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Posts posted by JAFO

  1. Just now, bignok said:

    My friend is 76, says he has 10 years left, 5 good years. Realistic about it.


    A monthly trip or weekly restaurant thing. 

    At minimum.  Of course with the OP at 76 one would need to know is his state of mind and desires.  at 76 year old a lot of unknowns in both activity level, health etc.   Some will want to go and have some fun others are sitting in that big easy chair waiting for their ticket to get punched.  

  2. 31 minutes ago, Stocky said:

    Sounds more like an existence than a lifestyle. I'd cut yourself and the wife a little slack and treat yourselves now and again. 

    I agree with the caveat I would treat myself to heck of a lot more quite honestly. Can we assume that the OP's land and house are paid so asset debt is minimal or nothing other than basic stuff?  


    If I was 76, I'd be enjoying it all.  Buy what you want. Far too many save for that proverbial rainy day or want to save it for others but you worked for it. I have known some older folks that become so frugal and pass the inheritance off and they receive it and spend it like they stole it.  Why go with out? 



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  3. 17 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    anybody who takes it as "Gospel" when it comes to retirement budgets & doesn't tweak it according to their needs should probably think again before retiring anywhere, never mind Thailand. 

    Absolutely agree Mike.  Moving abroad anywhere is a big move. It has many implications to the individual.  The YT vloggers can be very jaded or not really truthful.  I have watched a few that friends have sent me links to and most I cannot watch in their entirety, some are < 1 min.  About 8 years back I met a real nice guy from the states on a vacation trip down south with my wife and his plan was to live on an extremely small amount of money and then spend time on YT being a Vlogger to subsidize his living income.  I watched a few vlogs early on and they were pretty bad ( as many are).  I kept in contact with him via messenger and a year or so after he messaged me and bailed back to the states hoping to find employment as the money he budgeted monthly was not enough. But again, different strokes, for different folks.  ????

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  4. On 10/8/2023 at 2:53 PM, NextG said:

    I didn’t even bother to read what looked like a large amount of waffle. 

    Because its reality and you are in denial,  it really is that simple.  Again if one wants to make a decision entirely on the financial aspects disregarding everything else, then OK.  But I think tenured expats that have lived here know its a much bigger picture. 


    Keep on the rose colored glasses Next Gen, apparently you "Live Comfortable" and more power to ya. 


    As for my idea of living comfortable here. Its all about balance. I do not think anyone wants to live with constraints and have to wait and worry for that next pension check to hit their bank acct. Ideally in these current times, I think 75 to 100K baht a month is comfortable number leaving some reserves for those odd times.  But again that is my perspective.  As some have posted, they only spend 30k bht a month but it appears their life style is pretty much home life. 


    Again, goes back to the OP and his friend.  What does he expect. No waffle here.  Just facts and reality which you seem to clearly struggle with.





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  5. 19 hours ago, NextG said:

    It’s you who is being judgmental about someone with a 60k budget. 

    Actually you continue to dig yourself deeper into a hole.  I never once judged anyone on 60K baht a month.  If that works for the person then great.  My point was I have worked and lived here for many years and if someone is going to toss out "Live Comfortable" on 60K baht a month, it would be prudent for the OP to know exactly what that comment means so he could convey that info back to his friend who is asking and considering moving.  You took it all personal. Your idea of comfortable could be a 180 of what that individual envisions his life to be on 60k baht. Its a big move, a long transition. I couldn't have imagined when I was thinking of moving here and I asked that question and a few said Its GREAT.. I live on 20K, 30K, 40K a baht a month without knowing what that really means.   


    To many times people come here only on the financial perspective. Sure...its cheaper in comparison to their home country in most cases but what do they give up/gain? Its the hidden longer term things that cause issues such as disconnect from their home country, lack of social interaction, language barrier, visa rules, transportation, traveling around isn't as easy as most think it is unless you have a built in tour guide to start etc. This tends to be the undoing of many who come here and a great number move to tourist locations that support a larger foreigner community but that in itself has it's own issues.


    Based on the few who posted its a comfortable life for them...Outstanding.  They have acclimated and make it work. Not all meet that same end game. As I said, if all one has is 60K baht to live on monthly, that can be a challenge. Who knows what the financial outlook looks like. Look at the many UK posters who go on and on about it now that it tanked. Any change the Thai gov't mentions about taxing etc sends the audience into a whirl wind fit.  I have read the threads from time to time.  Is that comfortable?  Having no savings or reserves puts any person at risk and to the video posted, It was a good laugh as are many of the You Tube vloggers.  You cannot look at living here entirely on the cost savings. 



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  6. 13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    As an old person (67),

    Just cycled 25Km with a pal this morning, I've not much energy left for the rest of the day except sitting on the sofa, posting, listening, watching TV/music/books.


    Yesterday, was out to dinner at 7pm (Indian) and drinks in bars, rest of the day sofa.

    Remember my dad in his 60s with heart problems, mostly sitting all day, every day, he couldn't even mow the lawn.


