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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. Overstaying a few days or even 60 days is acceptable .

    No its not acceptable (except if in Hospital)

    Pretty much it was acceptable... Just cost 20000 baht, as well as being on your best behavior to enjoy the longest possible overstay your heart desired.

    It was practically an incentive vice a punishment for some..

    Now that the new ground rules are in effect, it appears less than 90 days overstay, qualifies as an acceptable number not to be banned for an extended period..

    Those currently over 90 days or multiple years overstay and decided just to ignore the new rules.. Those guys, with a family or not, I can see banning them for year(s).. But also don't care either way..

    Overstayers made a zero effect on my life period...

    There were overstayers when I first traveled to Thailand in March, 2002, to joining the club in 2010..

    If you think overstayers made your ability to stay in Thailand more difficult, then look in the mirror, because that's your problem..

    Those that decided to share their stories on how they cleared their long overstay, and what they went through, departing and returning..

    Most, if not all were 'NOT' bragging about their overstays, some could have shared less info, but they were just belping others in clearing their own.


    Conscious overstaying is not "best behavior" to begin with, so the rest of the justification fails.

    The 20,000 cap on fine is clearly insufficient on its own to curb gross over stay behavior, which is the purpose of law and penalty.

    Those who are predisposed to exploitative decision making process, and other mental gymnastics, might consider the 20k an "inducement", but it's not. Immigration certainly shares responsibility in the little mess they've allowed to flourish and occasionally try to clean up.

    Tightening the screws with the prospect of a re-entry ban seems to have struck a chord. I did, however, enjoy the one meek 3rd party comment made earlier, that Thailand isn't a compelling and progressive place (as if it ever was except in their head).....so who cares about being banned. LOL.

  2. In Thailand I use cash.It's easier for me.Have some money in schwab.I just go to the ATM,all fees I get reimbursed

    Schwab is definitely changing their policies. 2 months ago I went to a Charles Schwab Bank in the states to open an account. They said you first go to Charles Schwab Brokerage and open an account there. I went to Schwab Brokerage and they said you must first invest $10,000 with them. I am happy with my brokerage that I use currently, and did not need to have a another brokerage account with Schwab. With a Bangkok Bank debit card, who the heck pays ATM fees anyways?

    A brokerage acct is part of the deal to get the checking account with Schwab. You don't have to use the brokerage acct. Similar to one of my credit unions. Have to establish membership with a simple savings account ($5.00) first, then can open a checking account, etc.

    Did you not have a US physical address, or otherwise tell Schwab you live outside the US? Sounds like they were steering you toward a Schwab International account.

    Yeap...sounds like he opened an International Schwab account where you need to fund the brokerage account with $10K...a U.S. Schwab brokerage account does not have to be funded.

    Not sure what you're able to do, but I tried to link my Schwab checking account to BB NY for ACH xfers. No can do online. Called and the guy said no as well, told me to try Bill Pay.

    Turns out I could link the default brokerage to external accts on line, no problem. I just did my first ACH last week. Xfer from checking to brokerage, took a day to reflect, then brokerage to BB NY.

  3. Basically ditto for me...I have one Bangkok Bank account with no ATM card issued against it...didn't even want to incur the annual Bt200 to Bt300 fee....and I have another Bangkok Bank account with ATM. Actually these are joint accounts with the wife. We keep the bulk of our funds in the account with no ATM card and as required transfer x-amount to the account with ATM card using ibanking. Usually we don't keep no more than Bt50K to Bt60K in the account with ATM...and top it up again when it gets down to around Bt15K.

    I was concerned about getting skimmed with the previous mag strip only ATM card on the single, larger balance BB account, which is why I locked it down and opened the second, low balance ATM access account.

    Ironically, we were issued two of the newer chip cards for the new account, which I had resisted before due to their inflexibility, but it really hasn't posed a problem. We drive past 3 BB ATMs on our way into town, we just stop and get the cash out on the way.

    Reckon the thieves will figure a way around the chips eventually, so having a reduced balance ATM account may still be a worthwhile effort.

    Next up - retinal scanners and fingerprint verification at ATMs.

