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Dr. Burrito

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Posts posted by Dr. Burrito

  1. Hi Daewoo,

    We got it sorted, expensive though it indeed was. The staff was quite friendly, if a bit inept.

    We book our tickets for domestic portions in America separately, so the airline here has nothing to do with that portion other than routing the luggage. However, we were able to get online at the CAT kiosk, get them checked in there and print the boarding passes, so on the other end, they should have had few if any hassles at the other end. Expensive though it was, it was still better than them having to deal with check-in procedures on the other end.

    On a side note, lots of tourists in that shop with their usual beefs about thinking they were ripped off. I don't think so, but who knows. The staff was pretty straight up about things.

    Dr. B

  2. Yep, way down the back on departure level, past all the check in counters.

    All services avilable there.

    Cost you an arm and a leg.

    Kiosks should be up and running, not sure.

    Doubt if printouts would be available.

    Thanks a lot for the information. Might indeed be pricey, but the headaches it will eliminate outweigh that by far.

    Again, thanks a lot.

    Dr. B

  3. I have read where there are kiosks and perhaps even free wifi, but is there an internet cafe itself at the airport? I'd like to know because the wife ad kids travel to states tomorrow. If I can get a place at the airport to do it, I can check them into their American Airlines flight and print up the boarding pass. However, as the restrictions for the check-in are 24 hours in advance, then we have to get to the airport before it can be accomplished at home on my internet and printer.

    Any information is appreciated.

    Dr. B

  4. Dr. Burrito, I’ve had three or four meals at the new location and have found the food and service as good or even better than before. I only tried the tamales at the new location and they were superb, just like tamales I used to buy from street vendors in Mexico City.

    Everyone has a pov, mate. As noted above, I said the new location started out on a high note. It is either growing too quickly, always a risk, or perhaps the incumbent costs of being in the new location may have him cutting corners he would rather not.

    As to buying from street vendors in Mexico, no offense, but that's like saying I buy Thai food in Thailand, or Chinese food in China. Just because it's cooked there doesn't make it good not does it mean it's bad. It just means it was cooked by a local. I bought tamales all the time from the back of a station wagon outside a Mexican grocery store on Victory Blvd. in North Hollywood too, and if you know North Hollywood, you know half of Mexico and Central America lives there. They were stunningly good, so I reckon I have as informed an opinion as the next food nut on this subject.

    From my pov, the guy's place is falling down. I do in fact hope it is a temporary anomaly, but at the moment, it just isn't working for me.

    Dr. B

    Just curious about the tamales at T&S.......both Sabaijai and Dr. Burrito have commented on them. I have yet to try them.

    Back in the USA, I used to go to a very small Mom and Pop shop that made tamales and taquitos........nothing else............people were lined up down the street to eat their tamales.

    It only had two tables..........virtually everything was "take-away."

    The Mexican-American family that owned the place (Rosaritas) made beer can size tamales (I am exaggerating only slightly......they really were big) and put beef chile sauce on top and some cheese. They were so freakin' good.

    The meat was very tender.......some shredded beef that had been cooked forever....and they were not dry.

    In comparison to what I just said, how are the tamales at Tacos and Salsa?

    In comparison to that? They are not acceptable if that is your benchmark, but they are better than his other dishes I have had, at the moment anyway. Using condiments should always be an option, not a necessity. At the moment, they are a necessity, at least by my standards. Otherwise, they are just too dry and a bit on the bland side.

    Look, I am not trying to slam the guy or his place. It still beats the competition, but that is not the way I judge it. When you are dishing out more than the going average for food, you expect a bit more. If he was charging the same as they charge for a bowl of local food served at a similar location, I'd simply shine it on. But when you walk away having paid upwards of 1,000 baht for a couple of people to eat a meal and have a few beers or drinks, I expect a bit more.

    Dr. B

  5. Dr. Burrito, I’ve had three or four meals at the new location and have found the food and service as good or even better than before. I only tried the tamales at the new location and they were superb, just like tamales I used to buy from street vendors in Mexico City.

