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Posts posted by JAFO

  1. Koh Chang is a fun island. They should have a great time. I have been there quite a few times with my GF. We always take the car. It is way easier to get around. Of course we rent a motorcycle for the quick runs to dinner or items needed. But to roll from one end to the other you need a car. The roads are very switch backed and have steep grades. Have them drop by the Dewa resort and have a drink on the beach and just up the hill check out Vista point. Awesome sunsets. Hopefully the weather will be favorable for them.

    As for her taking him for a ride to scam him...Sheeeesh. Man people need to stop with all the crazy skepticism. Not every Thai woman is out to rip off,drug or kill people(internet dating or not). If he is 60 and she is 40+ I seriously doubt it is any issue. Sounds like a couple of people looking to meet, have fun and exploring opportunities.

  2. Not trying to offend anyone, but the friend of mine (bangkoknc30) who bought a NC30 from the shop in Minburi has recently discovered the engine is trashed. He's had to replace the whole thing for 30,000. Maybe this isn't totally there fault, but a bit dissapointing from a shop of NC30 mechanics.

    Can you elaborate to the reason for the motor failure?

    Lots of things can happen. I used to race and build motors (not Honda V4's) and I had a few go away due exclusively to sub par internal components. I am not defending the shop(Never been there do not know them) but I think we should all know the facts to be professional and fair. I mean bad business is just that...Bad business. But if they did their due diligence and something broke it should be defended to protect the business spoken about.

    Of course another variable I have encountered a few times was the owner whether it be maintenance or abuse.

    Either way, sorry to hear about the motor failure and subsequent cost.

  3. I totally disagree. No woman is going to stay with a man if he does not offer her money. That is because women have no sex drive.

    You would be correct if you substituted, "something she wants" for the word money.

    In my case the sex drive lasted till she got a bigger house and a flasher car ( mine got traded a week after I moved in with her ). She also wanted a baby sitter for her kids. Took me 5 years to realise I was a sucker- was I ever naive!

    In most cases however, the biggest sex killer is children.

    ^ Of course off tangent to the OP but this is probably the # 1 reason in any culture. Thais are not excluded. Things change both mentally and physically for her. As a man, you have done what you set your own trap into doing. You built the nest, surrounded the nest with all the acceptable trinkets to draw her in with. You displayed you could afford to support and protect her. Your mission is complete. You won your mate away the next available bachelor!!!!!!! . Now have your offspring and afford and support her. US humans are no different then any other animal on this planet. We like to think we are but we are not.

    Us humans have made this an emotional scenario using LOVE as the main ingredient for it's success. The Cinderella story. The Knight in Shining Armor. The Protector. It just does not work. Olaf made some reasonable comments about Love.

    As for marriage and the "Until death do you part"....well that is an unrealistic expectation that sets both parties up to fail, and most do. Most never make past 10 years, 25 tops.

    What I find funny is the man who marries over and over. This totally dumbfounds me. Did they not learn anything?

  4. Does Red Baron have a dyno? Bangkoknc30 needs a good mechanic to tune an engine - any suggestions?


    Red barron does have a dyno but it's not set up to read power figures, more so for on the roll tuning which is what most are after anyway :)

    As for the Shop on Rom Klao Road, they guy who owns it is a friend of mine (P Porn) and his shop has been working with vfr's for many years, i always took my NC30 to him and was happy with their service, cheap too :)

    His shop can be found (give or take 100m or so) opposite Kasem Bundit University on Rom Klao Road, as said it's easy to pass his small shop BUT you'll be hard pushed to miss the University, so look out for that :)


    Would you happen to the shop number?

    You can PM to me.


  5. Lots of good feedback from folks. There is no right or wrong. we are each different.

    I too do not need a "circle of friends" to keep me alive, I can do things alone without any issue. In fact a lot of things I enjoying doing alone, fishing, riding my sport bike to name a few. I do not drink very often so I have no need for bar buddies. Meeting the gal I am dating has been extremely fun. There is a lot to see and lots to do and I like not being in a daily rut. My parents did that. It was actually quite sad. They trapped themselves into a rigid daily routine and became the miserable "bickersons". I will avoid that at all costs. It does sneak up on you. Pretty soon your are grumpy all the time and want to go nowhere or do anything.

    I have always been an extremely active guy. Here I still mountain bike ride, moto ride, fish, travel, go to gym 3 to 4 times a week. I spend very little time on the internet and never "game" as I have watched many a friend or acquaintance become addicted to it like drinking or cigs etc. For some it may work and that's quite fine.

    In an interesting way, a hermit meet up might be kind of fun and funny.

  6. Interesting thread for sure, I never saw it but really is a good one. I have been here for awhile and I think it is fair to say that when you come here you are alone(Unless you come over under a companies umbrella and the family is in tow).