  4. That sounds strange. Are you saying unsecured credit cards in Thailand don't have a fixed line of credit? For example, one of my (US) cards has $7,500 credit limit. As I use it, my available credit line decreases in relation to the charges made. I charge $2,000, my running credit available is 5,500. When I pay the bill in full at the end of the month and there are no pending charges waiting to clear, my credit available is back up to $7,500.

    My card only allows 10% max to be paid over and above the total amount owed. I've done that a few times, but it has no bearing on the $7,500 credit limit.

    They have a fixed credit limit. But it seems, when i pay to the credit card account my limit will go up. I haven't tried this with my (Swiss) card yet.. maybe should look what happened.

    But on the other site your credit card has an account behind, which can be used to pay money to it as well.. I know a few times when i become back from credit card (For example by a Storno... The money would stay on my credit card account (Swiss credit card) and then when i use my card next time my bill was smaller.. But actually i never checked that time if my credit limit was higher while there was some money on my account.

    Was surprise me, is that your card only allow 10% max to be paid over. ON the other site... how i can know if i have a secured credit card! But as far I know i have a normal credit card. I never had to put money in a special account, nor have I a deposit which is looked. But maybe I had the card and my account at a time when it was easier... because is already a few years back.

    Banks generally establish a fixed line of revolving credit for X amount based on your credit history, employment, income, etc.

    You can request an credit line increase once you establish a good history of payments, or they may offer it to you without asking.

    Not sure what you've got going on, just sounds a bit odd to me is all. I could be wrong. Often am.

  5. In Thailand I use cash.It's easier for me.Have some money in schwab.I just go to the ATM,all fees I get reimbursed

    Schwab is definitely changing their policies. 2 months ago I went to a Charles Schwab Bank in the states to open an account. They said you first go to Charles Schwab Brokerage and open an account there. I went to Schwab Brokerage and they said you must first invest $10,000 with them. I am happy with my brokerage that I use currently, and did not need to have a another brokerage account with Schwab. With a Bangkok Bank debit card, who the heck pays ATM fees anyways?

    A brokerage acct is part of the deal to get the checking account with Schwab. You don't have to use the brokerage acct. Similar to one of my credit unions. Have to establish membership with a simple savings account ($5.00) first, then can open a checking account, etc.

    Did you not have a US physical address, or otherwise tell Schwab you live outside the US? Sounds like they were steering you toward a Schwab International account.

  6. If anyone wants to pursue that Thai Immigration laws are in violation of human and family rights treaties and/or conventions, here is a start;


    In your opinion, what article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights covers overstaying?

    Article 16

    3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

    as I posted that in reference to the comment that the new overstay regulations might punish and serve to separate for years those who have families for an 'administrative infraction' and not solely those with criminal intent. But I was not one of those that said that the Overstay regulations in any way violate any human rights protocol binding or otherwise.

    Infractions are violations of law. Putting "administrative" before it doesn't diminish that.

    Infractions, minor and major crimes are further defined by severity of punishment. 2 years in prison, a fine, or both, doesn't correlate to an infraction.

  7. I have used my thai credit card 2-3 times to pay something much higher than my credit limit and it worked fine, when i put the money 2-3 days before to the credit account. In the online banking i can see the credit limit of my credit card has increased... but of course will go down afterwards again...

    You must be talking a "secured" credit card with a collateral savings account since you say the credit limit goes up and down with the the savings account amount, but what Thai bank offers that approach of a varying credit line based on amount in the collateral account? Usually you must open a locked account in X-amount...says Bt100K...to get a Bt100K line of credit and it's not something you can change quickly/easily.

    Or maybe you are talking a "preloaded" credit card versus a secured credit card?

    Not the saving account... You have an account where you have to pay your monthly bills. When you pay to this account before the bills, the credit limit will increase.

    When i log into my online banking i see an account number with the credit card (Where i have to pay monthly bills). When i transfer money to this account before this will result in an increas of the credit limit for a short period smile.png

    Have absolute nothing to do with secured card. It's definitiv a normal credit card.

