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Posts posted by curious297

  1. 38 minutes ago, FarangULong said:

    Puh-Lease.... I knew someone would actually show up with this <deleted> (not this particular video "explaining" - rather using selected facts, some half truths, and a whole lot of <deleted> - "systemic racism").


    There is no systemic racism anywhere in the West.


    In fact most of the Black-American community problems were either created by the Democratic Party (starting with LBJ and welfare), or are product of modern Black culture in the US.


    And while there probably should have been some sort of compensation for slavery, there is no point (let alone is it justifiable, unless you are an illogical bleeding heart leftist OR a Black who would profit from it) to do so almost 155 years later.

    There ARE "compensations" (at the cost of discriminating against Whites, especially White males, and partially against Asian-Americans) of another sort, however, such as affirmative action, numerous non-White only (esp. for African Americans) student grants & foundations, support groups, etc. Hell there are even universities, which are almost exclusively for Blacks only. And while they do usually have a handful (mostly 1 or 2) White students, the White students often face open hostility for "taking away" some Black guy's/girl's opportunities, and thus "helping to keep a ninja a down".


    I could list many more such examples. Systemic racism is a lie. In fact, if there was such a thing, it would be "Systemic racism+sexism+sexual-orientationism (yeah, I just made that up, I think)", aimed at straight White BIOLOGICAL males. But even that is a stretch, and not even remotely accurate, by any means.


    I appreciate your opinion however, I was referring to the past, some 400 years back until now. Your post reflects modern society. Should there ever be such things as a black school and a white school? So let' look at it from your angle. We all watch the news in some shape or form. What was once considered impartial, unbiased news has now come with left, right, liberal, democrat, whatever, you name it opinions and biased news reporting. In this current situation of riots, let's take a look how the media reports on such events. Would this be considered modern systemic racism or do you find this acceptable? Make up your own mind.


    Oh, and please, if not too much to ask, explain to me what you meant when you wrote ""helping to keep a ninja a down" ? I hope it will provide us with context.


    The following is not racial profiling but a comparison of modern day news reporting that is stacked with political agendas. As a stark reminder of the modern society and confronting the police, Keep an eye on 2 minutes, 11 seconds into the video. Had this been a person of colour, what do you think the outcome would have been? 






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  2. Most solutions to our current problems can be found if we examine our past histories. The problem with this is, most people don't like to take responsibility for past actions as it is seen as "Not my problem" however, this attitude does not make the problem go away. America is now in the sh*t not solely because of slavery which, should have been addressed properly after it was abolished but for what came after slavery and compounded this situation which included the calculated division of race due to Systemic Racism.


    I had my own personal opinion of what Systemic Racism is. Seeing this issue raised more and more, I wanted to see if I really understood the meaning and effect raised by this issue. I found this easy to understand video explaining in very layman's terms what is Systemic Racism and how it effects the community. It's less than 5 minutes long and I think it explains the issue very well.





  3. Everyone seems to be missing the main point. Where is the "supposed" counterfeit bill? Either Floyd or the shopkeeper had it. A simple scan of the money would prove whether the money was fake or not although, it would not prove that Floyd intentionally tried to spend it knowing it was fake. So, where is it??? My guess it should be with Floyd as there would be a different scene if the shopkeeper tried to keep it.

  4. My favourite film Tropic Thunder with Robert Downey Jr playing what I believe was the last black face on an international platform. He got away with it and I doubt very much we'll be hearing an apology from him Soon. When will people understand that comedy pushes the barrier to the extreme in many cases. It's not so much about doing the black face rather the context in which it is done. Hell, even black people laughed at this movie. Why? because it was hilarious. 



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  5. Any sensible parent knowing they left their child unattended in the car which was not locked so the child could escape and run out into the street, would naturally say thank you and keep quiet. In this case the parent sees an opportunity for a money grab and wants to sue the driver of the motorcycle for driving away from an accident. Now have the evidence of CCTV, it is clear that the driver was not at fault and in fact assisted the child to safety. My advice to the bike driver, counter sue her. She'll think twice about neglecting her child and appreciate a fellow human was only trying to help because of her lack of parenting.

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  6. Is it me or do news headlines only contain the word "Thai" when they do something positive? I don't see one non Thai name in the list.


