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  1. The guy who bought the bike has already been to the local office DLT and they said it can only be done at the provincial one. They also gave us the same information when we inquired about it around six months ago. So you can say what you like but if the local office refuse to do it then, you have no choice.
  2. And I've just found out that Google can translate text in an image. You learn something everyday. Thank you. Unfortunately, I suspect I will be forced to go if the provincial registration office insists on it. As you know, government offices here are a law unto themselves.
  3. Wow. Thank you very much. I'll pass this on to my wife. I speak Thai fairly well but can't read it. The English translation is a bit too small.
  4. I have just sold an old motorbike. However it was registered in Songkhla and the guy I sold it to lives in Korat. He said all he needed was my signature and copy of passport to transfer the ownership. Yesterday, he called to say that I will need to go with him in person to the provincial head office (200km) round trip. An incredible waste of time for a second hand bike. Has anybody encountered this and is there any way round it?
  5. Thanks for all the replies. The Lazada link from Crossy was just the kind of thing I was looking at yesterday, but when I asked the Thai vendors, they seemed to think it would not be good enough. Possibly something lost in the translation. The two pin plug and cable that runs to the charger are just like any other standard Thai electrical appliance. So, I thought anything similar to extend it would be ok. I would be grateful if someone could just clarify that I do not need a heavy duty cable.
  6. I have just bought an electric three-wheeler and I’m very pleased with it. My only complaint is the charger unit which, as usual, has a very short lead. What sort of extension lead should I get? It’s a normal flat pin Thai plug with what looks like perfectly normal cable. See pics below.
  7. Already reduced from 12. Like I said, there are some extras.
  8. Well, there are a few extras like expensive case, lots of fans and expensive power unit.
  9. Can you explain please?
  10. My wife’s nephew is selling a desktop. I’ve been thinking of buying a new one for some time. He has obviously used is for “gaming” I do not play computer games. At 10,000 Bht is it a good buy? Or should I invest in a new machine? Any advice gratefully received. These are the specifications.
  11. Thanks for these replies, unfortunately I'll only be there Thursday Friday Saturday. Are there any local clinics I could pop into?
  12. I have had a spot for some time which will not heal. I went to a local village doctor who said it was an allergy and gave me some cream. It has not improved. I’m concerned it might be a carcinoma. I shall be in Pattaya for a few days this week. Can anybody suggest a reliable Doctor where I might get a second opinion?
  13. Yes I did. In any normal country that would be enough but.......
  14. Anybody else had a problem with a 90 day report by post lately? I’ve been doing it for 4 years without any previous problems. Usually sent back within a week. I sent mine off on May 3 (due May 14) and am still waiting for reply. Looking at the calendar it would appear that they have “worked” approximately 6 days since May 3. I am assuming that if they have somehow mislaid it, it will be my fault.
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