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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Well - after 9 pages maybe it's time to add some fuel to the story.

    Christian happens to be not any ordinary Christian. He's living full time here

    in Thailand and has done so for several years. So does his father, just resently

    entered the munk hood. The father by the way is the founder of Pandora, the

    well known jewelry company.

    Honestly i don't think Christian needs worry anout any financiel needs his adorably

    wife might have.

    Enjoy the day, nice and hot.


    Do you have any backstory on his fiance/wife?

    From her Facebook page, it appears she/they are living in Bangkok and she's working in some capacity at the Pandora company. She also appears to have gone visiting to his home country already, as there's a photo of her bundled up in heavy snow-type attire.

    Contrary to the wedding photos style, it doesn't seem that she spends her days out in the fields harvesting rice or tending to the animals. Rather, she cleans up very nicely in the traditional style of a younger Thai woman.

    One album is captioned 'Business Communication Administrator' and she started that role in June 2010.

    I found this out pretty soon after my first post on the thread yesterday, so it's been painful to watch the obscene numbers of vile, slanderous allegations made about her, and how she met her husband - thinking to myself while reading each successive one, "oh how wrong you are you bitter, twisted fool" haha

    Yes. If I could go back and delete my stupid comment about her name "Koko", I would.

  2. There might be some contribution from local construction norms as one poster eludes to the height of his balcony railing being slightly less than his waist. Not forgetting shower heads and hobs over cooker/stoves will, typically, be a bit too low for most of us.

    Railings around my two balconies, typical Thai construction, is "just" a bit too low for me. Caught me out the first time or two, but now I know never to stand straight and lean on it as my CoG is above the railing.


    Even without having our balance and sensed modified by drugs or alcohol, many experience imbalance/dizziness just being at or near the edge of a high place. It draws you in, many can't resist the temptation to "look down" while some have a strong fear/danger survival instinct and never get close to the edge.

  3. The Commissioner of the Immigration Bureau has urged all jurisdictions to strictly inspect those traveling in and out of Thailand.

    Amusing Thailand... where officials constantly need to (PUBLICLY) tell their government employees to actually do their jobs. Another day, another crackdown.

    If they are not told to "strictly inspect" then what do they normally do?

    See post #26 Top 'o the Page. ^

  4. Well - after 9 pages maybe it's time to add some fuel to the story.

    Christian happens to be not any ordinary Christian. He's living full time here

    in Thailand and has done so for several years. So does his father, just resently

    entered the munk hood. The father by the way is the founder of Pandora, the

    well known jewelry company.

    Honestly i don't think Christian needs worry anout any financiel needs his adorably

    wife might have.

    Enjoy the day, nice and hot.


    Do you have any backstory on his fiance/wife?

  5. Suppose an illegal alien in the US, Mexican/Central American for example, was on the way to the border to go home to see family, and got stopped by Border Patrol. He/she would be arrested, processed and deported.

    Fact they were on the way to the border is irrelevant. Like giving back the money after a robbery.

    Not another comparison to what happens in A M E R I C A !!!!!!!

    You can strip away the America part, the point is still valid.

    Yeah, his point is valid. In America. Not perhaps in...I don't know...Kazakhstan...or Thailand.

    Seems Thai Immigration would agree though. Overstay is overstay. Being on the way to the border in a van doesn't change that.

  6. Suppose an illegal alien in the US, Mexican/Central American for example, was on the way to the border to go home to see family, and got stopped by Border Patrol. He/she would be arrested, processed and deported.

    Fact they were on the way to the border is irrelevant. Like giving back the money after a robbery.

    Not another comparison to what happens in A M E R I C A !!!!!!!

    You can strip away the America part, the point is still valid.

  7. Ring Ring. Ring Ring. Ring Ring.

    Out of Breath Belgian Imm Officer answers. Explosions, gun fire and Allah Akbar chants in the background:

    "Hello! Belgian Immigration!"

    Thai Imm Official: Herro! My name Khun Poontang Tingtong Whoopdeedoo, I working Immiglayshun Thailand. Bik Bot tell me call you right now, we help fix ga-lobal ploblums. You terr me, tellolist in your country come to Thailand before?

    Belgian Imm O: "What? Who? Thailand? You must be barking mad to call right now! Don't you realize we are in the midst of a serious terrorist attack? What is your <expletive> problem, you bloody <expletive>!


  8. I have to say i love everyone's replies.. I'm going to contribute.

    Yes i am a tight arse .. i kinda lucky i found a women already established house car land ect so i think it's only right to help with the monthly bills... ohh I'm 47 and she is 38

    Hey man, welcome back!

