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Posts posted by seminomadic

  1. Don't know if this is true or not, but if so, leaflets should be handed out to every protester showing the facts, and his loud speak system overridden and a voice giving the details blasted from all the speakers. Ouch! Major embarrassment. If NOT true, those who perpetrated this lie should be grilled like a steak on a bar-b-que.

    Great idea in theory, but as soon as anyone in the crowd realizes you're not part of their herd, you'll be torn limb from limb.

    • Like 1
  2. Either way, in terms of a ministry trying to mitigate its spread, Thailand could do worse than to crank out inflated figures.

    They just want to scare people, and they really ought not to be blamed for that.

    I'd personally like to know what percent of the unprotected-sex transmissions are among gays, BUT of course, there's no good upshot of me asking or getting the answer to that -- if it turns out that say they answer that question reporting that only 3-4% of those transmissions are between heterosexual partners, then a lot more of us might not stop to rip out a jimmy. Bad form for a gov't ministry to present stats, however clear, if it pushes risk homeostasis in the wrong direction.

    Even if it's not HIV you contract, there are worse strains of gonorrhea going around the world, hepatitis, etc.

  3. PCAD need to be honest and suggest abolishing elections and democratic politics permanently. They want a paternal system in a one-party state. Perhaps something like China, Laos or Vietnam. If that is what the people here are happy with, for the sake of stability, then let them have it. The world's first constitutional communist monarchy state!

    I suspect, however, it is not what the majority want. The genie is already out of the bottle.

    Thread winner. Thailand wants to have its cake and eat it too.

    I've said for years Thailand should actually be communist (assuming a purer form than Stalinist or Maoist versions).

    If the workers had more of a piece of the concern they work for, maybe 4 out of the 5 girls behind one counter at Central wouldn't stand around texting and picking their noses

    • Like 2
  4. Suthep forgot to explain the bit about stopping candidate registration and the printing of ballot forms.

    He also forgot to mention the time that he was the de facto PM while Chinese Prince Abhisit was de juris. So he's telling the truth when he says Thailand was governed "by a combination of tyranny, corruption, bribery, theft, and a complete disregard for human rights". That stretch included his handiwork.

    I'm sure he's mended his ways completely by now. You know how drastically men tend to change between ages 60 and 64.

    • Like 1
  5. Wouldn't be surprised to discover that the ones who may carry or use weapons at the peripheries are those with no sponsor or political allegiance at all.

    People can only take so much of seeing some sh!twit loser standing guard at a major road arrogantly refusing them access to their home when the road blocks nearly nothing. It's just meant to inconvenience. Think they're bigshots with their cowboy hats and Thong Chat wristbands and sub-30 IQs. Might as well be a uniform. F#cking losers, same as the lot who took over Ratchaprasong.

    • Like 1
  6. See, this is why I don't have kids.

    Because if you have a son he's going to rape his mother and drive you to kill him? You made the decision based on that? And when did this scenario come into your head? As an 18 year old?

    I've seen the effects of that yabba s#!t. I'm not one to jump in and object to drug use at the first opportunity, but that stuff is nasty stuff. The guy I know once smart, hard working, wife and son, good life, now his wife left him, he hadn't seen his son for 15 years until a few months back and he can't do anything to support himself. His family look after him and, astonishingly, his wife wants to come back to care for him in his old age. But he won't accept her help, lives in a storehouse with sacks of rice for company. Totally messed him up.

    Wow. That's a really great story there.

  7. tx22cb, on 19 Jan 2014 - 10:58, said:

    Please can the protesters take some loudspeakers away to the South too?

    They were blaring away until past 1 am last night.

    Yes, this is the problem with some of us.

    Only concerned about our little selves and convenience, disregarding the struggle and fight for a better future for the country we live in.

    You have omitted some key details from your post. I think it should read:

    Only concerned about our little selves and convenience, disregarding the struggle of the old bunch of crooks over the new bunch of crooks and fight for a better future for them in the country we live in.

    There. That's better. Now, presumably, you can continue to make sacrifices for those who don't give a rat's arse what you say, what you do or whether you even live here at all.

    *** THREAD WINNER ***

    • Like 1
  8. “We are not arrogant. People have been patient for a decade and witnessed the country shattered with their own eyes. The government and Parliament have exploited the people’s power for their own interest. They are traitors and tyrants, compelling the people to reclaim their sovereignty,” said Mr Suthep.

    “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”


    * That's not Aldous Huxley นะ

  9. The Army is waiting for the reds to get involved and kick off with the violence, then we will see the Army spanking the militant reds (again)

    talking to some red shirts ......it is not going to happen......no need to...they are just waiting it out!

    People will soon get tired of Suthep!

    And why may I ask were you talking to some RedShirts... you short of cash or just brains...

    <deleted> does that mean, short of cash??? as if reds give cash to whiteys to listen to their opinions???

    you sound one hell of a lot dumber than him, not least of all since you don't have the common sense to talk to locals on both sides when forming an opinion.

  10. Anyone who feels the army is on the fence should contact me about real estate in Florida. The Army is on the protesters' side. It speaks more to the truth to say that the army is acting like it's on the fence.

    In the event that a coup does happen, I just hope that there is plentiful video taken of the masses of [cough] Democrats cheering and celebrating news of the coup as incontrovertible evidence of what radical hypocrites they really are. For posterity's sake.

    • Like 1
  11. All the Thai Governments are corrupt, but-

    The red shirts are democratically elected each time because of the elite yellow shirts perpetuating a backward education system all these years?


    The Elite right wing can not accept democracy as it erodes the power they have held for century's over the uneducated poor.

    In any case the road to democracy is not painless.

    Its a shame when the elite yellow shirts were sent abroad to study, they either didn't study world history or more likely ignored it!

    Nailed it. Re: your last statement- from experience I've noticed only kids who go abroad in their mid-teens have a chance to get re-programmed in a way that will get them on the ball. If they wait till tertiary level, they're already too cooked and inured to the nonsense here. From then on, you can give them the best ideas in the world, but their second to second consciousness will never be anything but greng jai, save face, don't rock the boat with Pii, food & whether they can catch up on the lakorn.

    Perfect example- I was teaching several youngish ladies in a class who were gov't officials in one of TH's urban planning departments. After a comfort level was established, I suggested they travel around China where there has been some excellent urban planning done in some of the smaller and newer cities where large investments obviously had been made in oversized boulevards in anticipation of continued country-to-metropolis diaspora. This has made several urban areas (Suzhou, Hangzhou as examples if I remember right) much less congested and more liveable. This way they could get ideas for what to do about some of Thailand's up and coming cities (e.g. KK, Ubon, Udon, as opposed to BKK and CM both of which are beyond remedy via urban planning).

    I was vexed and depressed by her response. They said they had already done such a tour (on taxpayers' money). Of those cities in China. Years ago. In one ear and out the other. Seeds cast on desert rocks. When's Thong Neua Gao on? Ok good I can get some glass noodles and shrimp in time.

    This country is utterly and tragically hopeless. Top-level change or policy is and never will be anything more than cosmetic. Just enjoy living here and then make your way out & back home with one of these cute honeys before the real dust-up comes.

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