    That sounds strange. Are you saying unsecured credit cards in Thailand don't have a fixed line of credit? For example, one of my (US) cards has $7,500 credit limit. As I use it, my available credit line decreases in relation to the charges made. I charge $2,000, my running credit available is 5,500. When I pay the bill in full at the end of the month and there are no pending charges waiting to clear, my credit available is back up to $7,500.

    My card only allows 10% max to be paid over and above the total amount owed. I've done that a few times, but it has no bearing on the $7,500 credit limit.

  8. An overt act is not necessary to constitute a criminal offense.

    Failing to comply with the Thai Immi Act and the conditions under which they allow you into the country, is a crime. Full stop. Which is why you'll get banged up if caught.... and why over stayers try to lay low and "stay under the radar".

    The soft touch treatment at the airport is a money spinner and also reduces logistics and workload. The fact they let you go on your way afterward, creates a false perception and space for all sorts of diminished, wishful thinking about open borders, freedom of human movement, sovereign man and when doesn't get traction, throw the poker chip on the table about the Thai wife and kids. Boo hoo.

    Overstaying is not exactly a victim less crime either. The Immi Act provides punishment for those harboring over stayers. Owners of conveyance, such as airlines and Visa run agents, are subject to penalties - some are more militant at the check-in desk than others but that is the reason for it.

    As mentioned before, over stayers create national "crack downs" which may, to some degree, cause inflexible attitudes and interactions with expats in general, including those with years of routine, impeccable compliance with Immi laws and procedures. I just did my annual extension, and the I/O who've we've dealt with for years, was nearly apologizing about how they have to "crack down" and be very strict with all foreigners now. The foreign thief arrested in Pattaya yesterday or day before, was an over stayer, no money and resorted to nicking bikes and clothing to stay here, and also feed his drug habit. I'm not saying all over-stayers do that, but that's the pile they belong to.

  9. Appropriate that this story centre in Korat, where at the city centre is a statue of Suranaree, the legendary woman who outsmarted the Burmese army, many years ago by, with a bunch of other fems, wasting them with sex and grog when they got to town.

    During the night following this the Burmese were in no shape to defend themselves and were slayed while they slumbered by those galant women and their menfolk.

    There are other statues of the bunch on the warparth in the vicinity also. Worth seeing if you haven't already. Maybe this means that the local chapter of the armed forces should in fact recruit these people just in case the situation arises again . . . gotta cover all bases, right?

    If you do go to have a look, be forearmed with the knowledge that the statues of the bunch of women are in an area north of Suranaree now called Suan Rak, meaning love park, which is the local pickup area for prostitutes. You may well be propositioned!

    It's a statue. Thais instinctively fall to their knees, light incense sticks, pray, take selfies. coffee1.gif

    The Suranaree tale is an amusing, cynical parallel to modern day Pattaya. Thai ladies lure in farang. Get them drunk and sexed up. Gang in waiting rushes in, kills farang and steals their stuff.



  10. The dreaded DCC monster. crazy.gif

    I used a Thai ATM once at Swampy to get some USD as I was flying to the US. Sure, if there's a problem with the ATM not dispensing money, and you are about to board a flight, that would be a major PITA as it sounds like it was for you, thanks for mentioning that.

    I skipped the ATM on our last 2 trips, and used an ATM in 7-11 after landing in the US. Then kick myself because unlike where we live in Thailand, virtually everywhere accepts credit/debit cards. Can buy a 6 pack of beer and use the credit card, not much need for cash, and the Cash Back Rewards pile up nicely too.

  11. Nice little credit card comparison site. You can plug in some basic info at the top and a personal focus like rewards, airline miles, etc. Looked at one card's FAQ, only have one question regarding fraud/unauthorized use.


    Looking at Visa.com, the Visa "Zero Liability" fraud protection program has an asterisk, indicating only applicable for US issued cards.

    Visa.com.th is all in Thai, can't find an "Eng" button, only select which Visa country website you want, which would likely have different T&Cs .

    Inclined to stay with my US cards.

  12. If you are a Westerner why would you want to have a Thai credit card that doesn't even protect you from fraud? Also rewards really suck. With my Canadian card I have never paid for travel in the past 7 years.

    Like owning a condo for "investment" in Thailand vs West. No point whatsoever unless you like making your life difficult.