    As long as you're happy with it, that's the ticket. I'm 47 too, wife 44. Sometimes I tink too mutt but, in moments of clarity, remind myself I knew what I was getting into, nothing has changed, only my outlook and disposition at times.

    But again, sage advice just above^^. Once you get in, it can be hard to break the suction later if you have a change of heart. Keep in mind, you are using up what she/they consider the productive years of their life, although even 38 is considered "past it" here. At any rate, stringing them along for 10 years when they've got fatter and their boobs sag, then bailing on them leaving nothing behind.....some might very well freak out as their future security is walking out the door.


  9. It's worthwhile trying to bottom the issue so I'm OK if we derail for a while, as a long as everyone else is.

    I was going to add to my previous post that CIMB will not accept a chanotte with an usufruct on the reverse as a means of showing residency, they insist it must be a tabien bahn - CIMB is of course a Malaysian bank so perhaps follows BOT rules more closely than Thai banks (HSBC Thailand used to follow them to the letter and was constantly in fear of breaking BOT regs). Similarly, my other bank, UOB is a Singaporean bank and they also mirror the CIMB position on this. I'm afraid I don'thave a Thai bank account any longer so I can't compare, perhaps others can describe? I agree with 55J that there seems to be a connection with this and FATCA et al.

    I wasn't suggesting a connection to FATCA. The issue here is a qualifying category, which, end of the day, achieves a fairly broad exclusion without them having to actually come out and say it. Clever, eh? biggrin.png

  10. I've noticed a trend over the past year where banks in Thailand offer better rates for Thai citizens than to foreigners, I have fallen out with my various banks over this this but there's nothing to be done.

    Also, with many central banks going negative on rates, decent fixed rate deposits are very rare, again, nothing to be done other than accept or diversify.

    Are these Thai Only offers are mandated by the Central Bank in some way, or the individual banks themselves? I've often wondered why some are restricted and some aren't.

    I don't know, it seems like it's down to individual bank head offices but I can't be certain, it seems an odd thing for a central bank to mandate unless there's a Thai tax implication. It's a bit like the True Vision mystery, now, Thai is the default language on all UBC channels, even the film on 222 is set to Thai as a default, why would True do that I wonder unless nationalism is setting in.

    Yes, perhaps a tax/structure issue. Maybe Fletch will weigh in if he hasn't already here or in another thread.

    Reminds me, several years ago, when the US Government began turning the international banking screws (tax, terrorism, et al), I received an investment advert from the Standard Chartered branch in the Middle East country I lived/worked in at the time. Clearly stated on the flyer, American PP holders need not apply. No other nationalities were restricted. It was a protest action, lots of knickers in a twist at the time, but sure, they just didn't want to deal with the nonsense and I didn't hold it against them.

    Anyway, don't want to derail the thread. Thanks for response. Cheers, J.

  11. I've noticed a trend over the past year where banks in Thailand offer better rates for Thai citizens than to foreigners, I have fallen out with my various banks over this this but there's nothing to be done.

    Also, with many central banks going negative on rates, decent fixed rate deposits are very rare, again, nothing to be done other than accept or diversify.

    Are these Thai Only offers are mandated by the Central Bank in some way, or the individual banks themselves? I've often wondered why some are restricted and some aren't.

  12. Everyone who is able should contribute to the household in one way or another, no free rides. I would say as long as she is making an effort and the money you are giving her is truly going for support and not just to her or her family's bank account I think ok. Just remember, once you start something it is difficult to stop it.

    That reminder is excellent, sage advice.

  13. I have had sedans here for 12 years. On average I would get about 5 accidents a year, 99% I was in my right, because people didn't give way or whatever.

    For the past 7 years I drive a pick up, an in total I have had 2 accidents.

    One was when another car hit me while I was parked, and another was when a tour bus in front of me had his drive axle catapulted through my windscreen.

    Seems like other road users are aware if they see a pick up that they better don't mess with it.

    Another advantage is that when I drive over any public road in Pattaya, or Thailand for that matter, it doesn't feel as if suspension is gonna enter the cabin.

    Wow, that's a lot of accidents/incidents.

