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Posts posted by Aland

  1. On 4/21/2020 at 1:56 PM, sandrew33 said:

    Thailand has tested 2,000 per million. Singapore is at 16,000. Australia 17,000. Thailand is in a low end group of testing countries whose results are considered wildly unreliable as result of the low tests. 


    Everyone agrees that lifting of restrictions requires a wide testing, tracing and quick acting isolation regime. Thailand has, on available evidence, none of those systems in place. 

    The lifting of restrictions is just going to see a surge in new cases unless the testing regime is massively broadened and improved. 

    Everyone agrees? <deleted> do you get that? I don’t agree, covid19 is a scam, open back.

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  2. On 5/16/2020 at 12:27 PM, simple1 said:

    Time for people to catch up with what's actually currently happening in Sweden. Sweden's per capita death rate from Covid-19 is among the highest in the world, Sweden is also facing a bad economic outcome due to Covid.







    Way to gaslight bud, Belgium’s deaths per million is more then double Sweden’s. The UK, Italy, France and Spain are all higher then Sweden, nice try but most of us know how to google.

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  3. On 5/1/2020 at 7:28 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    I'm just waiting for the next Instagram update a month or so down the road in California where she posts that she's been admitted to the hospital after contracting CV and is worried about being intubated..... 


    On a parallel subject, there was a LONG feature in the NYT the other day about a conservative Pennsylvania street preacher and musician who's a big fan of Trump and posted in social media how he believed the whole CV thing is a big media hoax and thus he never took any precautions like staying home, social distancing, mask wearing, etc.


    He contracted the virus, as did his wife, while in New Orleans for Mardi Gras, and the guy died of CV alone (no visitors) in the hospital just a few days after being admitted for being unable to breathe. The world is unfortunately too full of folks like that.


    Fat Tuesday was February 25th, I doubt that anyone in the US were taking any precautions ie: staying at home, social distancing or face masks, in fact there were only 53 total Covid cases in the US at that time and 39 of those were from repatriated persons so again, I doubt that anyone was taking any precautions. I’m guessing this was fake news, just like the trump supporter from New York that decided to take a cruise after Fox News said that cruises were safe, and to Italy no less. He got the virus and died all alone.

  4. On 5/3/2020 at 12:36 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    From Johns Hopkins as of May 1:


    Almost 10,000 dead from COVID around the world per day.


    As for the U.S.:



    In recent days, more than 2000 Americans have been dying each and every day from the pandemic.


    The numbers speak for themselves. And by many accounts, the official stats probably continue to considerably undercount both the actual infections and deaths.


    Actually, the numbers don’t speak for themselves as this is the latest from the CDC and a whopping 4 new deaths in the US as per worldometers, for yesterday.


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  5. I use it everyday here in Thailand going on 3 months now, as well as when I’m back in my home country. I have an IPTV subscription that works here on Kodi and I watch tv/movies via either exodus or Seren. I have 2 amazon fire sticks and I just bought a 4K fire stick through lazada.

  6. On 4/27/2020 at 12:39 PM, otherstuff1957 said:

    Actually not.


    Sweden: Population about 10 million,  2000+ deaths.

    Norway: Population about 5 million, 200+ deaths.


    But don't let facts get in your way.

    How about we revisit when Norway opens up and they get their “second” wave which, because of their lockdown, will really be their first wave.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 48 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:


    Because you can do something about it..


    You can lock everyone up and pretend it's for their own good ????

    Bro, you’ll never win with this group. I like to come on here every once in awhile, toss a grenade and then go about my day doing other things. These guys live to expound on their wisdom and knowledge on all subjects but most especially about how the Thai government and other people, should conduct themselves. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. I had the dealership take the tint off of my windshield, it absolutely is not necessary and can actually be dangerous. Why did I have mine removed? I found myself driving down the street one night, with my head out my side window as I was looking for an unlit side street. The next morning I closely inspected my windshield and realized it was tinted, I was shocked as I don’t think it’s even remotely legal in my home country.

