt shares in mine. On some relatively few occasions, for example, Ruburt has been able to contact what he calls "Seth Two." That level of reality, however, is even further divorced from your own. It represents an even greater extension of the psyche, in your terms. There is a much closer relationship, in that I recognize my own identity as a distinct portion of Seth Two's existence, where Ruburt feels little correspondence. In a manner of speaking, Seth Two's reality includes my own, yet I am aware of my contribution to "his" experience. In the same way, each of my readers has a connection with the same level of psychic reality. In greater terms, all of this is happening at once. Ruburt is contributing and forming a certain portion of my experience, even as I am contributing to his. Your identities are not something already completed. Your most minute action, thought, and dream adds to the reality of your psyche, no matter how grand or austere the psyche may appear to you when you think of it as a hypothetical term. Ruburt has specialized in a study of consciousness and the psyche. Most of my readers are very interested, yet they have other pressing concerns that prevent them from embarking upon such an extended study. You all have physical reality to deal with. This applies equally to Ruburt and Joseph (Seth's entity name for me.) Thus far, my books have included Joseph's extended notes. They have set the scene, so to speak. My books have gone beyond those boundaries, however. In your terms, only so much can be done in time. Joseph is even now involved in typing my previous manuscript (The "Unknown" Reality.) It was written in such a way that it tied the personal experience of Ruburt and Joseph in with a greater theoretical framework, so that one could not be separated from the other. In this new book, therefore, I will sometimes provide my own "scene setting." The psyche's production, in other words, has escaped practical, physical bounds, so that from my level of reality I can no longer expect Joseph to do more than record the sessions. I will ask you, my readers, to bear with me then. In my own way, I will try to provide suitable references so that you know what is going on physically in your time, as this book is written. Largely, the writing of this book occurs in a "no-time, or out-of-time context." Physically, however, Ruburt and Joseph take many hours in its production. They have moved to a new house. Ruburt, as usual, is smoking as I speak. His foot rests upon a coffee table, as he moves back and forth in his rocking chair. It is nearing midnight as I speak (at 11:42). Earlier, a great thunderstorm raged, its reverberations seeming to crack the sky. Now it is quiet, with only the drone of Ruburt's new refrigerator sounding like the deep purr of some mechanical animal. As you read this book, you are also immersed in such intimate physical experiences. Do not consider them as separated from the greater reality of your being, but as a part of it. You do not exist outside of your psyche's being, but within it. Some of you may have just put children to bed as you read these lines. Some of you may be sitting at a table. Some of you may have just gone to the bathroom. These mundane activities may seem quite divorced from what I am telling you, yet in each simple gesture, and in the most necessary of physical acts, there is the great magical unknowing elegance in which you reside-and in the most ordinary of your motions, there are clues and hints as to the nature of the psyche and its human expression. The Nature of the Psyche: It's Human Expression - Jane Roberts
  14. Physicists understand that time is simultaneous. How does that effect your statements?
  15. Nice story, Hummin. Experience follows belief. The world is simply a faithful reflection of what's in your head. The subjective you. You are free to believe anything you want at any time. I know for sure that you accept that. Yet people aren't trained to follow their thoughts through to their physical manifestation. Hence the reason why events seem either nonsensical or thrust upon one. The siblings who were kicked out, and presumably died, were operating with free will. From the perspective of someone who is not familiar with how it works it then certainly appears that the poor little birdie was murdered by it's sibling and then experiences all of the sadness that emanates from that belief. I'm sure you've been to your share of parties, Hummin. I think I can safely assume that on certain occasions you stayed until the party ended and on other occasions you left quite early. Some come to the party of life and stay very late. Others come and leave early. But just as it's been entirely your choice to stay or leave so it is also the choice of those coming here to stay late or leave early. Reality is never thrust upon anyone from the outside.