    Surely the headline should read:


    More arrests as Thai's continue to break nightly curfew


    Those arrested for breaking the curfew in Muang District last night without essential reason were all men and named as: Thirawat Thaongthepthommachart, 38; Watcharaphong Samakkheethom, 37; Thaworn Chukorm, 49; Wirat Chukorm, 49; Phatiphol Limlaksasin,19; Bruebun Kedsuwan, 57; Watsana Trairattanakorn, 18; Narathip Khumphranom, 24; Alungkorn Bunkongkert, 22; and Warayuth Mussu, 23


    i'm just saying........

  7. Another good reason to ensure you pay your police force a decent salary. In these times of woe, a nation should be able to depend on the police, not expect then to go out robbing banks <deleted>! The fact they have access to guns, authority over the public, possible knowledge of how these banks work and would probably be the last suspecteed if he was never caught, just goes to show how opportunistic the thai police actually are. Now let's see if the punishment will fit the crime........ NOT!!!

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  8.   2 hours ago, curious297 said:

    In most "civilised" countries there are rules for bouncers. In the UK for instance:


    Bouncers are legally allowed to do the following:

    • Issue verbal warnings
    • Ask you to leave
    • Check for ID
    • Refuse entry if you're too intoxicated, fail to comply with establishment policies, or engage in aggressive behaviour
    • Call the police
    • Protect innocent bystanders from violence
    • Break up fights they are not involved in
    • Respond with equal force if necessary

    What are they trained to do?

    Most bouncers are trained to resolve tense situations through verbal communication instead of physical force.

    Their presence alone can be enough to deter patrons from aggressive behaviour.


    What are bouncers not allowed to do?

    Bouncers can't use force unless they are first threatened with physical harm.

    So, unless they are physically threatened, they can't do the following:

    • Hit someone
    • Push or physically throw you out of somewhere
    • Restrain you in a chokehold (or in another way)

    I guess the old saying "This is Thailand, we are different" applies here. Notice they are not allowed firearms.


    I don’t understand why you’re trying to compare though?


    My thoughts are whether Thai bouncers have any formal training if any, are there any rules of conduct and what about personal firearms? I was giving an example of the rules of conduct in the UK. I'm sure may countries have the same however, I have yet to find anything similar listed in Thailand.  Is it wrong to compare?

  9. Many ISP's use what they call "Traffic shaping" where they analyse your internet traffic and priorities or even ban the traffic, especially to porn and news websites.


    Shaping is widely used for network traffic engineering, and appears in domestic ISPs' networks as one of several Internet Traffic Management Practices (ITMPs). Some ISPs may use traffic shaping to limit resources consumed by peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, such as BitTorrent


    The easiest way to get around this problem is to use a paid VPN (Virtual Private Network) which basically disguises your traffic so it is unreadable by your ISP therefor they do not know what your internet request is and cannot block or shape it therefor you will normally receive the highest speed possible depending on your purchased download speed. 


    Many ISP's  do not like VPN's as they cannot see what you are requesting. Plus using a VPN, you can mask your real IP therefore bypassing many ISP prevention techniques.


    Here you will find many countries that block VPNs. In China for example, being found using a VPN is a law breaking offence and will penalise you the equivalent of $145. 


    China introduced a public security law back in 1997 making it illegal to access the "foreign internet" without first seeking permission from the government. Since then, VPN services have appeared and allowed much easier access to sites and online services outside of China's oversight.




    VPN's are not illegal to use in Thailand. If you are using Netflix, possibly some content will not be available for your country however, using a VPN and changing your country ip to another country (spoofing your IP) can give you more content as you have bypassed their geo ip restriction blocking. 


    Another reason ISP's do not like VPN's is because you can surf illegal websites. Most VPN services are state as "anonymous" meaning they keep no records of your internet activity so your internet traffic cannot be traced at a later date however, it is not unheard of that many VPNs to record your activity so police can trace what you have been surfing for. In most instances the authorities will need to present a warrant to your VPN company before they will release any private information.


    Most ISP's work on the assumption that if you are using a VPN then you have something to hide.


    You have been warned!!

  10. I watch every few weeks as the red Loss of Service light is activated remotely then after 5. minutes, my internet is returned. If I do a speed test, I usually find my speed has dropped by 50% or more. as soon as I call 3BB, they inform me an engineer will check the line and call me back. normally within 30 minutes my router is back to full speed and on occasion, it shows more than the speed i purchased, for awhile ????