    Everyone has a pov, mate. As noted above, I said the new location started out on a high note. It is either growing too quickly, always a risk, or perhaps the incumbent costs of being in the new location may have him cutting corners he would rather not.

    As to buying from street vendors in Mexico, no offense, but that's like saying I buy Thai food in Thailand, or Chinese food in China. Just because it's cooked there doesn't make it good not does it mean it's bad. It just means it was cooked by a local. I bought tamales all the time from the back of a station wagon outside a Mexican grocery store on Victory Blvd. in North Hollywood too, and if you know North Hollywood, you know half of Mexico and Central America lives there. They were stunningly good, so I reckon I have as informed an opinion as the next food nut on this subject.

    From my pov, the guy's place is falling down. I do in fact hope it is a temporary anomaly, but at the moment, it just isn't working for me.

    Dr. B

  6. Sorry JR,

    I wasn't in a mood to do extensive writing that day I wrote that, but I needed to vent I guess.

    Okay, well, been a regular customer of the new location. Took a friend by who also loved it and we were both having a few meals a week there together.

    I worked in restaurants for a long time, helping manage them in L.A. and I know how difficult this field can be. However, my lat two visits have resulted in food very changed from its previous incarnation, the enchiladas, nachos, beans and tamales being of a specific point. The pre-prep on the food was too long in the one instance, the meat having dried to the point of being completely bland and of no interest once prepared for consumption.

    Then assuming everyone always has an off day, I went by with some mates for a bite the other evening. There was a booming business going on and maybe this is part of the problem, as running a successful restaurant is often more difficult than running a slower one. We ordered nachos, guacamole and chips and beer. The nachos had almost no cheese other than some runny yellow mess that was I think Velveeta. The normal cheese being used previously was not in stock perhaps, I've no idea, but better to simply say we are out of the proper ingredients than what we were served. The guacamole was very thinned out versus the previous incarnations as well. Again, better to say, out of stock than put out an inferior product.

    I will give this place one last shot this week and if the owner is in, I will have a chat. The day I was in and the food was really bad, and I d mean bad, put my wife off completely. The owner was there that day, but my wife was so pissed at me, there was not a chance to chat.

    Also, and a last note, knowing how to cook food doesn't make a person a a host and expert at running an establishment. Sorry, but the gentleman needs to learn how to handle customers and be a host or find someone who does. This mainly relates to the day I went with my wife. I do not care to go into specifics, but suffice it to say, customers are valued gold in any business and deserve the best the place has to offer rather than being treated as if they are a nuisance.

    Dr. B

  7. Engineer Mr. Uwe Keienburg worked with/for Vinci Consulting Co., Ltd. - Thailand.

    Vinci Consulting seems to be a respectable engineering/infrastructure and consulting company in Thailand:


    i don't know if the look of that website makes vinci consulting to a "respectable engineering/infrastructure and consulting company". there is a lack references of sucessful projects in the past.

    if i check the whois of vinciconsulting, i come to the healthmedasia.com adress.  it's long gone, but few bits are on archive org. web.archive.org/web/*/healthmedasia.com

    check this for example: web.archive.org/web/20040903095029/healthmedasia.com/introduction.htm

    that looks like an odd business concept.

    why is it so unbelievable that people commit suicide? it's a sad thing, but it happen.

    the detonation cord looks like a leaveless twig to me. or some other piece of string.

    maybe he just made some small installation that the grenade hangs in the air and he have his hands free for a last prayer. or constructed somekind of a booby-trap, to be triggered by himself and explode behind his back. he could had fixed the grenade and the trigger with 2 different strings and when he moved forward the trigger got released. did some ritual or last meditation, before he felt ready to go and make his last step forward and it made just a click noise behind his back.

    psychologically maybe an easier process than hold the grenade in your own hand and face it for your last few seconds.