  16. Yes, " the law is equal for everyone " is just a blatant lie, and everyone know that. Yet, I have to concede that I fully agree with that ideal. Maybe, some day, it will be true. To be blunt the truth is, given that free will is one of the rules of the game, everyone creates their own justice and justice is served all of the time. Again, keep in mind that the world works as it does despite anyone's beliefs about how it should work. Therefore do not be shocked if answers are not what one expects them to be. If the answers are not what one expects then it's a matter of suspending whatever believes one holds at least long enough to give the answer some fair consideration. What generally happens is that other answers then follow which clarify the original answer. This is how it's always worked for me. I discount very little out of hand. I'll keep an idea in mind without accepting it but I at least allow myself to play with the idea. Life is meant to be playful. Unfortunately people have conditioned themselves to be much, much to serious. Jai yen yen.
  17. Well, since the Founding Fathers were mostly religious men then I think it's safe to say that the unspoken part of "all men are created equal" would be "in the eyes of God." One man is not better than another would be another way of saying it. If you were to take the religious overtones out then it would still apply for the same reason. I think we can talk about a creator without involving any religion. Now in my opinion one cannot truly understand the equality that exists in this world (or the justice or lack of) without an understanding of who and what we are. For most people, and let's be honest, there is little understanding, if any, of why any of us are here in the first place. Or how we got here. Or where we were before we came here. Or where we go when we leave. To compound this lack of knowledge many do not even believe that life has any meaning or purpose. Given that then it's not hard to understand why a lot of people would have trouble accepting a true explanation of why we are all equal. And just to avoid confusion I'll clarify that equality is not synonymous with sameness. So here's my explanation . . . and I'll leave it for others to accept it or not. Everyone on this planet has chosen to come here out of free will. The reason for coming is not at all singular. But among the many reasons is the desire for growth. For growth is inherent within creation and it is a condition which exists in all realities. Growth quite naturally implies challenges. That should make sense to everyone. Though we are all created equally all of us are also entirely unique. Which translates to everyone choosing their own set of particular challenges based on their own personal inclinations, likes and dislikes, etc. Now if one had a strong interest in becoming a world class skier, for example, then they would naturally gravitate to whatever conditions are necessary that will accommodate the fulfillment of their desire. Not everyone wants to be a world class skier, obviously. For those who don't they may even wonder why anyone would want to be a world class skier at all. Their particular persuasion would be in an entirely different direction. Imagine, now, someone who has been born without a limb. Perhaps a missing arm, or leg. To be born with such a condition presents, obviously, a unique set of challenges. Not only that but it affords a way to perceive the world differently. But the condition is nevertheless freely chosen. Again, others might be utterly aghast that anyone would choose such a life condition. And that is where the phrase "to each their own" comes from. This explanation hopefully conveys some understanding of why people may even choose a life of intolerable conditions. Or a life of great happiness. A life as a pauper. A life as a king. A life of persecution. A life of fame and fawning. Each provides an opportunity for different challenges, for different frames of reference, for different perspectives, for opportunities to bring different abilities and talents to play. On and on. Hummin, just keep in mind that I'm not trying to sell you anything or attempting to recruit you. I'll provide information and it's entirely up to you what you want to do with it. Sh!tcan it or take it to heart. That's not my business . . . only yours.
  18. Coincidentally I just watched the epic 4 hour long Justice League - Snyders Cut (2021) movie with my 9 y.o. daughter the other week. At one point she called them the Justice Warriors. I laughed and promptly corrected her. I explained that Justice Warriors are not about justice at all. They're just people with a lot of mixed up ideas. Since you want to quibble about definitions I think you should provide us with your definitions and explain why you take exception to a statement the Founding Fathers deemed so truthful that they incorporated it into the United States of America Declaration of Independence. And then we'll go from there. If we get that far I promise to give you my honest answer.
  19. Religions, just like Gods, come and go.
  20. All men are created equal. An eternal truth that would definitely be around in 1,000 years and beyond. At least one would hope it would. On the other hand, physical laws are not universal. They apply only to the physical realm. And even there they can theoretically be overridden.
