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Dr. Burrito

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Posts posted by Dr. Burrito

  1. I have searched and cannot find this, so if I am double posting, I apologize. We're back in the states and doing the computer part of a visa application for the in-laws. They went to the bank and made the cash payment per that option. The USTRAVELDOCS website, requests the receipt number to continue. I've input every number on that paper and none of them work.


    This is a group traveling as a family of 4, so the deposit slips are the same.


    Any experts in this area tha can be of some help?



    Dr. Burrito

  2. On 1/5/2017 at 11:32 AM, fruitman said:

    BKK vely big sir....and Thai kids rarely sport....better tell what area...


    As long as its somewhere not over the river, we don't care. We just want the best option to continue their work while they are there for the summer. My wife will rent a serviced apartment somewhere closer to where they practice if its not on the skytrain and they can drive further to their other activities and meetings.

  3. Has anybody had anyone trying to use the DS160 online application of late. My brother in law is trying to fill it out and is getting an error message on the address page. For some reason, it says he is using incorrect characters, but in fact, he isn't. Of course, trying to call the embassy is a waste of time.

    Any advise or experience with this?

  4. Has anyone here ever made use of, or know of anyone making use of the H-2A guest worker visa program for the USA? We're thinking of bringing some Thai agricultural labor to USA and wanted some hands on experience advice if anyone has any about getting it done, especially without a lawyer. If its too big a 'nut to crack' without legal help, then perhaps someone you know who has handled it for others.

    Thanks in advance

    dr. b

  5. My wife is headed back to Thailand next month to visit her folks for a few months with our 3-yr old daughter. Baby Burrito was born here in the US, not there, and the Thailand embassy here wasn't keen on giving her a Thai passport on their annual visit to Dallas. As such, she will travel over there on her US passport.

    We can get her a tourist visa here of course, or she can simply get one on arrival, but in any event, she will overstay it, and I am wondering, since she is traveling with her mother, will she need one anyway? I am thinking we may be faced with an overstay fine?

    It could be of course that she cab get the Thai citizenship part sorted while they are there as well, but if not, just wondering if anyone has any information on this subject.

    Thanks in advance

    dr. b

  6. Thai people will avoid conflict at all costs. If she has gone quiet, then that is probably her way of telling you the relationship is over. Make your planned trip, send her a message telling her where and when you will be in Thailand, and if she wants to contact or see you, she will. Otherwise, don't waste your time looking for her. Thai addresses are very difficult to find. Come to Thailand with the plan to find a new girl, or better yet, find many new girls. It is not uncommon for a Thai girl to have a few overseas contacts working them all for money, and to see which one will pay the sinsot and buy the gold first.

    Your trip to Hua Hin should have been a clue. She was probably not impressed with the travel by bus, then perhaps the hotel was not impressive enough, so after 2 days, she was already ready to end the relationship.

    Move on, give her up, there are thousands of Thai girls looking for a good man.

    Betting Jim here has it pegged pretty well... Perceptive and succinct.

  7. I post here to make others jealous of my massive intelligence, fat bank account, movie star good looks, my history in the alphabet spy networks, and HiSo half Chinese -Thai girlfriends and their wealthy families

    I put myself in SDaniel's category. Since my good looks and wit are not appreciated at home, someone has to know about me.

    • Like 1
  8. Wondering if there is some kind of 'VIP Arrival' service at SwampyLand. Along the lines in other words of celebrity arriving, whisking them through immigration and customs at the speed of, well, 'not normal.' Assuming if it even exists that it will cost of course and that the 'celebrity' will still be arriving via regular airline, not private plane.

    Any info is appreciated.

    dr. b

  9. Thanks all for the advice on the Shopping,,appreciate it very much,,,as for leaving the wife at home,to be honest Thai birds dont do it for me,,,South American Women rock my boat,,my wife is a very sexy 26 year old Brazilian with the firmest tits and ass this side of the Equator so she will be coming with me,,,cheers.

    Nice to see you hold her in such high esteem.

    • Like 1
  10. Grass fed, Shoot it, cut it up and eat it straight off the fire.....all you sooks and your hanging and grain fed....best steak you will ever have, taste and tender.

    Thank you for making sense of this steak business.

    What's wrong with some people ? Were they born without teeth ? Do they need steak which is as soft as butter before they can eat it ?

    And this business of grain-fed beef being the best is a load of hot cock ! I have eaten steak all over Australia and the BEST steak comes from the Center, around Alice Springs, no grain out there, just spinefex. And it does not have to be 3 weeks old. clap2.gif

    Mikemac, you're just eating a lot of liquid, in this case, blood, rather than pure meat. Each to his own, but I'm not a vampire. coffee1.gif

  11. Does anyone have a recommendation for a shop that is expert in Mac hard drive repair, or I suppose, in hard drive repair in general. I have one that needs data recovery, but the good folks at Taylor Mark in Dallas, said there was a physical problem with it that needed fixing first. They told me, but not being a techie, I forget the exact issue. Suffice it to say, something hit a light pole (internally) and they need $1800 to repair it before they can even approach the data recovery.

    Since I'm headed back in a few weeks anyway, I thought maybe I'd get it fixed in Thailand if its feasible. If not, I'll have these folks dig in.


    dr. b

  12. Nothing wrong with good steak dipped in a no of home made sauce.

    But I guess you have the Thai cooking side if things down pat. Glass houses and all that...

    Remind me if we ever meet no to offer to buy you a proper steak cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif She cooked the steaks to perfection, it was the rudeness with which she treated it that caused my near stroke...

    God, I wish I could cook good Thai food. xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webpxsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webp Since she and the kiddos are in the states and I am back and forth, I am forced to restaurants and street carts when I want a good Thai meal.

    I wouldn't call a 21 day steak a proper steak. I'd prefer a couple of more weeks hanging.

    And I hope you consider a properly cooked streak one which has only briefly seen a hot flame. Otherwise I don't think we are on the same page of what is defined as a 'good steak' smile.png

    Saw a very hot flame indeed, and well stated. Wouldn't have minded it hanging longer to be sure, but 3 weeks makes for a pretty nice period on dry aging. That said, can't argue about hanging it longer either, but mine wasn't the only family voice in that discussion.

  13. Nothing wrong with good steak dipped in a no of home made sauce.

    But I guess you have the Thai cooking side if things down pat. Glass houses and all that...

    Remind me if we ever meet no to offer to buy you a proper steak cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif She cooked the steaks to perfection, it was the rudeness with which she treated it that caused my near stroke...

    God, I wish I could cook good Thai food. xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webpxsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webp Since she and the kiddos are in the states and I am back and forth, I am forced to restaurants and street carts when I want a good Thai meal.

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