    Perhaps it is some form of line throttling, who knows but it happens far too often.  I have set my router to automatically reboot at 2am so it is fresh for the next day although manually resetting the router sometimes returns my purchased speed, sometimes.


    My problem is the ping times. I am an occasional gamer so short ping times to a remote server is vital.  I did a Traceroute to 3bb's servers at www.3bb.co.th. It does not complete after 10 minutes as many servers along the destination drop packets which is the cause of the slow down of service or the serious lag when gaming online.


    Traceroute to 3bb.co.th (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets - Incomplete


    I also did a traceroute to www.thaivisa.com ( which completed in 10 hops giving me an average ping time of 15 milliseconds which is very respectful ping times.



    traceroute www.thaivisa.com, traceroute: Warning: www.thaivisa.com has multiple addresses; using traceroute to www.thaivisa.com (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets


    Result : average ping time is 15 milliseconds, very good ping times.


    Video on what traceroute is and does here


    Don't take my word for it. you can open application 'terminal" on mac or "cmd" windows. Type "traceroute www.website_name.(com, co.th,) which ever is relevant for the website and see for yourself.


    It's not just the speed of your router thats important but how many hops it takes the router to connect to your chosen website. The less hops and faster overall ping times are best.


  11. In most "civilised" countries there are rules for bouncers. In the UK for instance:


    Bouncers are legally allowed to do the following:

    • Issue verbal warnings
    • Ask you to leave
    • Check for ID
    • Refuse entry if you're too intoxicated, fail to comply with establishment policies, or engage in aggressive behaviour
    • Call the police
    • Protect innocent bystanders from violence
    • Break up fights they are not involved in
    • Respond with equal force if necessary

    What are they trained to do?

    Most bouncers are trained to resolve tense situations through verbal communication instead of physical force.

    Their presence alone can be enough to deter patrons from aggressive behaviour.


    What are bouncers not allowed to do?

    Bouncers can't use force unless they are first threatened with physical harm.

    So, unless they are physically threatened, they can't do the following:

    • Hit someone
    • Push or physically throw you out of somewhere
    • Restrain you in a chokehold (or in another way)

    I guess the old saying "This is Thailand, we are different" applies here. Notice they are not allowed firearms.


  12. 5 hours ago, vogie said:

    As much as I like Makro, buying fresh meat from there has turned into a no no, when they have the fresh meat for anyone to touch with their bare hands it is somewhat off putting, I know they supply plastic gloves but not everyone uses them. So due to the present climate it is all frozen meat from now on.

    But will pop down down later and get a little more provisions than I normally would, the less times you go out is better for all concerned.

    Don't take it the wrong way but when I buy raw meat regardless of how it is packed, I cook it over 145°Fs. NO bacteria will survive however, I see shoppers touching, squeezing, coughing over fresh fruit then replace it for someone else to buy. Now, how many people really wash their fruit thoroughly? Not just a dash of water over the waxed skin that the cold water just rolls off of or rub it on the side of your not so clean trousers then eat it. Honestly, raw meat is the last of your problems unless you are eating it raw. 


    Frozen meat has it's own complications to prepare before cooking and if not done right, it  can lead to severe food poisoning more so than raw meat being touched by dirty hands.


    Food for thought.... No pun intended:


    Perishable foods should never be thawed on the counter, or in hot water and should not be left at room temperature for more than two hours. Even though the center of the package may still be frozen as it thaws on the counter, the outer layer of the food could be in the "Danger Zone," between 40 and 140 °F -- temperatures where bacteria multiply rapidly. When thawing frozen food, it's best to plan ahead and thaw in the refrigerator where it will remain at a safe, constant temperature -- around 40 °F

  13. There are a probably a few options look at however, I look at the main 2:


    1. If he really did say this, he should be severely reprimanded for spreading fake news. We all know where the virus originated from and it wasn't Europe or any so called Farang land. Does Thailand class their close Chinese cousins as farang or it's only a term used for so called westerners? I'm also curious how many farangs he personally knows, (probably less now after this statement) that he can surmise and report on the bathing patterns of ALL Farangs around the world. Please present us with your detailed, independant research and findings.


    2. If he didn't say this and as others have mentioned the possibility of the twitter account being fake, then surely he should pass this over to the police to investigate this imposter spreading fake news according to Thailands "Computer Crime Act B.E 2550 (2007)".


    Let's see if anything happen's although I'll not be holding my breath...........



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