    As an answer to your first sentence: Mr. Keienburg worked for 2 respectable VERY LARGE companies in Thailand ( 1 from the USA and 1 from Italy/Thailand) and a.o. on the construction of the pavement on Suvarnabhumi airport:


    Of course that doesn't say anything but I wrote: "Vinci Consulting seems to be......".

    He was an engineer and not in a shady bar adventure but anybody can end up in problems in Thailand or any other country.

    Your last assumptions are speculative..maybe....maybe.

    If we would only know more.....but to commit suicide on such a strange place, far away from home in a rubber plantation, with a grenade (with detonation material, hard to get) doesn't make sense to most.

    But...who knows ? :)


    I knew this gentleman quite well, and first and foremost, he was a gentleman.

    We had not been in touch of late and only a letter from a mutual friend in Germany made me aware of what has transpired.

    I am so deeply saddened at the moment and feeling for Araya and their daughter.

    This was a very, very good man. Please do nothing here to sully his name.

    RIP Uwe.

  8. There is a big house set back off Jomtien Beach Road just past Soi White house, do not know the owner though.

    Thanks, I'll be down there scouting tomorrow so will check it out.

    Dr. B

  9. Guess that means you're not in line for the 7K baht then?

    Dr. B

    There is a hotel in pattaya which is build in colonial style will that fit your needs?

    Can I get my 7000 now? :D

    PM me. I will give you my real details to provide a way to find me and hound me until you are paid if we use it :):D

    Dr. B

  10. Hi,

    Does anyone know of any colonial style mansions down in Pattaya area and the owners? We need to shoot the exteriors only for a commercial. If anyone can hook me up, it's worth 7,000 baht.


    Dr. B

  11. We have a beautiful, partly furnished house for rent in the Watcharapol area, which is a few kilometers north of Ram-Intra. We are in a lovely housing village that has a lovely pool and fitness area, as well as club house and places for kids to play.

    The house itself is 2-stories, 3 bedroom, with two full baths upstairs (one in-suite) and a toilet downstairs.

    There is an oven in the kitchen, a wine fridge and washing machine out back.

    Covered parking for one car.

    I am willing to let it out at a very reasonable rate, 33,000 baht a month, you cover all expenses. There is a maid available, the one working with us now, but she does not come with the house.

    We are moving to Phuket, but I will be keeping an office in Bangkok, so I will be available should issues arise with the house. In case you don't know the area, it is serviced by the Ram-Intra Expressway, now finished and on-ramps and exit ramps are within 1.5 kms from the house, so you can be anywhere in Bangkok pretty quickly. It is a lovely village, very quiet and well maintained. The rent covers the association fees as well.

    Please send me a pm if interested and we will be happy to show you the house. It will be getting a cosmetic make over before being rented, new paint and wall paper kind of stuff (kids, gotta love em)


    Dr. Burrito

  12. Hi, I used to go to the NY Marathon and the Boston Marathon on occasion. Great crowds, great atmospheres, which got into thinking maybe the Pattaya Marathon would be worth driving down to see.

    Do they get a good turn out on the route? I ask this since I do realize it starts in the dead of night. I'd like to go, but I do admit to not wanting to be a lone stranger watching it. Something about a big marathon crowd is cool.

    What is the state of the crowd for this race?


    Dr. B

  13. I just wanted to give a big thanks to Thaivisa member, Thaigerd. We had a smallish job in Phuket, but it would have been a nightmare job without the selfless nature of this fellow member. We needed some connections and recommendations for a small video we were doing and without 2nd thought, he extended his time, his cell phone money and his personal reputation I am sure, to get us into more doors, more quickly and more successfully than could have been done otherwise.

    This was a great example of the positive side of forums, especially this one, where people do so often try to lend a genuine hand from their years of experience here in Thailand.

    Massive boat drinks are coming your way Thaigerd, whenever you are so inclined as to imbibe. Thanks again for all your help and thanks for Thaivisa for the ability to discover great people and develop new friends.

    Dr. Burrito

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