    I chose to move here after I had completed an assignment. I really like it here. It has been a challenge. I will honestly state that it is very difficult at times to meet quality people(Foreigners). I have met a few but they generally seem to harbor serious anger towards their previous spouses in the US, relentlessly bag on Thai's and the country and either were or have become heavy drinkers or have mental health issues. I would say of the dozen or so foreigners I have met only 1 or 2 are level headed and we talk on and off. The rest I no longer talk with.

    I was fortunate that in my 2 year assignment I did make some very good Thai friends and find I associate more with them. They have been very helpful in assisting me get my Thai Car and Motorcycle drivers license, a motorcycle legitimately in my name, a condo in my name etc. The downside I had to work around their schedules as they work and I do not so I am left to my own means to get around. But for me that's why I am here, to learn, enjoy myself and relax. I have been dating a very nice Thai woman I met 6 months back and this has opened up an entire new circle of friends and activities. We go many places together and she enjoys showing me cultural things, temples and new places I can go.

    Answering the OP question, I do not find myself a recluse or a hermit but definitely living a far different social life then I did in the US. Is it all bad, Absolutely not!!!!!. Does it have moments where you wish you could share a few moments or an evening with a few of your friends you left back home, Sure. I think it is healthy. I usually pick up a phone and just shoot them a call. They are always very happy to hear from me and want to know what I am up to as we already know whats happening in the US.

  7. LOL, please Louise not another newbie quoting slick man.

    My Buddah, actually if that guy would have taken his own advice maybe he would not have spent the most productive years of his working life wasting away as an English teacher wannabe and private detective hack ratting on bar girls. Sad really.

    But I do hope he tricks ... I mean finds some buyer for that outdated website so he can finally escape the bar scene which he writes that he so loathes but cannot somehow break free. Maybe it is an addiction like Any Winehouse but then again slick man is far past the 27-years old club.

    I was reading some topics about thai girls on another website. livingthai.org. You should read the crap that has been written on there.

    For instance - How to get your girlfriend into bed with another girl. Why get to know a girl and manipulate them so much, as to get them into bed with another girl. What a complete head f%cker he is to do that to a person. Then go's out of his way to write about it, so someone else can do it or a visitor to Thailand can have the impression that Thai girls are just pieces of meat, that you can do what you like to them.

    No wonder falangs have a bad name in Thailand, if thats the kind of sh_t that is floating around.

    Sorry if i wasn't supposed to name the website. Not sure of the rules on that. But just makes me angry at the way some people think they can treat someone, just because they need money.


    It is utter nonsense and sad.. People Google Thailand and visiting and it sends them right to Pattaya or Phuket and then endless pop ups of bar girl scenes, Dating websites, then party stuff and so on. No wonder why they flock here and act like fools. It is very hard being a foreigner residing in Thailand as we are lumped into that bucket of crap of sickness, mental health issues, drunks and degenerates. It is something we will fight forever. Coincidentally Thai woman suffer the same garbage. A good portion of Thai's see a foreigner man with a Thai woman and they assume she is a former bar girl and has found her ticket out. They will fight this stigma forever.

  8. Demanding? I wish she was at least a bit more demanding.

    Even after almost 10 years together, I still need to tell my wife to calm down, and remind her that she is NOT my maid, but in fact my dear wife.

    She seems to have this buildt in function to make sure Im always 100% ok.

    She still looks surprised when I do the dishes.

    She still thank me when I bring out the garbage. I keep telling her not to.

    She is sorry she can not help out when I make western food, so she hover around me to watch.

    I want to hire a maid, but she insists taking care of everything. And she does.

    Her x-husband (Thai) was lazy, hitting her, drinking, and screwing around.

    I know she is worried I would replace her with a younger woman.

    I keep telling her that this is not really how it works where Im from, and she should NOT look at all the foreigners here and think that is the rule.

    Good post, I see a lot of your wife's traits in my G/F, oneyou missed is cloths washing, it's funny to see her loitering around thewashing machine when she thinks it's about to finish, so I don't have to hangit all out.

    ^ Same here with my GF. Just a nice genuine person who cares.

    I still insist on helping and it drives her nuts and she actually she feels bad and apologizes.

  9. LOL, please Louise not another newbie quoting slick man.

    My Buddah, actually if that guy would have taken his own advice maybe he would not have spent the most productive years of his working life wasting away as an English teacher wannabe and private detective hack ratting on bar girls. Sad really.

    But I do hope he tricks ... I mean finds some buyer for that outdated website so he can finally escape the bar scene which he writes that he so loathes but cannot somehow break free. Maybe it is an addiction like Any Winehouse but then again slick man is far past the 27-years old club.

    ^ "That's funny and completely true.