    As a westerner working here why would I not have a Thai credit card ?

    Not a chance would I shovel money back to my home bank account simply to maintain a credit card there..... that would leave a paper trail that the taxman might one day take an interest in.

    Makes total and complete sense to me. Your situation isn't shared by all though.

  13. If he is Thai French, why the hell did he not go back to France, or am I missing something here.

    According to his Wiki age - Thai Father, French Mother. Started music career early on here in Thailand. A trip to New York, but no indication he's ever lived or been to France for any significant amount of time.

    Certainly cashing in on his Luk Kreung looks in the entertainment industry here. He's got a sister called Sophie, looks like she lives here too.


  14. Life is a bitch when you have to anti up and become a man.

    While I agree with your sentiment I don't think the Thai army is the right institution to develop a kid into a man. Back where I grew up I did my compulsory military service gladly, and I would want my kids to do the same.

    In Thailand I would actively discourage them.

    I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

    The notion that the army makes a men out of kids is a misconception, perpetuated by those who did serve and are older now and look down on the new generations as weak. They would grow up anyhow and in the missing years could learn a lot of useful skills instead of wasting it in the army.

    I would actively discourage anyone from doing military service in whatever country. Unless they wanted to make a career out of it otherwise its just wasted time.

    In what way is it a waste of time?

    What about those who did lets say nine years service, where paid while they were trained, picked up internationally recognised qualifications, and moved onto better things when they left.

    Flight engineers flying all over the world for airline companies.

    People who went on to be pilots flying for Cathay or Virgin.

    Engineers who are now on big $$$$ as Quality Control Managers or HSE people working and living the dream in Dubai etc.

    They would grow up anyhow and in the missing years could learn a lot of useful skills instead of wasting it in the army.

    Yeah and for years be stuck as nothing more than a motocy win.

    The Army will let them finish their schooling and pay them while they learn new skills they can utilize on leaving.

    No mention made of the free healthcare for the family etc etc.

    No mention made of the upstanding and face in the local community.

    One of the wifes nephews joined up, of his own freewill.

    Went back to his village in Bkk, the locals didnt know he had joined up, treated him same as before, he made a quick phone call, never had a problem since.

    No mention made of networking or contacts made.

    Many of you guys have met these Army guys and dont even know it, security at local night clubs etc etc.

    What was the problem that was fixed with a quick phone call?

  15. Bullying in the army...

    The videos below of Thai soldiers, were doing the rounds on Thai Facebook 3 years ago.

    In the first video, the poster says he doesn't know what the soldier was being punished for. The 2nd video was apparently sparked by the soldiers being caught smoking and refusing to admit to it when confronted. Third video, well..don't really know what to say. blink.png

    1. www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=543395739037729

    2. www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=544534028923900

    3. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=435_1370940179

    There's also the sad story of Thai conscript Wichen Puaksom from 2011, who deserted, and was punished by being beasted and beaten to death by fellow soldiers.

    The US military used to have unwritten ways of straightening out thieves, dirt bags and other malcontents.

    In the Navy, it was called a "blanket party" and you really didn't want to be the guest of honor. It had mostly drifted away by the time I joined in the 80's, but on my first ship, there were a few acts of internal discipline. I recall one on a guy we called "stinky" - you can probably work out what the problem was based on the name. Talking, asking, threats, hazing - none of it worked, so one evening, he was bodily removed from his stinking rack, shoved into a shower stall and hosed down with an 1 1/2" fire hose. He was given the choice of soaping up himself, or having others do it for him using pads of steel wool. He chose the former and from that day forward, problem solved.

    Seems like the soldiers here are being taught a pretty tough lesson and I would agree, looks a bit too brutal.

    Not sure what to make of the laughing, naked dog pile formation. I've been though 2 "initiations", one of which included, among many many other hazing acts over an 18 hour period, us performing a (clothed) simulated orgy, dry humping, etc. The second one many years later, was "tame" in comparison, but did involve me, among other events, on my knees in a chicken wire cage having eggs thrown at me. I remember thinking two things at the time. (1), "<deleted>, this sucks!" And (2), "Man! Glad they aren't hard boiled!" laugh.png

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