  21. I can't fault you for religion leaving a bad taste in your mouth. Perhaps the answers lie not in religion or science? After all, those are only two 'institutions' which offer explanations. Just because the veil of illusion hasn't been cracked doesn't mean that it can't be cracked. It does take a serious desire to do so, though. There's an answer to every question. But beware; the answers may not be what one expects. That's the tricky part. Hint: the answers lie outside of the box.
  22. In truth, science has no clue as to what consciousness is. If they make that claim they are merely lying. And if consciousness is a physical entity then where is it? For science has not been able to locate it's whereabouts. Science making claims of that which it has no proof. How unscientific of science. Science has created it's share of myths no different than religion. Perhaps it's greatest myth, which is detrimental in my view, is that life is nothing more than purely mechanistic. The individual has no true volition and no impact on the existence in which he finds himself. He simply finds himself in a c-r-a-p game of cosmic chance. It's been said before that surely science must believe in the God of Chance. Or science's belief, yes belief, of the insignificance of individual life based solely and simply due to a comparison of the vastness of existence. Science does no benefit by squashing the wonder of life only because it lacks the ability to appreciate that life.. Now I agree that religions are full of myths and superstitions but do not think for a moment that science is innocent of the same. If you want to discuss the many superstitions of science we could start with the idea that consciousness can be uploaded to a computer. Or that AI can attain consciousness. You can, though, rest assured that the universe is what is it and functions as it does despite anyone's opinion or belief about what it is or how it works. In which case prudence would suggest that you find out for yourself. But that's a task that few have the patience or stomach for and fewer still have an inkling of where to begin in that journey of discovery. And no, I would not suggest religion as a good starting.
  23. It's not a point to reach, though. The separation is artificial. We could talk about the origins but that would not be important. To say we 'have' a soul would be inaccurate. To say we are a soul would be true. Use any other synonym for soul, and there are many. I guess a lot of people grew up with the religious belief that we 'possess' a soul which we then reclaim (perhaps, perhaps not) upon death. Or that we have a spirit (another word that can be used interchangeably with soul) that we must unite with. Or that we must unite with our source and once again become One. The idea that separation exists then ties in with ideas that this world is only something we must, unfortunately, pass through to reach some exalted plane where, perhaps, we're finally free from pain. Or that this world is a testing ground to prove our worth, or loyalty to a higher being. A world existing only for the purpose of having us jump through hoops to get to where we really want to go (wherever that might be since there are multiple definitions of what that place is). The fables created around this idea of separation are endless. Now is you want to explore your consciousness then what you would find is simply this: there is more to 'you' than you've realised. Much more. The effort of any discovery of your more expansive self would not be done with an eye to move past this world to some 'there' but rather the knowledge of other portions would enhance your experience in this reality. Hopefully you don't take this as me beating a dead horse, mauGR1, and see my continuing posts as simply trying to add more clarification as I'm dispelling certain long held notions by many.
  24. There is no separation between the spirit and who you see in the mirror. They are one and the same.
  25. Mass reality from my perspective is nothing more than the co-creation of individuals each creating their own individual realities. In other words, the interactions between individuals creating together. The true fulfillment of the individual would automatically assist in the fulfillment of all other individuals. Of course looking out into the world that seems highly contradictory. Now if it's true that everyone is the creator of their own reality then it would follow that no one has the ability to create within anyone else's reality. Certainly if even God cannot create in ones reality then surely no one else can. As long as people believe that they don't create their own reality then they will assume that others must be creating at least a portion of their realities for them. Whether God, chance or any other individual. And hence the false idea, in my opinion, that someone can prevent the well being of another. Granted, there's much more to the story of how that all works in all of it's practical detail. Any full explanation requires much more information. This is just a start for a fuller, more comprehensive understanding. Hopefully it's understood that how reality works cannot be fully explained in a few sentences, or a few paragraphs, or a few posts. And that information can initially appear to be contradictory to ones current view of reality. Which is why it's important that anyone who does want to understand how it all works must be willing and able to suspend, not relinquish, their current beliefs while considering other information.

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