    I had read that stick guys dribble years back. Personally that's all I saw it as. Same with the assnine book "Thailand Fever". It is all on how to negotiate a relationship after you have fallen in love with a bar girl. Sheese. Meet a woman and let it take it's course. I say woman, Not a bar girl. Those are two entirely different females. There are more wonderful woman here then the bar girls in the select 5 hang outs foreigner men migrate too.

  10. Demanding? I wish she was at least a bit more demanding.

    Even after almost 10 years together, I still need to tell my wife to calm down, and remind her that she is NOT my maid, but in fact my dear wife.

    She seems to have this buildt in function to make sure Im always 100% ok.

    She still looks surprised when I do the dishes.

    She still thank me when I bring out the garbage. I keep telling her not to.

    She is sorry she can not help out when I make western food, so she hover around me to watch.

    I want to hire a maid, but she insists taking care of everything. And she does.

    Her x-husband (Thai) was lazy, hitting her, drinking, and screwing around.

    I know she is worried I would replace her with a younger woman.

    I keep telling her that this is not really how it works where Im from, and she should NOT look at all the foreigners here and think that is the rule.

    ^Good Post.

    Generalizing only starts ugly debates and talking in circles. If you had a bad experience with an ex wife whether western or not does not make it where all other woman on the planet will act the same. My grandmother always told me 'It takes 2 to tango". I realize I had a part in the failure of my marriage but life goes on. We live and learn and attempt to not repeat the mistakes.

    To the OP, demanding is a harsh term. I would definitely sit with her and understand why you perceive her asking you to do things as demanding. Maybe try and ask her to do things for you. If she says NO, then you have a issue to resolve between the 2 of you.

  11. No. Most of the policemen are from poor families of the Northeastern parts. The deal is, if you want to pay for the fines at the police stations, it would cost you 400-500 B in general. If you "donate" 200 B, that would cut all the troubles of going to the station. I don't even want to tell you how much those policemen take home in a month (You can have one good meal with a couple friends in the State). 200 B here and there under the driver's license, put some food on the table and buy school supplies for their children in most cases. Some of them just drink their asses off. That's why the number 200 B was never increase and always been that way. That's all.

    Yes, we should take it like this and not blame the single policeman too much for doing such things. Both sides have a good deal with it. One side can pay the money for own children going to school, other side does not have to spend time with going to the policestation. Why doing risky escape things? For myself i am trying to stick to the traffic rules, keep my bike OK and always wear a helmet. Doing it like this i had no trouble until now :)

    I'm guessing you don't live in Bangkok?

    It should be noted that the severity of police corruption varies from location to location. I have NEVER had a problem with Thai traffic police up north but in Bangkok and Pattaya they are, as a general rule, incredibly greedy and corrupt.

    Anyone disagree?

    ^ I absolutely agree. Outside BKK the rules and the games are totally different. When I ride south to Cha-am/Hua Hin it is empty, no problems(Car or Moto). BKK is deeply corrupt but they have the congestion working in their favor. its like shooting ducks on a pond. In Pin Klao they have a dragnet set up everyday, both ways by Major and Central, sometimes by Chaoprya hospital. They are using the laws of "pull everybody over and see what falls out". It is really quite annoying and dangerous. They jam up traffic intentionally to control the "drive throughs". I really despise the behavior when they run at you and reach for the key or yank the handle bars. <deleted>, they will cross 3 lanes of dodging traffic to grab a guy for a potential 200bht? Its utter retardation IMHO. I see this regularly. Sometimes I will walk to where they have a big dragnet set up and grab a bite to eat to watch how they behave. I should film it.

    As for running through, its really is a last minute decision if I will drop a gear and go. If it is a 2 or 3 man crew and they have multiples already curbside, I am gone. If they have a heavy presence I pull over. I have succumbed to the extortion a couple of times not because I did anything wrong but I simply did not want to sit in the sun trying to communicate with them. My Thai is marginal at best and honestly playing dumb is far better then trying to talk Thai to them. They could care less. You are not going to reduce the extortion fee...

    Sad how they will rape their own on a regular basis. The people on moto's and scooters are probably the ones with the least amount of free money to pay the crooks.

    Now I will say, I have no issue with the DUI check points as long as they are doing the quick glance and go. They are needed.

  12. <br />They may not realize it now, but they will eventually. <br />It is a sad day for Thailand.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />^ ABSO-F'n-LUTELY....Back to the stone ages they go. <br /><br />Sadly Thai's drank the Thaksin Kool-Aid. Look at her credentials. She is not worldly, knows very little about public relations, has zero economic experience.  They voted out of emotion not the best interest of their country. Most probably figured Big Man Thaksin will run it from behind the scenes and she is merely a puppet. So now the farmers THINK their problems are all fixed and it will go back to pre 2006. Thaksin fed on those poor uneducated people as he did before............... <br /><br />On the bright side however, not my country, not my problem.
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