    I had to chuckle at your screen name. The Cruncher! laugh.png

  14. Before I wake up my GF makes me fresh coffee and cuts up a fresh mango and leaves it in the bed next to me. If she sees me oversleeping she massages me awake starting at my feet and finishing at my scalp. She asks me if I would like anything else for breakfast. She has already swept the floors, cleaned up the apartment and taken laundry out and brought it back and hung it all up to dry before this. She gives me a kiss and takes herself to her salon where she works 10 hours a day 6 days a week, mostly on her feet cutting and coloring hair. She calls me when she has lunch and asks if I want to share it and tells me she misses me. I will often stop by and see her if I am not to busy with errands or just goofing off. She runs to hug and kiss me when she sees me and misses me five minutes after I am gone. Before she comes home exhausted, she asks if I ate or if I need anything or if I want her to cook anything when she gets home. We eat usually what she prepares as she is a master chef. She gives me a shower with salt scrub and powders me like a baby before bed. She usually asks if I have downloaded a romantic movie to watch together. We watch a few minutes of a movie as she again gives me an expert massage and she then usually hits the pillow with a thud. I have left out COUNTLESS other things that she does that you would not believe and I have also not focused on the kindnesses I do for her of which there are many. One of which includes an automatic transfer of 6000 baht to her account the first of every month. This was my idea mind you. Of course there is personal taste but she is very smart, warm and kind to everyone, extremely funny and happens to be a knockout and could have any man she wants. I would on the other hand never be able to replace her in this country or any other. She almost never asks me for extra money and pays all her own bills and daily expenses from her salon income and that small amount I give her. There have been times where she has been forced to ask me for some small additional money for unforeseen reasons. Do I give it to her?? YOU'RE DAMNED RIGHT I DO!

    Sounds like my ex-GF!!! I had to give it all up when I married her though. cheesy.gif

    Naw, just kidding, after 10 years together, she's still great but in time, a lot of those sweet sweet things fell away.

  15. I applaud your fortitude under adverse circumstances.

    Many guys here would believe that a stern No is all it takes to stop a Thai woman from asking for money....but usually that is not the case.

    Usually when you stand your ground then they use your resistance to their requests or demands for money against you resulting in them making your life miserable in numerous other ways.

    Thai Women , on average, believe any problems in their lives should be shared with you and or dumped into your lap for you to help them with and if there are money problems then they feel you should help them....as they believe they are giving you what you want ( sex and affection and female companionship etc. etc. ) and that has a value.

    When the money is not forthcoming then they will treat you differently while they will use sex and their affection as a weapon against you.

    And you thought all Thai women have such nice qualities and charming female virtues making them so amiable and worthy of your love.

    Think again...and once again for good measure.


    I've heard the very same characterization about western women many times.

    The plot thickens..... biggrin.png

  16. I am disappointed that you are prepared to make your g/f suffer arising from your problems before (I assume) you met her. Because you don't like making regular payments doesn't seem to me to be a very good reason for not sharing with her, particularly as the price of rubber is out of her personal control.

    I don't believe in the allowance payment system made to any partner of mine. We share everything and agree on spending strategy. Priorities are considered, discussed and agreed then decisions made. We agree an allowance for each other for personal spending. I know that isn't a universal system but it is mine!

    Who maintains the account ledgers? You or your partner?

  17. I would like to see a period, perhaps one week, that would be exempt from the "banishment" penalty. There ARE unforeseen and unforeseeable circumstances that arrive. There are also instances of honest error as opposed to felonious intent.

    If the purpose really is to weed out the bad guys, why needlessly penalize the hapless occasional senior moment prone individual who's only crime was miscounting the days, or losing track of the calendar and running into one of the fairly numerous holidays in conjunction with a weekend?

    Yep. Guilty, yer honour, of a four day overstay, resulting in a 2,000 baht fine when I "turned myself in", and also had to exit the Kingdom to get a thirty day extension in order to apply for a ninety day visa, in order to apply for a one year permission based on retirement.

    I can understand wanting to crack down on all who, for whatever reason, deliberately circumvent the rules.

    Da' Man, especially the current lot in charge, really don't like young, punk a** foreigners flipping them the bird.

    We'll all have to endure potential, over-the-top zeal these crack downs bring. Imm pretty much knows who/what they are looking for though. The tossers will try to avoid the drag net with desperate efforts like taking a shower, shaving, possibly cutting off their top knot "man bun". Won't work, lads. This is the real deal, the mother of ALLLLL Crack Downs!

    Go live in your mom's basement for a while. 5 years aint' so bad.


  18. I would agree that over stayers may have little impact on the various rules/regs for extensions. That's due to chancers, frauds, dodgy agents, maybe a side order of xenophobia.

    But the nefarious tossers color the whole canvas as we are all "foreigners". The good, the bad and the ugly.

    Conscious Over Stayers, serial ones in particular, are a selfish, irresponsible lot to begin with, so it's no surprise they deny their actions, or lack thereof, have an impact on others. They do. Directly and indirectly. Very much like terrorists impact airport security procedures, and how that turd rolls downhill to the flying public.

    Over stayers don't care about the rules until they get caught or have to leave, then it's straight on TVF asking for judgement and criticism free "help and advice" passifier.gif

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