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  1. Perhaps those in Parliament would of preferred that we were all speaking German now
  2. Thanks Jack I couldn't find the previous post so assumed it wasn't submitted, Hua Hin office and they're usually easy to deal with.
  3. This will be my 10th retirement extension, but I have a few changes this year so would like to get a couple of things clarified. This year I am using 800k kept in a fixed term deposit which I have had over a year. Before I just made sure my account stayed above 400 and 800 when needed and verified via statements. My question is the money has just sat there, there is going to be no use of a previous or post months statements, so what do people need to show immigration when its a fixed term deposit? My other change, is up until this year I have always been renting and proof of address was the rental agreement. We have now built a house which is in wife's name. When I changed address with immigration back in June my wife filled a Notification of house owner as to where alien stayed. I have a copy of this, there is no contract. Do I just take a copy of this along with her copy of ID and House book as my Proof of Address? Thanks for any advice offered. Its Hua Hin office. All the Best for 2025
  4. This will be my 10th extension, sadly they are coming around too quickly. Now I have a couple of changes in circumstances. 1. This is the first time I am using a term deposit instead of proving my day to day account never dropped below the minimum. I have had the 800k deposited 18 months. Do I just get the usual letter from the bank showing this is my term deposit now, and a statement print out? Only there is nothing to show regarding the post 3 months and prior 2 months like I needed to do before. 2. Proof of address. Up until now I have been renting using copies of Landlords house book and ID along with rental contract. Now we have built a house so I have the copy of House book, wife's ID (Her name is in the book) Obviously no contract. Do I need our Marriage cert? I have already changed my address with Immigration earlier in the year when we moved in. (I may of just worked this out. just looked up when I changed the address and see a form called "Name of Aliens in residence" which my wife signed to say I live there. Do I take a copy of that? Seems logical) Any help will be appreciated Thanks. Hua Hin office
  5. The 18 yr old tried to warn the girls, of the car coming the wrong way. Maybe if they were of age or a bit more road savy, they would of been aware of it too. They're parents and being too young is also a contributing factor unfortunately
  6. Probably not the most reliable survey Hurghada is not in Turkey
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 173 seconds  
  8. Other people have said enough times. Go to a key cutters, (locksmith) he will go with you to the bike with a blank key and a file and make an impression then file it. They usually do it from the seat lock. You will have to pay him for his time closing his stall. Unless you get the bike to him. Then get a copy made as well.
  9. In Google translate instead if cut and past in Text. Cilck on documents and you can drop pdfs into there. Or from there Browse and find your document and double click it. Works good.
  10. Earlier in the year I sent £45k by Lloyds in £s and £45k via Wise at the same time. The nett result for sums of this size was about 2000thb difference. Wise winning, but very close in my opinion when doing large amounts. Just make sure you send £s to your Thai bank.
  11. I have done it. But I needed proof of address at Imm. For residency cert. Then changed back Imm address later when home. But your driving license wont have your proper address. Tried to change license address when back home, and they said "come back in 5 yrs" Mai pen rai was the answer, when I said its not my address.
  12. 159 Bht/m Premium No Ads on any device. You guys must be on a tight budget.
  13. You need depth as well to get m3
  14. Unless its different at each immigration office, I have always done it up to 45 days before in Hua hin
  15. I think the $3 million, is lodt in translation and hoping it is 3 million THB, as it also mentions you require $10million for 1 month to get Thai pass.
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