    Passing the day is what elderly retired people do IMHO, not much energy for anything else.

    And I think age defines the needs and wants and for many what makes it a "comfortable" life here.  I am not a sofa guy and sitting in a house all day is not anything that interests me. My life doesn't revolve around an eating schedule nor posting on forums (last few days have been pretty heavy rains so not a lot going on) and watching TV.  I am very active/busy type and like to be off outside or traveling around and that typically always requires cash. So I fully see where 60K baht to some is "Comfy" but for me, I'd lose my mind. 


    So again, its back to the OP's buddy and what is his life like, and what are his expectations. One persons idea of comfortable is likely to be a prison life to others.  

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Celsius said:


    What did exactly made you sick about my post. That most career Thai woman have bigger monthly income than the average sexpat in Thailand or that I was gloating?


    It always seems that when you challenge a few on this forum on a subject they quickly become defensive and go off to make it personal.  As you noted, the majority of professional career Thai men and women make very nice salaries and not just in BKK. I know many that make near 150k baht a month plus annual bonuses, benefits and great healthcare. It seems that if you challenge the 60k baht "Living the dream" number it really sends them off the rails.  ????‍♂️  



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  8. 1 minute ago, NextG said:

    What is a ‘basic life’? It’s really a nonsense from you. 

    Cheers.  Seems I hit a nerve. Not my intent. I will let you guys keep at it. 


    My comments were driven that it always seems so wonderfully rosy when someone says "come live in Thailand, you can live comfortably on 60k baht a month". Then posters come on and say I live great on 30k baht, 40k baht. Really? Ok. So just what is that life like? I simply asked what are the individuals requirements?  How are old are they? What are their expectations? Marriage? Children? Travel?.  Its not nonsense.  Its a question. 


    As for the cost of heating a house or room in the UK... I don't care.  Not my problem quite frankly as I am not from the UK and I am quite in touch with reality. Its very expensive in the west and why many are exiting their home countries to live elsewhere. I know it was a part of my decision of why I moved here. 







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  9. 44 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

    I live very comfortably on 60k a month spend (20k rent, 10k a week for food/drinks/utilities) and have done so for many many years.

    Obviously visa and and private health not included nor car repayments and vehicle upkeep and fuel.

    Fair enough.  And I suspect that as many that are comfortable, there are just as many that are not or we could say they adapted but its not what they envisioned their life to be. I have met and known quite a few that started out with the rose colored glasses syndrome. They sat around, did the math and said.  "I can live well on 50k, 60k bht".  The majority left within a few years as they felt trapped.  I know a few now that live on about 40k baht a month but they are older and are not very mobile and do not go many places and order food from various western food stores delivered to their home.  They seem content. 


    So I guess in the broader point of view, it would completely depend on the life style they lived in their home country and what are they expecting when they move here and that person has to be 100% honest with themselves or they could set themselves up for a fail. I still personally believe that 60K baht is a basic life here if you include all living expenses, are on the up and up, plan on a trip back home every few years or a trip or 2 to nearby countries or even a nice getaway here in Thailand. 


    I always enjoy this subject when it hits the forum. Interesting cross section but not ever sure if the guys living on the 60k baht are being truthful about how their life is. ????

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  10. iMHO, this type of story has been told many a time. So lets start with "Sure  a person could live a very basic life with 60k baht a month".  However as we know, this is just how it starts.  Pretty soon things change, the living "basic" isn't so "Comfortable" anymore. But this is his life now.  No way back it appears, stuck in a small vacuum. He starts to see other foreigners living better and wants more but again, That's it.  Quite frankly this is why quite a few foreigners take swan dives off condo balconies and end it.  Its all new and exciting when you land but walking everywhere you go, eating at BIG C canteen gets old. Buying last day food products grows old. Not being able to travel around gets old. Walking to the same places seeing the same things every day, gets old.  

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  11. 1 hour ago, Brewster67 said:

    This is Homepro.... Wouldn't you think the biggest company in Thailand that covers this industry would have done that work already?.. Meaning they vet the workers they send to install their goods.

    Nope.  Not at all.  In fact I would actually never have any Homepro tech install much of anything.  Its like the USA,  Never have anyone from Home Depot or Lowes install anything.  They sub contract to the cheapest and you get the cheapest install. Sure its convenient but thats what they sell, convenience, not quality


    In my years here I have never had a bad install or upgrade on anything. But I buy it myself and if I do not want to mess with the install, I know reliable high quality guys that will.  

  12. I prefer cash but I do make calls based on what I am buying or plan on doing.  In a big dept type store I prefer to use my CC as it is very hard to return defective product here with out giving up a body part and fighting so you can notify your bank and stop payment to dispute it.  


    Hospitals, while I have never been to one that was expensive, If I was going in for an emergency, I would use my CC for the security deposit and pay cash when I was released if all was handled as expected.  Why I always keep a US CC handy everywhere I travel both personally and for work. Ya just never know. 

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