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Everything posted by JAFO

  1. Enough already. IMHO, it should be optional. If people want to wear them, knock themselves out. The world is moving on and this fear mongering needs to stop. Reality is there will always be a variant of covid, just like the flu. It will mutate and it will kill people, just like the flu.
  2. Topic seems odd I know but I was back in the States not to long ago and a group of us were out at dinner for business. Age range was 35 to mid 50's. As we all chatted a question popped up about living too long? Sure we can always say "I wanna live forever" but in reality what is realistic? The biggest debate in the discussion was modern medicine and that it medically allows people to "Live" longer but what about their quality of life? For me, I have seen numerous people start the pill regiment and pretty soon they are dropping 5 to 8 pills every morning to assist with High BP, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, etc but the meds make them feel sick and have other issues. Of course the side effects are sometime worse than the ailment the med is trying to help but what is the trade off? Of course once you start that program you get trapped with those meds and that doc and life becomes very controlled and limited. So sure, all the modern meds will allow you to live longer but is one "Really" living or just prolonging?
  3. Windows closed at night, AC on from about 10pm until 6am. 25c. Lowest fan speed. Never use AC during the day. Always too busy and outside anyway.
  4. Oh I am fully aware that even vaccinated you can contract it and be a carrier. But same with the flu. People get Flu shots and become ill and then spread it. Witnessed that for years in the states. Ultimately my point being. It is likely if I contract it, I will not be knocked out and the duration will be short. People should get vaccinated to reduce the risk of them becoming deathly ill but to wear a mask forever isn't going to happen. If people remain concerned of contracting it, then by all means, wear a mask. ????
  5. I know my original post might have come across that I am not sensitive to the mask situation. I absolutely understood and supported the mask requirement when Covid initially took off and the few years after and wore one religiously. However we are at a different stage in this situation now and if you have been fully vaccinated there is really no need to wear a mask anymore. For the people at risk or the ones not vaccinated those individuals need to consider the risks and probably should wear one for their own safety. But mandating that the entire population wear one at this point in really uncalled for. Like the Flu we are going to learn how to live with Covid and just like the Flu people will become ill and die from it. I know easily 20 people now that have contracted Covid after vaccinating. They all recovered just fine and life is back to normal. Time to move on.
  6. So let me ask you this. Those individuals who are high risk, should they even be out and about if they are extremely concerned about contracting Covid?? If I understand you correctly, because some are high risk that EVERYONE has to or should wear a mask? I say nonsense. If they are high risk, they should either stay home or be cognizant and wear a mask to protect themselves. Its pretty simple now. 2 years ago it wasn't
  7. Firstly and most importantly, I am not a "guest" in this country. I live and work here and have for years. I pay taxes and abide by all the laws, rules and requirements like I would in my home country. HOWEVER there is a time when ignorance and blind compliance exists and this is one of them. I respect that if someone wants to wear a mask, then do it. A blanket wear a mask all the time is not necessary. You need to use some common sense and that just doesn't seem to fly well here. Regardless. I am done wearing a mask. I will out of courtesy wear one in a crowded area but not out of fear of getting covid, but respect that others are scared to death of getting it.
  8. I am done wearing the mask program. I am fully vaccinated and see no need for it at all. While I understand many Thai people will live in fear forever, that doesn't mean we all have to. Time to move on. Masks should be optional and if they want to stare at me, so be it.
  9. You wear a mask on your bike ride? I dumped that idea a long time back. No one around, social distancing requirements met. I carry it with me, toss on when I get near people or enter a business or store..
  10. For years I have told many friends, If you want to live a healthy stress free life, do not read the news and stay away from doctors. ???? I do not follow the news, stay away from all religions and see the doctor only when needed.
  11. Exactly right. There is absolutely no way to confirm that the information be disseminated is accurate and factual. With "Freedom of Speech" comes people saying whatever they want, true or not. Politicians lie, media sources only want ratings and shock value. So when people start debating events it is as I said, a total waste of time. What you are debating is unconfirmed, likely tainted information.
  12. Honestly, I do not engage in discussions about any of these type of situations. I think in general its a total waste of time. Sure you voice your opinion amongst friends and colleagues but what does it accomplish? Acceptance? Buy in? Agreement? Does it make you feel better after like you some how assisted in changing the outcome?
  13. Oh boy.....here we go again. Another season of watching the air quality, complaining about it. Thai politicians will respond saying they are going to change it and impose fines. The burn season ends, air quality better, all goes away until next year. Rinse and repeat.. ????
  14. Didn't say they were bad...Just hard to play the part of a loud mouth tough guy wearing them. The only thing he was missing was some white socks...????
  15. I guess its all in ones perspective...no?
  16. Agreed. Probably has a wife at home and he told her he was going to play pool with some buds and now its all on Video. Bunch of sad old sacks, wannbe tough guys in cargo shorts and Teva sandals....????. But lets be honest, fat old guys lounging in an open air bar with hookers., why expect anything less in that area.
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