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Posts posted by gk10012001

  1. 7 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Lets put it this way if lockdowns don't work then why did the virus spread so much after the Songkran holiday when everyone could move freely ? Explain that to me and how free movement did not cause the current spike and then we might be able to agree on things. 


    Because the cause of the current spread is songkran for a large part combined with delta. So because we let people move around so much it got worse. So how can you argue that lockdowns don't make sense.

    The lockdowns may slow some things down, but they only delay the inevitable. 

  2. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    Are you playing silly word games here? The AZ vaccine is now being manufactured in Thailand.

    Yes, that is another part that JamieM does not seem to want to grasp or understand or know about.  That is why I used the words Foreign manufacturers.. But some people just don't read with comprehension or they have some agenda they try to squeeze into things, whether they fit or not.


    Thank you

  3. 11 minutes ago, Khun Yogi said:

    If you want to do any "real" business in Thailand ie company to company, domestic or overseas, you have to pay for goods before they are shipped, so if they order vaccines l can see why companies would want payment before shipment.

    yes.  This is what JamieM doesn't seem to want to let go of.  He seems to want to attack and attack.  Sad really.  Hope the future gets better or Thailand won't get my retirement dollars which I always planned to go there and give to them.  I been 15 times since 2004 and now, that I have punched out, well.. not heading to Thailand for now

  4. On 7/17/2021 at 11:48 AM, treetops said:

    There is a 2 week period post 2nd vaccine.  I'm not sure how they count it but you might want to make it Aug 16th from your example to make sure there's 14 full days.


    I think you'll need the insurance to get a COE for your return.  Check on your home embassy site as they'll issue the COE.


    No need to fly out of Phuket.  Book an open jaw flight out of BKK and returning to Phuket.

    Most reports I read say it took one month to organize all the pre travel things if doing the standard ASQ entry process.  You will find that out as you start coordinating things.  COE, then COVID extra insurance with proper coverage periods, then book ASQ or if you do Phuket Sandbox follow those procedures.  Then coordinate all that with your plane flights, and if doing Phuket sandobx, you don't want to go through BKK.  That narrows down our flight choices.


      Be wary of non refundable reservations, because things do change

  5. The beauty of Thailand to me was the local nature of the city.  Easy to walk around in. Easy for a tourist or expat or anybody else to hop on a baht bus for a modest amount of money and hop off where needed.  So convenient.  As were moto taxis for special destination hops.  My first visit was in 2004 and  I hated over the years watching big malls go up, so many high rise condos.  If I want concrete and steel, then I could go to a big city.  Of course some changes are OK.  I mean as much as I would love to have gone there in like 1982, the city's capacity begrudgingly had to expand.  But gosh you can't even swim in the gulf because the sea water is so dirty. 

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  6. COVID lockdowns, and curfews, while maybe properly motivated, also provide an opportunity for limiting political activity.  The current junta has been in power for quite a long time relative to the time between coups in past Thailand history.  Sadly , more lockdowns and curfews are probably on the horizon.  And with that more economic and emotional stress for millions of Thais.  That rarely ends in quite peaceful changes

  7. 33 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    With a  roughly 98%  survival rate  I  have NO  plan

    I would add that the efficacy of these emergency vaccines is far from known and only time may tell.  And that is just with normal degradation or fading, not even considering variants and mutations. Even the flu vaccines only can address a certain range of variants and they are guessed at months in advance in order get mass production under way prior to a flu season.  Flu vaccines are recognized and estimated to be only 45 % effective. 

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  8. Pfizer seems to be fairly safe, although I doubt the long term efficacy of it or any of the vaccines, just from normal degradation over time, and not even considering what variants or future mutations will do.  Johnson Johnson Single Jab may be the safest.  Would love to see the long term results of all these emergency approvals, for the the vaccines that have not gone through the normal full approval process

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  9. Many coups and wars in Africa between many countries.  Major cities in many countries will go bankrupt.  Homeless and squatters and illegal immigration will be impossible to control.  Movie scenes like the original movie Blade Runner showing streets and vendors speaking Spanglish and other mxied up  and combined languages will be common. 

  10. On 7/17/2021 at 3:58 AM, eeworldwide said:

    Why on earth should we hear any more about it?! It's just a pretty normal gathering of grown folks enjoying a birthday bash, albeit during covid times when they shouldn't have been gathering in a group of more than 5.

    Non-story - move on!

    During a national emergency and health crisis when people are dying.  four bags of ketamine.  Hardly a non-story, as some examples and punishment probably should be set to persuade other people to not break the rules

  11. 6 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

    Isn’t that the one that has to be kept super cold? 

    I would not be surprised if Thais put it in a normal refrigerator, assuming that that was ok lol


    I seriously would not take the one that has those strict temp protocols here. Was it manufactured here?

    No.  The JJ vaccine does NOT need to be super cold.  That is the Pfizer vaccine which needs to be super cold.

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  12. 17 hours ago, Thailand said:

    I thought all healthworkers had at least a first shot of some sort of Sino vax, don't they work?

    They may have worked just as designed.  They limit the severity of infections.  There is no guarantee that one does not get infected.  A vaccinated person can still carry and transmit the virus, perhaps for only a limited amount of time, but they can still do it.  I have my doubts that the workers were all vaccinated.

  13. 1 hour ago, Gsxrnz said:

    I wish they would use the 24 hour clock and forget about ante meridiem and post meridiem. I dunno if i'm supposed to stay home from 0900 to 1600, or from 2100 to 0400. 


    I suspect the cars-cov-2 virus is equally confused and won't know when to go to bed or when to go out doing what it does.


    yeah. That virus works on the clock.  It really is silly what they think a night curfew does, when during the day, millions gather at all the outdoor markets, bazaars, etc. 

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  14. 39 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Reminds me of the gas shortage in the US in the 70's and rationing.  You could only get gas on a odd day if your license plate ended in an odd number and so on.

    Yep. I turned 16 in 1973 when I got my driver license during the Arab Oil embargo.  Long lines, could only buy a few dollars max of gas at a time.  I and my family did not drive far, but I can't imagine how commuters or in big city populations got through those lines. 


      Now all that the Thais are doing is making people get together in the same place at the same time and bunching them up. 

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