  9. Hindsight is 20/20. Somethings that were overlooked when I had my house built. Family size, at the time I assumed that a small 2 bedroom 2 bath house would suffice for myself, my wife and my step daughter. My mother in law, who has a home directly behind me, has been “living” under my roof for years, we’ve  also had at least 1 niece in residence, from a total of 4, since the house was built back in 2010. Last year we also added a grand daughter.

     Closets, I can’t stress this enough. Not a single closet in the house. I’ve had to build 2 storage sheds outside and we have 2 large cheaply made but very popular in Thailand, wardrobe/clothes closets inside.

     I see that you mentioned electrical outlets, the more the better IMO, especially outside. My house had/has 2 outlets per room, none in either bathroom and 1 outlet outside for the washing machine. Needless to say, we use a lot of power strips and in this country most power strips , conveniently come with a long cord. I had a water filter installed in the cabinet under our kitchen sink, sadly, I have to run a power strip from an outlet 2.5 meters away, to run the filter.

     Finally, for me, screens on windows and doors turned out to be a small issue as the windows come with screens, albeit they are backwards from the rest of the world, but the doors were overlooked. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, sandrew33 said:



    I understand it’s ok to be an ignorant smartarse on Thai visa but since Google seems beyond you here is an example of what “everyone” (read leaders of sensible developed countries) are saying. Australian PM in last couple of days: 


    “In about a month from now there will be changes to the baseline restrictions that we put in place a few weeks ago,” Morrison said in a press conference, adding that three benchmarks would need to be met before that occurred. “When we have in place the broader testing regime surveillance, the automated contract regime in place, and we have scaled out our capacity to respond to outbreaks, that is what we are looking to do in the next four weeks.


    Fauci has said similar in the US. 

    But hey, great comeback by you ????????

    It’s a virus, unless it’s totally eradicated then it’s going to resurface. Thanks for the complement on the comeback, I sometimes through them out when I see someone claiming “everyone agrees” when in fact there is very little agreement. Which test? How many? Test everyone every day? That’s about what you would have to do, along with complete isolation of positive cases, to achieve the dream of eradication but again, if everyone agrees then I guess the problem is solved.

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  11. 1 minute ago, sandrew33 said:

    Thailand has tested 2,000 per million. Singapore is at 16,000. Australia 17,000. Thailand is in a low end group of testing countries whose results are considered wildly unreliable as result of the low tests. 


    Everyone agrees that lifting of restrictions requires a wide testing, tracing and quick acting isolation regime. Thailand has, on available evidence, none of those systems in place. 

    The lifting of restrictions is just going to see a surge in new cases unless the testing regime is massively broadened and improved. 

    Ah well, if everyone agrees

    • Haha 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, dlclark97 said:

    As far as reported case going down, starting April 11 it would appear to be more or less a flat line with only slight variations in the daily reported total of new infections.  This may be a leveling off but definitely is not a downward trend.  As far as Thais wearing masks, every public place I go for shopping has many Thais who are still not wearing masks and in market areas definitely are not practicing social distancing.  This is not to say foreigners are in strict compliance but the Thai bashing of foreigners could well be working both ways.

    How many per day are they allowing into the country?

  13. 23 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Gossip is always rich in the villages, but rarely will someone know what the ailment is if the family does not tell.  It is all about Face, ask your significant other.  If folks like to talk about themselves, how much of it is really true.  So take what I say with a grain of salt.  I lost three relatives of my ex-wife in late February, who had been to Bangkok for the Chinese new year.  They were seen at the local provincial hospital and sent home with meds, and never returned when they became much sicker.  Only family was around them when they passed away, no autopsy performed, certificates of death obtained from the local Police, no doctor ever visited....Maybe your village is different, and the first time someone hears something they run screaming to the authorities.  Tell me how that works for them and their FACE when they are wrong...... Everyone Gossips, but families do not put out there family business to people, as others use it to their advantage....So tell me I am wrong after you again ask your significant other.

    In late February, covid19 was barley a blip on the radar. You honestly think that what went on with your relatives then could possibly escape scrutiny now? You’re dreaming if you do.

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